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how many people fish your lake illegal? 2024

fishing user avatarOther. reply : 

Just wanted to know. At the lakes I fish I can see alot of people that I know are not fishing with a licence and are keeping undersized fish or keeping them not in season.

I would say that 7/10 people fish my lakes illegally. Im sorry but alot of maryland anglers arround here think disobeying the law is cool *sigh*

fishing user avatarCraw reply : 

I hate to admit it but I went to court last summer for fishing a restricted area. The courtroom was full of game wardens and fishermen who had broken all sorts of laws. I don't know how many times a month that the game wardens bring their cases to court but if that day was any indication then they are certainly doing their job. The judge could have really put the screws to me but he let me off with a small fine and some friendly advice. All Fish and Game laws are in place for the well being of everyone. If fishing is a serious passion for us then the laws must be obeyed or the privilege can be taken away.

I'm sure that here in Va. we have our share of violators but I trust the wardens to weed them out. They caught me right in the middle of the week at 4am. Now I fish as if there's a warden in the boat with me!

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Being honest is doing the right thing even when nobody 's watching.

fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 

It's a huge problem here in Northern Ca. People fishing with 5 or 10 rods. No license. Keeping every thing they catch big-small. It don't matter to them and when they get busted there charged a fine that they never pay. Some do jail time but are back at it as soon as there out. I'v seen them selling fish out of the backs of pickups. I'v called fish and game but there streched so thin its rediculis.

to tell the truth I havent seen a game worrdon in 2 years.

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

a couple ppl do at my lake, they keep undersized cats.

fishing user avatarChug Bug reply : 

I've never seen a DNR officer in the 16 years I've been fishing in Maryland

fishing user avatarboatnik13 reply : 

We do have DCNR park rangers and they will cite for anything against the books . even  if your boat trailer is over the line in  a parking stall and your the only trailer on the lot. They are out in bigger force than the PFBC in PA. ( assigned waters).

fishing user avatar56 crestliner reply : 

THe funny thing is u talk about never seeing a game warden were u live i have been interested in being a game warden so at school we had to learn about the job and in ohio each county has 1 game warden and there are so many people who want to do it but cant get a job in it. I dont know how it is in your state.

BUt anyway out on lake erie there are a lot of water craft officer cruising around and at some of the marinas checking fish counts and size.

fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 
THe funny thing is u talk about never seeing a game warden were u live i have been interested in being a game warden so at school we had to learn about the job and in ohio each county has 1 game warden and there are so many people who want to do it but cant get a job in it. I dont know how it is in your state.quote]

  From my understanding it's the pay about 2/3 of a reg police offecer with the same requierd training and twice the danger. Ever see a high way patrol officer give a speeding ticket to some one holding a gun. :-/    

fishing user avatarCK14 reply : 

people around here keep illegal bass and crappie a lot  >:(. we have a slot limit on bass (can't keep any between 12"-17") but a lot of people don't know or just don't care. we also have a 9" minimum on crappie in some of our lakes, a lot of people really don't give a crap about that. i just don't get people sometimes.......

fishing user avatarRobDar reply : 

I would bet more than 50% of the guys I see shore fishing pay absolutely no attention to size limits...

seems especially bad a the State Parks.

fishing user avatarSimonSays reply : 

I think it's more that people don't know about the size limits, they'll see a bass that's a good 10inches maybe and keep it thinking that's it's probably big enough.

fishing user avatarLightninrod reply : 

At the State owned lakes I fish in, the fish limits are prominently posted, right at the ramps and around the shore-fishing areas.  There are usually DNR officers on site but not all the time.

I obey the rules except for carrying a PFD on board :-/.


fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

I obey the rules except for carrying a PFD on board :-/.

I need some more high dollor rods and reels..... Dan, Do you want to go fishing? How fast can you swim?

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

One of the state parks I fish has a limit on how many keeper fish(15" for bass) you can keep. I see people leaving with stringers filled with a plethora of species. They just don't care. I am all for keeping your catch if that's your thing, but when they take more than the allowed limit, they just don't sem to get that they are hurting the fishery.  :(

fishing user avatarKeithscatch reply : 

Guys, if you see Poaching going on (The correct term for keeping illegal fish) then please by all means call your Game Warden. Their number is posted on your fishing license. Get the registration number of the car they are in or boat and call the number on the license. Beyond that and a scolding to the people keeping the fish is all you can do. But doing nothing is equally bad in my opinion.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

I obey the rules except for carrying a PFD on board :-/.

I need some more high dollor rods and reels..... Dan, Do you want to go fishing? How fast can you swim?

Hold it right there mister......I saw him first !  8-)

fishing user avatarj-bass reply : 

In the places that I fish, it is rare to see anyone else out there, but it is not uncommon to see an old-man throwing a castnet (called a taralla down here) for bass, gar, etc, etc.  What I do find, more often, is remnants of past illegal fishermen, like getting your crank snagged on an old gill, or sane net that got stuck and was left in the water (I'm glad they lost it, but it sure does make things a pain in the a$$ for everybody else).  The other thing I see all time is jug lines that have been left out there (I usually just scoop them up and throw them in the dumpster when I get home).


fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

Illegal fish can get you a fine.

