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How's Your Summer Going? 2024

fishing user avatarBass_Akwards reply : 

A few questions...

1.  What State do you live in?

2.  Compared to your past few summers, how's the 2010 bass fishing summer been for you so far?  Have you been catching less weight and/or numbers?  More weight and/or numbers?  About the same as usual?

3.  If, for you, 2010 is much slower OR way better than usual, what do you attribute that to?

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 

West Central Michigan (45 minutes north of Grand Rapids).

Lot less dinks, many more keepers.  No real hawgs yet, but a lot of solid 16"-18" fish, both SM and LM.

Reasons - Many.  In order to me at least...

1 - Weather.  This year has been warmer with no real severe cold fronts so far.  Water temps right now in the low 80's where last year it was lucky to get into the mid 70's for only a short time.

2 - Attitude.  Our youngest son is single again, and has become an almost fulltime fishing partner.  I find it's easier to stay on the water longer with him than it was the last few years fishing solo or with the wife, and in cold windy weather.

3 - Location.  Plain and simple, I've made a real concerted effort to stay deeper.  The docks have been safe almost all year.

4 - Baits.  Nothing new.  Topwaters in the morning followed by slower baits after the sun comes up.  T-Rig Worms, Jig n Pig, and Dropshotting.

fishing user avatarFat-G reply : 

1. Virginia

2. This Summer has been good. I haven't been catching the numbers, but my average fish is like 3 lbs. The big girls have been evading me so far, but I'll eventually get a hold of Nadene.

3. Reasons

-I over-fish my ponds.

-I fish too fast

-I've been more focused on that all-too-familiar little monkey we all know and love

-Been guiding a lot on the local river focusing on the big kitty-cats, not a lot of time for bass

-I fish too fast

-I can't fish slow enough

-I fish too fast

fishing user avatarbassbum85 reply : 

Mid TN

Its going well. More and Bigger fish

mainly cuz this year I am fishing 3 to 5 days a week and in some waters that hold better fish

fishing user avatarnern reply : 

Central VA.

I just started fishing here, so I can't compare it to previous VA summers... but... Compared to my Midwest fishing, I am catching larger quantities of smaller fish.

I attribute the size decrease to not knowing the area yet, and I attribute the number increase to learning about stick baits ;)

fishing user avatarPikesnogle reply : 

1. Northern Virginia, Loudoun County.

2. Slower, not as many and not as big. Seems like there is a lot more algae (making it difficult for a bank fisherman such as myself to access the fish) which might coinside with my answer to number 3.

3. EXTREME HEAT. d**n it's been hot here. I am a carpenter, it's brutal. The last thing I want to do after working outside all day is fish for 3-4 hours out in it some more. So I guess I am not fishing as much, and I am having a tougher time finding them because they are MOST LIKELY out deeper which is hard for me to get to without a boat.

fishing user avatartriglet reply : 

1. north mississippi

2.  less dinks alot of 2-4 lb bass all year long.  I would say number of bass havent changed that much... however they seem to be alot healthier than normal.

3.  2010 has been a great year up intil the last month..  The heat has been very hard on the fishing.  The higher the temp, the fewer the numbers of bass we catch. 

fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

Central Virginia

No difference in size or numbers

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I live in Louisiana but fish Texas as well

The weights there  & so are the numbers but the problem is I aint there!

I'm teaching a class that is very experienced so I'm having to do lots of practice off the water. Two of those students are my grandsons ages 3 & 4 and a granddaughter age 6 so there's some perch jerking going on. I'm also working with a son in his early 30s and his son age 9 and we are working on boat handling, structure reading in both salt and fresh water.

That's 3 grandsons, 1 son, & 1 granddaughter making me one happy camper ;)

fishing user avatarBassThumb reply : 


It's a bit of a down year so far. Fishing has been hit and miss more than the last couple of years. I'd say the sizes are about the same, but the numbers vary from trip to trip more than usual, likely due to inconsistent weather patterns.

