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They Just DONT UNDERSTAND! Who's with me? 2024

fishing user avatarFishBewareOfBrad reply : 


Im not married, but I'm in a serious relationship, and need some info from you married fellas.

My girlfriend just doesnt understand that, I, like all others on this site, simply NEED to fish.

Ya see, it's not that she asks me not too, it's just that I tend to fish everyday and several times a day if Im lucky. I take her with me, and have gotten her semi interested in it, but still, she just doesnt see the glory in fishin'.

So to all the married men,

Is it just me, or do a good percent of women, just not understand the beauty of the hook and rod?

Now I'm not saying that I dont women that love fishing just as much as I, and could be concidered better anglers then I, it just seems that a lot of women just dont get it.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

I'm not married, but a guy I fished with one time told me that if his wife gives him crap about fishing all the time, he tells her that it's better than him being in a bar all night. ;D  He says that has been very effective ;D ;D

fishing user avatarMuddpuppy reply : 

She probably recognises the need you have to fish.  The problem comes that she "feels" the need to be together with you. Give it some time and assist her in finding some other activitey to do when your gone and she doesn't want to go along.  Make an extra effort to do things with her (that she likes) when your not fishing.  As far as understanding - probably not,  but in my case I'm learning to work around it.

fishing user avatardigdug reply : 

OK I know how you feel.  I've been there.  I've been married 13 yrs now and my wife loves to hunt & fish.  In fact she has a bass & a deer on the wall and I don't have either. (What am I doing wrong?)  

I had a very serious girlfriend before I started dating the women that is my wife.  She didn't really like to fish, but she would go with me.  As we got more serious we discovered that we had different ideas about life, and we drifted apart.  

I hear several of the guys where I work talk about how their wife just doesn't understand why they want to fish or hunt.

fishing user avatartnroadrnr reply : 

Okay, call me old fashioned or what. I've been married 19 years. I have never had a problem doing anything. Fishing, golf, whatever.

BUT, I make time for her needs. Be it a movie, shopping, etc. Your girlfriend has needs and wants just like you.

Gosh, that was pretty Dr. Phil stuff huh? hahahaha

Really BOTH of you have to give and take.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

My wife shops, I fish. She spends all the money, I fish. As long as I can fish, we have no issues. I'll get tired of fishing before she tires of shopping. She's going to be shopping for a long time.

And no, dear, I don't want to go shopping.

fishing user avatarmullman reply : 

RW nailed it!  My wife shops and I fish.  She'll say, "Oh let's go look at the xyz's that are on sale at xyz store."  My reply, "How about I take the kids fishing and you enjoy a nice quiet afternoon in the store?"

Works every time.  She loves it.  I love it.  Total win-win situation.

fishing user avatarJagrrich reply : 

I'm a happily married man of 6 years and my wife is very, very understanding towards my fishing sickness! In fact I've given her the bug. Now she wants to go fishing just as much as I do.  She is also very understanding if I don't take her along.

I've got a very wonderful wife!

fishing user avatargamblerOH reply : 

I am also happily married. A good marriage takes a lot of give and take to be lasting and fun. I try to spend as much time with my wife as I can when im not fishing so we still get a lot of time together. Like tonight for instance, im dying a slow death watching the  bachelor finale, I thought I was getting by with 2 hours but just found out it'll be a 3 hour SPECIAL. The things a guy will do to fish ;)

fishing user avatarMuddpuppy reply : 

Dang Gambler I just celebrated my 24th. Aniversery, but still you have got to draw the line somewhere. Man you love to fish ;D

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

As others have said, the key is to make time for her also.  Whether it is together or you plan your fishing at times when she is busy doing her thing.  I only fish on Satruday mornings, but that is a good time for both as she goes to the grocery store and does some laundry etc. so it is not really getting into "our time" .  However, because she does not give me any trouble and in fact encourages me to fish, I never take it for granted.  I will usually see what she wants to do Saturday aftgernoon and go do something with her for her understanding.  It is give and take.  I;ve been married 29 years now and finally have found a way to make it work for both of us.  I am a lucky man! ;D

fishing user avatargamblerOH reply : 

I am leaving Friday to prefish for a tournament on saturday and then going from there to fish a club tournament on sunday, so needless to say I've got a lot of quality time to work out this week. I had survivor Sunday night , bachelor tonight and the apprentice Thursday night. My wife loves TV so I try to do the things she enjoys with her.The bad part is she likes shopping too, i'm sure she'll have some fun shopping while i'm gone this weekend. ;D

