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Pet Peeves 2024

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 

What are some of your pet peeves?haha some of mine include

Cutting the wrong line after tying the knot

Letting go of the tag end while tying a knot so you have to restart

Forgetting to open your bail on your spinning set up when you go to cast(pretty embarrassing lol)

back to back backlashes haha.Doesnt happen often but oooooh when it does lol

Having to break off your line and then on the next cast or two you have to break it off again

fishing user avatarBassThumb reply : 

Recreational boaters and anglers who live on the lake and think they own it, so the give you NO space at all.

People on jetskis who do circles in the middle of the lake for hours, causing the bite to end.

Huge bassboats that do holeshots 50 yards away from other boats that are fishing because they're "serious" fisherman, and their time is more valuable than yours. They do this rather than idle away for 20-30 seconds before taking off like any sensible, considerate person would do.

Property owners who try to scare people away from their docks while they're fishing them.

Breaking off snags on people docks, because it gives a bad rap to all fisherman. (see previous)

People who take up two parking spots at busy landings because they haven't yet figured out how to park with a trailer.

People who break glass or let their dogs crap at the landing where folks may be walking barefoot.

Throwing fishing line in the lake.

Territorial beavers.

People who are fishing from the dock of a public access and knock lures off your boat or snag the carpet while it's tied up for the 90 seconds it takes to get your trailer in the water. Seems obvious not to cast OVER a shiny fiberglass boat with a lure covered in hooks, but you'd be surprised.

Litter bugs, especially chain smokers who throw every butt in the lake.

That's about it... :D

fishing user avatarHot Rod reply : 

X2 for all the ones previously listed.

A couple more of mine are:

1. When your fishing buddy in the back of the boat sounds like he's doing the frigin' "River Dance" between his stomping around and slamming compartments shut, (then complains the fishing stinks, well duh).

2. When your partner hasn't caught a fish all day but you have, then the partner procedes to tell you repeatedly what you need to do to catch fish, aghhhhhh!

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Only one pet peeve really. It covers most of the above.

A lack of common courtesy by other boaters, be they fishermen or not.

fishing user avatarOutdoorsBen reply : 

People who park blocking or partially blocking a boat launch.

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

I agree with the above. One of mine though is knots left on hooks/lures. I go through my box every couple weeks or so and cut off any knots I may have left. My old boss used to throw his bait with like three or four old knots on it with about three inch tag ends hanging off it. Drove me crazy!!

fishing user avatarAvalonjohn44 reply : 

I fish from the shore so I don't have the typical boating pet peeves:

* Trash. How hard is it to walk 20 feet to a trashcan or just to carry your trash out?

* Drunken river tubers

* Kids throwing rocks

* Idiots walking up to me and telling me about the "10 or 12" pound bass they saw right there the other day and how I should go about catching it...

* Teenagers. Teens by themselves are usually respectful and courteous. But add another teen to the first and they become annoying. Add a third and they are downright rude. It seems to be some sort of scientific law - The more teens you add to a group of teens, the dumber the entire group becomes.

* People holding their spinning rods upsidedown.

* Illegals or semi-legals coming in groups of 20 to seine net the area you are fishing and keeping everything from undersized fish, to crayfish and turtles.

* Bass boaters that think since they have a boat it is more important for them to fish that area than you

* Inconsiderate morons that choose to jump in and swim right where you are fishing.

There are probably a lot more, but my blood pressure is going up...

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 
  On 4/25/2011 at 4:48 AM, Red said:

I agree with the above. One of mine though is knots left on hooks/lures. I go through my box every couple weeks or so and cut off any knots I may have left. My old boss used to throw his bait with like three or four old knots on it with about three inch tag ends hanging off it. Drove me crazy!!

Hahaha!it drives me nuts when the old knot on the eye is freakin braid. It just doesnt come off!!!

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 

I also get really PO when youre fishing a stretch of the shore and another boat thinks that 50 yards past you is far enough and they just put the trolling motor down and act like theyre not doing anything wrong.

fishing user avatarOHIO reply : 

I fish from shore in ponds mostly so boats aren't a problem, but people still are.

Kids that come up and tell me what to throw to catch big fish.

Kids that just sit watching me until I catch a fish.

Friends that haven't caught anything, but tell me what to throw.

Friends that are catching everything and still telling me what to throw.

People that pass by and start talking to me about fishing, but in reality they have no idea what they are talking about.

Just to name a few...

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 
  On 4/25/2011 at 5:50 AM, OHIO said:

I fish from shore in ponds mostly so boats aren't a problem, but people still are.

