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Anyone here not enjoy sight fishing?? 2024

fishing user avatarshimmy reply : 

I have a serious weakness in the spawn. I do not like to sight fish and don't find it as entertaining even if it means catching the bass of a lifetime. I know this goes against the grain. The part i enjoy most about fishing is going to a great spot, takin a cast, and not knowing how big of a fish i might catch at any moment. To me it is like opening up a Christmas gift every time i hook into a big bass. Like any Christmas gift, i do not enjoy knowing what it is before hand. Now, i have nothing against anyone who sight fishes since i'd think most bass fisherman do this. Just wondering if anyone else feels the same. If i was in a tournament, i woud definitely sight fish but just wouldn't enjoy the big fish as much. Even when i have caught some nice ones sight fishing, it just seems to take away from the catch for me.

Do i stand alone in this?

fishing user avatardinkman reply : 

You're not alone on this, I grew up never sight fishing and if I saw a fish on the bed my dad told me to leave it alone so it could just spawn in peace.  I have done it on occasion during the spring when I started tourney fishing but I hate the idea of sitting on a spot for an hour trying to catch one fish, seems a little too easy sometimes when they are just sitting there and you can basically wait em out until they bite.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

You might be surprised, there are a lot

of us that NEVER intentionally bed fish...


fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Not on purpose unless i happen to run across a big one locked on. Otherwise I stay away. Most of you are bed fishing without even knowing it. Those fish you are catching out in 5-10' of water are many times on the bed and you just happen to drag a lure across it.

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 
You might be surprised, there are a lot

of us that NEVER intentionally bed fish...


I agree 100%, I would never purposely target a bedding fish...

fishing user avatarBig Bass Chaser reply : 

I try not to, besides the bigger females hanging around just deeper than the beds getting ready to spawn are often aggressive biters or at least reaction biters. 

fishing user avatarNicky Greece reply : 

   The majority of places that I fish, its almost impossible to sight fish...   Either that, or I dont fully understand the concept.  Its just that most of my waters are so murky / muddy, you cant see more than 2-3 feet under the water, not to mention 10 + ft beds...

fishing user avatarbackpain... reply : 

I have only ever done it once when I was a teenager. I saw a big female under the edge of a dock guarding her nest. I got her to take an unweighted nightcrawler. After I brought her in (she barely fought) and released her I felt totally guilty. I have not done it intentionally since.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

I don't bed fish. I have, but now leave them be. Somehow bed fishing feels cheap to me. The fish won't swim away really and it's only a matter of time. And through all that time I feel like I'm just harassing them. I don't disrespect others for doing it -I know there's a whole game there that some people love. It's just not for me.

Now sight fishing at other seasons is a different story. I've learned an awful lot sight fishing to bass in various scenarios. It's all good. I will say this though, sight fishing can be pretty frustrating -realizing how many bass aren't fooled, and darned fascinating figuring out just what DOES work.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 
Now sight fishing at other seasons is a different story. I've learned an awful lot sight fishing to bass in various scenarios. It's all good. I will say this though, sight fishing can be pretty frustrating -realizing how many bass aren't fooled, and darned fascinating figuring out just what DOES work.

90% of the time nothing works...for me.

I don't sight fish...I just don't enjoy it either.I rather be casting to structures,drop offs and current breaks.I prefer the game Hide,cast and seek with them. ;D

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I don't purposely look for beds but if I run across one with a big bass on it I'll fish it ;)

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 
You might be surprised, there are a lot

of us that NEVER intentionally bed fish...


I agree 100%, I would never purposely target a bedding fish...

I do not intentionally target bedding bass either. As has been said, if you fish much this time of year you've likely caught spawning fish.

I don't have any ethical problems with it if the fish are released immediately.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Yes, I can never seem to be able see and look for the bigger fish in deeper water. lol

If they are in 4' or less I can get them, any deeper or in lakes that don't have much visibility I'm in trouble. Spawn tournies are my biggest weakness. I enjoy sight fishing more than any other type of fishing because you can see the fish eat and learn new things about presentations.

fishing user avatarBass_Akwards reply : 
I don't purposely look for beds but if I run across one with a big bass on it I'll fish it ;)


fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

I enjoy sight fishing.

It thrills me to no end watching a bass get pizzed off at a swimbait or jig.  Seeing a fish's mood change is interesting to me.

