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Cali Hawg Hunters vs Regular Bass Fisherman 2024

fishing user avatarNeedemp reply : 

I like this site. It is a great place to gauge the average opinion of fellow bassers and pick up a few good tips. I have learned a lot from here. My only problem with this site is the perception that the guys that specifically aim for double digit bass are the same kind of bass fisherman than the other 99% of us, and that somehow the hawgs they catch make them a superior fisherman. I just don't agree with either of those opinions. I understand not all hawg hunters are like that but there are a few that come across as having that attitude.

Hawg hunting has a few simularities to regular bass fishing, but not enough to be considered equal to our type of fishing. For one, you can only fish in a small portion of our country in trout stocked lakes with huge swim baits or live bait. The fact that those two lures are used by them totally seperates them from the rest of us. We sometimes have to use a variety of different lures. Also they fish pretty much in open and deep water. Sometimes we have to move up in the shallows, chase them in the deep or try to locate them somewhere in between. Cold fronts, sun light, and rain can completely change our approach, while the hawg hunters might barely be effected. Also those of us that fish know we had a bad day if we don't catch at least a handful of keepers. And a 5 pounder makes it a great day! If we come back to the docks empty handed or just a few keepers, then we realize that WE probably did something wrong and could have done better. Hawg hunters are only satisfied if they catch a "double digit" fish (some of them).

Last thing, I live in MO and our state record is 13 pounds. This is around the average state records in the US. The largest bass in Cali was 25.1 pounds (not the record but she exists in her waters). That makes thier bass twice the size of ours. So when they catch a 16 or 18 pound bass, while very impressive, it is only equal to an 8 or 9 pounder.

Just my opinion!

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

****Moderator Note********

You might want change the title of this thread.

This topic has been discussed many times before. And to tell Hawg Hunters that they aren't "Real Bass Fisherman" is pretty narrow minded.

fishing user avatarcabela10 reply : 

I understand what your trying to say Needemp.  These so called Cali Hawg Hunters aren't seen in the bass tournament world, just like the bass tournament guys aren't seen going for the Hawg's, like the die-hards do.  However, to say that they are not real bass fishermen is wrong.  I'm sure they only go out on specific days according to the weather, making the day's they go hawg hunter are the ideal conditions.  Whereas bass tournament guys have to grind it out and entice the bass to bite during a cold front.

Their fishing philosophies are different but they are real bass fishermen.

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

First off, the title of this thread is ridiculous and sounds like an insult to me

Now IMO, the comment about fronts, rain, sunlight and pressure barely affecting trophy hunters is so far from the truth its not even funny.  Big bass are SUPER sensitive when it comes to weather.  On some days they will throw a swimbait, but when a severe front comes through most scale down to tiny 4" weenie worms on drop shot rigs with 4-6lb test line.  A angler who can reel in a double digit bass on that equipment is on a higher level plateau than I could ever reach.  Consistently finding those pigs puts them at an even higher level.

This is coming from someone who fishes tournies on a regular basis, so I don't always target big fish.  To say a trophy fisherman isn't a real bass fisherman just doesn't make sense. Trophy fisherman have more of a right to turn around and call me and you, the average joes, not real fisherman IMO

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 


I recommend taking the time to learn more about Hawg Hunting before jumping to conclusions.  Trophy bass fishing is indeed different than other forms of bass fishing.  But it is every bit as difficult to master.  It takes skill for all forms of bass fishing.  The ones that truly excel, have absolutely paid their dues on and off the water, and mastered it to a "T".  They're truly the elite of their class, whether fishing tournaments, for fun, or for trophies.

To say one is better than the other isn't a fair comparison or assumption at all.  They're different.  Period.  It's a personal preference.  

You may have no intention to fish for trophies, and that's fine.  But that doesn't give you free license to pan those that do.  That's not what this site is about.

I encourage you to ask questions and learn more about the fine art of trophy bass hunting.  I'm sure you'll be amazed and surprised at how difficult it really is.

fishing user avatarSupermat reply : 


 I'm new to this site so I'm not going to go on ranting and raving but I want to put some things out there. It seems like you've just got some misconceptions about what we Cali guys do. Its true we catch big fish in deep, clear lakes. Its also true that we catch big bass in shallow fisheries like Clearlake and the California Delta. Some of these areas are 5 feet deep for a quarter mile and yes, you'll find us in the very back corner flippin' jigs in 6" of water for those big green girls. When times get tough you might even find us dragging 4" worms on Carolina rigs, dartheading, dropshotting, etc. Not to mention, Clearlake and the delta do not and have never recieved any trout stockings. Additionally, not all "big bass" guys fish tournaments but a LOT of them do and many have done very well!

 Also, something you might not consider is that you see the picture that we portray for you. You say your bad day is when you blank and a good day is when you catch some? There are six months out of the year where a good day was getting a single bite on a swimbait, regardless of whether or not I landed her! Yes, there are awesome days and you see those photos but you don't see the 1, 2, 5, or 30 trips in between where there are no photos to show.