I think this is due to the very, very warm spring we had in MN. The fish spawned weeks before the Labor Day bass opener, and most were well on their way to their summer haunts be the time we were able to wet a line. There were also unusually large amounts of warm rain that we received early in the season than raised and stained the lakes. For over a month there, it seemed to rain every three days. Now the lakes are dropping.

Central MN is farm county peppered with small natural lakes, and just by looking at the fields on the way to the lake, you could see how different the weather had been from previous years. They say the corn should be "Knee high by the Fourth of July", but this year it was over my head by that time.

fishing user avatarbrushhoggin reply : 

Mississippi. Mostly just fishing a 33,000 acre reservoir system here in Jackson. I actually feel that the harsh winter we had (for the south anyway) changed a lot. This time last year, lily pads had filled in purdy heavily. But this year, summers on its slow exit, and the banks are still relatively bare. So for me, I've been doing the best i can fishing deep since the cover isn't there. Even then the fishing isn't all that great. The shad spawned late thiis year, and aren't really big enough yet to excite big schools of bass. So I fish 5:30 to 7:30 or 8, froggin up river with decent size and quantity. Bout average, but once that sun hits the water i'm moving out onto the main lake chasing deep, unmotivated bass with big worms and big craws. And i know I need to do some night fishing but it's still too dang hot, and the mosquitoes are ruthless.  i need more private ponds to fish on. :(

fishing user avatarEddie Munster reply : 

Central Georgia

I got a late start this year (FPS online gaming - nuff said) but it seems about the same as last year. I'm fishing more crank baits and trying new things.

Also,  some brushpiles I dropped in my subdivision pond are paying off in spades.

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

Central Texas, Waco to be exact.

Fishing has been better for size and numbers.  I have caught a bunch of decent fish, a few over 5lbs and a 9lber.  Not to mention a TON of dinks.  I attribute this to reading often on BR, slowing down, and trying new stuff.  Plus I have an Insider who fishes Lake Waco regularly and has for years, he has been a great help.

fishing user avatarMissouribassman95 reply : 

1. I live in Concordia, MO.

2. This summer I have caught many more fish, and they have been bigger fish. I've caught more 3LBS, and a few over 5LIBS.

3. I have been trying out new lures, and techniques and Found BR. I have finally found my go-to bait, and I have become a better at fishing the texas rig. Oh and I have ben riding my bike to fish farm ponds.

fishing user avatarbassfisherjk reply : 

Central PA.

Summer is going well this year.I am getting out  fishing more this year than the past two years(got some health problems fixed) That alone makes everything better. :)

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

Central FL.....................HORRIBLE!! Worse year i can remember thus far! No weight or numbers. I blame the irregular weather we have had this year, who knows.

fishing user avatarpudmunk reply : 

Northern Mass

Water levels are low

Went a few weeks that STUNK

It's starting to pick up a bit

Nothing over 5lbs though between me and partner

Still loving it though

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 
A few questions...

1. What State do you live in?

2. Compared to your past few summers, how's the 2010 bass fishing summer been for you so far? Have you been catching less weight and/or numbers? More weight and/or numbers? About the same as usual?

3. If, for you, 2010 is much slower OR way better than usual, what do you attribute that to?

And how is your's going?

fishing user avatarmoundhill reply : 

1.  OHIO

2.  2010 has by far been my best year..i have caught bigger bass than previous summers. ..also, i have caught more bass.

3.  i think 2010 summer was better because i acquired more knowlegde and got more fishing oportunities.


fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

1. Missouri

2. 0 bass caught.  Other years = many.

3. 2010 is neither.  I'm putting fishing on the back burner for a couple years and getting back into golf again.  It's a game I've loved but got out of 25 years ago.  It's a different sort of challenge that I actually got pretty good at.  This time I won't put it away when I get back into bass fishing.

fishing user avatartimothy_spain reply : 

Hey guys,

I'm from Southeast MI.

