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Setting Hooks 2024

fishing user avatarLacustrine reply : 

I use a Revo SX 6:4:1 reel with a Ducket 7', fast speed, medium action, micro magic rod. When I try to set the hooks with worms even when the line is tight it always seems to pull the hook out of its mouth or the drag will keep the hook from setting even when the drag is set at around 8lbs for 10lbs test. What do I need to do different? 

fishing user avatarpaul. reply : 

you are going to get lots of answers on this as hooksets vary about as much as golf swings.  and there are A TON of variables that come into play.  in the end, you're gonna have to pick something that you are comfortable with and have confidence in.  with that said, i never let the line get completely "tight" before setting the hook.  if you do, the fish may feel you and be in the process of spitting the bait, which might or might not explain your trouble. 


i want a LITTLE slack in the line when i start the swing.  this helps generate momentum.  it's the difference in trying to drive a nail in with a hammer vs. trying to push it in. 


i am also bringing the butt of the rod into my ribs and the reel into my chest vs. trying to jerk over my head or away from my body.  this creates leverage.


those are your 2 ingredients in a good set - leverage and momentum.  this is worth a thousand words.  watch winch 'em out I and II.  nobody illustrates what i'm trying to say better than this guy.  set like this and you'll be air mailing fish to the boat.

fishing user avatarLacustrine reply : 

That makes since. Thanks.

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

I don't know about Ducket rods, but if the micro magic is an ultra light rod, you need to change your rod.  It doesn't have enough backbone in it to set the hook in the mouth of a bass of any size.  If you want to continue with that rod, make sure that when you set the hook, you set it HARD.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 3/4/2015 at 11:46 AM, paul. said:

you are going to get lots of answers on this as hooksets vary about as much as golf swings.  and there are A TON of variables that come into play.  in the end, you're gonna have to pick something that you are comfortable with and have confidence in.  with that said, i never let the line get completely "tight" before setting the hook.  if you do, the fish may feel you and be in the process of spitting the bait, which might or might not explain your trouble. 


i want a LITTLE slack in the line when i start the swing.  this helps generate momentum.  it's the difference in trying to drive a nail in with a hammer vs. trying to push it in. 


i am also bringing the butt of the rod into my ribs and the reel into my chest vs. trying to jerk over my head or away from my body.  this creates leverage.


those are your 2 ingredients in a good set - leverage and momentum.  this is worth a thousand words.  watch winch 'em out I and II.  nobody illustrates what i'm trying to say better than this guy.  set like this and you'll be air mailing fish to the boat.

X2 ~ !


I agree with Paul  - one can make much more of a hookset than what in presented here.


But that doesn't mean it's needed.


This covers it.



fishing user avatareverythingthatswims reply : 

There is no way you have it set on 8lbs of drag. Get a set of scales and see what it actually is. 


You can probably tighten it a little bit, just back it off once you hook the fish if you are worried about it.

fishing user avatarFishinthefish reply : 

Without seeing exactly what you're doing and or using it sounds like it could be three things if you're sure its a fish. You're setting the hook too early. The most common example of this is when you have a larger sized bait and the bass only has the tail end of it in its mouth. Another option is the hook set you're using is too hard. Try researching sweeping hook sets. The third option is the hook isn't an appropriate size for the fish you're catching. Too small of a hook and you may pierce the mouth but the fish will be quick to shake it out. Too big and if you don't get a good strong hook set and it won't penetrate far enough and again will head shake its way out. A far less common issue is over used hooks being far too dull. Either way try researching your gear and hook set technique. You also may want to try waiting an extra second or two on the hook set.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

What hook, line and how is the worm rigged?

A medium rod can't apply more than 4 lbs of pull or lifting force, you will brake the rod first.

A medium heavy or 4 power rod may be more appropriate. To resolve your problem try skin hooking the worm; run the point through and out the top of the worm exposing the point, pull the point back, pinch the worm and insert the point into thecworm skin just barely covering it.

Worm hook set can be a snap set; drop the rod tip a few inches, no more, then snap the rod back into the slightly slack line. The snap set works if bass ins't too far away, about 40' max. If the cast is longer and the bass is further away, you need to reel all the slack out and make a hard sweep set. Sweep sets work if the hook point is sharp, the line doesn't stretch a lot and the rod applies enough force to drive the hook past the barb.


fishing user avatarLacustrine reply : 

I am using 10lb mono with BPS #2 hooks and 4"-6" worms . After watching the rage video series it said to use braid. Won't the fish see the braid and would braid hurt micro guides? I was fishing last season and I could not catch a thing using 15lb mono, but my partner was using 8lb mono and reeling them left and right. Were the fish seeing the line or was it something else? The water was stained color.