 Is swimbait fishing "different" out here? You better believe it! We're blessed to play with some of the biggest bass in the world. That said, there is no reason you can't pick up a swimbait that imitates the forage in your waters ( and catch the biggest bass of your life too! And finally, you don't seem to think that trophy hunters make it in the "big circuits". Consider Ish Monroe and Michael Iaconelli for a moment. While I wouldn't say that they're both true California trophy hunters they definetely have learned the art of catching giant bass and no doubt, you've seen them on the circuits!

Here are those two fine examples of guys who catch big California bass that have also put a wee bit of a dent in the tournament world.



Well, I guess I lied, I did do a bit of ranting!  :P But I don't blame you one bit, there a lot of common misconceptions about what happens in this state. Fishing is low on the very long list so its all good.  ;)

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

It almost seems like someone is looking to stir things up. I'll bite. Fisrt off I believe that the biggest diference between Tounament anglers and trophy anglers is their goals and expectations. Tournament guys are fishing against the clock and other anglers. Trophy hunters are fishing against the fish and many times other anglers. not always bass anglers either. Many times the shorelines are filled with guys soaking powerbait catching trout, they can be a huge obsticle. T guys are not tyring to catch big bass and Trophy guys arent trying to catch keepers. Its almost like they are pursuing two diferent species. To say a trophy hunter isnt a real bass fisherman is very ignorant. It is my opinion that the trophy hunters are the purest form of bass fishing. They are only seeking the largest possible fish. This of cource takes nothing away from the tournament guys. I Just had a long phone conversation with Rick Clunn. I have always looked up to him and I think he is a verry cool person. Believe it or not he asked me many questions about how to fish swimbaits becuase he felt he needed to add them to his arsenal. He also asked me how I bed fished and I told him my formula. Pretty cool that the "greatest bass fisherman" was asking me how I do it. I felt not worthy but I definatly gave up the goods. I am also Friends with Mike Long who is considered the best trophy fisherman alive. Mike is also a very dominate tournament fisherman winning many team tournaments by himself or fishing with his young son. He does have a regular adult partner and they win the W.O.N team AOY award every year. His Partner who is also a great trophy hunter John Kerr has won the US open. This event is fished by practicaly every major pro in bass fishing, I think Aaron won it last year. So believe me the best trophy hunters can and do win T's its just not their biggest passion.

as far as who is better. I think that the elite tournament fisherman is better then the elite throphy hunters with the  elite trophy hunters being better than all the other Tournament guys. The exception is Mike Long I honestly beleive he is the greatest bass fisherman who ever lived. His numbers are absolutly staggering. The last I heard he had around 60 bass over 15lbs and hunreds over 10lbs. He has a few 19+lbers and a 20+ and a 21.5 caught this year not to mention many Tournament wins in both team and solo events. these arent club tounies either these are big semi pro event that often have big names in them. Its where Rojas and Martins started. Now do I think that all trophy hunters are better than tournament guys of course not, there are only a few trophy hunters that I would consider elite. I am not one of them. It is just too completly different passions.

Some HUGE misconseptions about the Trophy hunters are, Only picking the best days. there are no best days. these guys fish any chance they get and if you knew what the best days are you would see that your argument is weak. the best days are usualy in miserable weather.

Thinking that big swimbaits only work here in Cali is just absurd. I have caught MANY 3lbers on large swimbaits and there not always trout patterns. All my biggest fish have been caught on Bluegill paterns. I would geuss that there are bluegill in MO. Iget photos and guys thanking me from all over the USA.

One thing that was said that is corect is that size is relative, however a 16lber would never be equal to an 8lber. A 10lb MO. bass might be a more accurate comparison.

One other thing to consider is that there are verry few succesful trophy hunters. Why because its too hard for people to change the way they think and to force them selves to relearn how to fish.

Only a few are consistant. You might see a lot of pictures of huge fish but they are mostly from the same small group of guys. Just like its the same small group of guys who consistantly win the big tournaments.

fishing user avatarcabela10 reply : 


Good post but if these trophy hunters were so great why don't they travel around the country to different lakes and try to catch the state records. In my books, that would make them real Trophy Hunters instead of just fishing 10-15 lakes a year and fishing in tournaments that are on these same lakes.

I respect all fishermen, so don't take this the wrong way. I just think you're giving them too much credit. Tell this Mike Long to come up to Minnesota and pluck the state record from one of our lakes. I can almost promise you, it wouldn't happen. Does he have a great ability, sure, on lakes that he knows well.

Again, I'm not bashing anyone.

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 
Good post but if these trophy hunters were so great why don't they travel around the country to different lakes and try to catch the state records.  In my books, that would make them real Trophy Hunters instead of just fishing 10-15 lakes a year and fishing in tournaments that are on these same lakes.