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Hey GamblerOH. one of the best inventions known to man is the wireless laptop.  I can sit 5 feet from my wife while she watches those same shows, (Bachelor, etc) and I can be online doing this.  We both feel like we are spending time together.  I not up in my office on-line, or somewhere else.  These wireless laptops are cool.  I don't think I could go back to the hardwired.ayway fyi.  It would help in your situation where you could do this and she could watch her TV shows.

fishing user avatargamblerOH reply : 

we have a tv room and my computer is at the back of that room,right beside her favorite chair.I do need a wireless laptop though ;)

fishing user avatarbassackwards reply : 

why don't you show her the beautiful side to to fishing?

show her the romantic side to fishing: the beautiful sky that goes on like the love you two have for each other, the lovely way the lake glimmers the same way here eyes sparkle, and the way the wind coaxes the current into motion. and then, set her up with a fish on the line as you explain this to her, and maybe she'll understand.

hey, can't hurt to try. ;)

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 


I used to be in your shoes too.  I found a great gal, who was understanding of my "obsession".  Eventually, she became resentful of the time I spent away from her, and tried to get me to cut back.  I tried taking her out on the water a few times, but she was only mildy interested.  Eventually, we broke up.

That was 15 years ago.

Ever since then, when a relationship began to get serious, I rattled off the same speech:

"I fish.... A LOT.  No, I mean it, A LOT.  Like every weekend a lot.

It's what I do.  It's who I am.

It's not that I don't want to spend time with you, or that it's a reflection upon you.  It's just something I need to do.

You're not obligated to like it, or try it.  If you do try it and like it, great. If not, that's ok too.  In fact, you can even hate it.  But...

You can never tell me to cut back or stop doing it.  That won't work for me, and I won't do it."

For the most part, that cleared the air and took care of the problem.

Then I was blessed with a woman who not only tried it, she become addicted like me.  When she urged me to buy a brand new Ranger with all the bells and whistles, I knew I had to marry her.   :)

Now we fish together every weekend.   ;D

It's all about determining what's important to you, and not compromising until you find your match.

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Hell, bassaxkwards, I think I just fell in love with you!

;D ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Yeah, and Glenn just hit the nail on the head! ;D

fishing user avatarMarty reply : 

I've been married for 43 years and she has never tried to keep me from my various obsessive-compulsive hobbies. Like golf, bowling, tennis, photography, bird-watching, fishing and whatever else I may have forgotten.

She knows how much I have loved all these things and wants me to enjoy them. Plus it doesn't harm that she also likes her time alone, so it has worked out very well. And, of course, I never interfere with her when she wants to shop, have lunch with friends, or whatever.

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

Glenn thats sounds like my speech

fishing user avatarlookin4lunkers reply : 

Here is what I do I say babe I'm going fishing no I didn't cut the grass or till the garden or fold any clothes. I had more important things to do like respool my new reel and replace some hooks on my favorite crankbait...........Then when she gets home and she is actually there in front of me I say pleassssssssssse can I go fishing.  

No, really the other guys have nailed it. Its a lot of give and take. The more you give usually the more you receive.  Good luck.

fishing user avatarfishin_fool reply : 

I think I got you all beat My wonderful wife of 26 years always let go fishing whenever and where ever I wanted but with kids and bills we could never afford more than a john boat,Last year on me birthday I came home and in the driveway was a brand new 20 Ft Triton with everything imaginable on it

fishing user avatardavmac reply : 
Hell, bassaxkwards, I think I just fell in love with you!

;D ;D ;D ;D

back off abel,  I saw him first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Buddy, don 't try to understand women because you will never understand them, just love them.  ;D

fishing user avatarhipster_dufus reply : 

i tell my wife i have had sex, i have not caught a ten pound bass yet

fishing user avatarhipster_dufus reply : 

i also tell her the grass aint going anywhere, it will be there tomorrow

fishing user avatarHot n Tot reply : 

All of these guys talking about it being give and take are absolutely correct.  I've been married for 4 years.  Not that long, but we dated for 8 years before we married.  My wife works day shift 8am to 5 pm, and I work second shift 3pm to 1130pm.  I fish every morning, but I'm home at 12 noon to eat lunch with her everyday.  We are both off every weekend.  On Saturdays we usually do something together that she wants to do.  That might even mean going to the lake.  On occassion she will go fishing with me on the weekends, but she usually just likes riding in the boat.  When she goes to the lake with me, I'm not that concerned about catching fish.  If she wants to fish thats great, but if she just wants to ride around that's what we do.  Regardless of what happens the rest of the week, Sunday is our day.  We don't make any plans for Sunday that don't involve us being together.  If we do something Sundays after church, we do it together.  The trick is to find someone who you  love spending time with almost as much as you love spending time fishing, and you shouldn't have any problems.  My wife is my best friend.  

fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 

You can only fish so much, before the woman has a right to tell you to spend time with her doing something else. I'd say 3 times a week is fair.