Thanks for the replies.

fishing user avatarLacustrine reply : 
  On 3/4/2015 at 11:50 AM, everythingthatswims said:

There is no way you have it set on 8lbs of drag. Get a set of scales and see what it actually is. 


You can probably tighten it a little bit, just back it off once you hook the fish if you are worried about it.

O.K will do. Thanks.

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

#2 hooks? Ok, wacky rigged or? I believe your rod is to soft for a trig hook set, I use mono on baitcasting no problems ever on hard sets, with the right setup... I use medium rods for exposed hooks, wacky, open hook tube rigs,etc.. My guess is its NOT the line but rather your Duckett and hook..

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
  On 3/4/2015 at 12:02 PM, Lacustrine said:

I am using 10lb mono with BPS #2 hooks and 4"-6" worms . After watching the rage video series it said to use braid. Won't the fish see the braid and would braid hurt micro guides? I was fishing last season and I could not catch a thing using 15lb mono, but my partner was using 8lb mono and reeling them left and right. Were the fish seeing the line or was it something else? The water was stained color.

Thanks for the replies.

How are you rigging the worm? What style hook.and weight, Carolina, Texas, dplit shot, drop dhot ? 4" inch worm?


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I find most of my student's problem is not hook set technique but strike detection.

There is a length of time starting when the bass inhales your lure to when they spit it, if you are setting hook on the last half of that time frame it does not matter the hook set technique.

Watch Glen Lau's videos Bigmouth & Bigmouth Forever to understand how fast that bass is at spitting your lure.

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

Before I started targeting bass, I used to fish for any species with nightcrawlers.

I never set the hook with them, just let the fish swallow it and you'll hook him, right?

Well, once I started bass fishing, I was leery to set the hook, and didn't like soft plastics right away.

Then, I started fishing at a little creek by my house. Those fish excel in fast current conditions.

They'll strike your bait fast, and if you don't set the hook the instant you see your line twitch, you will find yourself without a bait.

So I learned there at the creek that setting the hook actually helps you. I still was using nightcrawlers occasionally then.

I found that I hooked so many more fish with nightcrawlers by raring back.

So then I finally discovered plastic worms. Setting the hook was a given. I've never had a problem with hooking fish.

Even though I fished with spincast and "fairy wands" exclusively for a while, I always set the hook as hard as I could. Never broke a rod.

When you see your line twitch, just rare back. I don't even "drop and reel" or "wait on point to see if there is a fish," I just set the hook. Hard.

You might try tightening up your drag. Once you have a fish on, you could loosen it.

Good luck.

fishing user avatarThornback reply : 

To each his own technique. When fishing for bass with a Texas rigged plastic worm the second I feel the bump of the bass sucking in my worm I lower my rod to give the bass a little slack. Then I watch as my line starts moving and then I set the hook straight up over my head with all my strength. If you set the hook at the first bump you could be setting the hook on a small pan fish who just bit the tail. If the line is moving, you are grooving.

fishing user avatarLacustrine reply : 
  On 3/4/2015 at 12:20 PM, Alonerankin2 said:

#2 hooks? Ok, wacky rigged or? 

Texas rigged.

fishing user avatarLacustrine reply : 
  On 3/4/2015 at 12:26 PM, WRB said:

How are you rigging the worm? What style hook.and weight, Carolina, Texas, dplit shot, drop dhot ? 4" inch worm?


I use a 1/4oz bullet weight. Mainly 6" worms with occasional 4" and 8".

fishing user avatarLacustrine reply : 
  On 3/4/2015 at 9:16 PM, Thornback said:

 If you set the hook at the first bump you could be setting the hook on a small pan fish who just bit the tail. If the line is moving, you are grooving.


fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

Upsize your hook, a #2 seems a bit small on a 6" & 8" plastic worm, on 4" I use 1/0, 6" to 8" 3/0

Use a Straight shank or a Round bend offset, I do not use ewg hooks here... You might also consider a more stout rod as well, as I remember, Duckett seems to run soft,

fishing user avatarThornback reply : 
  On 3/4/2015 at 9:48 PM, Lacustrine said:


Grooving or Groovy is used to express a good feeling.

fishing user avatarmatuka reply : 
  On 3/4/2015 at 10:46 PM, Alonerankin2 said:

Upsize your hook, a #2 seems a bit small on a 6" & 8" plastic worm, on 4" I use 1/0, 6" to 8" 3/0

Use a Straight shank or a Round bend offset, I do not use ewg hooks here... You might also consider a more stout rod as well, as I remember, Duckett seems to run soft,

For texas rigging, I'd agree here, particularly if you are buried the hook point. As well, if you are making long casts if stretchy line, you can't move enough line to set that hook well.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

With light 10 lb mono using a med power rod it's essential to use premium medium to light wire worm hooks.

