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Do you "hop a fence" to fish? 2024

fishing user avatarSV1000 reply : 

I do not fully understand the laws regarding this issue but living in Texas I was taught not to cross a fence to hunt because it's trespassing. There are heated debates on the hunting boards regarding this issue and depending on the part of the country, the practice is either accepted or rejected.

It is my understanding that it is not trespassing when the land is not posted, by sign or by purple paint.

In NE KS, I hunt my family farm and our farm borders at least 5 other farms that are not posted. However, being from Texas, I still don't cross the fence to hunt a neigbors field.

What is the law where you fish and is it acceptable to hop a fence to fish a pond or other body of water?

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

First off I am too old to get my sorry butt over a fence these days ;D

Actually if it's posted and I want to fish it I ask if the answer is no then its no, there are enough places to fish and i always try to stay within the laws.

fishing user avatarfishizzle reply : 

A lack of a no trespassing sign does not make it public property.

A fence is made to keep people out!!!!!

Don't give fisherman a bad name by crossing into private property because you are able to "hop it" (exept muddy) sorry

It is tempting though because most likely there is good fish there with no pressure

I think its called poaching and carries multiple charges

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Fences are there for a reason . to keep something in or to keep something out. You've just got to use some common sense.

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

people get shot for that round here ;D

fishing user avatardaviscw reply : 
people get shot for that round here ;D

I was gettin ready to say the exact same thing. Sign or no sign, you don't go on other people's land unless you can run faster than the bullets  ;)

fishing user avatarjrhennecke reply : 

No matter were you are it is probably best policy to ask the land owner for permission.  It would be a sign of respect.

fishing user avatarSV1000 reply : 

^^^ that is extreme but may be legal in Alabama and this issue is not the intent of the tread.

I just checked with TP&W and found that in Texas, it is illegal to hunt, fish or retreive game on other persons property without written consent.

Texas Penal Code 30.05 states that a fence is notification that the property is posted. So that answers the question for Texas.

Now this question was generated after reading a post by another member who found ponds on Google Earth and fishes them. I know of some sweet looking ponds in my area but I don't want to jeapordize my privaledge to hunt and fish in Texas so I don't.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Get in the habit of asking. I often find landowners very willing to allow access, and since so few people ask, that posted sign works in your favor.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

It 's pretty simple unless you can run faster than a bullet, you located a pond, you contact and ask the owner for permission to fish it. In the worst case scenario the owner won 't give you permission and that 's it, the pond is off limits.

fishing user avatarba7ss3in reply : 

Please ask, don't get shot over some fish. Some people just don't want you on their property. Remember the classic on the Louisiana Delta where people were shot at.

fishing user avatarfishizzle reply : 

I think it was Shaw Grigsby that was shot at by some Hillbilly with a shotgun because he was fishing in his front yard

fishing user avatarDel from philly reply : 

of course the statute of limitations has been up....

But over here in philly, if you werent "creative", you probably wouldnt fish too often....


fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

Never, in my opinion, the owner put the fence up for a reason.


fishing user avatarPopeye reply : 

I did that years ago when I was a kid and happened upon a farm pond that was secluded and I KNEW there were big fish in there for ME to catch. I just couldn't stand it and would hop a fence or even 2 to get at that prime body of water. Would I do it now?? NO WAY. I would seek out and ask permission first. Never did get "run out of or off of" anyone's land way back then. Lucky I guess:o)

fishing user avatarDel from philly reply : 

when we were yougner they had a boat that went around and looked for illegal fisherman...

should of seen all of us scurrying through the woods, getting stuck going back over the fences,  ducking behind trees, and losing our fishing rods in the madness......

good times : )

fishing user avatarMaxximus Redneckus reply : 

Around here if u hop a fence u better be lightfooted cause if u see a big black tank coming ur way its a black angus and they aint too nice on the other hand if its rust and white ur safe just a herford .Then of course u gota deal with irate landowners IF they dont know ya .im pretty lucky were i fish if i dont have permission usally if im goin over a fence THEY most likly know my dad or grandpa from long ago so im safe no close calls for me  8-)

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 

As a kid,until 17, I did it all the time.  I don't do it anymore though.  Unless it's County or State property.  But yes, I know it's wrong and you shouldn't do it.

