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Fishing.. is it a sport or a hobby? 2024

fishing user avatarFivePoundBluegill reply : 

This is probably something that many people argue about and will get some good conversation going on the forum. Some people consider fishing a sport while others would argue otherwise since it does not take much physical activity appart from casting and fighting larger fish. However other "sports" such as golf do not take much physical activity as well so would they also be considered "hobbys" Do you think fishing is a sport or a hobby?

I would say fishing with a rod/reel is both a sport AND a hobby depending on the person. For a person like me it would be a hobby. I fish a lot probably about 4 days a week for 2-3 hours a day if I have time. However I only fish for fun and fun only. I will probably never enter a tourney in my life so for me it is just a hobby.

However for some people fishing probably would be considered a sport. Like those guys on the FLW tour that make big money trying to catch a huge weight limit in fish. For these guys being skilled at fishing is what makes them money and for them it would be a sport. These are the guys that take it very seriously and for them it would be worth it to buy that $70 swimbait since it could catch them those couple lunkers they need to win the tourney and get a huge amount of money.

So...what do you guys think?

fishing user avatartntitans21399 reply : 

I would count it as a sport, because a hobby to me is more like something you collect.  Like collecting fishing lures or fishing reels would be your hobby.  I don't get fishing gear just to collect and look at, I get them to go out and try and catch fish.  I catch and release, but I still would like to catch them.  So it is me vs the fish, and pretty much anything with a ___ vs ___ I count as a sport.  

It's a sport, but just because you in enjoy a sport doesn't mean you can't be a casual sporter.  Like playing two hand touch football, you don't play 100 yards, you just need enough to play.  Like me and you, we are casual fishermen, not professionals, but we are still getting to the same goal to catch fish.

The key in every agreement.  You find fishing gear in the sporting goods area and Sporting goods stores, not hobby lobby or hobby usa.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Some people think a "sport" requires "defense" which eliminates both fishing and golf.


fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
Some people think a "sport" requires "defense" which eliminates both fishing and golf.


Cold fronts, lockjaw bass and hard water seem like a pretty good "defense" to me.   ;)

fishing user avatar-HAWK- reply : 

Thats a tricky question. But i would have to say sport. When i think Hobby, i think of collecting antiques, gardening, flying a kite, painting, etc. Fishing would be considered more of a sport because many people participate in the activity competively.

Now try and imagine competive gardening, antique collecting or painting..

fishing user avatarLakeAnnaBasser reply : 
Thats a tricky question. But i would have to say sport. When i think Hobby, i think of collecting antiques, gardening, flying a kite, painting, etc. Fishing would be considered more of a sport because many people participate in the activity competively.

I agree to that. I also agree with titans about the hobby shop. The stuff you see in those stores to me are considered hobbies like building airplanes. Making lures is a hobby while fishing is the sport.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
Thats a tricky question. But i would have to say sport. When i think Hobby, i think of collecting antiques, gardening, flying a kite, painting, etc. Fishing would be considered more of a sport because many people participate in the activity competively.

Many of the guys on this Forum "collect" and only a small minority "compete".


fishing user avatarejtaylor822 reply : 

An addiction.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

This is a good question and is sure to elicit many responses, but for me, it's an exercise in semantics.  I love to fish and it is one of my favorite pastimes, so how it is classified really isn't important.  

fishing user avatarHooked_On_Bass reply : Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source

Sport noun 1. an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.

For myself, it is a sport, a hobby, a passion and an addiction!

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 


Sport: noun

Definition: physical activity engaged in for pleasure

Hobby: noun

Definition: a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation

Sounds the same to me  ;)

fishing user avatarjrhennecke reply : 
Some people think a "sport" requires "defense" which eliminates both fishing and golf.


Cold fronts, lockjaw bass and hard water seem like a pretty good "defense" to me. ;)


fishing user avatartkite16 reply : 

 Golf is for sure a sport.  If you dont think there is defense in golf you havent played a Pete Dye course. He builds plenty of defense into his courses as do all architects.

