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Re: Ask your LMB questions here! 2024

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Who was the first Million Dollar Angler?

fishing user avatarEddie Munster reply : 

How many LMB did I catch yesterday?

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

So how does a Google search show you LMB knowledge?

Any one wanting to know bass fishing needs to learn its roots.

What are the effects of LMBV on largemouth bass populations or fishing success?

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

What are your thoughts on the stocking of grass carp to control the aquatic vegation issues in our lakes.

Give me the pros and cons dealing with the property owner associations versus the angling rights groups when it comes to these issues.

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
I will also use this thread as part of my resume for online sponsors to show my fishing knowledge.

I'm pretty sure you'll re-think that one in a day or two.

fishing user avatarnickb reply : 

You know, fishermen sure do get a bad rap.  There are so many stereotypes about how fishermen are dumb hillbillies.  But there is obviously a lot more to it than most people, who don't fish, can see.  I've been fishing for a while, and was thinking that I might be able to tackle some of these questions. Ha, NOT!

First off, I don't even know what LMBV is.  Secondly, I have no idea what kind of effect carp has on bass, whether it's dealing with grass or not.  

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
Who was the first Million Dollar Angler?

Rick Clunn. We older folks have learned at 19 we knew it all and as we aged we realized we know a few things.


fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

JJ, do you have any burning questions about bass fishing that we may be able to answer for you? As you can see, we have all the answers, just need questions.

Does knowing what the environmental impact on evasive species like grass carp help you to become a professional bass fishermen?

Answer; yes & no. If you asked the top Elite BASS pro's that question, a few could give you song & verse, however they will know what a grass carp is.


fishing user avatarTin reply : 

If you want sponsors it's about catching, not knowledge.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

I 'm 45, been fishing since I was 9 ( 36 years ago ), bass fishing for the past 29 years ( trout fisherman originally ... well you gotta start somewhere !  ::) ) and I still are in the process of learning, who knows  ? maybe by the time I reach 90 I will know all there is to know about bass fishing.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
If you want sponsors it's about catching, not knowledge.

It's about promoting and selling the sponsors products, catching bass may help to land a sponsor. There are a lot of good bass fishermen who can catch bass and never be able to make a living bass fishing.


fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 
You know, fishermen sure do get a bad rap. There are so many stereotypes about how fishermen are dumb hillbillies. But there is obviously a lot more to it than most people, who don't fish, can see. I've been fishing for a while, and was thinking that I might be able to tackle some of these questions. Ha, NOT!

First off, I don't even know what LMBV is. Secondly, I have no idea what kind of effect carp has on bass, whether it's dealing with grass or not.

LMBV: Largemouth Bass Virus

If you don't know what  effects (Good or Bad) grass carp can have on a fishery, it all depends on who you ask. The questions are important enough that BASS devotes an entire section of BASS Times to enviromental issues just like this. Pick up a copy or research it when you get time.

Clean water issues, quagga mussels, water rights, land rights, ballast water, invasive species, etc. are all part of the equation. If you think it is unimportant, just read up on it and see.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Good start. The purpose of my questions was to make you look. The more you know and can carry on a conversation pertaining to subjects like these will stand you out from the others. I promise you eventually questions like these will come up and you need to know at least the basics.

Good job!

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
Who was the first Million Dollar Angler?

Rick Clunn. We older folks have learned at 19 we knew it all and as we aged we realized we know a few things.


Larry Nixon whose hometown is Bee Branch, began guiding fishermen before he was in high school. He joined the professional bass fishermen's ranks more than 30 years ago. He's had 89 top 10 finishes with 16 wins, including Bassmasters Classic. Nixon became fishing's first million-dollar winner and was named Bass Angler of the Year in 1980 and 1982. Only angler to win 4 Megabucks tournaments including 3 in a row. He is a member of the Arkansas Outdoor Hall of Fame.

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

I make a living bass fishing. I learned a valuable lesson a lot of years ago. When you think you have the answers wait a few more years and you will realize you didn't. This fish will teach you that no answer is correct, as in factual. Bass know no rules, live by no rules, and most often get caught by a moment of good luck.