I respect all fishermen, so don't take this the wrong way.  I just think you're giving them too much credit.  Tell this Mike Long to come up to Minnesota and pluck the state record from one of our lakes.  I can almost promise you, it wouldn't happen.  Does he have a great ability, sure, on lakes that he knows well.

There is more to it than just that. Some of these guys, the elite, are hunting for a World Record.

You can't exactly do that in Minnesota or most of the country for that matter. I don't care how good you are.  ;)

Great follow ups everyone. I have nothing to add.  8-)

fishing user avatarcabela10 reply : 

Captain Cali,

My point was, catch a trophy in each state. World Record or not. I think it would be a bigger feat to travel the U.S. and catch the trophy/state record from different states.

Would give these trophy hunters more "fish cred" if they traveled around, taking records from most states. That really means they know how to catch the monsters, instead of fishing the same waters and same spots day after day.

Again, please don't take this post the wrong way.

fishing user avatarSupermat reply : 


 My perception on the matter is simply this, Why? Why would guys on argueably the best water in the world want to leave to fish lakes with smaller fish? Why would they want to go half way across the country to prove something? Mike Long specifically is an incredible fisherman. If I'm not mistaken, he did go to Texas and promptly set a record there.

 I'm not attacking you at all either but what I'm saying is, where is the motiviation? California guys have no issue with the rest of the country so why go East, set records, etc... for respect? Naw, all you'd end up with is a bunch of guys telling the Cali boys to go home after they realized all their records had been nabbed!  ;D

 What most of us do out here in nothing special, its just another technique. If any one of you got as good with a swimbait as you are with a jig or spinnerbait you'd be knocking out your own records just as fast as you could go. That's a FACT, its all about building the confidence because while there is no "sure thing" when it comes to record setting, swimbaits are about as close as you can get.

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 


I totally understand what you are saying. But like Supermat stated, why? What would be the motive to fish somewhere else for smaller fish while the bigger fish are being caught at home? There is nothing to prove. It's all about the biggest fish.

fishing user avatarcabela10 reply : 


Yeah, I understand that but.........  ;D

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Cabela you almost answered your own question. One of the biggest reasons the best of the best trophy hunters like Mike L are so good is because they know there lakes so well. Mike has Topo maps and he takes picture and makes notes of the lakes when they are super low. That is part of being succsesful at Trophy hunting. A tournamt guy needs to find keeper fish. There are many more places that hold this sized fish and there are more of them so a good tournament guy has an easier time finding a pattern. The biggest bass arent as easy to find so it is critical to know every piece of structure that hold the biggest bass. Only with a ton of time on the water can they consitantly locate and catch the largest bass.

Could Mike L go to another state and break records. Absolutly but it might take him a while to learn the lakes. His learning curve would be short though because he could use all his past experiance to learn the lakes. Its just like asking if KVD could come to your local lakes and win tournaments. Of couse he could. Give him enough time and he would beat all the locals. KVD, Ike, Aaron, Clunn, they are the best at winning tournaments. they can go anywhare and do it. Mike Long, John Kerr, Butch Brown, Bob Crupie(Crupi is still great) these guys are the best at catching huge fish. they could come to your lakes and catch the biggest class of bass in there. The diference is it would probably take them a while to learn the lakes but once they did they would catch the biggest fish. There might not even be a lake record swimming in some of your lakes but I know they would be catching the biggest ones in there.

SuperMatt hit the nail on the head. most of them have one goal and it lives here in the lakes they fish so why would they want to go somewhare else.

Trophy bass hunting is a lot like big game hunting. Do you think if you took the greatest big game hunter ever and relocated him that he couldnt kill trophy animals. Of course he could, he would just have to learn the land. Same diference.

its just two diferent sports that rarly cross over. It takes diferent mindstes and diferent aproaches. The top pros are the best at what they do. the top trophy hunters are the best at what they do. People might think that they are both just bass fishing but they arent. Its two totaly diferent sports and each have there elite.  

fishing user avatarcabela10 reply : 

Nice post mattlures. I enjoyed everything until you started talking about hunting. ha ha

Just a little fact. Our largemouth record got set last fall '05 by a tournament angler, Mark Raveling. he was not fishing in a tournament though. He got a 8lb 15oz pig. Got it on a buzzbait.

I want the smallmouth record for Minnesota and Wisconsin. I'll go after it in '07. I want to get my hands on the 7" Triple Trout bait.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

To quote Mr. Hannon It takes a rare breed of fisherman using simple techniques to perfection to consistently catch big bass.

There are a small percentage of anglers rather they are tournament anglers, hawg hunter, or weekend warriors that simply get it. They understand the effects of weather, water conditions, bait presentations, and the fish they are after. Far the rest of the anglers I'll quote Mr. Hannon again People often respond to failure and frustration by over-complicating theory and technique.

fishing user avatarcabela10 reply : 
To quote Mr. Hannon It takes a rare breed of fisherman using simple techniques to perfection to consistently catch big bass.