 Fishing is kind of a tough one. Now my biggest bass is only 7 lbs 4 oz  but my grandma could have reeled it in with the right drag setting with no problem.   That said it is definatley a skill ie the better you are the more you catch.

All who have played football would find it hard to compare the two.Fishing has sent me home with a tired shoulder ,football sent me home with a seperated shoulder.

I would have to say no it is not a sport.  It is a definate skill and it can be a competition but so can pie making.

fishing user avatarPopeye reply : 

Hooked_On_Bass pretty much summed it up:

"For myself, it is a sport, a hobby, a passion and an addiction!"

I'd like to second that statement!!

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
Golf is for sure a sport. If you dont think there is defense in golf you havent played a Pete Dye course. He builds plenty of defense into his courses as do all architects.

There is no "defense" as long as the ball is hit perfectly onto the landing spot.

I have watched Tiger do this hundreds of times!   :o


fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Sport: noun

Definition: physical activity engaged in for pleasure

Hobby: noun

Definition: a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation

Sounds the same to me ;)

I totally agree .

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 
This is a good question and is sure to elicit many responses, but for me, it's an exercise in semantics. I love to fish and it is one of my favorite pastimes, so how it is classified really isn't important.

I agree 100%.  I once had a long and heated argument with a friend of mine over whether golf was a sport or a game.  I was arguing it's a sport, he was saying it's a game.  I realized I was actually defending golf as a legitimate activity (compared to baseball, for example), and he was pretty much trying to say it's a game for *cats*.  I realized it didn't matter whether golf is a game or a sport, it is what it is, and it's way better than any activity that's typically referred to as a sport, such as baseball or basketball  ;D

It's the same with fishing - it's way better than any other sport or hobby or game, even golf  8-)

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 

I think it is what you want it to be...For those who say it is not athletic, well I would like to invite you to stand next to me for nine hours on Lake Kissimee or Harris in a 30 mph wind during March and try not to fall out of the boat.  Never mind tying a lure or making an acccurate cast.   Or you could try not to pass out during Aug or Sep during the 95* days with no wind and make 2000 + casts to fish who are not eating....

fishing user avatarkey chain bass guy reply : 

Sport, hobby, addiction, past-time, whatever you want it to be.

fishing user avatarbeechnut reply : 

It is neather.....Its an addiction :)

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

depends if u are fishing competatively or just for fun

fishing user avatargarry77 reply : 

Football,baseball,etc,etc, are athletics.

Fishing and hunting are sports.That's why they call us sportsmen.LOL

I really have no idea but it seems like a good answer.

fishing user avatarCrabcakes reply : 
Football,baseball,etc,etc, are athletics.

Fishing and hunting are sports.That's why they call us sportsmen.LOL

I really have no idea but it seems like a good answer.

I would agreee. Competition makes something a sport. It might not be an athletic competition but one certainly competes, whether against the fish and conditions or other anglers.

In the end its all sort of arbitrary.

For example- Pool is a game. Ping pong is a sport. Golf is an athletic event. Some people would disagree with those statements and some would agree. In the end it's fairly irrelevant.

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

OBSESSION. Just gotta do it!

fishing user avataralger319 reply : 

i think competition is a key word...whether competing with the fish or trying to bring in a bigger weight than someone else. yes i think it's a sport, heck some people believe chess and  :-/poker are sports...

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

In some lakes anymore, the sport is dodging other boats.,

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

WHO CARES? I just LOVE FISHING and I do not care what it's labeled :o

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 
depends if u are fishing competatively or just for fun

Based on this response only pro-ball players are involved in the sport of baseball and for all the rest it is just a hobby.

Fishing is a sport by definition.

Generally speaking, the person who does something for fun, not remuneration, is called an amateur (or hobbyist), as distinct from a professional.

Note: it is the individual participating that makes a difference in the classification, but the activity itself stays the same.

fishing user avatarba7ss3in reply : 
I think it is what you want it to be...For those who say it is not athletic, well I would like to invite you to stand next to me for nine hours on Lake Kissimee or Harris in a 30 mph wind during March and try not to fall out of the boat. Never mind tying a lure or making an acccurate cast. Or you could try not to pass out during Aug or Sep during the 95* days with no wind and make 2000 + casts to fish who are not eating....