Kids that come up and tell me what to throw to catch big fish.

Kids that just sit watching me until I catch a fish.

Friends that haven't caught anything, but tell me what to throw.

Friends that are catching everything and still telling me what to throw.

People that pass by and start talking to me about fishing, but in reality they have no idea what they are talking about.

Just to name a few...

Hahaha you didnt read the story on here about the kid who told the guy to use hot dogs and the guy said ya whatever and a little bit later the kid catches an 8 pounder?

fishing user avatarBrandon K. reply : 

1.Duck hunters that threaten to shoot you if you dont leave that area. This happened to me at our state tourney a couple years ago. Would have loved to take a flippin stick to both those guys heads.

2. When a person swings a fish into the boat, onto the floor, in the middle of all my fishing rods and lets it lay there and flop around while they celebrate. All the while you had the net in the water.

3. Firing one past my ear. I try to do the best I can to give us both a good shot at a spot.

4. People who honk at me for sitting at a red light for two seconds after it turns green.

5. Not winding up the vaccum cord. Those hooks on the side are there for a reason.

6. Quoting movies wrong.

Those last three aren't about fishing but huge pet peeves none the less. Thanks for letting me vent. Great therapy.

fishing user avatarSwimJigs reply : 

My biggest pet peeve is messing up knots. Also cutting the main line instead of the tag. The other day I glanced at the TV to check the score of the game while cutting the tag end, looked down and my crankbait was laying next to my foot. It's even worse when you tie a really nice knot! Another thing I can't stand is when people net every fish they catch, even the little 12inchers they need to play it for ten minutes then net it...

fishing user avatarHooligan reply : 

One of my biggest, and my own fault, is when I'm partnering. I have a habit of not getting things out of the boat that I would otherwise never be caught without; IE: Rigging box, soft plastics that I fish the most, spinnerbaits... I've done it several times, which makes me happy that I have a regular partner and what's mine is his and his is mine, so to speak. I've fished "regularly" with other guys that were completely opposed to lending anything to anyone, regardless of whether it was team or individual.

fishing user avatarRed reply : 
  On 4/25/2011 at 5:47 AM, CAdeltaLipRipper said:

Hahaha!it drives me nuts when the old knot on the eye is freakin braid. It just doesnt come off!!!

Good Nail Clippers works great for braid knots.

fishing user avatarGetfished reply : 

My peeve is when I trade decks with my partner for whatever reason and his gear is totally scattered every where. I absolutely don't know how he doesn't break more rods and smash more tackle.

People opposite or adjacent to you at intersections who assume intersection rules do not apply if they wish to provide hand gestures.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Jet and water skiers

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

People who think that because they have enough money for a ski boat/jet ski it automatically means they know how to operate one.

Inconsiderate boat operators who run on plane within casting distace of people fishing.

Kids throwing rocks in the water.

People who crowd in on the spot you're fishing because you're catching fish.

Having someone cruise up and drop the trolling motor right in front of where I was fishing.

People who trash the lake, especially fishermen because it makes all of us look bad.

I could go on and on but I think I'll stop before I get myself worked up.

fishing user avatarHooligan reply : 

Tournament anglers that think they own the lake is another.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Equipment failures don't bother me, it happens. Unbuttoned fish don't bother me, I'm there for the fight only, seldom take a photo or measure a fish, so I'll just go and catch another. Boats don't bother me, they generally don't hang around too long and most of those yahoos can't fish anyway, I'm unimpressed with the number of decals on a shirt.

What does bother me (only when I'm serious fishing) is people invading my space, that means close to 100yds on either side. I cast parallel to the beach in the trough, not always straight out. Bait fisherman, not the person trophy hunting offshore, I do that myself, but the ones fishing with a piece of frozen shrimp for croackers and sand perch that just seem to be always in the way, then they toss a cast net and spook my snook.

A law in Florida of no dogs on most beaches, never enforced and we see lots of them all the time. I love playing with them, it's nice break for me, not worth getting upset. Gotta be careful Fido doesn't want to retrieve your top lure, I hate to hook one, bikinis at 7 am are a nice bonus too.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

The guys with $70k bass boats, 25 rods in the rod box, thousands of lures, & a empty live well @ the end of the day but they have as many excuses as the have lures.

Watching a bass thump the snot out of someone’s Texas rig or Jig only to have them say “I’m waiting to be sure the bass has it in it’s mouth”.

