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How Ticked off do you get? 2024

fishing user avatarBass_Akwards reply : 

I had on what I know d**n well was a "big" bass yesterday.  I saw it's body and the splash it made when I hooked her. I felt the power of it struggling and my rod tip was bent and shaking back and forth way more violently than usual.

What happened was I was fishing thick mats and I felt a big "tick tick" on my line, I set the hook but nothing was there.  I recasted to the same spot and the same thing happened.  It kinda made me a little frustrated, but again I recasted to the same spot and WHAM!

I set the hook hard.  I felt her head wiggle my rod tip bigtime, and I kept a tight line.  I had her on for about 5-7 seconds and then she was just.....  Gone.  No broken line, just gone.  

The moment I realized she escaped, I found myself throwing my rod and reel down kinda hard on the hard dirt ground and I let out a really nice, loud F-Bomb.  There were a couple people I didn't know walking near by and I was kina embarrased but still fuming and ticked off.  It bothered me for about 90 minutes after I lost that bass, but bothered me even more that I got so mad.

Anyone here confess to doing the same thing sometimes?  I wonder if Mike Icconelli has to be edited every 5 minutes on fishing shows.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

I've been that mad before in my younger days but never over a bass.

fishing user avatarscaledriver reply : 

I have had a few descent feeling fish get down into the reeds or pads this year and get off.  It is kind of a bummer but also to me it is the challenge.  Hooking a nice fish in the thickest Vegetation and seeing if I can land her.  I like to think no one get everyone out and just try harder next time I get one on.

fishing user avatarScorcher214 reply : 

i dont yell eff bombs at the top of my lungs and throw stuff around, but i do drop one under my breath somtimes ;)

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

You might hear an "Oh Crap" from me, but that's about it. It's just fishing and I go back at it.

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 
You might hear an "Oh Crap" from me, but that's about it. It's just fishing and I go back at it.

X2.  You miss one and move on.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Only once did i get mad,lost a real nice one.I left my rod tip high letting it jump and when it did it shook the hook loose.I had to just flat sit down and stop fishing for a few minutes.Realizing what i did wrong.From the size of that bass it was a really,really nice one.

Now when i lose a good bass i just laugh and say "I'm gonna get you next time!" In a joking manner. It happens...I've learned to get over it and keep fishing.  

fishing user avatarShimmer reply : 

Eh yeah I drop F bombs over little guys. That's just how I am, I am excited over every fish I catch. I don't stay ticked for long I move on but in the moment oh yeah.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

I used to get really upset over things like that in tournaments.  Now I analyze.  

I try to figure out what happened... what went wrong.  

I've had the exact same thing happen to me twice in different tournaments.  After analyzing, I realized I was using the wrong hook in one tournament, and the wrong-shaped sinker in the other.  Made the adjustments and started catching fish.  Problem solved.  :)

fishing user avatarscootz reply : 

not with a bass but I had a really nice trout get off in a friendly tourney. everyone saw it and heard me yell. I threw the rod down with the spinner still in the water and walked off for about 10mns. had to be about 25''

fishing user avatarswilly78 reply : 

Nah, not mad like that.  I save that kinda anger for the crap at work.  

fishing user avatarendless reply : 

i get more madder when i have a hard time tying knots. for some reason i always let go of the line like i cant feel it. over the fish im like no no no. im learing to keep my frustration down more. well at least i havent lost no rods yet lol. i keep telling myself im out to enjoy the day. like yesterday i went i had to big hits that was gone i just cast back out in same directions. one of the smack my hula popper hard. biggest hit i seen so far on one of my poppers. went under i pulled the rod i didnt feel the fish but didnt see popper so started reeling and then there the lonesome guy was floating on top again. other was on wacky i was having hard steadying my boat felt a big tug and soon as i try to react gone.

fishing user avatariceintheveins reply : 

I've thrown a rod when I lost a fish and cussed a few times, but usually it's more of a "nooooooooooooo" when I lose a good fish, and I'm speechless and almost senseless if I lose a monster fish.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I was in the right place at the right time throwing the right baitwhy get upset ;)

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Don't remember ever getting that upset.  But, when I fished only once or twice a week, it would bother me when I lost a nice one.