It is definitely a physical sport during March and the dog days of summer. Also mentally challenging when fishing in the rain, cold and the heat.

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

Like Muddy said, "Who cares?" As long as I can still catch fish, I don't care what it's labeled.


fishing user avatarJohn J. reply : 

Check out my signature quote from Jimmy Houston!  ;)

fishing user avatarbassmaster911 reply : 

well it could be considered either and it is very contriversal. I think it is a sport. Sure it is not physical but look at golf. You have to know what they are biting on and etc. to be able to catch bass. It is also competitive espacially at a tourtimate. I would say fishing and golf is about the only non pyschal sport. But both require skill to excell where as hobby does not.  ;):) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Either way it is still fun!!!!

fishing user avatarkbkindle reply : 

kb here   was watching a talk sports program  and they said that fishing was not a sport all you have to know how to do is sit.  i got two words for him   kb  and they are not nice fellow

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

I am OK with calling fishing a sport.

Fishermen are not "athletes" though.

fishing user avatarobsessed reply : 

lifestyle, anyone?

fishing user avatarNitro 882 reply : 

If you can catch fish on a regular basis, it's a sport. If you can't catch fish on a regular basis, it's a hobby.

fishing user avatarPond Hopper reply : 

It is enjoyment, if it is not enjoyment for you or anyone maybe you should move on.  Anything that is not enjoyment to me I call work, and fishing is not work.  ;)

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Well for me, fishing is just a way of life. Sport, hobby, passion, past time, etc..... the label is just not important.



fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Bass fishing is a sport.  Collecting tackle is a hobby.

fishing user avatarBassnbrett101 reply : 

To me i consider tournament fishing a sport while i consider pond fishing a hobby.  Let's be honest, it doesnt take that much skill to catch a ton of fish in a pond.  But in a tournament on a 100,000 acre lake trying to catch a 5 fish limit in an 8 hr time period that opens itself up to being a sport.  just because of the difficulty of patterning the fish, doing your homework, and learning all the different bait types and techniques. It gets tough and thats why i consider tournament fishing a sport.  Anyone can go out there and catch 20 fish in a pond, just like anyone can go out and hit a little ball all weekend and call it golfing.  My bottom line is once you get competitive in fishing it turns into a sport

fishing user avatarDangerRanger reply : 

How about SPORBY or HOBORT if George W. can make words up why can't I????????   LOL.

fishing user avatarbrgbassmaster reply : 


fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

I think the slogan by five.bass.limit sums it all up:

"Fishing is an addiction, disguised as a hobby" :-[


fishing user avatarbassfanatick reply : 

Fishing is definitely a hobby for me, as I would spend too much money on all my hobbies :(

fishing user avatarGitRDoneIke23 reply : 

HOBBY!!! No question about it.


fishing user avatarDarrell660 reply : 

I think it's a hobby if you do it just for fun. If you fish as a competition I think it's a sport.

fishing user avatarfishizzle reply : 
I am OK with calling fishing a sport.

Fishermen are not "athletes" though.

sure they are....Ike spends the winter working out

fishing user avataralger319 reply : 
I am OK with calling fishing a sport.

Fishermen are not "athletes" though.

sure they are....Ike spends the winter working out

exactally, you think you don't have to be in shape to stand eight hours in the blazing sun, freezing 30mph winds, hualing arse over 4 footers: your crazy. those who look at it as a hobbie(nothing wrong with that) would not be out in these conditions, they wouldn't go  out and stay home. Only an athlete is willing to go through this.

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 

:P Fishermen are not "athletes" though.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Neither, for me, it's a mindset.

I'd like to think I try to embody the ethics, morality and conservation awareness that fishing brings to the table.  That makes it a "way of life" for me.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
Neither, for me, it's a mindset.

I'd like to think I try to embody the ethics, morality and conservation awareness that fishing brings to the table.  That makes it a "way of life" for me.

Excellent post, LBH.


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