Or, on average, how many days out of the month?
16-20 days a month.
I try to get out at least twice a week.
6 days out of a week
2 to 3 days a week. At least once a week for the bass boat... maybe twice. The other... pond or river on the flat bottom boat.
I usually shoot for 4-5 on a good week but it usally ends up being 2-3 a week
3-5 is an average week. Some trips are short, only a hour or two, some are marathons. If I have a big tournament, I might have two or three days of just practice.
When we are busy at work, I usually can only get out for a couple hours in the evening during the week, and I usually do that 2-3 times a week, plus a couple hours on Sunday morning or something like that. If we are not busy,I have gone every day for 2 weeks straight before. From the time I get my boat out in late March/early April, till I put it away in late Nov./early Dec. It usually see's the water 125+ seperate times.
Not nearly enough!!! With my work schedule, one week I can get out 2-3 days a week then the following week just 1 day available.
I normally get 2 full days and 1 half day I thought I fished a lot some of you guy fish up to 6 days a week. But I do spend about 30 hrs a week on the water more on tournament week because got to mark off to fish them.
Usually 2 evenings and try for a full day on weekends if I can.
Usually 3-5 times. Only one of those days will be a full day (over 8 hours) I make at least a couple 1-3 hour trips to the lakes or ponds down there a week. My wife and I usually go for a few hours every Sunday if the weather is nice too.
7 days a week. Whether its standing on the dock, going out with some of the forum members, or taking the boat out offshore to spend a day trolling, I'll be doing some sort of fishing every single day. Sometimes it may be only for an hour, sometimes it's for the entire day and night. You can count on me wetting a line at some point no matter what.
5 - 6 days a week on average.
Not as often as i would like. Sunday is my 1 faithful, untimed day. The other 6 depend on my kids, wifes work schedule, order flow at my job and the on call rotation. Some days i work 12-16 hours so there is no chance. Others i get done at 4 and hit the lake. This year though it has been about 2-3 times a week. Again, not as much as i would like but what can you do?
5 usually
7 most weeks sometimes 6
3-5 times a week
3 is an average number. But now that I live closer to my fishing spots, that will increase hopefully.That is if my new job doesn't get in the way.
During Spring and fall I'm on the water 4 or 5 full days a week. Summer and winter are for catching up on my honey-do list. I may get out for a day or two during the week though.
I am single & retired so I usually get out 3 to 4 days a week unless the weather is bad & a lake advisory is in effect. In the spring & fall it's all day. In the summer it's early mornings until about noon & then the evenings until dark 30. The winter it's from about 10 or 11 until 3 or 4. In the spring & fall I try to get out 5 to 6 days a week. I am normally on the water between 215 & 235 days a year.
I'm lucky if I get one day in my 9 day rotation.
10-16 days in one month. I try to go everyday on the weekend and put in more than 6hrs on one of them. Weekdays I try to go before going to work at night.
Typically I average 5 full days on the water from February through November. That may be seven one, and two the three the next because of travel, however. Typically, when I'm not traveling I'm on the water at least 8 hours a day seven days a week.
I fish saltwater 7 days a week, bad weather I may not be on a boat but I'm somewhere. I bass fish too.
Lately it's been one day a week.
I have been out 109 days so far this year, so that comes to about 25 days a month. No wonder i cant get any yard work done.
I can say 1-4 times a week currently but it usually is 45 mins to an hour each time. now I go atleast once a month on the weekend with my boy we will do 2 to 3 hours.
This thread peaked my curiousity....how long do you go when you go? when folks say 2-3 times a week is that 4, 6 8 hours or like me 1 to 2 hours a time? Because to me I feel while I catch a fish or two I am deffinately not out there long enough. It is still fun to go, just wish I was able to do so longer periods of time.
On weeknights, it's about 4 hours. Weekends can be 6-12 hour trips.
My wife say I fiish too many (
7days a week. Unless work picks up real good then its around 2 or 3.
I can only fish 5 days a week its take two days pay to keep gas in the boat
I'm on the water 2-5 days a week spring and fall and nights in the warmer months.
here lately, 0 days a week. between moving a month ago and work being swamped i havent had much time to do anything. now i got family coming in town this weekend. maybe, just maybe, i can sneak off with my brother in law and hit up the river for some smallies or something...
i get once a week wish it could be more for sure
When someone posts the topic "How Many Days of The Month do you Fish." I'll answer.lol
Usually once a week. If its slow at work and I can get off then twice a week.
Wow you guys are lucky I only get to go 1 time a week or 2 if I'm lucky. But then again I'm only 15 so I can't drive myself, but when I can drive I will probably start fishing everyday I can.
everyday it's my job!
2-3 trips roughly. Maybe total 6-8 hours a week throwing something. Not much but I love every second of it.
I throw a line in everyday at my neigborhood lake, usually 2-3 actual fishing trips a month though.
I fish religiously every Sunday, and then try to hit one more afternoon a week, so I would so 1 day and 1 afternoon a week. Then you have to factor in about 4-5 week trips throughout the year. I am actually keeping a record of this for the first time this year. How many days, how many bass and then how many over 5lbs. I will know for sure at the end of the year how it all works out.
Ps> by my calculations right now I am fishing EXACTLY 1.5 days per week so far this year!!!
1 is average
2 is uncommon
0 happens more than 2
High school Blows!
On shore and boat combined I would say 3 times a week. The way my work schedule is, its usually only 3 times every two weeks that I have time to take the boat to lake. Luckily, I have a pond on my property that I can wet a line in if I have an extra few minutes.
Being retired and lucky enough to have several decent bass waters within a few miles of my home, I can fish just about every day, for a few hours in the mornings. Fishing from a boat may be only once or twice a week though.
Some weeks 4 or 5. Some weeks I'm lucky to get out for a couple of hours one afternoon.
I would fish everyday of the week but I have a job and it keeps getting in the way of my personal life.
On 5/9/2012 at 5:31 AM, 123brad said:I normally get 2 full days and 1 half day I thought I fished a lot some of you guy fish up to 6 days a week. But I do spend about 30 hrs a week on the water more on tournament week because got to mark off to fish them.
Well I live 1.9 miles from work ane 35 min from one lake and 1 1/2 from anther and for the month of april i spent $720 on gas! Needless to say I'm staying home these week to save money.
I am single and retired and live only 5 minutes away from one of TVA major lakes. Fish maybe 1 day every 2 weeks because put more time in work since retired than I did when working full time.