Sometimes trespassing is a misdemeanor and other times it could be a felony.  I'm not suggesting you break the law but if you do, then know the law before hand.

And I would not recommend shooting someone for fishing while trespassing unless you can clearly convince 12 people you or someone else's life was in immediate danger of being killed or seriously injured by the offender.

You can however be detained by the owner or his designee with reasonable force until the authorities arrive.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

My family used to own 1400 acres in colorado with a ton of fishable water. Rivers, canals, ponds, afterbays. If anyone asked, which was seldom, we gave them permission to fish whenever they pleased.

The many, many people that didnt ask permission trashed the place, killed buckets full of fish.

I threw people off bodily and called the sheriff plenty of times. I loathe trespassers.

How hard is it to ask? Seriously.

I fish a bunch of private ponds out here. Show a little respect and ask. I have never been turned down. If I were, so be it, there is plenty of water out there and ponds dont have really big fish anyway.

Soapbox OVER! :D

fishing user avatarF15HGuy reply : 

Ask yourself this: If you had a nice fenced backyard with a swimming pool and you came home only to find people you have never seen before going for a little swim how would you react? Most people have worked hard for what they own and would not want anyone taking advantage without their permission. Don't jump fences, it ain't right!

fishing user avatarbassnleo reply : 
My family used to own 1400 acres in colorado with a ton of fishable water. Rivers, canals, ponds, afterbays. If anyone asked, which was seldom, we gave them permission to fish whenever they pleased.

The many, many people that didnt ask permission trashed the place, killed buckets full of fish.

I threw people off bodily and called the sheriff plenty of times. I loathe trespassers.

How hard is it to ask? Seriously.

I fish a bunch of private ponds out here. Show a little respect and ask. I have never been turned down. If I were, so be it, there is plenty of water out there and ponds dont have really big fish anyway.

Soapbox OVER! :D

AMEN bizz...........My family owns a tract of land here in NW PA. We / I really don't use it for anything other than a little hunting. Anyone that has the decency to ask permission we allow to hunt.

Rest of the trespassing bozos get the boot.


fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 

It's usually easier to get forgiveness than permission.  Back in the day before I had a bass boat, me and my fishing partner would strap a canoe to the roof every weekend and head out to any little pond that we'd seen that week.   I got kicked out of a couple lakes, but most of the time we rarely had any problems.

Good times.

fishing user avatarKevenater reply : 

Don't bother asking permission here in Alabama, even if you know the owner, or even a family member, rarely will anybody let you fish here from my experience in the last 10 years or's sad, but people who don't respect property and leave trash etc have ruined it here for most of us who do. Alabama state law, all land is posted. No signs necessary. Back in the day(teen years) we'd ride the roads during the day and hit what we found that night!!! Caught alot of nice bass doing that lol. I don't do it now but man I miss those days!!!!!!! I have a small pond now next to my house. I don't let anybody but family and friends fish it. I NEVER thought I'd be one of them aholes lol. Guess it's different when it's your own......Sad but true! Sometimes I still spot a big pond and think....I should sneak in that thing........but i don't. Oh, we did ask alot of the time and usually got a no, we would DEFINATELY go back that night then!!! Especially if they were mean about it.

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 
It's usually easier to get forgiveness than permission.

It's more difficult to get forgiveness when you only get one phone call after being arrested for trespassing.  In this case, permission is MUCH easier to get.

fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

Two words cover this topic pretty well:

Trespassing-being on someone else's property without permission

Poaching- being on someone else's property without permission taking

              or attempting to take fish or game

fishing user avatarDel from philly reply : 

u guys are acting like hopping a fence has to be in soemones yard...

around philly, the water company owned all the fences we jumped when we were kids......

also, go to the area we fished when we were kids and they are clean as whistle.....