Of this rare breed, how often do they go home empty handed?  I'm guessing in an overall preformance on the water, the tournament guy has more success with getting what he wanted out of the trip.  I'm thinking the hawg hunters are more of a hit and miss type fisherman, where they will and can go days on end without catching even a fish because they only target the big boys.

I have no hard evidence of anything I said.  It's just my opinion and feel free to correct me, thats why I speak here, to get corrected on issues I don't relate too.  Just speaking my mind. :)

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Go to any tournament wed site, read the results, there are hundreds of anglers who get skunked.

Bass fishing at any level is hit or miss    :-?

I've seen KVD, Clunn, Brauer, Nixon, Ike all of them skunked   :-[

fishing user avatarSupermat reply : 

Of this rare breed, how often do they go home empty handed? I'm guessing in an overall preformance on the water, the tournament guy has more success with getting what he wanted out of the trip. I'm thinking the hawg hunters are more of a hit and miss type fisherman, where they will and can go days on end without catching even a fish because they only target the big boys.

You're exactly right, I wrote this above. Its a fact that at certain times of the year pickings get tough for trophy guys if they only stick to the big fish. During those times I'll take an occasional "normal" trip or fish a few tournaments to put a little dent in the long list of skunks! In the same light there are times of year when you catch a 7 lber and wonder, why did I get out of bed this morning? If I'd just stayed in bed maybe I'd have enough energy to come back tommorrow and catch a 10! Haha, unfortunately its not that time of year right now... I'd kill for another 8 or 9 to string me along. It really is a different world when you go for trophies but that doesn't mean that only elites can do it, anyone can catch a trophy with a little work. Also, your comment about the guy getting a good one on a buzzbait, that happens sometimes out here too. A young kid caught an 18 in a lake out here a few years ago splitshotting a 4" worm!!! That's crazy, but it happens!

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Trophy anglers goal is to catch the biggest bass in a particular body of water and it doesn't matter if they live on the left hand coast, the right hand coast, or some where in between.

Tournament anglers goal is to win money by catching the biggest 5 bass limit in a particular body of water and it doesn't matter if they live on the left hand coast, the right hand coast, or some where in between.

You also have local anglers like my self that are accomplished in both and it doesn't matter if they live on the left hand coast, the right hand coast, or some where in between..

What makes them the same is their understanding of the body of water they are on, the affects of weather patterns, water conditions, life cycle of the bass's prey, and how to use simple techniques effectively.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Thank you Needemp, for the thought provoking post.

Although Supermatt, Mattlures, and others have already said as much, I'd just like to reiterate, that "Trophy Bass fishing and Tournament Bass angling" are simply two completely different things.

Many of my closest friends are hard-core tournament anglers, and I am thrilled for them when they win a tourney, just as they are for me, when I stick a pig.

Don't believe that trophy hunters are a just a small group of guys from Cali either. Running my own trophy bass website for nearly 10 years, I have met anglers from all over the country (even outside of the country) who fish specifically for the biggest bass in their waters. I consider these guys to be "trophy hunters" in every sense of the word.

I do have to admit though, I have often been in the middle of a post, talking about the giant Cali. bass that I am fishing for, when I suddenly stop to ask myself...... "How much is this post going to help anyone" ? ...or, "Who really cares" ? But then my next thoughts often are, "Personally, I love to read about guys fishing for giant Muskies.... Or Flathead cats.... Or Alligator gars..... even though we don't have them here" !!! Not to mention the overwhelming number of positive responses I have gotten, with my trophy bass posts, on this site and others.

Speaking only from a personal standpoint, I do consider myself to be as much of "an all around fisherman" as anyone..... fresh, and saltwater too. Obviously I love to stick big bass, but I have, and will continue to fish for any species that will bite my hook and rip drag ! Last week, my buddy and I had a blast sticking 120 Crappie for very close to 200 lbs !

Heck, do you think I'm concerned what the next guy thinks about my fishing ??? Have you seen my trophy Carp catches ? Those are some awesome sportfish right there ! :-)

Also, you have to remember that I'm an old guy (42 :-) who has been fishing for most of my life. I have fished for numbers of smaller bass for many years..... and on occasion, depending on my circumstances, I still do ! Granted, catching smaller fish is not going to give me the "through the roof" adrenalin rush that I get when I stick a monster..... but even small bass are a LOT more fun that just about anything else I can think of..... most especially, "work" ! ;-)

Finally, to be good at tournament angling, I think you need to be competitive, right ? Sorry. I just don't have an ounce of competitive nature anywhere in me. Never have had. I've never had any interest in playing (or watching) ANY competitive sports, so why would I apply competition to my fishing ?

Bottom line; I do what I love to do, and I share it with whoever is interested.