Here’s your sign ;)

fishing user avatarpa mountain man reply : 

1. Ramp etiquette, have a game plan before you hold the ramp up for 45 minutes.

2. Preventive maintenance, I understand things go wrong, but having a 30 pound block of corrosion for a battery and what looks like melted gummy bears dripping from the carb. is no excuse to hold the dock up while you try to get your shoestring wrapped around the flywheel to get tubin' before you're beer gets warm.

3. Litter...there are 4 dumpsters and 7 trashcans at the lake I work at, is it really that hard?

4. Personal space, if someone wheels in and fishes beside me, I make every dink out to be like the next world record, complete with whooping and holloring until they get the message.

Ever notice you never see "premium" beer bottles tossed out? Its always rotgut.

fishing user avatarSfritr reply : 

Jet skiers and PWCs

Seeing someone using a spinning reel upside down. (Get A SNOOPY rod for christ sakes)

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
The guys with $70k bass boats, 25 rods in the rod box, thousands of lures, & a empty live well @ the end of the day but they have as many excuses as the have lures.

Donors, LOL.

fishing user avatarBlackBass19 reply : 

A lot of good ones here that I agree with.

I can't stand to see people poorly handling fish. Normally they are the $75K bass boat types that are style and no substance. Just ask Gerald Swindle why proper fish care is so important.

Knots on lures also drive me nuts, in fact it takes at least twice as long leaving them on.

fishing user avatarBassThumb reply : 
  On 4/25/2011 at 3:44 PM, pa mountain man said:

Preventive maintenance, I understand things go wrong, but having a 30 pound block of corrosion for a battery and what looks like melted gummy bears dripping from the carb. is no excuse to hold the dock up while you try to get your shoestring wrapped around the flywheel to get tubin' before you're beer gets warm.

Ever notice you never see "premium" beer bottles tossed out? Its always rotgut.

Good ones, especially with the beer. You're right, I never gave it much thought. It's usually "Skunk Urine" like Natural Ice, Schlitz, Gluek (the local rotgut brew), or Busch Light

fishing user avatarMJB_215 reply : 

I hate when kids/teens catch a big fish and then decide to bring it home. Just last year there was a group of teens running around this big pond I fish at. They were running all over the place, throwing in front of me and what not. The kid had a worm rigged like nothing ive ever seen before, he obviously didnt know what he was doing. Then one of his buddy catches a 5-6lber on an earthworm and they all started going crazy. They took it and threw it on the ground, the kid was going to bring it home. Well I am not much older then these kids. So I yelled over "hey, what did ya get? you going to throw him back?" that was after I seen him throw the poor fish on land. Well the kid said NO! DID YOU SEE THAT THING?! well that stuff just ticks me off. So stupid me started calling them names and telling them to put the fish back and that it isnt that big. Theyy just said "shutup what did you catch?!".. well at the time I wasnt pulling in fish but earlier that day i hammered 30 easily. Could have easily been a fist fight. Nowadays I just keep to myself. If people want to kill their catch then thats their problem.

Ive seen a number of spanish guys catch turtles and bring them home. They pretty much take wqhatever they can get their hands on. There was one guy who would come everyday and take a duck or a goose. He eventually got in trouble for it.

That type of stuff drives me goofy

fishing user avatarBass Dude reply : 

My pet peeves mostly deal with getting to the lake!!

I hate when you wait for someone so that you can pull out onto the street. Then they end up turning onto the same street I'm on, but didn't put their directional on. So I just waited for this jack**** and he ends up turning!!!

Also when someone pulls out in front of you to the point where you have to slam on the brakes---then turns at the next block--you look in the rear view and there wasn't a car in sight and you wonder why he's in such a hurry that he couldn't wait for me to go by.

When people don't move over on the highway to let you come off the on-ramp.

When people in the passing lane go the same speed as the people in the "slow" lane.

My final two peeves---Stupidity and lack of courtesy.

fishing user avatarFlangler reply : 

Trying to set the hook, and it's to early and your lure comes flying at you. But also getting stuck in boat, or possibly trees..ugh! Especially with topwater frogs!

fishing user avatarkillafornia reply : 

+ 1 bud

  On 4/25/2011 at 1:35 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

People who think that because they have enough money for a ski boat/jet ski it automatically means they know how to operate one.

Inconsiderate boat operators who run on plane within casting distace of people fishing.

Kids throwing rocks in the water.

People who crowd in on the spot you're fishing because you're catching fish.

Having someone cruise up and drop the trolling motor right in front of where I was fishing.

People who trash the lake, especially fishermen because it makes all of us look bad.

