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How's your season been so far? 2024

fishing user avatarjunebugmn reply : 

Hello all!! I have done decent so far my biggest a 21.5 incher on a tiki junebug lizard ;D I saw the v-wake and cast and she hammered it, I also found out Wave lure company only is selling thier product's online now for the time being :o So I bought a bunch of em' online! Also i'm looking for a Bass tracker in dash flasher, mine went kaput! If anyone know's of a good one let me know, thank's and TIGHT LINE'S ;D jUNEBUGMAN

fishing user avatarguitarkid reply : 

It was going alright, until I pulled a 24" 8lb bass on my first cast that day.


fishing user avatarWVBassHunter reply : 

The weather has been horid here in northern WV.  I have only caught one LM...a couple crappie and one cat.  Water temp is all over the meter ever time i go and every hot spot that was productive last year is dead.

Oh well....I enjoy just getting out!

fishing user avatarOsprey39 reply : 

Better than last year for sure.  Last year was the first time I had fished in almost 17 years.  Lakes I used to know had changed dramatically and I fished several for the first time.  I didn't do very well, only catching a few fish.

This year I've been catching fish almost every time out and I'm starting to get a feel for what the heck I'm doing again plus learning some of the new baits that are out since I last fished.  I've caught a few smallies, several largemouth, 3 real nice crappie (in a bass tourney, lol) and a few catfish.  Only thing I wish is that I could get out more.  110 miles to the nearest lake that isn't no-wake makes day trips a chore.

fishing user avatarIDbasser reply : 

The weather has been horrible here too.  30-40 mph winds for over 2 weeks, snowed the other day.  was down to 21 degrees the other night.  I did have one good day to fish, a friend and I went and caught 4 smallies a piece.  They ranged from 2.5 lbs to a 5 lber. it was a fun day.

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

Mine is going pretty good so far.  This is my first time fishing spring/spawn with my boat.  I managed to beat my PB three times with the current one landing at around 8-9lbs (no scale).  The quality of bass for me has improved alot, not as many dinks and many more good keeper sized fish.  One goal I haven't met yet is a limit in one outing, I have yet to catch five keeper size bass in one outing.  I also am going to concentrate more on cranks.  So far it is great!


fishing user avatarrat-l-trapper reply : 

So far my year has been very slow. I caught my first bass in March, it was a 5 pound largemouth. Unfortunately I haven't gotten another largemouth since. I'm starting to catch smallies pretty consistently, though. I went out today and got 5, which was better than a lot of guys fishing a tournament there. The waters in the mid 50's and the weather has been unseasonably cold. I just wish I could get some largemouths to bite, I don't know what happened to them :-?

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Not bad, won three club events and largest bass is 8.11. Placed third in a "T" on Conroe and 2nd in another on Palestine. Bombed in a few too, but that's fishing.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Excellent, have 3 grandsons into fishing now, 1 son, 1 daughter, & 1 son-in-law renewed there love for the sport; I also have 5 new students through my local church.

The sad part is all the classroom time has cut my on the water time down by 3/4 :'(

fishing user avatarVABassin'14 reply : 

So far I am having an ok season. Most importantly I have gained confidence in a few new lures and have gotten four new people hooked on the sport. Haven't caught many big fish yet, but hopefully that will come.

fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

I'm doing pretty well. I have 201 more bass than I did last year on this date and a few more larger ones.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 


fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

For health reasons I haven't been out in three weeks, and I am about to lose my mind. Up until this, I have had a very good year so far. The quality of fish is much better on average, and numbers have been good also. Part of that is due to a little better equipment, including better electronics.

fishing user avatarstealthcaster reply : 

I've caught 51 bass this season thus far (the first being in late february, and the last being yesterday), fishing in various ponds nearby (this is my only option unless I wish to drive 3-4 hours) about 3-6 days a week.  The biggest fish so far this season was just over 4 pounds.  Almost all of the bass where between 1 and 2 (there are only 2 ponds that hold big bass where I live, and they are not easy to get to, so I only go when I'm feeling ambitious).  I've been fishing mainly soft plastics, and lately I've been getting strikes on crankbaits and poppers.

This was my first season using a low profile baitcasting reel.  I recently purchased an abu garcia revo S and am thoroughly enjoying the ability to cast a weightless worm nearly 30 yards without ever having to worry about line twist (sometimes I simply can't stand spinning reels when fishing ultra-light tackle) :)

This was also my first season rigging worms wacky.  I'm in love with it already.  I've had good luck using Senkos, Dingers, and Gulp sinking minnows wacky rigged.  Mainly dark colors as most of the ponds I fish are either stained or murky.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

crappy as always.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I don't keep a tally but I think numbers are down.  I have caught some sensational fish considering  the bait hasn't arrived as yet and dealing with a west wind wind most days.  My best has been a 30 pounder on med spinning tackle, many in the 10# range.

fishing user avatarstealthcaster reply : 

what did you catch that was 30lbs?  :D

fishing user avatarbrushhoggin reply : 
crappy as always.

i think he's talking about bass

fishing user avatarBass_Akwards reply : 

Frankly I'm killing it. I really am. My April was almost comical. I caught a TON of 3 pounders give or take a couple ounces. I've caught countless 1-2.5 pounders and a couple 4-5+ pouunders. In a state where the state record is 11-6, I really can't complain. Been working really hard on my game and it's paying off.

