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Bass Fishing Minority 2024

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

I am curious by nature. Are you a minority or even the lone guy in your work or social circle that fishes for bass ? Almost 70 % of my co-workers hunt and most fish but none fishes for bass. When/if you respond, if you choose to, let me know what state your in. I'm in Washington and everyone fishes salmon,trout and steelhead with some sturgeon and shad thrown in. Bass gets little respect. I'm so all alone.

fishing user avatarKevO reply : 

I am definitely the minority in my office. My boss likes to bass fish and I used to fish tournaments with another co worker but he was moved to our tampa office. Most of my co workers think I just sit on my boat all weekend, drink beer and wait for the bobber to go under. I've tried to explain to them but they don't understand.

fishing user avatartugsandpulls reply : 

i have my brotherinlaw as my fishing buddy others think im nuts cause i fish 7 days a week im in ma

fishing user avatarBassin' gal reply : 

Well, I'm not a guy but I am the only one in my work circle who fishies for anything. It is frustrating to have no one to talk to, other than hubby at home. I get a good bit of razzing about it too. I am in south central Kentucky and there are tons of bass fisherman around, just none in the professional environment in which I work.

fishing user avatarBassfisherMass reply : 

i am in ma and fish alone most of the time and always going for bass

people i work with do fish but they all saltwater fish

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

Let's just say that when I leave for the day someone would ask what I'm doing after work: "I'm going to take the dog for a walk". Their response is always: "oh, what's your dog's name?"..."Zara" or "Rapala" or "Sammy", depending on which I plan to use.

fishing user avatarB@ssCrzy reply : 

One other guy at my work fishes, but he only fishes for panfish. I am alone when it comes to bass fishing. I live in Indiana.

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 

Out of 63 employees here at work only 2 of us bass fish, at lunch that is the topic of our conversations every day, we fortunatly get to fish together from time to time.

I live in Va.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I live in southern Louisiana. You could go outside blindfolded, throw a rock, and chances are it will land in a bayou.

All the guys at work from the area have been fishing before. Most of them have boats but are what I call "meat fisherman". They target sacalait (aka crappie) and catfish. Only two of the workers in my area of the plant are bass fisherman. One actually owns two tackle companies, fishes tournaments nearly every weekend, and usually comes in 1st or 2nd. We talk about bass fishing a lot and he mentors me on bass fishing techniques.

I bass fish probably 80% of the time. The other 20% is when I'm trying to catch fish to eat. Around here lots of people fish, and there is no shortage of bass fisherman.

fishing user avatarJake P reply : 

Lets see....My father in law and i go every week. Out of all of my friends i have 1 who goes without me having to invite him. My parents too, but only on vacation like once a year and they dont care what they catch. At my job i have 1 co worker who goes but he throws minnows and will catch whatever bites.

I think i am the lone BASS fisher of everyone I know meaning when i go it is for Bass and Bass ONLY. I will throw a rattle trap in some schooling sandies for fun until the school is gone but when im at the lake i am huntin for hawgs. Im in the great state of Texas.

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

At my job most of my co_workers bass fish. I work at BPS in the fishing dept. Oh well, what would you expect.


Cincinnati, by the way.

fishing user avatarTattoo25 reply : 

Im in Al. And even though I work with a bunch of country roughnecks none of them bass fish as far as I know. Every now and then youll hear one of them talking bout getting drunk while waiting on the bobber to dance. But no bass fishing.

fishing user avatarCoBass reply : 

Most folks around here (Colorado) are into trout and walleye fishing so I've never had a single coworker who was into bass fishing. One of the guys I used to work with asked me what kind of beer I drink while I'm sitting on the bank waiting for the fish to bite. I told him that's not the kind of fishing I do and that if I drank beer every time I went fishing I'd be an alcoholic for sure.

fishing user avatarMN Bassin' nOOb reply : 

I'm in MN, so us bass guys are definitely a minority.