Learn your body of water, go to what seems like a likely spot, throw what seems a likely bait, don't drop your rod in the water, and perhaps a bass may deign to bite your bait and come aboard for a visit. Then again, perhaps the only bite you get is by some type of bug. :D

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
I make a living bass fishing. I learned a valuable lesson a lot of years ago. When you think you have the answers wait a few more years and you will realize you didn't. This fish will teach you that no answer is correct, as in factual. Bass know no rules, live by no rules, and most often get caught by a moment of good luck.

Learn your body of water, go to what seems like a likely spot, throw what seems a likely bait, don't drop your rod in the water, and perhaps a bass may deign to bite your bait and come aboard for a visit. Then again, perhaps the only bite you get is by some type of bug. :D

About the time you think you have the bass figured outthey will prove you don't ;)  

Ok first off I never said I know all there is to LMB fishing no one does.

Fishing is easyit's the catching that's hard!

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

Do bass dream and if so, how would it know if it had a wet dream?  

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
Who was the first Million Dollar Angler?

Rick Clunn. We older folks have learned at 19 we knew it all and as we aged we realized we know a few things.


Larry Nixon whose hometown is Bee Branch, began guiding fishermen before he was in high school. He joined the professional bass fishermen's ranks more than 30 years ago. He's had 89 top 10 finishes with 16 wins, including Bassmasters Classic. Nixon became fishing's first million-dollar winner and was named Bass Angler of the Year in 1980 and 1982. Only angler to win 4 Megabucks tournaments including 3 in a row. He is a member of the Arkansas Outdoor Hall of Fame.

Interesting and listed on the Arkansas site as Nixon. B.A.S.S. however listed Clunn. Could it be that Nixon was the first million winner for one tournament? or BASS was in error.


fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
Do bass dream and if so, how would it know if it had a wet dream?

Touche' Cart!! :)

JJ- I've been fishing over 25 yrs, but even still I learn. Some of the particular guys trying to give you advice here have forgotten more than I ever knew,...heed their experience and wisdom.

1 thing always remains the same though, the pursuit of knowledge, your ears and eyes need to be bigger than your mouth.

I mean,...sure, we could sit here and stump each other with questions like,...."Does color matter?" but If you REALLY want to test your knowledge, go fishing ;)  If you come home smiling,....having caught or not,'ve figured out enough.

fishing user avatarnickb reply : 

No one is saying that. They may be putting you in your place.  You might realize it, but you're coming off a bit arrogant.  Just re-read your posts, you'll see. is no place to get upset at anyone.  These guys are just trying to help you out.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
LBH, everyone keeps saying go fishing etc.. What the heck do you guys think i do all day? Any chance i get a free hour im at a pond, lake, river.. I fish 2-4 Tournaments a month. All which involve pre fishing.

Fishing is a lot about knowledge and no one can know it all. But you need it to know where the fish will be at certain times of the year. If you just drive to a lake drop your boat in, without taking consideration to the water temp, Water clarity, Time of the year, Weather etc.. You will never be good. All this thread was supposed to be was for people that had a few question about catching spawning bass etc.. Stuff like that. But some people become immature and mis read everything and take it as im saying i know it all im king. When i never had said that.


No, don't get defensive. You are offering a place where people can ask questions about LMB but look around, you posted the question on the biggest board on the net that is designed to do just that!  

I'm sure people appreciate your offer to answer their questions, but they already have a whole board, broken down into 18 specific subcategories where they can get answers from everyone pro's and manufacturers all the way down to the weekend warrior.  You're on it right now!

If you need to gauge how good you are or aren't,..... compete.  If not, just go fishing, see what I mean?  

Not knocking you down, we're just confused as to what you actually want.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

i've read the whole thread and i agree thoroughly with these two posts by nickb and LBH:

No one is saying that. They may be putting you in your place.  You might realize it, but you're coming off a bit arrogant.  Just re-read your posts, you'll see. is no place to get upset at anyone.  These guys are just trying to help you out.

No, don't get defensive.  You are offering a place where people can ask questions about LMB but look around, you posted the question on the biggest board on the net that is designed to do just that!  

I'm sure people appreciate your offer to answer their questions, but they already have a whole board, broken down into 18 specific subcategories where they can get answers from everyone pro's and manufacturers all the way down to the weekend warrior.  You're on it right now!