Great fishing to all,


fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

It looks like needemp is a "Hit and Run" poster.   ;D

fishing user avatarNeedemp reply : 

First off I am the postee of this one. I was feeling a little good last night if ya know what I mean and decided to comment about something I have believed for a while but didn't want to comment on. After reading what I wrote I realized my opinion seemed harsh. BOTH forms are real fishing. It takes skill to do both, but it is 2 different types of skill. I do not think that Hawg Hunters are the equivalent of so called tourny fisherman. As stated previously; niether one is better than the other, just different. One guy posted that hawg hunters sometimes have to downsize to 4 inch worms to catch hawgs. WHAT! As soon as they do that then they have stepped into our boat and became one of us. Another guy pointed out Ish and Ike as I guess an example of hawg hunters being equal. When these tourny guys fish those tournaments, they fish our style, NOT Cali style at all (BIG SWIMS and LIVE BAIT)

Fish Chris, I liked your post and I know you fish for other species. It was your comment over in the "Pros not using nets" post that kind of set me off. The comment that you dont have competative juices flowing through your body is interesting. But at least I understand.

I dont want to attack anyone at all. Dont need to. I dont know any of you guys personally so in my book you are all automatically pretty good guys. There is nothing wrong with a healthy discussion IMO. I just wish that the hawg hunters, which seems to consist of a very small group on this forum, would not come across as so arrogant! One guy said it makes them the elite of the elite. That to me is an unthought out statement. Some guy looks at a 15 pounder from Cali and is flabergasted because his biggest bass is 3.5 pounds. A 15 pounder here in MO is the equal of a 7 to 8 pounder. But up north it might be the same as a 5 pounder. I just wonder why people are so fascinated with the Cali bass. Just put it in the perspective of what it really is! Thanks guys

fishing user avatarNeedemp reply : 
It looks like needemp is a "Hit and Run" poster. ;D

Sorry dude. There was this thing called Christmas morning I had to deal with.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey  Fellas I have the utmost respect for all variations of the fishermen here. I do have a bit of awe and extra respect for the guys who target big fish. They seem to have logged many hours learning both the bodies of water they fish in and the behavior of the fish in those lakes etc... So they , by knowledge and experience are in a nook all to themselves Me Im a dink kina guy TIL I GET TO THE FORK Im hoping and praying for my PB down there

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 


The fact is that swimbaits are not the only tool in a trophy hunters aresnal. Some use swimbaits more than others. But they are not the only tool used to catch trophy bass.

I find myself in between both realms at this point. I caught my first trophy bass on a 4" Roboworm. Second was on a 4.5" Roboworm. This came after weeks of chucking swimbaits for nothing over 5lbs. or so and plenty of skunked outings. It would be insane for me to not consider a 4" worm as part of my trophy hunting arsenal.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Honestly, I was surprised that nobody made me answer to my statement over on the 'Using a net' post, "That the tournament guys rarely catch anything big enough to use a net on"........ because I have to admit, that later that same day, the thought crossed my mind, that a 3 lb fish that "wins the tourney" is probably even more valuable (depending on how you look at it) than a 13 lb'er that does nothing but add another notch to a trophy hunters belt, or photo to his album. That said, I'm sorry if that statement came across to anyone as arrogant, or cocky.

It's all a matter of perspective I guess.

But yes, honestly, even among trophy hunters, I'm not trying to do better than anybody but Fish Chris.



fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

Needemp, I would have to disagree with most of you original post. I don't agree with any of the second or third paragraphs. I think both tournament anglers and trophy hunters can be seen as equal in what they do. In each there are people who are among the best at what they do whether it be catching the biggest limit or catching the biggest fish. Neither is easy. You can't compare apples to oranges so why try. I have seen people on both sides try to compare and debate as to which is the better fishermen and IMHO you can't compare the two that way since both have different goals. There are fewer people who are targeting the biggest fish in the lake across the US and it takes a different mentality to just target big fish. If most had to just target big fish most would quit since most lack the confidence and preserverence to keep fishing for one big bite. Tournament or recreational type fishermen have smaller fish biting more often and can see sucess faster in the short term and have TV shows to watch on the weekend to keep them going so there are more of them. This equals more competition and more high caliber fishermen in the long run out of sheer numbers of people doing it. But, I dont think neither is a better fishermen than the other. Just two people doing the same thing with different goals and end results.

All trophy fishermen do not live in California and all do not use swimbaits or live bait all of the time. California is just the place in the US right now with most of the biggest fish caught so it has recieved the most attention and thats the baits that have had the most attention. I am sure there are plenty of other people like myself that go out and specificly target big fish who live all over the US and fish other baits. There are probably some as good as the more famous California fishermen but since they live in different states and fish in different waters so they just haven't had the same chance at publicity as the California guys. But, thats just how it is. The media goes with what gets people to pay attention and 18lb plus fish get peoples attention more than 15lb fish or smalller.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Maybe Needemp could have worded things differently but I honestly didn't take his initial post as an insult to trophy bass fishermen.  I thought he was saying that trophy fishermen are just different to some degree than tournament or numbers fishermen.  I think most recreational anglers do a little of both.  

Fish Chris stated:

Finally, to be good at tournament angling, I think you need to be competitive, right ? Sorry. I just don't have an ounce of competitive nature anywhere in me. Never have had. I've never had any interest in playing (or watching) ANY competitive sports, so why would I apply competition to my fishing ?