My g/f is pretty good about it. But my fishing partner's fiance is meaner than a motherless goat.  She wouldn't let him practice a few weekends ago before the big tourney - even though we're currently in 2nd place in the overall standings. Apparently, "she didn't feel well." That WarHog never feels well!   >:(  


fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Man, I have it lucky. My wife's father fishes and hunts allot. So she grew up with it. But, she still needs to be shown that I appreciate all she does. I have a dream job where I only work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. I am off from Monday morning till 10pm Friday night. I fish well over 150 days a year. This morning is a prime example. She had a scrapbook party so I put the boat in the water at 4:00am and fished till 9:00am. I got home at 9:30 just in time to watch my two boy's ages 1 and 3, so she could go to her thing. When she got home we put the boys to bed for their naps and we went out in our back yard and worked on the landscaping together. The key is to compromise most of the time. Fish as much as you can. Not as much as you want. Continue to remind her how much you appreciate her.

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

But my fishing partner's fiance is meaner than a motherless goat. She wouldn't let him practice a few weekends ago before the big tourney - even though we're currently in 2nd place in the overall standings. Apparently, "she didn't feel well." That WarHog never feels well! >:(

Fiance'...well he still has time to back out!  Friends don't let friends marry Warthogs!! ;D ;D

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Able is rite. I was engaged once before I met my wife. I broke it off when I realized that this woman would have put an end to my hunting and fishing and "in no way would she ever let me hang my deer heads on her wall." I would have been miserable, and the marriage wouldn't have lasted very long.

fishing user avatarMuddpuppy reply : 

Or motherless goats

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

but if she just wants to ride around that's what we do.

I have a perfect solution for that situation JB, you can troll and she 's still getting her boat ride.  ;)

Meaner than a motherless goat

Now that 's funny !!!!  ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarHot n Tot reply : 

Thanks for the tip Raul.;D  Now if I can just remember where I put that trolling rig.

fishing user avatarLandis76 reply : 

MAN! I must be really lucky! I feel sorry for you guys! None of you wives like to fish? ? My fiance loves to fish. She goes out with me 80% of the time. She's can run the trolling motor, she can throw a baitcaster, and she knows how to pattern fish. (Kind of ;)) When I want to go fishing, I go through the mental rolodex of fishing buddies and she's always first on my list. Although, she still likes the "pretty" lures and she has to pee a lot,  ::) she's still fun to have out there bass fishing. I can even get her to kiss the fish! She's got a sign in her office and it reads: "Some women shop, REEL women fish!"

I know what you are thinking..."Yeah, but I'll bet she looks like she's been beat to death with the ugly stick." That's the best part! She is cute as a button. Ok sorry, I'm done braggin'.  ;D

fishing user avatarBassChaser57 reply : 

It has to go both ways! You have to take time to take care of her needs to expect the same in return. This is how partnerships have to work. Being one sided will never work for long. I know this is a fishing forum but one has to decide what is most important and act accordingly. -- I am sure you will miss her.

fishing user avatarBass_junky reply : 

What a topic, lol....Well I have to agree with Glenn on this one also, BUT after 23 yrs of marriage she will kick you out the door for any reason to get rid of ya!! (just kiddin').  

Actually, I did let me wife know I am an outdoors nut.  I will continue to be that way, it is me.  There were a few trial times in the first 5 yrs and I did compromise a bit, but I am a persistant person.  

My wife of 23 yrs is now very understanding.  She knows how grumpy I get when it is 70 deg outside, fish are pre-spawning & I am suppose to do what?  So I ask her in advance, what are the plans for such and such day?  I give her the first opportunity, if no plans guess what?  Yeppers, I am going fishing or launching arrows at something.  If she does have plans, I get very specific regarding times.  If i can squeeze in a few hours, I'll do it.  My wife is not a early riser, so I always have daylight to midmorning for my fix.

Relationships are a compromise. Fish during the day, give her the evenings. Take her out for supper, movie or whatever. Give her a few drinks and as she is falling asleep tell her "your going fishing in the morning", LOL...

fishing user avatarbassman22 reply : 

Hey I can give you 5 best way to get your wife off of you back about you going fishing fishing.

