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Fishing Alone or With a Buddy 2024

fishing user avatarAvalonjohn44 reply : 

Some of my most memorable times fishing are when I was with a buddy or my brother or dad.  The older I get, I'm pushing 40, I find I prefer to fish alone.  I can fish as aggressively or lazily as I want, I can stay late or pack it in early without worrying about somebody else's 'curfew', I can definitely concentrate more, and analyze situations better.  My wife says it's because I'm becoming a grumpy old man, but I think of it as a more serious fisherman...

fishing user avatarLittle Luey reply : 

I have a one man pontoon so I can't take anyone with me on the water, so I fish mostly by myself, but the few times I gone out with someone either on their boat or bank fishing I enjoy it too.

Like you said, the nice thing about being by yourself is that you are the only one deciding what, when, and how you do your fishing, not having to wait for someone and compromise with what someone wants to do.

Ont the other hand, I ussually forget my camera, so I need a witness when I catch my 10lbr fish. ;D ;D

fishing user avatarBassinBoy reply : 

I agree, I can focus so much more and not worry about the other person.  Its sometimes nice though to fish with my dad.

fishing user avatarBass XL reply : 

Well my vote is both. You could say I fish with/without a buddy

fishing user avatar-HAWK- reply : 

This is a tough question because both scenarios have there pros and cons. But i will say when im serious about catching fish i fish alone. When i want to have a good time and dont care how many fish i catch, ill fish with a buddy.

fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 

I prefer fishing alone though I don't get to very often.

fishing user avatarZephus reply : 

I don't really have fishing buddies, other than my wife. On occasion my wife will come out with me, and I always love seeing her haul in a bass, but she likes to fish worms and lizards.....and I usually fish spinnerbaits, crankbaits, and such.

But more than 90% of the time I fish alone, and I do kind of like being in total control without worrying what anyone else wants to do, or where to position the boat in regards to another person. However, when my wife is willing, I'm happy to make the outing to her liking, knowing I will have MANY more on my own.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

George Thorogood:

"Ya know when I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself."


fishing user avatarBadKarma42 reply : 

Fishing alone can be theraputic.

Fishing with a buddy creates good times and memories.

fishing user avatarSissySticks reply : 

I like fishing with a buddy if he's also a good fisherman.  Fishing with amateurs (unless they are kids) is just more work than fun.

fishing user avatarbrgbassmaster reply : 

i put alone but it also depends on who i am with. if i am with my best friend then i love fishing with him we always have alot of laughs and catch alot of fish. but thers some people where i would rather fish by myself.

fishing user avatarLittle Luey reply : 
Fishing with amateurs (unless they are kids) is just more work than fun.

for some time I was always taking my kids with me when I went bank fishing, and I would bring the dogs along. I always end up not doing much fishing and more watching, sometimes my kids, some times the dogs, it was more trouble than relaxing. Now my son likes to go only occasionally and that is fine with me. I don't take the dogs anymore.

fishing user avatarJoel W reply : 

For several years I fished mostly alone. I found it mentally tough to stay focused for 8+ hours at a time.  Once I hooked up with a partner for our reservoir boats, I've become addicted to fishing with a buddy or a guest.  Besides the social aspects, fishing with others, especially those who are more advanced, often lends itself to learning new techniques, etc.

fishing user avatarBrian_Reeves reply : 

I like fishing with a buddy.  It passes time when the fish aren't biting and it helps establish a pattern.  I just enjoy spending time with friends or family in the water.

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

I vote for fishing with a friend or a kid. I too am older and have had a world of fishing adventure behind me. So now, I kind of like sharing these times with others with hopes that they to will have some of these fun times to remember as well. You young people will get here too, just wait and see.

You'll have as much fun or more watching some one else catch their first 5 pounder, wilt in disgust because they missed the big one,  catch more fish than they've ever caught before, fighting the waves in a 40 mph wind on the way back to the ramp, scream at the top of their lungs "Now That's What I'm Talkin' About", get soaked to the core during a driving rain, catching the biggest fish of the trip, You get the hint. Our memories are intact, theirs are just now being realized and we get to relive it all over again. "Aint life Grand"

Big O

fishing user avatarkey chain bass guy reply : 

Alone.  It's quiet time.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I prefer fishing with my brother, one of my 6 kids, or a buddy but I'll fish alone if I can't get anyone to go.

So I guess that's both  ;)

fishing user avatarmostbass reply : 

I like both, but prefer to go with a friend.  Helps pass those 10+ hour saturdays.  Also, my fishing buddies and i are really competitive with each other so it helps keep me motivated to get the bigger fish

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

I like fishing with the best fishing partner I could hope for, my son. In a couple of years I can also fish with my first grandson, he is due to arrive in September. I can hardly wait to take him out fishing to.

fishing user avatarJoel W reply : 
I like fishing with the best fishing partner I could hope for, my son.