;D  I have the utmost respect for your trophy hunting abilities and your opinions, but who are you kidding, Fish Chris?  I saw the thread a couple of months back where you debated until the cows came home about the superiority of braided fishing lines.  You make sure you know the number of double-digit bass you've stuck so that you can state that number for what reason?  Not competitive?  Please, Dude.  You are competitive to a degree, and there's nothing wrong with that.  I think there are arrogant competitors and there are good sports who are competitive.  The good sports are fine and I find you to be a good sport.  Don't knock being competitive.  It is what makes our economic system the best in the world.  

fishing user avatarSupermat reply : 


 First off, I'm very competitive, I love the challenge, I love the win, I learn from the losses. Competition is in my blood, its why I fish tournaments. Now, I'm also a trophy hunter, I'm not the best, I'm not the "worst" (if there is such a thing), but I definetely watch how other people do. I LOVE to watch other guys sticking big fish, it makes my day! But its also motivation to get my butt back out on the water and get to work.

 All that said, I know Chris and I can honestly say he means what he's saying. The guy just isn't competitive and doesn't seem to care. I think he tracks his number so HE knows how HE'S doing, plus all the info tracking helps you apply tactics and ideas in the future. Chris doesn't seem to be out to impress anybody, make a name, or act high and mighty. He just loves to fish more than the rest of us can fathom! Chris was very instrumental in my catching my first double-digit... and the second... and, oh, alright, I still apply stuff he talked about back in the day! Point is, he's legit and he's friendly, you ever have questions, problems, etc... he's right there. I don't know how he maintains his friendly attitude in the cut throat world of big-bass but he does.


fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

;D  I have the utmost respect for your trophy hunting abilities and your opinions, but who are you kidding, Fish Chris?  I saw the thread a couple of months back where you debated until the cows came home about the superiority of braided fishing lines.  You make sure you know the number of double-digit bass you've stuck so that you can state that number for what reason?  Not competitive?  Please, Dude.  You are competitive to a degree, and there's nothing wrong with that.  I think there are arrogant competitors and there are good sports who are competitive.  The good sports are fine and I find you to be a good sport.  Don't knock being competitive.  It is what makes our economic system the best in the world.  

If you think he's passionate about braided line, don't even get him started on LCD TV's vs. Plasma's.   ;D

fishing user avatarSBM-RL reply : 

The 25lb 1 oz fish was caught on a white jig right not a swim bait i could be wrong though...

anyway i just dont think argueing who is more real of a fisherman between tourny fisherman and a cali/mexico/cuba hawg hunter is a pointless arguement both are hardcore bass persuers leave it at that. lets just have a good christmas and talk about how spring cant come soon enough.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

There is a TON of truth to the old saying that people tend see things through their own eyes. I know I'm in a VERY small minority of people, who just has never had the urge to do better than the next guy. I also know that this is VERY hard for most guys to relate to.

Yes, I do keep very close account of the big fish I have caught, and from where, and on what..... but only because I want to top these personal records.

One thing is for sure; Although I am certainly proud of the big ones I have caught, I have never felt like this makes me even a little bit better of a person. I always tell people that "if I can do it, ANYBODY can" ! I've just been really blessed to be able to fish as much as I do, in the places I do.

In a nutshell, fishing is just a very personal thing for me. And I can honestly say, that any time a guy catches a bigger one than me, I'll be genuinely happy for him. Everyone can go on and catch their 20 lb'ers now. I'll still be happy with a 19 ;-)



PS, Hey Cart7, yes, I love my JVC 46" 1080p LCD  :-) ...... and yes, I do prefer LCD's over Plasma's..... But believe it or not, I find the disparencies between braided line and mono, to be about 500 X's as great, as the disparencies between LCD and Plasma :-)

fishing user avatarNeedemp reply : 

Those that think this is a heated arguement or a bashing of some sort probably should have stopped reading a long time ago. When we are dealing with a contraversial topic, many different opinions are going to be presented. Lets not forget that everyones opinion is based upon what they think or like. They are not necessarily right or wrong. Thats what makes it an opinion.

One guy made the statement about comparing apples to oranges. Without realizing it, he was proving my point. It is apples compared to oranges. They are different types of fishing. KVD and the best hawg hunter can NOT be compared to each other. It's like saying that those that fish for muskey are better than those that fish for walleyes. They are different. Size, lures, tactics, lines, etc. Thats the point. I just never got sucked into the thinking that one was better than the other. If I lived in Cali I probably would go after hawgs. I like the fight of big fish. Thats why I like big cats. But hawg hunting compared to tourny fishing is almost like fishing for two different species. Some people can become successful at one but not necessarily at the other.

Fish Chris came across as a little arrogant, but then stated "That said, I'm sorry if that statement came across to anyone as arrogant, or cocky." Well to me it did and so have other statements from other hawg hunters. But to say that he was being cocky would be wrong. I would have to know him to make a statement like that. However, at least one person has attested to his genuinity. That works for me. I believe he is not trying to be cocky.