Vast majority of serious fishermen in MN that I meet are mostly either walleye or muskie guys.

Most of the muskie guys I know were former bass guys that eventually moved on to a much bigger/more exciting catch. I think they also have the easiest crossover because it's so similar to bass fishing (especially topwater).

What's amazing to me, having had a number of them pop up to my boat, is that they are completely fearless...they will swim right up to your boat and look at you without a fear in their eye. Or they come up and attack your figure 8 swirl at the end of a cast directly 3 ft under your boat.

Unbelievable fish.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

I'm in norhtern IL. I grew up in a fishing family, but myself and my son are the bass fishermen. The rest of the family, live and dead, are multispecies fishermen. As far as work, boss is a salmon guy, and one other coworker is a live bait guy for whatever he catches.. My buddies that hunt are walleye fishermen.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Well, you're not alone. We're here in Washington state as well. Yes, the guy who built this site is in Washington. Go figure!

So I completely understand your frustration with the inability to find any decent tackle stores; or finding boat dealerships that know how to work on high performance engines, let alone the unique issues of bass boats (such as fluid-filled trailer bearings).

BUT, on the flip side, there's relatively little competition for bass fishing. Most lakes have little pressure - even the more popular lakes like Moses, Potholes, Banks, Washington, etc. have relatively light pressure. Here in WA, if you pass somebody on the road towing a bass boat, you probably know them.

Now go to the Southeast U.S., where's there's seemingly a bass boat in every driveway, and you'll find 200+ bass boats on a lake during the week! It's nuts. Stranger still is to find boat launches were ONLY bass boats area allowed to use.

Aside from the horrible mismanagement of our warmwater fisheries, I've come to enjoy the relatively obscurity bass fishing enjoys in WA.

fishing user avatarbigbasshunter reply : 

All 8 of my co workers bass fish now, thanks to a little encouragement. Virginia

fishing user avatarDiablos reply : 

I custom make saltwater fishing rods for a living in a tackle shop. I am the only person that's a bass fisherman. Everyone else is that old school saltwater only fishermen type who generally dislike bass fishermen. If you don't own a boat that can get you to Martha's Vineyard in a 20mph Northeast wind blowing over Buzzards Bay then you don't belong on the water.

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

I have a co-worker and a couple of friends that bass fish. It's not as popular here in the Jacksonville area, there are lots more saltwater fisherman.

fishing user avatarPhish reply : 

In SW PA. I'm one of the only ones in my group of friends, and family, that fishes, period. I'm the oddball by far, not sure how it happened. Most friends are "yuppies" who will only golf and go to sporting events or concerts for the most part.

I've got a few friends that will go fishing here and there, but I'm the only obssesed bass fisherman. I fish Erie a lot and it seems even there (PA section), 90% of the fishing boats I see are targetting Perch or Walleye. It doesn't even seem like people fish for fun or sport, it's all about catching limits for food. Even the trout folks I'm acquainted with only seem interested in fish as "food."

Fine by me, but I do wish I knew more people willing to drop everything and spend a weekend chasing smallies. Or a whole week's vacation, as I try to do.

fishing user avatarTraveler2586 reply : 

I'm retired in So. MD now so my social circle has diminished dramatically, none of my neighbors fish and when I talk about it I get a lot of head nodding but no takers; hello, I can't even get my wife on the boat much less take her fishing - what a disappointment that discovery was after marriage.

My favorite ramp on the Potomac sees a lot of tournament action, but meeting someone is difficult, arriving anglers are focused toward getting on the water, coming off the water their focused on getting home. On the water meetings are difficult as anglers are mostly from out of the area. I could use some tips in this department, I'm thinking on advertising "Fishing Partner Wanted Call 555-222-1234" on the side of my truck.

Now I'm depressed. I have a lot of friends, but no one to spend my time with. Retirement SUCKS!