I'm all about catching fish.  If sight fishing is the technique that promises the most or biggest fish of the day, that is what I will be doing.

fishing user avatarstratosjoe reply : 

No sight/bed fishing for me! that would be like being yanked while I was well we won't got  there.... leavem alone till they move out and rest up a little :D

fishing user avatarBigEbass reply : 

I have not learned really to date - this is my 3rd season of fishing at this point - my first season started post spawn, my second season had spawn and we tried to catch a few off the bed unsuccessfully - it clearly take a certain degree of skill to do it at times - a skill I have not really honed - and I am not all that interested to hone it necessarily.

Somehow it does seem lets sporting to catch that big one off the bed, but it aint a gimme I think - so if you can do it, then you have skill perhaps.  But my question is, does it adversely affect the fish population...?? I have no idea really, but it seems at least generally logical that if you pull the bass off the bed, it could be to some extent some of the time deleterious - but wheater it is enough to really matter I am not clear??

So my answer is to your question - I dont know yet really  :)

Is there compelling evidence that this practice is bad for the bass population?  Oh I hate to ask this question, so many people will take a side and get all reved up - lets all be nice now kids  ;)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

No...the evidence is quite the contrary. Bed

fishing has no impact on bass populations.

An example that I'm familiar with is Lake

Fork, TX. This is arguably one of the highest

pressured lakes in the South and is particularly

busy during the spawn. Yet, the lake continues

to produce both numbers and Share Lunkers!


fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 
I have not learned really to date - this is my 3rd season of fishing at this point - my first season started post spawn, my second season had spawn and we tried to catch a few off the bed unsuccessfully - it clearly take a certain degree of skill to do it at times - a skill I have not really honed - and I am not all that interested to hone it necessarily.

Somehow it does seem lets sporting to catch that big one off the bed, but it aint a gimme I think - so if you can do it, then you have skill perhaps. But my question is, does it adversely affect the fish population...?? I have no idea really, but it seems at least generally logical that if you pull the bass off the bed, it could be to some extent some of the time deleterious - but wheater it is enough to really matter I am not clear??

So my answer is to your question - I dont know yet really :)

Is there compelling evidence that this practice is bad for the bass population? Oh I hate to ask this question, so many people will take a side and get all reved up - lets all be nice now kids ;)

I'll give you the quick-n-dirty:

In the north there is some strong evidence that doing so affects bass production. In the south this has not been shown to be the case. But even in the north, the trend is toward teh relaxation of such regs. Some states (with the cash and incentive) are moving toward specific water management as they home in on causal factors. It's a balance of offering opportunity vs protecting future opportunity.

fishing user avatarflorida strain reply : 

I enjoy sight fishing.

It thrills me to no end watching a bass get pizzed off at a swimbait or jig. Seeing a fish's mood change is interesting to me.

I'm all about catching fish. If sight fishing is the technique that promises the most or biggest fish of the day, that is what I will be doing.


x2 i enjoy watching the fish hit the lure and feel it at the same time

fishing user avatarjdw174 reply : 

I have to stand with the OP on this one.  I have no desire to sight fish whatsoever.  I won't say that I've never caught a bass off of a bed, but it wasn't because I could see the bed and was trying to do so.

fishing user avatarA.Do? reply : 

I've never done it but was just looking up a topic on it when I saw this post!

What are the known cons of bed fishing?

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

I enjoy sight fishing, watching those gills flare and the bait disappearing is a rush. The fight is quick and I always release the bass immediately.

If I spot a bed, but can't get the fish to offer within a few minutes I'll mark the spot in my head, usually with a landmark of some sort, and come back later. When I come back I'll cast to the landmark from a distance and have had good luck getting that fish to bite.

If someone convinces me that I'm hurting the bass population I will stop.

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Love sight fishing! however it can be VERY humbling. to see a big bass that simply will not take the bait. I am a good sight fisherman but I dont win every battle. some fish wont even let me fish for them. Most of the ones that do let me fish for them and stick around I can get. But sometimes I loose. Probably the biggest frustation is the wind. Wind is very bad!