As far as this topic, this is where I stand. I do not look at hawg hunters with "a bit of awe and extra respect" when it comes to my kind of bass fishing or tourny fishing. It's different. Plain and simple. I can respect them like I do a trophy catfisherman or musky fisherman, but not as far as what I am doing. I don't get those that lump the two together as if they are the same. Are they not looking at all the facts? I dont know. Its just two different types of fishing.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Needemp, Let me offer you a challange.

There is currently no recorded IGFA line class records for the state of missori.

Get you some IGFA rated line in 4lb, 12lb, and 20lb and go catch you some bass. Then get them certified and you will have your name in the books.

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Needemp I have to disagree with some of your statements. First you said a 15 lb Cali bass is equal to a 7-8 lb Mo bass. No way!!! There are very few 15lbers caught here each year. I would geuss that there are less than 30 caught each year in Cali. Also consider that some of the greatest bass fisherman in the state are obsessed with catching these giant fish. Where in most states thier best hone in thier tournament skills. Its geographics. If Mo had world records swimming around in their lakes then guys would spend their most of their lives chassing them like they do here. Comparing a very rare 15lber to an 8lber is taking away from the acomplishments of guys who catch fish that big. If you were to say a 10lb MO. bass I think that would be a much more accurate comparison.

This reminds me of dear hunting out here. I am verry good at it but we have a small mule deer/blacktail subspecies that are very small and have small racks. I take deer that are considered big by our county standards but they are tiny comparred to a big utah Mulie or a big MO white tail. I would never try to say those guys who shoot big deer are nothing special because they have bigger deer than me. You come accros like its no big deal and nobody shoudl apreciate a big Cali bass. I dont think you realize how few real monsters are caught. You also might not realize that our lakes are considered the most pressured lakes in the country when you consider who many fisherman are on such small lakes.

Something else you may not realize is that the elite trophy hunters dont go days and weeks with out catching fish or getting bites. They go days or weeks without catching a BIG bass. The guys who are real good catch a lot off of of swimbaits and other big fish techniques. These guys are good. I am not that good. I will steal what Supermatt said. I am not the best but not the worst. You may have though I was being arogant when you read my earlier post about who was better. I honestly believ that top tier profesional bass fisherman are the best most skilled bass fisherman there are. There is just one exception, one man who happens to be the best of the best at one aspect (trophy hunting) and he is also verry good at the other aspect(tournaments). This guy is just a freak. a Michael Jordan or Tiger woods if you will. I just dont think you give the "hawg hunters" enough credit. Guys like me arent that good so dont deserve it but there are others who are rediculously good and catch absurd amounts of huge bass. They are that good! You are correct about comparring apples to oranges. Its not quite that diferent but its close. There are some things that can be comparred. I just feel you dont realy know whats going on over here so you make assumptions. We all do it. Just so you know I know and am friends with most of the more famous trophy hunters and I also know and am friends with a lot of the top pros. I have great respect for all of them. they have all risin to the top. I am impressed with greatness wether it a guy who catches a lot of Giant bass or the guy who hold up all those Giant checks. they are both impresive.

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

Fluke thanks for posting that. I noticed there is no record for GA in two classes and the other one can be broken. I guess I will go get me some 4lb line and try to break the 4lb line one first while its still cold. I was going to try to catch my world record mud fish again but it might be more fun to try and break that four pound line record.

fishing user avatarclipper reply : 
Fluke thanks for posting that. I noticed there is no record for GA in two classes and the other one can be broken. I guess I will go get me some 4lb line and try to break the 4lb line one first while its still cold. I was going to try to catch my world record mud fish again but it might be more fun to try and break that four pound line record.

I was looking at that site Fluke posted today as well.  You break the largemouth record and I will try for the spotted bass record, on 4 lb line.  It shouldn't be hard since there is not a line class entry in Georgia for spotted bass (lol).  I bet we will have some competition after these posts are read ;D.  I suspect most states are like Georgia, several open slots for different species of game fish with no entries.  

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I'm a recreational basser who likes to catch double digit hawgs and get just as much pleasure catching a limit of 1-2 pounders.We're all just bass fisherman.Some put their time and effort into exclusively hunting for hawgs and some are into tournament fishing.We are all bass fisherman.I don't think there's really any reason for being arrogant about bass fishing.Now,I can understand being proud of catching big bass or winning bass tournaments,but that's just human nature.Some states have bigger bass than others.A 10 pounder in your state may be as good as a 20 pounder in another state.It's all about doing what's fun.When bassing becomes not so much fun because you're worried about keeping up with the Jones instead of just enjoying the moment,maybe it's time to find another activity that brings you enjoyment.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
I'm a recreational basser who likes to catch double digit hawgs and get just as much pleasure catching a limit of 1-2 pounders.We're all just bass fisherman.Some put their time and effort into exclusively hunting for hawgs and some are into tournament fishing.We are all bass fisherman.I don't think there's really any reason for being arrogant about bass fishing.Now,I can understand being proud of catching big bass or winning bass tournaments,but that's just human nature.Some states have bigger bass than others.A 10 pounder in your state may be as good as a 20 pounder in another state.It's all about doing what's fun.When bassing becomes not so much fun because you're worried about keeping up with the Jones instead of just enjoying the moment,maybe it's time to find another activity that brings you enjoyment.