I'm starting to *** Glenn, has a wife that's a good angler, lives in a beautiful area, and no fishing pressure. What more can a guy want. ;)

Edited by Traveler2586
fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

In my family I am the only one who fishes. I bass fish,and ice fish for bluegills. My wife gets it, and my kids do as well. But every one else thinks fishing is drowning worms under bobbers for hour on end while you chug beers. My grandfather used to fish...........but he was the worm drowner/beer guzzler type.

At work, no one fishes, but one guy is as sick in the head for deer hunting as I am for fishing, so he gets it.

I try not to make too many friends LOL, but the few I have some fish, some don't.

fishing user avatar(='_'=) reply : 
  On 6/4/2012 at 7:22 PM, flippin and pitchin said:

I am curious by nature. Are you a minority or even the lone guy in your work or social circle that fishes for bass ? Almost 70 % of my co-workers hunt and most fish but none fishes for bass. When/if you respond, if you choose to, let me know what state your in. I'm in Washington and everyone fishes salmon,trout and steelhead with some sturgeon and shad thrown in. Bass gets little respect. I'm so all alone.

hahaha, 70% of your co-workers hunt, most of them fish, and you are alone??

i have 2 fishing friends, one of them used to fish before he knew me, the other one is friend of us both, and we invited him once and he liked it so he bought an inexpensive baitcasting combo and thats it, he uses all of our tackle...

the 3 of us also hunt, but they had never grabbed a rifle until i introduced them to the sport....

besides those 2 friends, i have no hunting or fishing friends, relatives, acquaintances, enemies, etc.... my father was the one who introduced me to the outdoors, to fishing and hunting, but he quit some time ago... i invite him fishing sometimes, but i dont know what happened to him that he doesnt seems to enjoy it much.... and hunting he quit altogether....

so, at school, work, or family, i dont know anyone else who enjoys fishing, except the people i have met while fishing, and those are only a handful....

fishing user avatarNCbassmaster4Life reply : 

When it comes to my command I am the go-to bass fisherman, all others like saltwater more...just not my thing.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

With the exception 1 BR member (and we were snook fishing) I don't know anyone that bass fishes. Every one I know only fishes saltwater.

fishing user avatartholmes reply : 

I'm in central Kansas. Of my friends and co-workers that fish, only a few target bass. Most are going after catfish or crappie in the local lakes or traveling to area reservoirs for walleye, stripers or white bass. Even though one area reservoir has a very good population of smallmouth, no one I know (besides myself) shows much interest in fishing for them.


fishing user avatarGangley reply : 

I am the lone fisherman. My boss tries to tell me how much he loves fishing and how good he is at it but I have seen him fish twice in the past 8 years and it wasn't impressive to say the least. Like most bosses, lot's of talking with most everybody else doing the work :)

Being from Houston, I am very close to the gulf and most of the people that I know of who fish tend to hit the saltwater in their free time.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I have a few hundred coworkers and there are several of them that I know of that bass fish. I'm a multispecies guy and so are several at the guys I work with so I have plenty of people to talk to. The hardest part is with me having a multipurpose boat that works probably just as good for duck hunting as it does fishing, I've got a long list of people wanting to go and it's tough to get schedules aligned for it to work out sometimes. I'm in Northeastern Kansas.

fishing user avatarbassmaster3541 reply : 

I am in Mass, I have made buddies through fishing that I fish with alot but none the usual people I hang out with or used to go to school with fish, I get a couple of them to come out once in a while but none are that into it

fishing user avatarjkarol24 reply : 

Its fair to say that im the only kid at my highschool who fishes bass tournaments :respect-059:

However, I will be fishing next year for the RIT collegiate bass club which has a handful of members.

fishing user avatarScorcher214 reply : 

In my school and at work, Im the only guy who bass fishes the way I do. There was a kid at my school who was a big fly fisherman though. We chatted a lot just because we were the only two guys who were really into fishing.

fishing user avatarshane_7901 reply : 

Well I work in a small town in southern GA. I'd say 80% of the guys I work with fish for bass. I haven't ever gone with any of them though. A month ago we had a little competition on who could catch the largest bass that week. The winner landed a nice 10lber and the average size of everyone else's best was a little over 4lbs.

fishing user avatarkdionise reply : 

a couple of the guys on my crew at the firehouse bass fish so that gives us something to talk about on slow nights. and im lucky enough to have a best friend who has a private pond on his farm and we fish together every monday evening. I am even luckier to have a girlfriend who enjoys bass fishing!