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Agreed Matt! I struggled with a fish that was clearly over 15 for 9 hours a few years ago. She never so much as nipped at a bait.

fishing user avatarrookiesmallmouther reply : 

ive tried it but dont understand it i have poor eye sight and wearing sunglasses makes my vision feel worse and dizzy! im just use to guessing were they are not looking at them because really i never seen them in the water. i never really liked sunglasses i dont like how they make everything feel so dim and gloomy rather stare at the colorful outdoors around me

fishing user avatarwounded minnow reply : 
I have a serious weakness in the spawn. I do not like to sight fish and don't find it as entertaining even if it means catching the bass of a lifetime. I know this goes against the grain. The part i enjoy most about fishing is going to a great spot, takin a cast, and not knowing how big of a fish i might catch at any moment. To me it is like opening up a Christmas gift every time i hook into a big bass. Like any Christmas gift, i do not enjoy knowing what it is before hand. Now, i have nothing against anyone who sight fishes since i'd think most bass fisherman do this. Just wondering if anyone else feels the same. If i was in a tournament, i woud definitely sight fish but just wouldn't enjoy the big fish as much. Even when i have caught some nice ones sight fishing, it just seems to take away from the catch for me.

Do i stand alone in this?

I would have to completely agree with you...

fishing user avatarBigEbass reply : 
ive tried it but dont understand it i have poor eye sight and wearing sunglasses makes my vision feel worse and dizzy! im just use to guessing were they are not looking at them because really i never seen them in the water. i never really liked sunglasses i dont like how they make everything feel so dim and gloomy rather stare at the colorful outdoors around me

Off topic and sorta silly, but I am not sure if you have tried various colors of sunglasses - the different tints actually improve color saturation and reduce glare and in many instances enhance contrast and color and possibly improve the experience - although it is all subjective really - whatever YOU like is what matters - but if you havent tried different colors, give it a whirl - I personally like amber lenses - it really improves color saturation and puts an ease on my eyes from harsh sun's reflections and such....but I am sure you have tried it - it just may not be for you :)

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

BigEbass is right to enhance contrast, brown and copper-colored tints are often best; under low lighting conditions, yellow (for low-light and overcast conditions), amber, orange, and red tints are also good choices for contrast enhancement.

fishing user avatar90x reply : 

i prefer to fish where the water is mirky enough to not see the bottom. It adds to the excitement of not realizing what you are going to catch. I prefer to fish where I do not know if the fish are. If I sight fish and do not see a fish, its very disappointing. I like the thrill of the mystery.

fishing user avatarnorthern basser reply : 

I see that nobody has posted for a while but I wanted to add my 2 cents worth.  I don't bed fish.  Most of the time our season would make it impossible, but I'm sure there are times when it could occur.  However,  my answer to the topic is that i enjoy sight fishing ON OCCASION.  My experience with it was fall time though.  During the northern Minnesota fall smallie gourgefest.  During the middle of the day on a very clear lake my dad and I would spot roaming smallies and cast a #9 orig. floating rapala near them, twitch it and they would fight over it. Very exiciting.  I agree with earlier posts though.  I would rather be surprised.  We've only been lucky enough to truly sight fish like that a few times. Change is good.

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

I wouldn't go out of my way to sight fish. Usually the fish around here are either real spooky, or just ignor what you toss in front of them. So, I don't enjoy sight fishing.

fishing user avatarMuad Dib reply : 

im not sure how i feel about this. i like to hook a fish and not be aware of how big it is. but i do like to fly fish by site fishing. it is also really challenging to sight fish. considering that you need a high sun and clear water you have good chances of spooking fish. so id say i like sight fishing but favor not seeing the fish untill i lip it.

fishing user avatarpitchNbass reply : 

The only water I fish in the spring is a private lake that has like 16" of visibility. I have sight fished before and it's so rare when I get the chance, it's kind of fun to see the fish take the lure. Although I've never sight fished a spawning bass.

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 


fishing user avatarChris reply : 

I like to sight fish and most of my shallow clear water fish are caught by sight fishing. I also love the challenge of bed fishing.

fishing user avatarsethv reply : 

I love sight fishing smallies!!

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

I used to do heaps of sight-fishing in Ontario, New Jersey, South Carolina and Georgia.

Sight-fishing is very absorbing, very challenging and very entertaining.

However, anglers who think that bed-fishing is a quick shortcut to a trophy bass,

have not done much bed fishing. Yes, the bucks on the bedding flats are a cakewalk,

and are easily caught without even being seen. Cow bass are a horse of another color,

and are very aloof on the bed.

Since we've been living in Florida (1998), I've done very little bed fishing.