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 
around philly, the water company owned all the fences we jumped when we were kids......

So what's the difference?  You were still trespassing, just on city property and not an individual's.

fishing user avatarEastTexasBassin reply : 

In this area, the common practice is "shoot first, ask questions later"

Texans are just ITCHING for you to give them an excuse to use their guns.  DON'T DO IT!

Forgiveness easier than permission?  Not here, they may forgive you but not before they fire shells loaded with rock salt at you.

Always ask first.

fishing user avatarAKFerzy7 reply : 

when i was 10 i was shot by some ****** bag with an bb gun who thought he owned a collection pond in the back of our neighborhood. didnt have a fence. went home to get dad but my mom called the cops instead. his property line stopped way short of the pond. he went for a ride with the fuzz. id like to run into him nowadays.

fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 

I wouldn't fish somebody's private pond in their backyard, but hell yes I used to launch my canoe behind businesses that had lake frontage or an empty lot or pretty much wherever I could find access, ACCEPT walking right next to someone's house - that's the only thing I wouldn't do.

You have to take risks if you want to fish it bad enough. Luckily, I had enough stones to try em.  Some of the biggest bass I ever caught came from those little ponds.  

From my experience, you'd have to meet the biggest a-h*le cop in the entire world to actually get arrested.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
I wouldn't fish somebody's private pond in their backyard, but hell yes I used to launch my canoe behind businesses that had lake frontage or an empty lot or pretty much wherever I could find access, ACCEPT walking right next to someone's house - that's the only thing I wouldn't do.

You have to take risks if you want to fish it bad enough. Luckily, I had enough stones to try em. Some of the biggest bass I ever caught came from those little ponds.

From my experience, you'd have to meet the biggest a-h*le cop in the entire world to actually get arrested.

To all the youngsters here; DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THIS TIS IS THE SINGLE WORST POST I HAVE EVER READ HERE!  You are teaching kids it's ok to brak the law, thats plain irresponsible.

fishing user avatarPond Hopper reply : 

I fish alot of private ponds that have people trespass and everytime I know someone is trespassing I just call the local sheriff as nothing ticks off a landowner more than not knowing who is on his ground. Yeah there are a few that may pull out a gun to scare the hell out of you, but 90% of the ones I know call the sheriff. Hell I forgot to tell one I was going to be in a different vehicle one time and he about threw us off :o

For all of you fence hoppers, I hope you get what you have coming, whether it be a good hard learned lesson or a nice ride with the fuzz.

fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 
I wouldn't fish somebody's private pond in their backyard, but hell yes I used to launch my canoe behind businesses that had lake frontage or an empty lot or pretty much wherever I could find access, ACCEPT walking right next to someone's house - that's the only thing I wouldn't do.

You have to take risks if you want to fish it bad enough. Luckily, I had enough stones to try em.  Some of the biggest bass I ever caught came from those little ponds.  

From my experience, you'd have to meet the biggest a-h*le cop in the entire world to actually get arrested.

To all the youngsters here; DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THIS TIS IS THE SINGLE WORST POST I HAVE EVER READ HERE!  You are teaching kids it's ok to brak the law, thats plain irresponsible.

You're right mud, I'm sorry.

Hey youngsters, all those ponds you see that are full of big bass and you want to fish them?!?!? Too dang bad. Jerks like Muddy and Pond Hopper will call the police if they see you trying to fish them. Life sucks, get used to it.

Better?   :-?

fishing user avatarPond Hopper reply : 
I wouldn't fish somebody's private pond in their backyard, but hell yes I used to launch my canoe behind businesses that had lake frontage or an empty lot or pretty much wherever I could find access, ACCEPT walking right next to someone's house - that's the only thing I wouldn't do.

You have to take risks if you want to fish it bad enough. Luckily, I had enough stones to try em.  Some of the biggest bass I ever caught came from those little ponds.  