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

Most and I mean 95% of people I run into are collector fishermen. Catch and keep or anything that bites, they mainly go for the crappie/perch/bluegill to eat.

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 
  On 6/6/2012 at 1:48 AM, Phish said:
I've got a few friends that will go fishing here and there, but I'm the only obssesed bass fisherman. I fish Erie a lot and it seems even there (PA section), 90% of the fishing boats I see are targetting Perch or Walleye. It doesn't even seem like people fish for fun or sport, it's all about catching limits for food.

I've been up there and see the same thing, even over at gander mtn every charter is for walleye/perch. I did run into one local who's into bass and was nice guy about it, even was baitcasting. Said he frequents another forum for Erie fishing, nice guy.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

As I mentioned before I don't know any bass fishermen. Almost without exception people are fishing to take their catch home with them in saltwater, I'm the exception, I even give dolphin away. Quite true there are those that fish for sand perch, spots, small jacks and whatever for a meal, many of those people fish with rods that have broken tips, they are not sportsmen. That being said legal fish are always taken home, whether they are inshore fishermen or offshore, people love to eat fish here, any fish caught in a sporting manner is "sportfishing", size and species is irrelevant.

I see nothing wrong in taking home perch or walleye, they are great on the plate, and can be fun to catch.

fishing user avatarMiller's Ferry 8 reply : 

I'm from Alabama and at the plant where I work we are right on the river. At break and lunch the subject of bass fishing always comes up. Theres roughly two hundred workers here and I would say 50% bass fish. Just in my office there are five of us and three bass fish. Two of us fish tournaments and the other just for fun. Every Monday is like story time of the weekend fishing trips.

fishing user avatarluisF reply : 

I'm in Orlando fl and my bass rants usually fall on deaf ears. I work in the medical field and it seems like that's all these people know. I love the outdoors and enjoy it with friends or me and my thoughts and the best part is I get all the bass to my self lol.

fishing user avatardale.m reply : 

At work, I am the only person who bass fishes. I used to work with a game warden who bass fished all the time and worked tournaments in the North Carolina area, but he left recently to do other things. Most of my close friends bass fish and go on fishing trips with me often.

fishing user avatarmod479 reply : 

I'm from Northern NY, and by North I mean Canadian border North. None of my friends fish, but everybody up here that does fishes for food, no one can appreciate the creature on the end of their line it seems. They just end up head first into a bucket, which is somewhat depressing at times...although I keep a few walleyes a year for people I know will be eating them.

Already this year some young guys were using baby bass as bait for musky...which was the breaking point for me, I called the DEC and they all got tickets. I dont really feel bad, as I told them that it was illegal and not sporting the first time I witnessed it. They told me to F off. The 2nd time, I had my cousin (DEC officer) come down in plain clothes and bust them all. Havent seen them since.

Then you've got the amish up here too. They will keep ANYTHING. I mean anything (carp, shiners, chubs, gobies, rock bass....4 lb smallies :/ )

I fish among these types of people daily, some guys talk a lot of smack when I let every smallie go.... anyone else ever get hated on for releasing bass??

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

I have one guy at work that fish for Bass as serious as i do. I might fish a tournament with him one day since he fishes a lot of tournaments around here. We talk fishing all day long if we could. I'm blessed,because if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have a single person to talk to about Bass fishing here in person. A lot of people fish around here,but none are specie specific. Even my buddy that I go with usually targets "whatever' that bites. Don't get me wrong though,my buddy can fish for Bass like the best of them. He likes to take a few home every once in awhile where I'm more strictly C & R.

fishing user avatarlogan9209 reply : 

I feel your pain, flippin and pitchin. My community has a lake and I would say that 95% who fish are fishing for bream, crappie, or catfish. I only know of maybe 4 other people who actively fish for bass. I do however know of a few old coots who are happy to sit on their porch and swear that anyone who says they caught anything out of the lake are liars but that's for another story.......

fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 

I think its silly to fish for just 1 type of fish...