Just started bass fishing in 2009.  Comparing my rookie campaign to this season's, I'm doing far better.  Bigger fish, less skunks -- mostly because I'm targeting the best time of the days to go out and making use of the weather conditions. 

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 


fishing has been pretty slow not getting numbers or size.

I blame the weather, the lake I usually fish has so much milfoil in it all the good spots are almost unfishable I haven't been able to get a frog bite going and I have never had luck flipping I still try though. My deep fishing has been really hit and miss the lake doesn't have much structure so I have been fishing the 10-15 foot deep weed edge. I gave up on that lake and have been trying some new ones with mixed results. alot of the new lakes I have tried are like pea soup really green with like 2 foot visibility

fishing user avatarJosherBoat28 reply : 

Slow and steady. Very slow, especially on my home lake Lake Texoma. For some reason its just hard catching quality bass there in the summer on a consistant basis for me. I usually don't go outside the cove where I launch and because of the strange currents that flow through the resorvoir the cove stays stained to muddy all year long. When I do go to the main lake structure on the outside of the cove, there isn't much to speak of but sandy bottoms. I've been a few times resently gone out and explored new places where the water was clearer and still the only presentation that consistantly works for me is plugging the shallow and medium structure ,early, with some cover on the banks near deep water. Some days I've just tried to fish the docks and a few of these good looking flooded trees with worms and jigs, but no takers. They seem to love the flat rocks near deep water better than nice thick shade under a cozy dock in or near deep water. Advice!

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

southern maryland

this summer's been.....on par. not catching too many, and not catching s#&% for size

i think its because i just can't catch em. i've got pretty burned out on bass fishing this summer...

fishing user avatarChiCityBasser reply : 

Chicago area

Better: My season has been pretty good so far with more fish and bigger fish with me catching my personal best this year.

Reason:Learning to read the water a little better and actually using some of the other baits and lures I have in my tackle box instead of just crankbaits mostly.

fishing user avatarChris W. reply : 

1. I live in Connecticut

2. I have to say that this year fishing is definately going better than last year. I have learned so much over the past few years that this year i can just set out and know what baits to throw, where to throw them and how to fish them. I'm successful at least with one fish everytime i go out. My tackle box is dwindling down though... lol.

fishing user avatarBig Bass Chaser reply : 

I'm in California.

I've only been back into bass fishing for the pass year and a half, but I've had a better summer the last in both size and numbers.  I attribute that to understanding bass, the bass in my lakes, and my lakes better.  Although its been a colder year and pushed the spawn out a bit, the fish seem to be where I expect them to be.

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

East Central Illinois

Until a few weeks ago, outstanding.  Caught two of my personal best and plenty of others besides.  The heat has been putting me off lately (me probably more than the fish) and they sprayed the lilly pads on my favorite pond so that hasn't helped.  But generally speaking, really good.

Probably the thing which helped me the most is fishing mostly private ponds and limited access lakes.  When I was restricted to public access lakes, my success was very spotty.  Getting permission from some landowners with access to water (which isn't beaten into a froth regularly) has helped immensely.

fishing user avatarBass_Akwards reply : 

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 

Central Fl

105-110 heat index


90 degree water


shallow FL lakes


boat in the backyard and me in the lazyboy

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

1.  Southeastern Florida

2.  About the same as every year.  Some trips are getting great numbers, some aren't.  Some trips are getting very nice size, some aren't.

3.  I think my summer on the whole is better though.  I'm becoming much more comfortable using techniques that I haven't in the past.  It's getting me much more confident in several different techniques.

fishing user avatarDeanFishesNY reply : 

Southern NY

Way better than my previous years catching way more numbers and a lot bigger bass. I have 5 bass over 5-12 this year with my PB being caught yesterday, a 6 lb 9 oz.