Owner, Gamakatsu or Mustad Ultra point in size 3/0 for 6" to 7" worms, your tackle is too light for larger or fatter body worms with 4/0 hooks. Straight shank style hooks are higher % strike to hook set, off set styles work OK and easier to rig a worm onto straight skin hooked.

Larger size hooks will help you, set the drag at 3-4 lbs with a scale, if you need more use your thumb on the spool and increase your rod tip speed during the hook set. Med-hvy rod will help!

Good luck.


fishing user avatarLacustrine reply : 

Thanks. I usually poke the hook through the worm then put back in just below the surface. I will try to upgrade my hooks also.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

When using the 4"-6" worms with the tackle you have try finesse C-rig. All you need is a Glass faceted 8mm bead between your worm and weight, I always rig my T-rigs with a bead, adds a clicking sound. When you want to Finesse C-rig just peg the bead about 24" up the line. I use rubber Peg-It, quick and easy to change.

Make sure your hooks are sharp, the point should scratch your thumb nail when lightly slid across it.

Owner size 1/0 #5133 is ideal for the finesse worms.


fishing user avatarLacustrine reply : 
  On 3/4/2015 at 10:48 PM, Thornback said:

Grooving or Groovy is used to express a good feeling.

I thought you meant I was doing something wrong called "grooving".

fishing user avatarThornback reply : 
  On 3/5/2015 at 2:03 AM, Lacustrine said:

I thought you meant I was doing something wrong called "grooving".

My friend, if you are fishing, you ain't doing anything wrong :)
fishing user avatarkingmotorboat reply : 

May I suggest stepping up to some yo zuri hybrid also

fishing user avatarLacustrine reply : 
  On 3/5/2015 at 3:19 AM, kingmotorboat said:

May I suggest stepping up to some yo zuri hybrid also


O.K. Thanks for the suggestion. What is the advantages of this? less stretch? Also with one of my poles ( different pole) when I used fluorocarbon it shredded the string. Do I need a special kind of eye? I have micro guides. Also what weight would you recommend?

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
  On 3/5/2015 at 4:15 AM, Lacustrine said:

O.K. Tanks for the suggestion. What is the advantages of this? less stretch? Also with one of my poles ( different pole) when I used fluorocarbon it shredded the string. Do I need a special kind of eye? I have micro guides. Also what weight would you recommend?

What brand of mono line are you using now?


fishing user avatarEmersonFish reply : 

I personally wouldn't like the action of a Medium/Fast Duckett for T-Rigs, but if you have to use that rod, the advice above is important: Use the right size hook for the bait; preferably a very good quality, lighter wire hook, and make sure it is rigged exactly right.

Also, don't get too caught up in worrying about setting your drag loose enough so you do not break your line, particularly if you are using mono. Between the stretch in that line, and your relatively light rod, you can tighten your drag more than you might think. If you never stick the fish, it don't matter how you set the drag anyway.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

You're on the right forum! Lots of great advice from 

the gang.

And welcome aboard!

fishing user avatarLacustrine reply : 
  On 3/5/2015 at 4:39 AM, WRB said:

What brand of mono line are you using now?


I am using some Trilene 10lb. A guy who worked for Bassmasters gave me a couple of boxes. It is about 4 years old though.

fishing user avatarLacustrine reply : 
  On 3/5/2015 at 4:58 AM, DarrenM said:

You're on the right forum! Lots of great advice from 

the gang.

And welcome aboard!

Thanks. Been reading for a while, but I just made an account now. Thinking about joining in college team and I am trying to get ready for that.

fishing user avatarkingmotorboat reply : 
  On 3/5/2015 at 4:15 AM, Lacustrine said:

O.K. Thanks for the suggestion. What is the advantages of this? less stretch? Also with one of my poles ( different pole) when I used fluorocarbon it shredded the string. Do I need a special kind of eye? I have micro guides. Also what weight would you recommend?

Less stretch abrasion resistance strength and sensitivity. Do you have a casting reel or spin
fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
  On 3/5/2015 at 5:21 AM, Lacustrine said:

I am using some Trilene 10lb. A guy who worked for Bassmasters gave me a couple of boxes. It is about 4 years old though.