1.The first thing you do is when she wake up no matter how bad see looks tell her that see look great today.

2.Take her out to dinner and buy her a few things.

3. Get her drinking some of the hard stuff untill she passes out (lol) And when she wakes up that next morning she will never Know. And then tell her we had a great night last night but she was dinking way to much.

4. Give her some money to go shoping for at lest a few hours and have a cell phone and tell here to call you when she is getting ready to leave the store Then by that time you can make it home.

5.And if she say's it's time to give one of us up buy her the Brad Paisley (IM GOING TO MISS HER)

fishing user avatarbassackwards reply : 

well, I think when the time comes for me to get married, I have quite a few ways to make sure she is the "right one"... lmao

now I'm going fishin...  I only gotta tell my mom my room will get done soon and the grass is already cut!  (IT NEVER STOPS DOES IT?!?)  HAHA!   :-/

fishing user avatarbigbass reply : 

Well,  I'm lucky because my wife loves to fish with me.  Been married to her for over 20 years.

She has told me to hunt and fish all I want,  just stay out of bars and strip joints is all she asks.

Nothing wrong with that.  Done with those places years ago....... ;)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

No disrespect to any fellas who wives fish with them......but I did the same thing as Glenn when we met and set the standard during our entire relationship.  

To be is MY TIME and I take the ol lady every once in while but I like MY time with MY bassn cronies!  Its just not the same pitchn jigs with the ol lady as with an overweight, chew stained, 15 year long fishn pal.

One other thing- once you give something up like a traditional Easter weekend pounding bass at your local will never get it back!  It is GONE!

Best of luck....but make sure you are compatable and if you are not ok with me fishing or hunting A_LOT then you are not compatable with me.

Happy Releasing!

fishing user avatarLandis76 reply : 

This post reminds me of a joke....

Three guys are out on the lake fishing and one of the guys speaks up and says, "Man, you'll never believe what I had to do yesterday just to be able to come out here today. The wife wanted me to mow the lawn, trim the hedges and spray for weeds all day.

The second guy says, "That's nothing! I had to paint the house, then I had to fix the fridge and the car!"

The third guy just kept fishing for a while when finally one of the other guys says, "Hey, what did you have to do?"

The third guy just smiled and said, "Early this morning I gently rolled over to my wife and asked her.... Fishing or Sex? She turned to me and said, "Where a sweater."

Hope there wasn't too many of you who had heard that one.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

The mean motherless goat strikes again !!!  ;D

fishing user avatarMuddpuppy reply : 

I believe I would have gotten an angora sweater in that case.  ;D

fishing user avatarJUST_ONE_MORE_CAST reply : 

My wife...........She's the greatest!  ;D


fishing user avatarBassMamma1054 reply : 

I just registered with this site tonight, and instead of reading fishing tips, I read this thread.

Growing up on the Jersey Shore, I've fished all my life (just about), although mostly salt water.  I have 2 sons, and it was ME, their MOM that taught them how to fish.

My hubby  would take a book and prop himself in a chair  while my sons and I would fish. Sometimes I would have them up at 5:00 am to get to a near by lake. Just little sunnies, but we had fun. Times have changed,  and now my younger son  has turned me on to Bass. Just three days ago, and we've gone every day. Wind, rain,cold. It was so cold the other day, my fingers went numb but we were having a good time. I joined this site to try and learn more about it. So, my point is that it's NOT just WIVES that don't understand...I had a husband that didn't get it either!  

fishing user avatarKana reply : 

I ve been married for only 2 years, and my wife is understaning about most things.  I took up fishing again seriously about a year ago, after we married.  At first it was a little tough, who can debate that once youre on fish its kinda hard to peel away from it.  I learned that even when i wanted to go fishing i still had to keep the other commitments i had made to my wife.  But recently no problems or concerns.  Then today i saw this thread, and then i had to see if my fishing addiction was an issue ( i didnt think it was) and she agrees that its not as long as there is the age old COMPROMISE.  We often have opposite days off, so the few days that we do have off together, we spend together.  But she is also understanding about fishing trips and other outings that may cut into our quality time together.  i try my best to make up for the times that im away.  

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

BassMamma be careful, after reading your reply you 'll get lots of propositions from the guys, you 're everybody 's kinda woman.  ;D

fishing user avatarBassMamma1054 reply : 

But, THAT'S another web site! 8)


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