The reason: Simple, I have become a much better fisherman and I get to fish a variety of lakes.

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

1. Southern Ontario

2. Been catching more bass this year, bigger in size as well.

3. Location, I've been trying a few new spots this year with good results. Also, I believe I'm a better bass fisherman this year as well. I am learning a lot on each trip and starting to develop some skills I struggling with in the previous years. Teaching my gf (now my fishing partner) has also made me go back to basics and it's been a big part of my learning process. I used to always forget everything I know when the fishing was tough.

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

I guess I misread the title when I first posted, what I wrote was for the year, not the summer.  The summer has been terrible.  I can't seem to catch anything over 12 inches.  Don't know what my problem is, this heat is killing me!!  I can't find the bass!.

fishing user avatarzaraspook_dylan2 reply : 

Southern Ontario

Been catching fewer and smaller bass

2010 seems slow for me compared to past years

fishing user avatartjmaniac reply : 

i live in south-central maine. this summer has

been great so far. i caught my personal best

a 3.3#lm. then on the next cast caught a

whoppin 6.0# lm. also caught my first big

smallmouth, don't know the weight but it

was 13 in. long. i think my success has

been because of better choices made

because of what i've learned here, and out

on the water.

fishing user avatarpondmaster32 reply : 

i live in Illinois. last year i had a lot of numbers and only a few fish over 4 pounds. this year I've gone to swimbaits for bigger fish. i haven't caught that 10 pounder yet but I've caught 2 6 pounders and dozens of 4 and 5 pounders. also i have gone to finese baits and those have paid off great! placed 8th in a high school tournament where i cought 3 non keepers and a big 4 pounder on a shaky head worm. didn't get us into the top five though :'(. compared to last season i have caught a lot more of quality fish.

fishing user avatarMike 12345 reply : 
Central Fl

105-110 heat index


90 degree water


shallow FL lakes


boat in the backyard and me in the lazyboy

Ditto that.  ^^^^

I'm outside of Nashville, and the fishing has sucked for me.  Major flooding in May through Old Hickory lake -  lots of locals I'm talking to have even suggested FHS and others will have to re-create the lake maps there has been so much structure change.

So, until it's less than 100 outside, I agree with the above poster.  I'm in the A/C until this heat calms down.

fishing user avatarCire reply : 

It's a bit of a down year so far. Fishing has been hit and miss more than the last couple of years. I'd say the sizes are about the same, but the numbers vary from trip to trip more than usual, likely due to inconsistent weather patterns.

I think this is due to the very, very warm spring we had in MN. The fish spawned weeks before the Labor Day bass opener, and most were well on their way to their summer haunts be the time we were able to wet a line. There were also unusually large amounts of warm rain that we received early in the season than raised and stained the lakes. For over a month there, it seemed to rain every three days. Now the lakes are dropping.

Central MN is farm county peppered with small natural lakes, and just by looking at the fields on the way to the lake, you could see how different the weather had been from previous years. They say the corn should be "Knee high by the Fourth of July", but this year it was over my head by that time.

I am in Central MN also and agree totally with the statements above.

Interesting though, I believe that it will make us better and I have started to really enjoy the challenge. The first month was tough but that was because I wasn't fishing the fish and conditions, I was fishing history. Now it is easier, so for me it has been a down summer but that is learning/fishing.


fishing user avatarBlackBass19 reply : 

I live in Northeast Ohio.

This year has been different as summer came quickly and the shallow weed beds that I target during summer never materialized. I have had to switch my pattern and have had a lot of luck fishing shallow creek beds and trenches.

Numbers are down, but size is for sure up. I think this is do to lack of ideal cover and structure. Bigger bass have controlled the best spots forcing bluegill and smaller guys out into marginal habitat. If I bothered with those areas it might be different.

I have been fishing T-Rigs (6-8" Trick Worms and Salamanders), spoons and assorted plastics. I have increased bait sizes across the board which really has no disadvantage besides controlling splash on long casts. Bigger fish take it and everything will chase them.