Now that I can fish a lot more, catching and losing fish has become more routine.

I'm kinda laid back in my fishing.  I get excited when I hook a nice one, but if I land it, there's no whooping and hollering.  If I lose it, there's no outburst of frustration.

I've arrived at the point where it has happened enough that I just take it all in stride.

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

I've never really gotten that upset. It is upsetting when you loose a decent fish, but that's what fishing is all about. The older I get, the more accustomed I get to such disappointments. I enjoy the day out on the lake regardless of what happens. If you can't, then you probably need to take up golf.  :D

fishing user avatarNewAngler reply : 

I know this will sound cliche, but its fishing, not catching. I expect those moments. They actually happen more to me than catching, and I'm okay with it.

Its a hobby, and for most of us its for fun, not pay. We choose to do and don't HAVE to try to catch the next monster. Not worth the frustration in my opinion.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Sure it's disapointing, but you just need to move on. Take solice in the fact you have figured them out well enough to get the good bite. Prepare for the next one and move on. No F-Bombs here.

I just call Long Mike or Catt and rant to them.

fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 

I would get mad if the fish was a PB that I lost because of something I did wrong.  It doesn't appear that you did anything wrong (unless you were using a dull hook), so there was nothing you could do.

PS My usually statement is "You dirty b*@!" instead of the F-Bomb

fishing user avatarsteezy reply : 

Unless I get it to the surface and see it is a very big fish, I dont get upset.  If I had a dollar for every fish I lost or didnt get hooked, I could by another nice combo.

Like someone else said, "it fishing, not catching".  :)

fishing user avatarsimplejoe reply : 

I was at a tournament yesterday and I lost a nice fish which would of took my points up into the top 6. I did yell the F-bomb which I never do I usually just mumble something under my breath and go on fishing, but yesterday for some reason I was just so mad I even broke down to my knees shaking my head in frustration.

fishing user avatarGangley reply : 

rarely will I drop the f-bomb, but i will let the word "s#!t" slip out on occasion when i miss a bite.  If I get the bite, and hook him good, i dont worry about him getting off because I did my part.  If he gets loose, then good to him for being a better fish than I am a fisherman.

fishing user avatarJuniorFisherJJ08 reply : 

I personally can say I've been there done that and will do it again. But why throw the rod/reel? its like baseball why throw the bat over a bad call or strikeout? When this happens to me or my buddy we switch positions on the boat [front 2 back] This way you can calm down.

fishing user avatardone reply : 
rarely will I drop the f-bomb, but i will let the word "s#!t" slip out on occasion when i miss a bite. If I get the bite, and hook him good, i dont worry about him getting off because I did my part. If he gets loose, then good to him for being a better fish than I am a fisherman.

I will not throw the F-bomb out there, I fish with kids too much to allow myself to get into that habit.

I do get ticked though, particularly when it is a moment of sheer stupidity (on my part) that causes the fish to get lost. I could max out the text in this thread giving examples of those...LOL

fishing user avatarOlebiker reply : 

I fished a tournament earlier this year with a guy who screamed the F-bomb every time he missed a fish, which was quite often.  It made for a miserable day listening to that juvenile ranting.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

In a tournament, I will mutter to myself. I can recall having a hard time shaking the disappointment of losing two huge fish at the boat at a tx on Black Lake. I was so ticked after the second fish came off, I was a little shaky. Took five, had a snack, and regrouped. We came in 4th, which is good for points, but no cash.

fishing user avatarClark Stewart reply : 

I posted about this very thing the other day on somebody's "one that got away thread or something"

Long story short I caught an 8-9 pound hog at a golf course and couldn't reach her for the cart bridge I was on so like an idiot I raised her out of the water and snap she was gone. I threw my rod down on the bridge and shouted my obscenities. Sad thing was I was about 10 steps from the bank where I could have easily reached her. Idiot.

fishing user avatarslider head reply : 
I was in the right place at the right time throwing the right baitwhy get upset ;)

Good motto I will remember this one as well....