I could go on and on but I think I'll stop before I get myself worked up.

fishing user avatarkillafornia reply : 

I had a duck boat and I was fliped by some *** in a bayliner almost lost everything

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 
  On 4/25/2011 at 4:38 AM, Fishing Rhino said:

Only one pet peeve really. It covers most of the above.

A lack of common courtesy by other boaters, be they fishermen or not.

Well said.

fishing user avatarGonzoFishing reply : 

Scumbags that need to keep every single fish they catch even if they are undersized! Then they have the nerve to ask me to give them the fish that I catch!! I tell them nope and release the fish right in front of them.

Know it alls that always tell you that you wont catch fish with the lure your using even though I've caught them plenty of times with that specific lure!! Thats when I pray that I catch a fish while theyre still talking :P

The fact that there is never a wildlife officer around when you need one <_<

fishing user avatarTexfisherman reply : 

Some of my pet peeves are:

- Having my knot unravel after biting off the excess line. (improved clinch knot)

- A cluttered boat while we're fishing.

- Litter! Please... if you're fishing on somebody's property, leave it cleaner than the way you found it.

I've been fishing an amazing golf course pond lately, and people see me catching bass, so they start fishing it.

Now this place is beginning to get cluttered with empty plastic bags, fishing line laying along the shore and empty drink bottles.

Pretty soon I imagine they are going to cease all fishing there, just so the place will stay clean.

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 
  On 4/25/2011 at 1:35 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

People who think that because they have enough money for a ski boat/jet ski it automatically means they know how to operate one.

Inconsiderate boat operators who run on plane within casting distace of people fishing.

Kids throwing rocks in the water.

People who crowd in on the spot you're fishing because you're catching fish.

Having someone cruise up and drop the trolling motor right in front of where I was fishing.

People who trash the lake, especially fishermen because it makes all of us look bad.

I could go on and on but I think I'll stop before I get myself worked up.

You know i dont really mind the chill skiers with the ski boats that stay out in the lake, listen to more relaxing music, or just go out and have fun. We do it once or twice a year with our friends. Noooooow, the stupid wakeboard boats with a bunch of punk 16 to 20 year olds who drive all around you and have no respect, turn their crap music up ONLY when they drive by you or someone else to show off, and think they own the place. Especially on the delta. I dont know why the heck youd wanna do that stuff in the delta, with tons of other boats around, narrower sloughs and channels with debris, pretty dirty water (no idea what kinds of crap is dumped in the delta), and its shallow in a lot of places except for the main channels, but that is where some of the punkiest breed of wakeboarders are

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

when you get the most perfect cast you could have hoped for right between the dock and that dead tree laying in the water and your lure is messed up.

that guy that takes his half out of the middle of the boat ramp

the guy that has his wife back up the trailer so he can drive the boat on, only she has no idea how to back up a trailer and he is yelling instructions to her from out on the lake that she obviously cant hear.

when the line goes through the split ring on your crank bait.

when people invite themselves to go fishing then cancel

when people you have invited invite their friends to join you, this drives me nuts cause then I am the ******* since I cant stand fishing 3 people in my 16' lund.

fishing user avatarMudwalker reply : 

In addition to many already posted:

A co-angler who constantly gives reports of what they see on the finder. "There's a fish!" "Oh look, a whole mess of something down there!" or even, "We need to move cause there's no fish on the finder.".

fishing user avatarGrundleLove reply : 

peoples dumb mutts jumping into the water right where you are fishing because their owners ( who are missing a few chromosomes) think the lease law does not apply to them.

If you are reading this and are one of those people, please go away forever. You are not special. Neither is your dog.

fishing user avatarRedhookRR reply : 

The guy that has to come barreling in on at full speed in a boat and your in a kayak paddling to get out of his way just so he can fish your spot for 15 mins just to take off again cuz the fish are not biting. They were before he showed up.

People not knowing their boating laws.

The dumb*** that runs a railroad crossing when a train is coming because they can wait 3 mins for the train to go by.

fishing user avatarpiscicidal reply : 

People posting pictures of their 3.5lb bass calling it 5lbs. Or posting their 4.5lb bass and calling it 7lb.

Similiar thing, different sport. Golfers who drive the ball 240 and say they hit it 280-290.

Driving on a four lane're in the right lane with a ton of space behind you. A car pulls RIGHT in front of you and promptly hits the brakes so he can make his right hand turn. :angry:

fishing user avatarJoePhish reply : 

While fishing my condo ponds I usually get asked stupid questions like:

Are there really fish in here?

Do you eat them?