"I obey the rules except for carrying a PFD on board "

The above can get you dead which does occur far too frequently!!!!

fishing user avatarliquidsoap reply : 

I obey the rules except for carrying a PFD on board :-/.

How much room does a PFD take up anyway, you cant really not have any room in your boat to at least add 1 PFD.  O well, I called the game warden in ohio once.  They got away because there was no size limit on smallmouth posted.


Why would you keep a 5" smallmouth anyway. :'(

fishing user avatarThefishy1 reply : 

Yeah it makes me mad to see people catch and keep fish that I would not even put in my fish tank but they say that if its big enough to get on the hook then it is big enough to keep

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

I'm sure it happens a lot out here. I have not seen any illegal activity myself...but if or when I do...I'm calling the authorities. 1-888-DFG-CALTIP is programmed in my cell phone.

fishing user avatarbow3022 reply : 

What's a pfd? lol. Anyways I see little people fishing illegally at my lake. Most of the people that fish at my lake always has a license clipped on their hat or pants. I myself am not old enough for a license so i get away with it legally ;D. But as far as keeping fish i don't keep any unless I wana eat it. lol.

fishing user avatarlangs15 reply : 

1-2 if any. We're lucky enough that not man y fish our lake illegally, may swim it without haveing  any tags but oh well.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

I've seen people catching small panfish that were probably less than 4 inches and keeping every single one, they were stuffing the fish into any container they had, even gatorade bottles and pickle jars. I saw one person with 4 sunfish stuffed into an empty pickle jar, it was disgusting...

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I don't know for a fact that people are breaking the rules,but I think a lot of people are keeping slot fish(18-22 inches).The reason I say this is because as soon as they opened our lake to night fishing the amount of big fish caught has gone down.I used to catch at least one double digit bass every year,and you could count on catching a 4-5 pounder just about every time you went fishing(4-5 lb bass is a slot fish and must be released).I have nothing against night fishing.I do it myself a lot,but we have some outlaws down here that will keep anything.

fishing user avatarRODBENDER reply : 

i don't need a law to tell me to wear a PFD  ,,  I SWIM LIKE A ROCK FLOATS !!!

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 
Just wanted to know. At the lakes I fish I can see alot of people that I know are not fishing with a licence and are keeping undersized fish or keeping them not in season.

I would say that 7/10 people fish my lakes illegally. Im sorry but alot of maryland anglers arround here think disobeying the law is cool *sigh*

How do you know for sure they don't have a license?    7 out of 10 without license is pretty serious poaching.   If you didn't ask, how do you come to that conclusion?


fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 

I don't know about where he's at but in CA you have to where it abuve your waist and its always a odd

coler so they stand out.  

fishing user avatarCrabcakes reply : 

As several guys have pointed out the situation in Maryland is pretty bad. The Chesapeake  Bay is so large it draws alot of the time and resources of DNR fish and wildlife etc. Most lakes in Maryland never see any sort of license enforcement. There are no rules requiring licenses to be posted on your clothing and we have some cheap licenses here so they make little money on license fees. I see poaching every single day when i go fishing. I've sent letters and such but i think they're stretched too thin. And, admittedly without any facts to back me up other than seeing quite a few stringers and bags full of 8 inch bass, I would guess that Other's estimate that 7/10 people fish illegally is true- at least at many of the lakes closest to us.

fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 

PFD = Personal Flotation Device a.k.a a life jacket

fishing user avatargoldenmonkey reply : 

Im a maryland fisherman and I havent noticed too many illegal activities going on. I dont know how you could possibly tell if someone is fishing without a liscense.

but we have had some trouble with people cutting fight nets. no reason for that ***.

fishing user avatarchs773 reply : 

some people in north carolina will keep undersized cats idk y but they do.  But im sure there is other illegal fishing keeping goin on to

fishing user avatarOther. reply : 
Just wanted to know. At the lakes I fish I can see alot of people that I know are not fishing with a licence and are keeping undersized fish or keeping them not in season.

I would say that 7/10 people fish my lakes illegally. Im sorry but alot of maryland anglers arround here think disobeying the law is cool *sigh*

How do you know for sure they don't have a license?    7 out of 10 without license is pretty serious poaching.   If you didn't ask, how do you come to that conclusion?


I know by heart they dont have a license. There is a lake a few miles from my house called "Lake Frank" and there are so many people that fish that lake that dont know a word of english and it looks like they are also illegal in are contry. And scince they fish on the paths when I walk back from fishing you can see more then 15 crappie (Marylands max fish reg) And there all small (though there is no min size on them) Also you would be surprised on how many people have additude about the license and think they dont need one. so STOP the flame please.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Since your heart tells you they are illegally fishing, don't speak english, and are probably illegally in this country without asking, maybe your heart will tell you to stop at the main gate that lets them in every morning to check their license.

Parks open from sun up till sun down and gates closed at night.