XT, XL and Big Game are all good lines. Just keep the extra spools in cool dark storage. Test your line when tying knots, Palomar knot works good for worm hooks and jigs, Trilene knot good for bigger lures. Wrap the line around your hand a few times and give it the jerk test, if it breaks change your line, no reason to save worn out line.


fishing user avatarLacustrine reply : 
  On 3/5/2015 at 5:33 AM, kingmotorboat said:

Less stretch abrasion resistance strength and sensitivity. Do you have a casting reel or spin


fishing user avatarLacustrine reply : 
  On 3/5/2015 at 5:34 AM, WRB said:

XT, XL and Big Game are all good lines. Just keep the extra spools in cool dark storage. Test your line when tying knots, Palomar knot works good for worm hooks and jigs, Trilene knot good for bigger lures. Wrap the line around your hand a few times and give it the jerk test, if it breaks change your line, no reason to save worn out line.


I think it is XT.

fishing user avatarkingmotorboat reply : 
  On 3/5/2015 at 5:41 AM, Lacustrine said:


It's definitely a line for you to try many guys here on br pointed me in that direction. I went to yo zuri from fluoro and haven't went back

fishing user avatarLacustrine reply : 
  On 3/5/2015 at 5:43 AM, kingmotorboat said:

It's definitely a line for you to try many guys here on br pointed me in that direction. I went to yo zuri from fluoro and haven't went back

I'll give it a try.

fishing user avatarpaul. reply : 

you could also try using weedless hooks like these until you get your timing and swing down.  these remain snagless (as long as you don't get careless in rocks or wood), don't require as much pressure to set, and give you a much wider margin for error. 

fishing user avatarLacustrine reply : 
  On 3/5/2015 at 9:36 AM, paul. said:

you could also try using weedless hooks like these until you get your timing and swing down.  these remain snagless (as long as you don't get careless in rocks or wood), don't require as much pressure to set, and give you a much wider margin for error. 


fishing user avatarLacustrine reply : 

Thanks for all the great info.

fishing user avatarBassmanDan reply : 
  On 3/4/2015 at 9:16 PM, Thornback said:

To each his own technique.


This is so true...I would just add that I own almost all of the major brands of rods including a 7 ft MH Duckett Micro I bought 4 years ago just for worm and jig fishing.


After missing so many bass it is now a jerkbait rod. Great sensitivity but you need a H or XH for worms and jigs with this rod in my opinion.


That and don't forget to eat your Wheaties.

fishing user avatarLacustrine reply : 
  On 3/5/2015 at 12:38 PM, BassmanDan said:

This is so true...I would just add that I own almost all of the major brands of rods including a 7 ft MH Duckett Micro I bought 4 years ago just for worm and jig fishing.


After missing so many bass it is now a jerkbait rod. Great sensitivity but you need a H or XH for worms and jigs with this rod in my opinion.


That and don't forget to eat your Wheaties.

I am going to have to win a few more tournaments to be able to afford another Duckett, but I know a heavier rod probably would make a difference.

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 
  On 3/5/2015 at 11:50 PM, Lacustrine said:

I am going to have to win a few more tournaments to be able to afford another Duckett, but I know a heavier rod probably would make a difference.

I know what your saying.. But you won't win trigging doing it the aforementioned method.. Got to upsize those hooks & increase your rods power

You can find plenty of uses for that medium, even wacky or tube/jig combo, even throwing smaller crankbaits.. Good luck though..

fishing user avatarjcdogfish reply : 

Here's another 2 cents worth.  Unless you are using a very soft rod I don't think the rod, line is the problem.  Skin hook a good wide gap sharp hook and you can get it set pretty good with any rod with any backbone at all.  Most of the time I don't think you can set the hook too early.  There are times when they are mouthing it or when swimming it I tend to give it a little time but that comes with experience and being able to see what the fish is doing.  Keep your rod tip below 11 o clock, preferably 10 which means work the plastics from 8 to 10 oclock or so.  This puts you in position to when you feel the strike you can drop the rod a little, reel up the slack and set the hook.keeping the rod in front of you and in good control.  Tie off to a branch on a bush and practice this a few times and you will see how much pressure even with a softer rod you put on a fish with the hook set.  when you can afford to upgrade to a better setup but its still the same process.  Next problem, landing the fish.  If your rod is extremely soft it could be an issue in grass, deep water and cover but concentrate on hooking them first.  You will soon be able to tell if its a sunfish nibbling or a bass most of the time.  Also, unless you are fishing a very heavily pressured area, or very clear water go to 14 or maybe even 17 lb flouro. When I say reel up the slack for me that is about 2 cranks on the handle.  if you are taller, or use a longer rod etc it may be 3 or so.  You can figure that out when tied to the bush.  The thing with plastics or a jig is the fish will sometimes suck it up and stay put and sometimes pick it up and truck away with it.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

"If you do what you've always will get what you've always got!"

Ya are slow pulling the trigger! ;)

fishing user avatarLacustrine reply : 



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