If you need to gauge how good you are or aren't,..... compete.  If not, just go fishing, see what I mean?  

Not knocking you down, we're just confused as to what you actually want.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Hey Young Man: why don't you try it the other way around and ask the fellas  what you need to know. Put up your observations and ask specific questions, I promise you your memory will start getting full as you keep saving all the wonderful information

 There will be some answers word for word out of books and magazines, you will spot those after a while. Stick to the guys with real experience and your fishing knowledge will improve more than you dreamed


fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

How many scales does a LMB have?

fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : 
I have fished for 17yrs now. I am 19yrs old


fishing user avatarTin reply : 

You haven't learned the first rule of bass fishing...

Once you think you have them figured out, you don't.

fishing user avatarJuniorFisherJJ08 reply : 

I have two question for only the posters above.  

Why should i take advice from you? What have you done with your fishing career?

After all the posts, I have those 2 questions to ask you guys.

I have competed in 100's of tournaments in my lifetime so far with 100's more to follow.

I have 43 first place finishes, approx 21 second places finishes, and approx 39 3rds, with countless 4ths and 5ths. there has only been 8 tournaments i have placed worse than 6th. I hold 2 different lake records, and 3 club records. Which i have broken my own more than once. I won the Bass masters kids casting local, regional tournament and got 3rd at nationals. Im competing in the College Flw in 2010.. along with a few other opens and club tourneys.

So above is what i have done with 17yrs of knowledge what have some of you done with 30-40???¿¿¿ :o

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Nobody is knocking you. I think most are confused and to be honest, I'm just as confused as they are. It seems like you've created one thread that covers this whole website. Are the members supposed to post all future questions in this thread and this thread only, no matter what? Thats what it sounds like. If thats the case, we'll only have this one thread. Thats no fun.

If you want to 'prove' to potential sponsors that you are trying to help other anglers, read through all the threads that are already going and if you have something to add to them, do it. Then point the potential sponsors to your profile where they can read every post you've ever made.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

So above is what i have done with 17yrs of knowledge what have some of you done with 30-40???¿¿¿ :o

Learn humility.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Wow, really now? Sponsors are going to come running at you and waving money in your face.

And in 5 years of tourney fishing I have almost 40 wins. Can't what to see what I have in 17... ::)

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
I have two question for only the posters above.

Why should i take advice from you? What have you done with your fishing career?

After all the posts, I have those 2 questions to ask you guys.

I have competed in 100's of tournaments in my lifetime so far with 100's more to follow.

I have 43 first place finishes, approx 21 second places finishes, and approx 39 3rds, with countless 4ths and 5ths. there has only been 8 tournaments i have placed worse than 6th. I hold 2 different lake records, and 3 club records. Which i have broken my own more than once. I won the Bass masters kids casting local, regional tournament and got 3rd at nationals. Im competing in the College Flw in 2010.. along with a few other opens and club tourneys.

So above is what i have done with 17yrs of knowledge what have some of you done with 30-40???¿¿¿ :o

Would your 'sponsors' approve of this behavior? People are trying their best to "show you the way" and you want to get into a ticking match about credentials? Are you for real?

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

It's useless to try. He obviously knows it all...

But then again so do I.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
It's useless to try. He obviously knows it all...

I guess he does but how do we know that what he's saying is the truth?

I would think with that many wins and only being 19, we would have probably heard his name going around the internet by now? No?

fishing user avatarJuniorFisherJJ08 reply : 

FBL, they aren't FLW tour or BASS fed tourneys. I wont be fishing those until 2010 Those are tourneys across the state and through my 17 yrs of fishing i won my first tourney at age 4. Also, if you live in eastern Ohio and fish you probably would of heard my name somewhere i was in all the local papers etc.. watch for me on the College FLW in 2010 I would of been there this year but i couldn't get the club going at my local college.

Kill this thread..No one can take a teenager serious, because naturally the elders know best 100% of the time.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

We know him. It's actually Ryan's arrogant alter-ego that comes out after being emasculated by needles and furry hoodies. I knew he had it in him somewhere. ;D

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
i won my first tourney at age 4.

I didn't realize opening day trout derbies counted.

Kill this thread..No one can take a teenager serious, because naturally the elders know best 100% of the time.