Yesterday, I got hung up on a dock. I checked my line and deemed it fine. 10 minutes later went to set the hook and broke my line. I was upset with myself for being lazy! I heard Road Warriors quote "if its not perfect it not right" So I knew this one was all on me. I usually become upset with myself after the weigh in when I realize exactly what stuff like this cost me.

I may say "poop" but not loud enough for others to hear it. And, I will never throw any of my stuff I worked too hard and paid too much $$$ for it.

fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 

It's much easier said than done, but I've learned to take alot more satisfaction from doing something about what sets me off and it rather than flippin' out. I admire heroes like Clint Eastwood's characters, that glare and sneer are very cool!!

fishing user avatarzbigbadaaron reply : 

Well I had a bass that got off which felt like a 5 pounder this year. It got off because some how it got wrapped on a log and bent my hook at the starting of the fight. During the end of the fight it got off near shore. I didn't get mad at all I just retied a new hook and got back to fishing.

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 

i'll let out a quiet "you lil *****" lol. but that's about it. I've never been upset enough to even think about throwing my pole. Losing fish is a part of fishing. But i'd rather hook a big fish and lose it then not hook it at all.

fishing user avatarShimmer reply : 

Man ya'll are calm. Maybe that's why people love going fishing with me...and for some reason I always attract a group of people watching. The mouth must be the key  ::)

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
I've never really gotten that upset. It is upsetting when you loose a decent fish, but that's what fishing is all about. The older I get, the more accustomed I get to such disappointments. I enjoy the day out on the lake regardless of what happens. If you can't, then you probably need to take up golf. :D

Golf?  Golf may actually be worse than fishing.

In the 1960s, I lived in Holliston, MA.  We played golf at a public course named Saddle Hill in Hopkinton.

Bill Russell of the Celtics played there.  I don't know why, he could have joined and played at much nicer courses.  But, he chose to play there.

He was a horrendous golfer, and everytime he hit a bad shot you could hear him cursing no matter where you were on the course.  

Where I play now, there is a member known to our group as Mr. Meltdown.  He goes berserk after a few bad shots.

I've seen clubs broken, cursed at, and tossed into a water hazard.

Golfers are every bit as passionate as fishermen.  There is probably the same percent who cannot control themselves when adversity strikes in either group.

fishing user avatarKingBass reply : 

Yeah, some thing like that happened to me yesterday when fishing. I was using my worm rod (pretty stiff rod) and braid, also I had a 15lb flouro leader, and a mustad UP worm hook. I was fishing around a sunken tree and a culvert, I felt a tick-tick, let her swim off with it for 5 seconds or so, set the hook on her, the bowed over so much I though it was gonna break, a few seconds later she broke off, I reeled in the line and found that the leader had fray. I've never had any flouro try as bad as this it was triple fish flouro. So just be warned, don't use it, it may cost you a big like it did me!  :-[

fishing user avatarMottfia reply : 

  I still find myself getting pretty ticked. I fish very emotionally with a number of highs and lows, the most extreme come on tournament days. At best I am singing as a run a bank. At worst I will hold my tongue cause of the things that I may say. Momma always said If you ain't got nothing good to say don't say nothing at all  ;)


fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

never ever thrown a rod.  I've gotten upset, but not Iaconelli upset.  ;D

fishing user avatarBass_Akwards reply : 

Good stuff guys, from what I've read it sounds like I need to work on my temper a little bit.  I thought that might be the case, which is why I started this thread.  I get a little emotional out there and noticed I do the same thing at the poker tables, where i make a pretty decent income.  I'll try meditating more.  Maybe that will help.  :-)

I guess what i learned from this post is fishing really isn't just about catching fish, It's about being out in nature, doing what you love, and if you're lucky, doing it with people you care about.  Sometimes I forget that and take it all a little to seriously.  Thanks for the therapy BR!

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

The hardest thing to learn about fishing is that it indeed fishing and not catching. Losing a fish is part of the game. Disappointed yes - angry no.