Mainly because the eutrophic natural lakes that I prefer to fish

have water visibility that averages about 9¾"...LOL.


fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

I will NOT sight fish, NO fun to me catching em that way!

fishing user avatarthetr20one reply : 

I sight fish when I am walking my couple of unpressured honey hole because because I return the fish immediatly and, more often than not I can walk back by a little later and they are back on nest as if nothing happened. Tournament wise I will spend a few minutes to see if they are willing to bite but, will move on quickly if they are not aggressive or spook easily.

fishing user avatarUGLY STIK reply : 

I dont sight fish...I leave the spawns alone...I enjoy the suprise of not seeing him until he is hooked.  :o

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

i get a major rush just from seeing big fish on beds. sight fishing for them is so much fun to me. only thing i don't like is the short fight if you do hook up (since you're often so close to the beds).

fishing user avatartimothy_spain reply : 

Sight fishing is one of the most frustrating things ever!  So I don't do it. 

fishing user avatarbassman31783 reply : 

Love to sight fish. 

Hate it when the wind picks up when I'm sight fishing  >:(

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Mattlures, Fourbizz, Bassman, and anyone who enjoys sight fishing, but who know how challenging, and downright frustrating it can be, I totally agree !

And wind !!!!! URRGGGG ! I DESPISE WIND ! 1 mph is more than I prefer when I'm sight fishing.... but 10 to 15 mph is about normal :( Stinking wind !

To anyone who doesn't want to know how big a fish is until they lip it, that's all fine and good, but for myself, I don't even want to waste my valuable fishing time on a bass that isn't big.

Sure, I do plenty of blind fishing, but most times, with a large swimbait, where the average bass I catch, are still usually good ones.

Oh, one more thing.....

Often times (and here again in this thread) I hear guys use the terms sight fish, and bed fish interchangeably. To me, these terms have totally separate meanings.

I sight big bass, about 10 months out of the year.... way outside of the spawn. Sometimes just cruising. Sometimes just chilling out. Sometimes following my swimbaits to the boat. And each time I do sight one, I remember where I saw it.

To me, knowing where a big one is hanging out, is 3/4's of the battle. I'll go back again, and again, and the odds are really good, I'll eventually stick that big momma' :)

For me trophy bass fishing is more like hunting, than fishing. It's all about sneaking around and seeing them with my own two eyes. I just totally don't care for "blind fishing". Too many small ones out there to steal your fishing time.



fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Nothing I love more than sight casting, but I'm not talking bass.  When fishing the surf or backcountry sight casting is the most rewarding and productive way to fish, at least for me.   My eyes are always pitched on the water looking for bait or fins.  Out here we love wind and a nice chop 2-4' chop, brings the fish in.

I sight cast for bass too, but I don't bed fish, I like to keep moving, strictly a bank fisherman for bass.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I have cast out in front of one while its cruising around, but I normally to not target bass sitting on beds.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

I agree with Fish Chris on this one.  Sight fishing and bed fishing are two totally different things.

In my neck of the woods, the water easily has 3' visibility on a bad day, so I see bass all the time.  I think it's exciting to watch how they react (or don't react) to the lure I'm presenting them.  Gives me a good shot at honing in on the pattern.

Just recently I happened across a pattern while flipping jigs into heavy cover.  The fish wouldn't bite it, but would chase it as I reeled it back in.  I quickly learned that if I killed it during that retrieve - BLAMMO!

There's no way I would've figured that out had I not seen them chasing it.

And I can't tell you how many times I've had a bass chase my lure that I was able to catch with another lure on a subsequent cast.  Happens enough times where now I tell them (after catching them), "You showed your face!"  ;D

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 
I agree with Fish Chris on this one. Sight fishing and bed fishing are two totally different things.

In my neck of the woods, the water easily has 3' visibility on a bad day, so I see bass all the time. I think it's exciting to watch how they react (or don't react) to the lure I'm presenting them. Gives me a good shot at honing in on the pattern.

Just recently I happened across a pattern while flipping jigs into heavy cover. The fish wouldn't bite it, but would chase it as I reeled it back in. I quickly learned that if I killed it during that retrieve - BLAMMO!

There's no way I would've figured that out had I not seen them chasing it.

And I can't tell you how many times I've had a bass chase my lure that I was able to catch with another lure on a subsequent cast. Happens enough times where now I tell them (after catching them), "You showed your face!" ;D

Excellent post. You can learn more from sight fishing than almost any other way. Be ready to swallow your pride a lot of the time. ;D

fishing user avatarfooman reply : 

I've had to hang up my bass gear on my favorite pond this week and go after crappie and blugills..

I've never seen so many beds in this body of a few places its beds every 3 feet from each other with some decent bass sitting on them..

IMO I would rather give them a couple weeks and let them do their thing than to molest them..

It gives me a reason to consentrate on some panfish for the freezer


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