My biggest pet peeve is an unlicensed fisherman taking home an illegal fish, especially Snook.

People posting pictures of their 3.5lb bass calling it 5lbs. Or posting their 4.5lb bass and calling it 7lb.

Ha, last year friend of mine posted a pic on FaceBook of a "3LB" bass he caught out of the polluted pond in our old neighborhood . I'm pretty good at guessing bass weights and I'd say it was half of that. I didn't want to call him out and be a jerk about it. Instead I waited a week and posted a pic of a true 3 LBer. Thing looked like it could eat his.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

We moved to Florida in 1998, and since that time "airboats" have become my pet peeve.

In Florida we lived on lakeshore property and on nearshore property, but in both homes

the noise pollution from airboats could be heard throughout the year, both day and night.

From a distance they sound like cows with bad indigestion, but as they approach

they sound like giant leaf blowers. One airboat can shatter the natural rapport for all boaters

and lakeshore residents within a thousand acres (is that fair?).

Most of all, I empathize with the wildlife. Their ecosystem is rudely invaded on a daily basis,

and the only home they know becomes man’s playground. To cite one case among many: my wife and I

were in a distant bay in one of Polk County’s wildest lakes.. Roaring into that same bay were

two fellows in an airboat chasing alligators and intentionally causing longhorn steer to stampede.

Sadly, our marshlands are thrashed year-round by airboats, right through the breeding season of

reed-nesting birds such as limpkins, red winged blackbirds, yellowthroat warblers, bitterns and so on.


fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 
  On 5/7/2011 at 12:05 AM, GrundleLove said:

peoples dumb mutts jumping into the water right where you are fishing because their owners ( who are missing a few chromosomes) think the lease law does not apply to them.

If you are reading this and are one of those people, please go away forever. You are not special. Neither is your dog.

Lease Law? Sounds like they're just renting him, so what's the big deal?

fishing user avatarhunter4 reply : 

People who smack the grass off their lures. And them complain when the bill breaks off about how cheap the bait is.

fishing user avatarjignfule reply : 

Wind, when I'm finessing and that (velcros) Braided line wrapping around my guides.

fishing user avatarDJHolly22 reply : 

Boaters going near my line or attempting to go under it, or if im surf fishing surfers going out near my line....

fishing user avatarRAMBLER reply : 

Tournament fishermen, mainly on practice days. My boat is older, smaller, cheaper and therefore I don't amount to much, at the landing. Many of the boys, with the newer, bigger, more expensive, overpowered boats, don't think they have to let me take my place in line either launching or coming out of the water. Often, I've had them jump in front of me with the attitude that they are better or more important.

On tournament days, I don't fish where they are fishing. I find another place or time to fish.

fishing user avatarAlex Cirabisi reply : 

when parents bring their youngins down to learn to fish and the child gets a big one on the line and the parent takes over to real it in. maybe thats just me being annoyed by my fishing teachers for doing that to me

when people expect you to only be fishing straight out in front and stand 5ft from ya

when your fishing buddy INSISTS on borrowing your favorite lure after losing 3 himself.

Like many others, boaters who think they are better then the little guys.

people who pretend to know what they are talking about.

fishermen who are dedicated to one type of reel and try to convert you even if your using the same gear.

DNR for taking away baiting for hunting season.

thats all i can think of,

fishing user avatarFat Boy reply : 
  On 5/6/2011 at 6:11 AM, kms399 said:

when you get the most perfect cast you could have hoped for right between the dock and that dead tree laying in the water and your lure is messed up.

when the line goes through the split ring on your crank bait.

A lot of good ones posted but these get to me...cracks me up looking back that little things like this get to me though. Also, the dog jumping in one and clipping the main line instead of the tag end also are good ones.

Here are a few of mine to add to this great list:

Short casts after catching a bass using super lines (line digging in the spool).

Line twists


Snags...and losing lures

Putting all your might into casting a lure for distance, and the knot breaks on your cast and it goes flying...for distance :rolleyes:

Setting the hook on a bass and you break off on the hook set

Hooking clothing or shoestrings with treble hooks

Tying a blood knot properly and when you pull it tight it doesn't hold and slips apart

Snot grass/algae clogging spinnerbait snap swivels

Fishing partners who throw their snot grass/algae at you after getting it off their spinnerbaits

Missing your Fishing partners while trying to throw snot grass/algae at them after getting it off my spinnerbaits

Muskies swallowing my jerk baits whole and then cutting me off while on a good jerk bait bass bite


Panfish biting the tails off plastic worms


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