Whos flaming who?

fishing user avatartipptruck1 reply : 

well up here in wisconsin we have a problem with the asians. I have heard storys of boats being full of to small walleyes. There is aslo a limit up here of 5 i belive. So when the warden sees a boat with two guys and  bunch of fish he pulls them over. Then they give the I don't speak english sentence. Well the warden takes away there fish and fines them. Iam not saying that just asians are doing this iam sure theres some other races doing this including white people. But do to people taking fish that are so small up here for so long we can't catch a good sized walleye. But in the last few years they put in a slot limit. 15-20 or 21 inches you can keep 5 per angler. Then 20 or 21-28 you can keep one per angler. I really think this is going to help the walleye population. But I will always stick to bass.

fishing user avatarOther. reply : 
Since your heart tells you they are illegally fishing, don't speak english, and are probably illegally in this country without asking, maybe your heart will tell you to stop at the main gate that lets them in every morning to check their license.

Parks open from sun up till sun down and gates closed at night.

Whos flaming who?

What do you mean cheek there license? No one cheeks it0.o

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

I have to go with capt cali on this one if I know for sure there doing something illegal then I will make the call.   But I can say this much for ky atleast the area I'm in the game warden are really good about trying to catch anyone breaking the law.  

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 


Lake Frank opens the gate in the morning, they have park rangers.

Report them.

Park police number, Park managers numbers all listed on their web site.



fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 

If you think thats these people are fishing illigle call the #'s. If its in a park with a wardon I'm sure he will be right on top of it. If not drop a dime on his azz.

but when you call do it on the low low ::). No need to get your azz kicked.... other wise your just as guilty as they are

fishing user avatarShad_Master reply : 

This past memorial day, I had some "honey-do's" that had to be done and didn't get a chance to get over to the lake until later in the afternoon.  I didn't take my boat, 'cause I figured the lake would be crowded -- to my surprise, the crowd was on the bank.  It looked like a Coke commercial as bank fisher's lined the entire lake, only three empty trailers in the parking lot - but no room to fish anyway.  So I left and went to another fishing spot.  Later that week I did go back over and talked to some of the other bank fishers that frequent this lake.  The story was that the DNR showed up about 11:00 and worked all the way around from three different starting points and were writing tickets right and left.  One guy reportedly got a ticket for $1,700 for no license and a bucket full of illegal fish.  This hasn't slowed the number of people that I see stringing 10" bass on a lake where the keeper limit is 21", but things were sure a lot different on the 4th of July.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

Gee they must pick on me.  I've been checked in 3 states.  TX, MO, and MI.  I guess I'm just one of those lucky people that always gets checked.  Good thing I dont break the regulations.

Some of the places I fish I see the same.  One of the good things is the ownership has changed hands and he has cleaned house.  I dont see near the problems or issues as I did.  Alot less boat traffic too.

fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 

At the lake I mainly fish, we have a different problem. The lake is supposed to be private. This doesn't stop some people from sneaking in to fish it. I have caught a few people sneaking in at night and tried to run them off. We have been working with the landowners to lock all of the gates. I don't mind people fishing the lake the same as me, but I am worried about the ones that rape the lake by keeping everything they catch, legal or not... It is allways nice to keep the pressure off of the fish too...

fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 
At the lake I mainly fish, we have a different problem. The lake is supposed to be private. This doesn't stop some people from sneaking in to fish it. I have caught a few people sneaking in at night and tried to run them off. We have been working with the landowners to lock all of the gates. I don't mind people fishing the lake the same as me, but I am worried about the ones that rape the lake by keeping everything they catch, legal or not... It is allways nice to keep the pressure off of the fish too...


BIG singhns that read bewere of the man eating bears/mounten lion otta do it

or warning this aria is infested with water mocusons

fishing user avatarOther. reply : 
At the lake I mainly fish, we have a different problem. The lake is supposed to be private. This doesn't stop some people from sneaking in to fish it. I have caught a few people sneaking in at night and tried to run them off. We have been working with the landowners to lock all of the gates. I don't mind people fishing the lake the same as me, but I am worried about the ones that rape the lake by keeping everything they catch, legal or not... It is allways nice to keep the pressure off of the fish too...


BIG singhns that read bewere of the man eating bears/mounten lion otta do it

or warning this aria is infested with water mocusons

Hey LBH cheek this out! He spells just like me  : WOOT! You and I shall teach these old foogys how to spell like todays children!

fishing user avatarjoes reply : 
I've never seen a DNR officer in the 16 years I've been fishing in Maryland

You must not be fishing Loch Raven. I see them just about every time I go. In July I was approached and asked if I had a license and if I had any fish aboard but he did not check if I had either one.

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 




fishing user avatarRebbasser reply : 

4th of July, about 7AM.  Flyrod and I were fishing our favorite electrics only lake when I see a guy in a kayak paddling towards us.  There are usually several yackers fishing along with us, so I figued this guy wanted to share info.  Much to my surprise it turned out to be a game warden.  We always catch and release-take a photo if it is big enough-so we didn't have anything in the livewell, but I was glad to know the TP&W guys were out.


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