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Within my LSU alumni chapter, church, American Legion and my profession, I am the only one, that bass fishes.

I like it that way.

Bass fishing is for me and I really don't want to have to share it with others within the other organizations or work.

I have fishing friends and belong to a bass fishing club and that is enough sharing for me.

fishing user avatarlogan9209 reply : 
  On 6/16/2012 at 3:28 AM, reason said:

I think its silly to fish for just 1 type of fish...

Some people are like that. For me fishing for bream and crappie is too boring and I don't have what it takes to fish for catfish. That's pretty much all that's in my lake.

fishing user avatarnew2BC4bass reply : 

Live in Eastern Pa, work in Central NJ. Where I work one guy is a serious fisherman. He'll fish for bass.but chases trout a lot and fishes saltwater a lot. Another likes to flyfish occasionally.for trout. I go out with the idea of catching bass, but if I got into a school of crappies or nice size bluegills, you would see me downsizing my lures pronto! I enjoy catching just about any fish.

Met Tom_D on here, and we have fished together a few times, and plan on going after bass again soon. :) My daughter is my main fishing partner whenever we can get together which hasn't happened this year, and not too often last year.

fishing user avatarprjavelin reply : 

in my family theres a couple people that fish. My uncle has a boat and fishes for food. He fishes for bass but takes anything that bites. My cousin will go fishing for anything also. My father teach me with live bait but he is not a bass fisherman and he is taking chemotherapy so he cant fish anymore. My mother goes one or twice a month with me but goes for panfish.

I am the only one that is fishing for bass exclusively and sometimes i go for saltwater fishing.

One of my coworkers has a boat. I live in a coastal town so everybody fishes in the sea. Im the one that travels into the neighboring towns to go to the reservoirs. (my parents live 5 minutes from the reservoir so i was born and raised there)

It sucks though. i wish i had someone that would go with me every time. Specially my wife, i wish she would enjoy this with me.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Some of you guys might find it surprising, but here in Cali, you could easily be on a lake with a good number of 10 to 15 lb trout-eaters in it, and maybe even a real shot at an 18+ FSLMB...... and yet, 95%+ of the anglers, are fishing for retarded hatchery trout, that they dumped in last week, so they could be pulled out today ! Huh ?

BTW, do you know what the difference in a 10" hatchery trout, and a 10lb hatchery trout is ? {besides about 9lb 10oz} A few extra years in the swimming pool. But ZERO difference in catchability. If hatchery trout fishermen think 10 lb trout are harder to catch, that's because they release fewer of them into the lakes. Simple as that. A trout could live as long as it could live in that concrete pool, and all it would ever learn, would be what time the food pellets get thrown at them :)

But what they hey.... If you didn't have all those guys out there thinking they were really fishing, we wouldn't have all that high grade bass food being dumped into out trophy bass waters. So I guess its all good :)



fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I go bass fishing with my Dad pretty much every week. The people that I work with are either into hunting, or fishing for crappie and bluegill. Some of my neighbors fish, but they like to go out for the quiet and to get away for a couple of hours. Like my Dad says "if your taking it easy out on the lake then your not bass fishing".

fishing user avatarprjavelin reply : 

can I conclude that us bass fisherman are lone people?

fishing user avatarBASSHUNTER1961 reply : 

I'm the only one in my office who bass fishes.... One of the guys who works as a technician on the road bass fishes, but we do not work together. I live in Massachusetts just outside of Cape Cod. It's kinda funny that I live in saltwater heaven and I only fish freshwater.


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