Perfectly stated, Rattlinrogue.  

Supermat, no disrespect intended to Fish Chris or you, but I stick with my contention that Fish Chris can be competitive.  It's all in good fun.  The competitive spirit comes in different forms for all of us.  I myself do not compete against others in fishing, or anything else that I do for recreation.  But the fact that we can all debate with our opinions on this forum is a competition in ideas.  Hence, we are all competitors to some degree when we joust on this forum.  Heck, I'm competing right now.  ;)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I like both kinds of music, Country and Western.

I like both kinds of fish, Good Ole Bigguns' and Big Ole Gooduns'.

I don't fish tournaments and I don't live in California, so I like to think I'm after for the biggest fish in the water I fish. I like fishing for other species and think about records that are regionally possible, but I am not "disappointed" when that doesn't happen. Like Rattlinrogue wrote, "When bassing becomes not so much fun because you're worried about keeping up with the Jones' instead of just enjoying the moment, maybe it's time to find another activity that brings you enjoyment."

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

Hmmm... I'm spooling every d**n reel I've got with 12lb test this season.  ;)

fishing user avatarcravenfish reply : 

RW, you need to kill this one.its been beat to death

fishing user avatarNeedemp reply : 

I dont see why this topic needs to be "killed". When I am tired of reading something, I simply dont read it anymore :-/

FLUKE, I appreciate the challenge but that is not what this is about for me. My original statement was that IMO hawg hunting and regular bass fishing is not the same. The first few responses to my original statement were off my topic. That usually happens but whatever. Look at the fact that people assumed I was comparing hawgers to tourny guys. I never originally said that. If people want to catch the biggest bass in a lake that is fine with me. Go for it man. Thats not what I am about. I had a pretty good year fishing this year but I didnt post much about it. I am not looking for 'pats on the back' ,but rather to have a nice stringer (catch and release of course) at the end of every day. Not necessarily for tournaments although I will fish a couple this year. I love the challenge of changing seasons, cold fronts, anything that causes me to have to figure out those green backs. Thats my passion. I prefer that to chasing records, BUT that doesnt make my 15 pound stringer of five fish inferior to someone elses 15 pounder in a state that produces those fish.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

You know there are about a hundred things in this thread that make me crazy, but there is no point in addressing most of them.

Unless my "stringer" is over 25lbs, I couldn't care less. Little fish are fun, but they don't "do it" for me. I haven't caught very many big ones (especially by California standards) but size is what I am after. I don't plan out a trip hoping to catch 5  13inch fish.But the most important thing is what the fish means to an angler.

When my best friend of ten years caught his new PB at under 5lbs, I was just as stoked as I would have been had I caught a double digit.

I've also watched Supermat, get completely giddy over sticking 25 dinks in one of my ponds on a frog.

There are some pretty ignorant views of successful trophy hunters (which I DO NOT consider myself) and this thread proves that wonderfully.

Oh ya " Just my opinion" ::)

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

My daddy is bigger than your daddy: nyah, nyay.

This thread is absurd.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 
You say your bad day is when you blank and a good day is when you catch some? There are six months out of the year where a good day was getting a single bite on a swimbait, regardless of whether or not I landed her! Yes, there are awesome days and you see those photos but you don't see the 1, 2, 5, or 30 trips in between where there are no photos to show.


I appreciate your honest opinion, its been debated before on the catch rates when using swimbaits and the number of bites one may get.  


    It takes a special kind of person to be dedicated to throwing a bait that may yield one bass in a month.     Can you imagine a guy who is used to catching 20 bass a day that ties on a swimbait and chunks that puppy for 2 weeks out of a month and gets nothing, yet doesn't wavier or quit his pursuit of lunker largemouths.         It takes a special person, and the right mindset to go weeks without a bass, but when you get that bite, the feeling of accomplishment out weighs the non productive days.

I also agree with part of the statement about 7-8 lbers in Northern waters.  If your state only produced a few of these a year, then that surely is a trophy in your region.     25 years ago in Texas, an 9lb bass was a trophy, but with todays standards, I kinda feel that 12 lbs is the bench mark in TX.

A day of bass fishing of any kind is better than a day at work.    


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Okay...Three pages and we're starting to head downhill. All in all,  I thought (most) of the thread was kind of interesting, but as George notes, it's getting a little absurd. Anyhow, this isn't ending because of anyone's specific post and none have been edited or deleted (to my knowledge), but it's time to move on.

This thread is closed.


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