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

I've been known to let out an F-bomb, realize what I've said, clamp my hand over my mouth, and then mutter "Shoot!  Shoot!  Shoot!" repeatedly until I regain my composure.  But that's usually only when it's a really big fish or one that startles me near the boat or the shore.  Otherwise, I'm a perfect angel. ::)

fishing user avatarBassDeaton01 reply : 

I mostly mumble under my breath and get pretty mad if I lose one. .

fishing user avatarbobbyK reply : 

I lost one this morning and the response was "You have got to be kidding!!!!!"  Here is the story.  I was shore fishing this same spot about a month ago and hooked a nice one only it was near an old metal fence post in the water.  The fish looked like it knew it was there and I ran down the shore trying to keep it away. But after a jump or two and a struggle - twang!  Cut me off.

This morning, the same spot, I hooked a nice one again and after one jump, it threw the hook and senko and escaped.  Like I said - you have got to be kidding!!!!

Inspecting the hook, the senko twisted around when it bit and impaled the senko again preventing a good penetrating hookset.  Bad luck and bad karma at this spot.  I am tempted to go back tomorrow and wrench a good one out of this spot to break the trend.

Later,  Bob K

fishing user avatarwvbucketmouth reply : 

I can't remember ever getting angry while fishing. I enjoy it too much to get angry. I call the fish a few names every now and then (in good fun), but im not mad.

I have a cousin that used to get absolutely furious when fishing. I used to dread him tagging along. He would throw stuff, curse, scream, and complain ALL DAY long. Needless to say, I have not fished with him in over 20 years, and I do not miss it one bit!

Relax, and enjoy the great outdoors. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff. 8-)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
Disappointed yes - angry no.

Well, that quote generally describes how I feel, too.

However, I rarely (never) get broken off by a fish. Last

winter I hooked up with my PB smallmouth which had

the potential for a new World Record, seriously. I was

just a little beyond "disappointed".


fishing user avatarBLUESKY reply : 

Had that happen with the first fish of the day, in a tournament this year. Pitching the shoreline and this solid 6 lber grabs my bait, saw it when it turned sideways. Didn't through my rod down, but did let go a real streak like a drunken sailor, fell back in my seat and pounded my knees and had a real fit. I then took about ten deep breaths and let it go. My partner and I ended up finishing in 1st place for boater and non boater, yeah it bothered me but if I didn't let it go I never would have been able to concentrate for the rest of the day, I guess that's why its called fishin and not catchin.

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

I rarely ever get upset about losing fish. Whether it was a PB or not. I think I will be disappoint like anyone else, but it happens. I will never throw my gear. Sure, I'll be talking about the fish that could of been, but that's how it goes. Fishing is something that is relaxing for me and if I ever get POed about it, the fun is taken away.

fishing user avatardemonjd22 reply : 

Lol I might have to work on my composure because I definitely do get pretty heated over losing fish occasionally. This is partly my friends fault because when we fish we rip into each other ruthlessly (but with great jest though sometimes it doesn't feel that way ;D) I've also broken a rod by slamming it overhead into the water. Paid for that one though (and not just for the rod!!) because my buddy wouldn't drop me off after and I had to endure him fishing for a while afterwards lol.

fishing user avatar6pointbuck2003 reply : 

I have let a few words slip as well as my fair share of punching seats. but for some reason it's only when money is on the line. It brings out the the best of ya.

fishing user avatarBig Tom reply : 
You might hear an "Oh Crap" from me, but that's about it. It's just fishing and I go back at it.

Same here.  Its just as much a part of the game as missing a good bite.  I still sucks...royally.

fishing user avatarBigJohnny reply : 

I hooked into my would be PB a few weeks ago, I had it within two feet of landing and it shook the hook at the last second. I didn't yell profanity, I was too busy crying.

fishing user avatarJLBomber reply : 

It hurts but as they say it's called fishin not catchin.  ;) Toss it back out there bud.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Wow, some of these responses are almost "heaven-like"   ::)

I wont go Iaconelli on stuff in the boat, nor will I scream loud enough for everyone on the lake to hear me....

However, the F-bomb and other choice phrases among fishing partners is commonplace where I come from. I have fished with enough people on this board to know that I'm not all that different with that line of thinking....

Jeepers!!! I lost a fartin' fish!!!!


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