Me too. But once my son discovered girls, he dumped me. No time to fish as it interferes with his social life right now.  

fishing user avatarbtcprince reply : 

i have no problem fishing alone, but given a choice i would take my son(new to the sport) or my dad, or some of my old fishing buddies, but most of them were here for college then finished and went home. sometimes a buddy can get you on a lake you couldnt get to otherwise. i like going either way, but good company can make up for a bad day fishing

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

The answer to this varies with situation/location/person.  If I'm on a new lake, or the wind is strong, for safety reasons I definately prefer to be with somebody.  If the only person I can dredge up is a weenie, than I'll go it alone.  But it's fun to have a buddy along when/if it's possible.  As luck would have it, my best buddy's work schedule picks up as the weather get's nicer-often at the expense of some prime fishing time.

fishing user avatarPopeye reply : 

Since I have a hard time finding someone to go out with most of the time, I voted for ALONE. However, I'd like to "second" what Big-O said in his great post! I prefer to have someone along to enjoy the experience with BUT I won't let not having someone stop me from going.

fishing user avatarventureboat reply : 

I prefer alone, especially in tournaments. But will go with a buddy or family member to the local lakes.  I have a teenage stepson that doesn't like to fish, but all of his buddies love it. So, when I am at the local lake by myself, I usually run into some of them bank fishing, so they climb aboard with me. Gets them out on the water, and I enjoy showing them what I can to help em out. (had to start carrying extra lifejackets though) ;)

fishing user avatarshocker1310 reply : 

I prefer going with a buddy, but I will go alone if I have to.  I get too impatient when I'm by myself.  When I'm with my best friend I get just as excited when he catches a fish as I do when I catch one, sometimes I'll take a break and just watch and root for him and he'll do the same.  Plus I'm terrible at making descisions so it's nice to have a second opinion.  Also we can cover more water and try more techniques/baits, if he's in a good spot I'll join him or if what I'm doing is working then he'll switch to that.  We thrive on each others success, it's been that way since we were kids, although we're new to bass fishing, we've shared many other hobbies from playing guitar to skateboarding, and we're always on the same "team".  

It's kind of sad when I catch a fish by myself and turn to give a high five and no one is there.  I'll take the comradery over concentration any day, but then again, I fish for fun...

fishing user avatarsimplejoe reply : 

I choose alone, but my fishing buddy is my son (5) to see his eyes when he catches a fish and now is my daughter whose 2 is starting to fish (sometimes no hook). ;D I don't with many friends I pefer alone.

fishing user avatarJacobK reply : 
Fishing alone can be theraputic.

Fishing with a buddy creates good times and memories.

very well put! i usually fish with one of my good friends we're both pretty much on the same level and usually have the same curfews etc. (we're both teenagers)

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

i dont care either way, as long as i get to go fishing!!  i when i fish on the golf course(most of the time) i fish with my buddy, because i cant go to the golf course without am as i am not a member.  when i fish the tanks, i go by myself, it is the same buddies uncle who owns the tanks, but i have permission to go with out my buddy.  basically if i go during the week i go to the tanks, close to home, dont need buddy, weekends i go to the course, need buddy a bit further drive!!


fishing user avatarBranuss04 reply : 
Fishing alone can be theraputic.

Fishing with a buddy creates good times and memories.

Couldn't of said it better!!!

My vote is for both... on of my main fishing partners is 10X better than me, so I learn A TON when i'm with him, but other days, I don't mind being alone and using what I learned from him to help me land fish.

fishing user avatarPond Hopper reply : 

It is harder for me to go fishing alone, all my buddy has to say is lets go!  Too many crazy things happen when fishing, and it is always good to have a witness when it happens.

fishing user avatarCPT Scrap reply : 

its nice to have someone to coraborate your story ;) actually, it can make the fishing easier because as long as neither of you throws the same thing, you can cover double the baits in half the time....

fishing user avatarJake P reply : 
This is a tough question because both scenarios have there pros and cons. But i will say when im serious about catching fish i fish alone. When i want to have a good time and dont care how many fish i catch, ill fish with a buddy.


The only reason i guess id rather go alone is because of all my friends only 1 likes fishing and even then hes not as into as i am. He expects to catch a fish on the first cast and doesnt make an effort to work the bait/lure properly. I suggest things to him and he listens but he never puts it to use. So when were out its more of a hanging out type deal just shootin the poo and having a good time.I like to go by myself because i set my own times and dont have to worry about if the other person is discouraged or not having fun and wants to leave. This way i can focus more on my techniques and become a better fisherman.

fishing user avatarBassnbrett101 reply : 

There are times for both, most of the guys I fish with are almost as serious as me so we can go and concentrate and still catch fish.  Basically I call a few people first and if no one wants to go I'll go alone.  