I've been in Mexico for 7 days getting married and just got home on Sunday. Went fishing Monday night and caught 7 bass all bigger than 15 inches. One was almost 18 inches and full of eggs. It was 3.7 pounds.  It got cold so i cant fish today.  Boooooo! 

I'm leaving on my honeymoon on Friday for a week and will be trying to catch some Marlin or Rooster fish in Cabo.  Never been fishing in the ocean before so it should be a kick in the pants. No bass fishing for another week though so I'll be jonesing when i get home big time.  I plan on absolutely killing it this summer and deep spring with a few bass over 7 pounds!

fishing user avatarevrgladesbasser reply : 

Fishings been on fire down here since late March. Catching 30+ in a day has been the norm since then. Most are between 1-2lbs, biggest I brought in was just under 4lbs. Haven't heard of any monsters being caught in the everglades lately though so I don't feel bad.

fishing user avatargotarheelz14 reply : 

Caught two fish so far in two days of bank fishing in small ponds. The one was around what I think was 4-5lbs. The other maybe 1lb-1.5lbs.

I have only really fished seriously for this past couple of weeks. So pretty much, everytime I have gone out, they have all been PBs.

Right now my goals are to get to a point where I can consistently get out there and catch multiple amounts of fish.

Overall though, I'm lovin the fishin' right now  :D :D :D

fishing user avatartimothy_spain reply : 

a few fish here and there.. better fishing days for me were on cold, windy, overcast days.  skunked out on the better days .. ha!

fishing user avatarTin reply : 


Good numbers and I'm on track to break 1,000 for the year but no size. And I mean no size, I'm averaging about 1.4 this year, it is usually around 2. Only a handful over 5. :(

Put it this way, I have won or got money for a couple of 5 fish bags under 8 pounds. lol

If Senko77 replies to this thread I will be ticked. ;D

fishing user avatarFrog Turds reply : 

mine has been very uneventful :'( pike & walleye open saturday then 2 weeks after it'll finally be bassin time. so i'm stoked for sat to atleast start to get into some real fishin for the soft water year.

fishing user avatarSGT Rico reply : 

I've had a great year so far. I caught my biggest Bass as of date 6lbs. Last year I was catching quantity, this year I am catching quality, I've caught several 2-3 pounders and countless 1-2 pounders, so far my fishing is going great!!!

fishing user avatarHydroSqueegee reply : 

ive only had a few hours to fish this year.  the wind in mid west ohio has been horrible this spring.  i can tell you exactly how many fish ive caught:  4 bass, 1 bluegill. 

The bass were ~12" at best.  But the bluegill... oh my the bluegill.  He was the nicest one ive ever pulled in.  He was a greedy little plumper, rivaling the bass ive hooked in length.  The Beetle Spin barely fit into his mouth and took some work to get out.

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 

45 min sesh. 7 bass. Total of 7 lbs. :-[

fishing user avatarDeanFishesNY reply : 

I'd say pretty good.. beat my last year's best already at 5 lbs 3 oz. The day I caught her I had my best 5 fish total with 17 lbs 13 oz. Been doing GREAT with the jig so far and hoping for it stay this good for the rest of the year.

fishing user avatarsalmicropterus reply : 

Like a roller coaster at Six Flags. I was about 0 for January/February, then starting mid-March got on a run and won three tournaments in a row and caught a PB 9.12 fun fishing one day. Now I'm settling back to mediocrity again.

fishing user avatarmferris reply : 

i have been out 6 times,i usually spend around 4 hrs on the water....approx. 24 hrs,1 small bass...and no other bites at all.....not just me though,i have talkes to other fishermen and nothing seems to be biting....i'm on vacation next week so i hope they wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarBig Fish Rice reply : 

Fishing has been good up here in the NW, and it's been one of my most productive starts to date. Glad to see many people having the same success.

fishing user avatarOntario Bass reply : 

Still counting the days till I can start targeting the bass.  One month 12 days to go.

fishing user avatarbackpain... reply : 

Been out three times this year only skunked once. All three trips have been on less than favorable days. Last trip was Monday after a massive cold front pushed through dropping the air temps almost 20*.