From my experience, you'd have to meet the biggest a-h*le cop in the entire world to actually get arrested.

To all the youngsters here; DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THIS TIS IS THE SINGLE WORST POST I HAVE EVER READ HERE!  You are teaching kids it's ok to brak the law, thats plain irresponsible.

You're right mud, I'm sorry.

Hey youngsters, all those ponds you see that are full of big bass and you want to fish them?!?!? Too dang bad. Jerks like Muddy and Pond Hopper will call the police if they see you trying to fish them. Life sucks, get used to it.

Better?   :-?

No No No, go ask.  Find out who owns them, ask them if you can do anything for them, offer them fish, help on their farm, etc.  Do it the right way.  The majority of farmers I know will let about anyone who is respectful fish, if you ask!  If you do not ask then they get mad and call the sheriff, simple as that ::) :-X

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

I shoot fence hoppers.

fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 
I shoot fence hoppers.

So...putting this all together, I'm assuming that you're a turkey hunter.  Right? ;D

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
I shoot fence hoppers.

So...putting this all together, I'm assuming that you're a turkey hunter. Right? ;D

Nope, a landowner that long ago tired of seeing sorry $%$&$*$# climb over fences and walk past posted signs.

fishing user avatarextreme1018 reply : 

its always better to ask permission. when you show up to their home look and act like a respectable person. tuck your d**n shirt in. no loud music. dont look and act like a punk. just ask nicely if you can fish. tell them you will throw everythimg you catch back and that you wont leave any trash around. tell them that if you do find some trash you will pick it up and that if you catch a big one that they can have it. usually the owner will tell you to keep it for yourself or throw it back. if the owner says no then it is probably because he doesnt know you or you came across offensive in some way(shirt, loud music when you drove up, etc) try to find someone who knows the owner that can help your case or offer to help around. alot of fisherman have trucks so offer to mow the grass around the pond. this will help you find better spots to fish if the give you permission :)

fishing user avatarBassinAssassin171 reply : 

I fish neighborhood ponds because I live in metro Atlanta.  The ponds I fish I either have permission to fish them or I have friends with a boat or property on the water.  Even if I need to go through someone's yard or want to fish someone else's bank, there is a little rule in neighborhood ponds that deems at least 3 to 5 feet or so from the shore as public property or property of residents... so technically I can go wherever I want  ;D

fishing user avatarIL_Bassman reply : 
I wouldn't fish somebody's private pond in their backyard, but hell yes I used to launch my canoe behind businesses that had lake frontage or an empty lot or pretty much wherever I could find access, ACCEPT walking right next to someone's house - that's the only thing I wouldn't do.

You have to take risks if you want to fish it bad enough. Luckily, I had enough stones to try em. Some of the biggest bass I ever caught came from those little ponds.

From my experience, you'd have to meet the biggest a-h*le cop in the entire world to actually get arrested.

So, are you saying that catching a big bass is more important than respecting a landowner? I dont care whether you are sneaking through someone's back yard or a business's back yard, its still trespassing. Trespassing is disrespectful to the landowner, there is no excuse for it. Because of people like you alot of landowners wont give permission to the people who ask for it and ruin it for everyone. I'm not a landowner, but I will guarantee you that if I were to ever see anyone trespassing on the land that I have permission to hunt and fish I would call the landowner and let him know whats going on. You can call us all the names you want. I guess doing the right thing makes you a jerk????? Next time you start name calling, maybe you should look into a mirror while doing so. >:(

I'm not too worried though, I have a feeling you will get whats coming to you some day!

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

There is a pond at a golf course that I would love to fish but I respect the fact that there is a fence.  That is private property and I am not allowed on it period.  I think it is wrong to hop a fence, just my 2 cents.

fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 

Sorry for 'jerk' in my comment - too much red wine while posting that.  Still not ashamed that we trespassed years ago in order to fish those ponds.  Never did it on somebody's residence, just behind businesses or vacant lots.  It's impossible to get permission, so we just went for it.  If you're not willing to risk it, that's your decision.  We chanced it and caught monster bass.  The only time we ever saw a cop he said "I hate to do it, but I have to ask yall to leave."  