When I know I'm just gonna go out for a few hours and need a break from the day though I will just go alone

fishing user avatarjhoffman reply : 

I like to fish with friends when they have their own gear! I get tired of people calling me up... hey you wanna fish. Well duh, do I ever not wanna fish. Most of the time its my boat. Which I tow. Yet they never offer money for gas. They get here and they have one rod in their possesion.... a big old ugly stick, no tackle and hell sometimes forgot the fishing license. Then its.... well what should i throw? Well im gonna throw a c-rig on this rod, and a jerk bait on this rod. "I dont own that stuff".

For the most part its nice to have someeone to talk to. I enjoy taking my young one and my fiance too. Them using my tackle is a different story.

But, I also love to fish alone. People for the most part want to just catch any fish on any thing they can. Im a beat the banks fish fast stop only when conditions permit kind of bass fisherman. I dont target crappies unless im with the family.

Brings out a bunch of different fishing styles but d**n it... gas is almost $4! Im not asking you to replace my carpet or buy me beer or anything for that matter.... throw me a $20 every couple times we go out or im gonna quit taking you! ;D

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Its always nice to have someone along to take a picture of you and the lunker you just caught.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

If I am prefishing it is always alone. Fun fishing(10%) is with a buddy.

fishing user avatarJCrzy4Bass reply : 

If I could be out with anyone, I'd chose my dad. Ever since we both got into fishing we have kind of rekindled our bond we had when I was a kid. It's great being out there with someone who can relate to you. We have a great time, we both chose boat location and try each others spots, we both give input on what we are throwing and how the bites are coming and typically we can put together a pretty good pattern almost every time out.

Other than that, if she would get out with me more I really enjoy being out with my wife. But she's pregnant now so those times are few and far between.

Lastly, it would be my buddies here on Bass Resource. I have a blast with some of those guys.

fishing user avatarMaxximus Redneckus reply : 

i prefer too fish alone but if my girl comes its fine she wears a 2 piece 95% of the time,i do enjoy takin kids fishing i have 3 girls and a brand new one 3 months old cant wait,I also have a few buddies that i prefer to fish with over the other buddies they are like me they will stay out as long as i do wich can be 13 or more hrs a day

fishing user avatarMaxximus Redneckus reply : 
If I could be out with anyone, I'd chose my dad.  Ever since we both got into fishing we have kind of rekindled our bond we had when I was a kid.  It's great being out there with someone who can relate to you.  We have a great time, we both chose boat location and try each others spots, we both give input on what we are throwing and how the bites are coming and typically we can put together a pretty good pattern almost every time out.

Other than that, if she would get out with me more I really enjoy being out with my wife.  But she's pregnant now so those times are few and far between.

Lastly, it would be my buddies here on Bass Resource.  I have a blast with some of those guys.

make her wear a 2 piece ;D

fishing user avatarDel from philly reply : 

I would love fishing buddys...but their hard to find.....

i always meet clients that say were gonna start fishing but it never happens...

my girldfriend is a fisher, but also a woman, so that is good and bad depending on the day, and the amount of bugs...

I would say their is no better thing to do by yourself than fishing. It is a strange feeling because when your out their fishing, you feel EVERYTHING BUT ALONE.....

fishing user avatarDel from philly reply : 

Also, something about missing a HUGE fish when your by yourself that keeps me in the game.

It is a very strong feeling to say the least.

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

I like fishing alone because I always catch tons of huge fish, as far as anyone else knows  ;)

fishing user avatar619bassman reply : 

I'd say its about 50/50 for me. Some days I just want to enjoy the outdoors and solitude, and others I just want to hang out with a buddy. Either way its a good day

fishing user avatarPigsticker reply : 

when i go out i either want to fish by myself real serious to maximize bites or with like three other people to maximize fun, i dont like fishing with just one other person unless i am really on the fish or at one of my favorite places to fish

fishing user avatarchristopherjake reply : 

I don't like the feeling of fishing alone.  I mean what if I catch a monster and have no one to celebrate with?  It's always more fun to have someone there to witness the catch and take a couple of photos.  

fishing user avatarFR0G reply : 

Most of the time with a buddy. Its always good to be with a buddy just in case one of your get hurt, or if you catch a nice bass!

fishing user avatarbass wrangler569 reply : 

When I want to be serious and catch quality fish or work on a new technique, I fish alone, if I want to hang out and have fun i'll invite a friend.

fishing user avatarGitRDoneIke23 reply : 

Definatley prefer somebody with me. We usually fish with different lures so that way we can find what the like. Plus I like having somebody to talk to. Me and my friend go every Monday & Tuesday, it's nice!! But if it's fishing alone or not fishing at all, FISHING wins hands down!

Ike ;) 8-)


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