The barometer was all over the place throughout the day and winds upwards of 20MPH. Having said that, I have caught 6 bass in twou outings and had a blast trying to figure out how to fish and control a boat lol.

fishing user avatarNateFollmer reply : 


It's rained just about every week so far, then it would get hot and the water temps are ALL over the place. Finally had a stretch of decent weather last week, so I thought Saturday would be awesome. NO SIR! The wind was a constant 40mph on the lake so the boat wouldn't move. Only caught 1 LMB. I've been doing a lot of fly fishing because the bass are on lockdown. The weather hasn't been effecting the trout as much, but I digress...

fishing user avatarPopeye reply : 

Not too bad BUT the bite at Upper Otay has been real SLOW for me for some reason. Been out 4 times and have caught 2 bass on two days and got skunked on the other two days (even though I did get some strikes and hookups on those days, I just didn't get to lip any:o(  One of the 4 fish I have caught was a nice post-spawn (skinny) 4 pounder and the others were in the 1 - 2 pound range. Should pick up soon since the water temps getting real close to 70 degrees now. Still hoping to nab that elusive DD bass this year!

fishing user avatarmidnighthrasher reply : 

Mine starts June 18!!! I am ready to roll!!!

fishing user avatarInLikeFinz reply : 

Not too bad here in N.C. Best day we brought in 8 but no size to them. They seem to be biting funny for me this year. Someone caught a 10lb 7oz out of the lake we fish most of the year. He or she might have a different outlook on this years fishing.  :D

fishing user avatarFishFocker reply : 

have had a bunch of 1lbrs, couple 2s, couple 3s, and a nice 5+.

fishing user avatarOnTheHunt reply : 

My season thus far has been pretty well. ONly one day I got skunked. A bunch of small bass, and a couple pretty large ones. It took me a few times to figure out the bass fishing here in Korea. Not too bad tho. It's not overfished at all!

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 

I wish I could say it was a little better but nothing over 4 lbs yet but the best thing about the season so far is that my wife has joined me for a lot of my trips and has had some success and my 2 daughters are showing a lot more interest in the sport and go with me on occasion so I guess I would have to say it's been a great season so far.

Thanks for asking.

Be safe and be happy!!

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

Good on numbers (coming up on 200 bass so far this year) but no size - nothing bigger than 18" yet.

The big difference for me this season was getting my canoe and getting off the bank. My catch rate increases by a factor of 3 or 4 when using the canoe as compared to fishing from the bank.

fishing user avatarbassmajor reply : 

Pretty good here in SD.  Set a new PB this spring and caught few others that were very nice.  Bugs are starting to come out now and the days are getting hot.  I miss the days when the weather was crappy, I was the only one on the lake, and fish were really hungry.  Also, got a new boat so that's been nice.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I had shoulder surgery in March, so I haven't been yet. Hoping to get out during the 3 day weekend coming up.

fishing user avatarberkley reply : 

I have only went 2 times this summer.I didnt have any time to fish during the spring.

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

Couldn't ask for much better.  Caught my personal best (6 lb 3 oz) about 2 weeks ago.  When I didn't/could't figure out the bass, I switched and did pretty well on biggish crappie.  Only once have I gotten skunked and that was in the middle of March.  The bass on one of my favorite ponds seem to have disappeared because, whereas I used to catch an average of 4 to 6 bass per outing, this year 3 was my best (on one day), but haven't caught or hooked anything since.  Fortunately, the crappie were hungry.

fishing user avatardday07 reply : 

sucks here in cal. for me but i visited a friend in alabama back in late march and caught a ton of lmb and spots on the coosa river.everybody on my local lake are having a tough time so i don't feel too bad. time to move to the south!  LOL!

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

Been fantastic for me so far.  The cold earlier this year really killed the fishing for the first month or two.  March and April were very good to me.  May slowed down a bit, but has picked back up (landed roughly 30 today).  Water temps are already pushing towards the 90 degree mark.  The spawn is over and done with, post spawn is a recent memory.  On to the summer patterns and fishing now.  Lookin like a good year.  Starting to break in the new boat and new tackle quickly.  Got it out by myself for the first time today and had a blast even though it was sweltering outside.

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

So far this year has been Okay.  The weather in western Washington has been colder than normal and our famous rain hasn't stopped.  Most of my March fishing was pre fishing for April tournaments.  Found a new pattern that should play out in the future.  I have experimented with some new lures and had success with them.  Made some money in the two tournaments I fished in, making Ma happy.  Met some great folks ! I have committed myself to learning a body of water I have had limited experience on and had two tough trips and one good for small mouth.  My first trip on the Columbia was a blast and picked up more than enough fish to make me happy.  Other than a rat gnawing the paddles off of one of my reel handles, I can't complain.

fishing user avatarFutureSoldier reply : 

Just started the second school got out. First day I managed to snag a 4.5 pounder and the trophy for that pond was 5 pounds so I was pretty happy. I have to rebuild my tackle box since my brother took it to Fort Bragg.  >:(

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

my season starts tomorrow I should be sleeping but you know how that goes................


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