No, there are a few of us that are taken seriously. If you want respect you need to give it.

fishing user avatarpaul. reply : 

how ironic junior.  you apparently started this thread to share your wisdom with others, yet more and more the only wisdom i see here is what others are trying to share with you.  

lots of great advice in this thread, the best of which is found in catt's sig. line. ;)  

fishing user avatarJuniorFisherJJ08 reply : 

Also, i have giving you my credentials, and why you should take your advice from me. I live and i learn EVERYDAY just like you guys.  I have devoted every second, of almost every hour to fishing and will continue to do so until im on top one day.

As for Bragging there it was probably out of line, but i think you guys thought i was a 12yr old or something pulling some BS out of my pants.  I know alot of information on LMB and would love to share it with everyone. If some of you older fellows are willing to listen to a younger fellow maybe we both can learn something from it.  This thread has gotten me angry, everyone keeps saying the same thing. Say something different and STANDOUT.  Its like bass fishing u cant win every tournament on 1 lure...

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
This thread has gotten me angry, everyone keeps saying the same thing. Say something different and STANDOUT.  

Just when I thought you had taken Burley's advice...boom....another challange....  

fishing user avatarJuniorFisherJJ08 reply : 
how ironic junior. you apparently started this thread to share your wisdom with others, yet more and more the only wisdom i see here is what others are trying to share with you.

lots of great advice in this thread, the best of which is found in catt's sig. line. ;)

Exactly. My point. I don't mind people posting the answers to others questions here. But if i don't ask you a question or for advice  i do not want advice from you.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Look man, we wish you all the best in your college fishing career and you'd have your own cheering section here if you played your cards right. Once you start to fish against higher competition, as in FLW or BASS, you may find that you need to come on here and get some advice once in a while.

Just ask senko77, he's probably still younger than you and he's won an AOY Title in a tough BFL Division. Thats not real easy to do. He's a great fisherman but he gets a lot of his info on these forums....ask him, he'll tell you. We have all watched him grow up right on this website and I'd be willing to bet he WILL GO PRO one day. He has the drive, the humility, the knowledge and is getting better everyday.

fishing user avatarbmadd reply : 

Easy buddy. What school are you going to be fishing with next year? I fish with UT Martin and would love to meet you one day.

The members here, old and young alike, are willing to learn from someone, young or old, as long as that person is respectful and easy to talk to. Lots of people ask questions every hour on here, cruise around and pass the time you're not out there on the water helping these folks with what you know and what you've learned.

This is the best place for those who know everything and those who don't.

fishing user avatarJuniorFisherJJ08 reply : 
This thread has gotten me angry, everyone keeps saying the same thing. Say something different and STANDOUT.

Just when I thought you had taken Burley's advice...boom....another challenge....

Listen, Im not trying to be a jerk... Maybe its because i got stuck working and couldn't fish today, or maybe its nerves for Thursdays tourney i need to pre fish for, Maybe its work, or maybe its school.. Maybe its a mixture of it all..

Im sorry to all. Congratulations yo have defeated me.. I shall add that to my loss record..

BTW what place did i get 2nd? 3rd? 4th? :D

Im just kidding don't get mad fellas.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

3 pages of thread and ......... where 's Irene ?  :-?

fishing user avatarJuniorFisherJJ08 reply : 
Easy buddy. What school are you going to be fishing with next year? I fish with UT Martin and would love to meet you one day.

The members here, old and young alike, are willing to learn from someone, young or old, as long as that person is respectful and easy to talk to. Lots of people ask questions every hour on here, cruise around and pass the time you're not out there on the water helping these folks with what you know and what you've learned.

This is the best place for those who know everything and those who don't.

Im the president of OUE's fishing Club in Ohio we will be on there in a few months once we can locate a proper club advisor.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
3 pages of thread and ......... where 's Irene ? :-?

I know, I never get to have this much fun.  ;D

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
3 pages of thread and ......... where 's Irene ? :-?

Nursing a box of wine at the end of the bar.   :D

fishing user avatarJuniorFisherJJ08 reply : 
3 pages of thread and ......... where 's Irene ? :-?

I know, I never get to have this much fun. ;D

i knew i was good for something...

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
3 pages of thread and ......... where 's Irene ? :-?

She's on her way....some things needed to be said before she got here.


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