Overall it's a pretty typical summer. The heat has changed the game, but bigger fish and numbers slightly down. Also the heat is keeping pressure off the water.

fishing user avatarDave P reply : 

Southwest Indiana

Started out OK with good numbers, but nothing of any size. The last 6 weeks or so I have done OK with several larger fish up to about 5 pounds. The last two weeks have been brutal with local water temps hitting 91 degrees last night and the bite is definitely off. 6 hours on the water in the last two nights and exactly 5 dinks. I don't expect much until the weather breaks.

fishing user avatarchristopherjake reply : 

My summer has been great!  I'm in Sac, CA.  This summer has been relatively cool compared to the normal temp.  Can't complain about this year as I caught my PB twice...two 7 lbers.  Tight lines.

fishing user avatarunageo09 reply : 

Its been brutally hot here in Northwest Alabama for really the last month. Temps have touched a 100 just about every day. Last week the heat index hit 121 one day! I took most of June and July off, but started back last week fishing early. We caught around 15 last Thursday and around 15-20 today. We found a spot in one of the creeks and we have been able to catch them pretty good. They're not deep. Just right up on the bank.

fishing user avatarThe one that got away reply : 

Central Massachusetts

In 2010, I have probably caught more fish than in past years. Haven't been skunked all year, so I can't complain. Probably a dozen or so in the 3-4lb range. The biggest was around 4.5-5 pounds judging by the size of other fish I did weigh. (I didn't have my scale that day). Still looking for the big one. Lately, the bite has been slow and it seems I catch three fish every time out, never less and never more. Almost like I should go home after fish #3.

Biggest advantage has been fishing from a canoe. BIG advantange over fishing from shore, IMO. Been trying to "expand my horizons" fishing-wise, trying new techniques (for me).  For example, I never had much luck with a buzzbait until this year, now a black Cavitron buzzbait is one of my best producers. 

fishing user avatarmainebassin650 reply : 

Central Maine

The summer has been a split so far. Just out fishing on my days off have produced a ton of fish, and a personal best LM at 9lb 14oz (bubblegum trickworm on a shakey head, and to think people laugh when I throw it ;)).

Tournaments have been a different story. The numbers haven't been there at all on tournament days, but a lot of the bites I am getting on those days are 3-5 lbers.

I've really switched it up this year as far as baits go. I've really only been fishing jigs, trickworms, and senkos.

Anyday fishing, is a good day! ;D

fishing user avatarRAMBLER reply : 

North central Florida.

My fishing does not include catching.  The worst fishing I have ever had.

The weather is hot and so is the water.  Some places the weeds are dying and rotting.  No oxygen in the water but a lot of methane.  I've pulled into a cove and the water starts bubbling and stinks.

Went out yesterday and there had been some small but strong storms the day before.  The lake is shallow, 8' and churned up.  Looked like chocolate milk.  Didn't have a hit.  The people fishing for bream did well.

fishing user avatarDavid Rangel reply : 

Central west Mexico:

By far my best summer I had fish at Aguamilpa having good fishing, improving my techniques mostly in plastics, last Saturday I had fished my three best fishes in the same morning. Deep and plastic summer, fortunately too rainy and not hot !


fishing user avatarunknownbbq2 reply : 

central fl.

1.summer has been going 2-3 times better for me than previous summers.

2. im fishing alot more and TOPWATER FROGS have saved my life. although its been crazy hot here in florida latelt im catching bass at 8:30 in in the morning.

3. at a pond 5 minutes from my house numbers have increased but weight has decreased. but on big lakes numbers have been constant but size of fish has skyrocketed.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Northern MI ~

This summer has been Great - If you like Northern Pike . . . . . . .

Bass numbers have been decent but the average size has been smaller.

Let's just say I'm looking forward a bit to the fall.




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