If I owned a vacant lot and saw two clean-cut guys putting a canoe in, I gaurantee I'd let em fish.  But that's me. Unfortunately, not everyone is that way as shown in this thread.    

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I know several landowners here in MO. that have sold their property to developers because they were tired of people trespassing and trashing up the place.  Now no one can fish in them.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I don't ever see me as having enough money to be a land owner so i can not comment on what I would do in the situation. Out of all the places I have asked for permission, less than a half a dozen have said no.

One of the fellas who turned me down later became a co worker for a time. He had a young child who died of a sieizure playing by thpond I asked aobout. He and his wife kept that pond closed and very much like the day their child died, as sort of a shrine. Sometimes people have reasons they do not want you there, and observing thier wishes  and it is not only the legal thing to do it is the ethical thing to do.

fishing user avatarDel from philly reply : 
I wouldn't fish somebody's private pond in their backyard, but hell yes I used to launch my canoe behind businesses that had lake frontage or an empty lot or pretty much wherever I could find access, ACCEPT walking right next to someone's house - that's the only thing I wouldn't do.

You have to take risks if you want to fish it bad enough. Luckily, I had enough stones to try em. Some of the biggest bass I ever caught came from those little ponds.

From my experience, you'd have to meet the biggest a-h*le cop in the entire world to actually get arrested.

To all the youngsters here; DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THIS TIS IS THE SINGLE WORST POST I HAVE EVER READ HERE! You are teaching kids it's ok to brak the law, thats plain irresponsible.

You're right mud, I'm sorry.

Hey youngsters, all those ponds you see that are full of big bass and you want to fish them?!?!? Too dang bad. Jerks like Muddy and Pond Hopper will call the police if they see you trying to fish them. Life sucks, get used to it.

Better? :-?

As much as I love Muddy, hes a great poster, one fo the best on here, and seems like a real good guy, i love this post more....

To me, this is what is wrong with the world...people calling the cops before trying to talk to somebody

maybe i was raised differently being from a city area, but my dad used to help me jump the fence....

In fact, if it wasnt for being able to jump a water company fence, i probably wouldnt be a fisherman today...

Always ask, of course, but what the poster is probably talking about is places like where i grew up, you were on the water companys property, not a landowners...

i would never jump somebody fence into their yard, but when the water company buys the best (and only lake) within a bunch of miles, you better believe im gonna jump that fence....

PLEASE, JUST KEEP AN OPEN MIND...we all have different backgrounds, and were all raised differently....

Me, i wouldnt call the cops if i got robbed at gunpoint. Thats just how i am....unless im getting my money back their is no reason for it...

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey Del: thaks for the words. I grew up in Brooklyn NY. I suffered severe consequences for not obeying the law for a lot of years, thats where i am coming form. Never in any of my posts did I say I would go straight to the police, those who know me here know how much i work with kids to keep them from repeating my mistakes, that is where I am coming from. I can tell you that many landowners are very intolerant, and they own the land it is not our call, it is every adults job to let kids know the consquences of choice and actions, because they are the ones who eventually pay for them

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

It's nothing but respect for another's private property. Please ask before giving all of us another black eye.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

We have all probably done things that we knew were wrong or irresonable at the time we were doing them but we did them any way. Does this make us bad people ? Some one else will have to judge that.

I do know one thing if you do what you want to do without any regard of what the out come may be , you are wrong.

I see some of you think it is OK to trespass as long as it is owned by  some sort of company. Well it's not.

I see some of you think that people who would turn you in are a--holes , again your wrong.

I know we were all raised differantly from each other but the things you were taught may be wrong and you should be intelligant enough to make a concerted effert to correct the way you behave. I know this because it happened to me when I was growing up. I did correct my thinking and actions 180 degrees from what I was taught.


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