What the biggest largemouth bass and smallmouth bass youve caught and what did you catch it on?
largemouth= 7lb 2 oz caught it on a crankbait
smallmouth = close to two lbs on a jig&craw
i've caught maybe 6 or 7 smallies in my life.
Largemouth 7lbs. even Small mouth 3.7lb.
Sorry I didn't read the whole question.The LM was caught on a shad rap in early spring.The SM was caught on a Lucky Craft Sammy 100 in the fall.
Largemouth - 10.5 lbs. (in picture) - Crankbait
Smallmouth - I am with el_jewapo, I have only caught 5 in my life all caught on Hawg Woolytails in Grasshopper Green, and I have never targeted them. They all were caught while fishing for Largemouth. There aren't many lakes where I live that have therm and the lakes thet do have low populations of them.
do u use wolly hawgtails alot i do i was wondering what rigs u use and were are the most effective
Largemouth- 6lbs 4oz I caught it on a 5inch hula grub.
Smallmouth- 5lbs 8oz Caught on a Excaliber fat free fry.
Largemouth, 5-14, just 10 days ago on a Sizmic Toad used like a buzzbait. Smallmouth, not weighed, 20", estimated to be just under 4#, on a Jitterbug.
Largemouth 8lb 8oz.......spinnerbait (in picture)
Smallmouth 5lb 8oz.......hula grub
Both were caught in tournaments this year!!
Largemouth came in April and smallie just this past weekend. Both caught in Washington state.
Quoteku_bassmasterdo u use wolly hawgtails alot i do i was wondering what rigs u use and were are the most effective
You could say that. I use them a whole lot ;D ;D. I bet I have caught over 75% of the bass I have caught this year on a hawg woolytail. I usually T-rig them with either a 2/0 or 3/0 Gammy wide wap hook and usually a 1/4 oz bullet weight. I also carolina rigged them for a couple hours this weekend and had some sucess. I have never fished them weightless, but I might give it a try sometime. As for where I fish them................. EVERYWHERE, but I seem to have the most sucess with them in the grass. Do you use the Grasshopper Green color? It's the best color on the market in my opinion. My only wish would be that YUM would come out with a bigger version so I could really go Hawg Hunting.
I "accidentally" caught my largest (a 5lb 9oz Largemouth) while fishing with a bobber for bluegills on a small piece of live night crawler on an ultralight rig spooled with 4 lb test line. The fish was 19.75 inches long and 15 inches around. Never caught or even had the opportunity to fish for smallmouth,but will jump at the opportunity when it arises.
*sigh* Still no wall-hanger.
About 8 years ago in Texas, 23 7/8"...depending on the scale, between 7lb 8oz and 7lb 12oz. It was on a watermelon fluke in April.
This spring, caught one in March on Lake Seminole.
Weight unknown, digital scale wouldn't weigh it.
It went just at 25", and got a picture. Best guess,
8lb and a hair. It was caught on a brushhawg off a spawning flat. Big-mamma.
Both fish were left to fight again. The next one that close to those sizes will NOT.
Largest smallie was this week with Pro Guide Cedar1. Scale said right at 4lb 1oz, on a white spinner bait with a white blade of break wall rocks.
Have a picture, hope to post it soon.
Largemouth 4-11 is my biggest in michigan where i live but ive caught three over 5 lbs in florida so i guess 5+ lbs
smallmouth 3-9
largemouth=7 3/4 at night on a black clacker buzzbait.smallmouth = 4-11 50 feet down on a 1 oz.luhr jenson spoon hopped on the bottom.
I just got into bass fishin so largemouth 2.3 on a 1/6 oz pumpkinseed roostertail
small mouth .75 on a 3 1/2 inch creme worm
Six 10s, four from private ponds, one from a public pond and one from big water (Pickwick Lake). All midday, all on 6" Senkos.
Just over 8 lbs, the long one in the avatar. Caught on a live shiner on the Tennessee River below Pickwick Dam (1/15/05). The fat one in the picture was the best fighting fish I have ever caught in freshwater. That fish was just over 7 lbs. I release all my smallmouth, including these two.
Mine was A 6.5lb Largemouth caught on a frog colored Pop'n Image by Excalibur.
Largemouth 22 1/2 lbs on a green pumkin 6" senko. Unfortunately I was dreaming at the time.
largemouth 6 1/2lbs u tail zoom worm
small 2lbs. u tail zoom worm
5 1/2 lb largemouth on a chartruse buzzbait in October. 4 lb smallmouth on a zara spook in May. Both fish caught in Michigan inland lakes.
A 10.3 pound large mouth + another 8.6 lber no smallmouth
My largest LM bass is a 5 pounder using half a cricket
14.3 largemouth caught in 1969 below Columbus GA. Largest stringer was 1973, me and a friend caught 28 bass, smallest was 6.9, largest was 9.3, nine were over 8 lbs caught in Clark's Hill (Ga side) cranking Waterdogs. The sad part, that was back before we had enough since to release big fish and cared less about catch limits. Old saying goes, wisdom comes with age. Might catch one a year like that now in that lake.
wow! that was quite a day! i don't think you could do that anywhere in the world now.
Actually, that was not a day, that was just a couple of hours. We had been night fishing for white bass under Raysville Bridge, an hour or so before daylight we headed back to the car to get some sleep. On the way I cast a Waterdog to the riprap and caught a big fish. They were stacked in their like cordwood and up until a little after daylight we were pulling two at a time a lot. No telling how many missed strikes and a number slung the bait.
Just a couple of weeks ago we got into 2 - 3 pounders like that on rattle traps, boated (and released) over 30 but can only look at the pictures and dream of a day like 73 again. In Jan/Feb we do get into the 10 - 15 lb strippers like that at times but they don't count.
My largest Largemouth 5 1/2 lbs was caught on a chartreuse spinnerbait in the Cross RIver Reservoir NY.
My largest Smallie was caught last month in the New River, VA on a pumpkinseed berkely Gulp. I couldn't weigh it as i was wading in the river about 100 yards from the bank where my scale was but it measered about 17" from the tips of my fingers to the start of my bicep.
One 7.5 pound LM on a white spinner bait, two years ago. I caught two 6 pounders this year one on buzzbait and one on sizmic frog. never been SM fishing.
Largemouth (8 1/2 lbs)- Spit'n'image
Smallmouth (6 1/4 lbs)- Skirted Grub
Largemouth - 5.5 lbs on xrap in April
caught a 5lb. LMB on a slug-go (black w/ silver flake) on private pond.
12.2lbs. largemouth.... 3/4oz black/blue jig 10"worm trailer....Guntersville
7.1lbs. smallmouth... bone colored jerkbait....wheeler dam tailrace
Largemouth 15 inch 2 lbs on a senko ( My first and only largemouth)
Smallmouth 20 1/2 inch 4 lbs 9 ounces on a original rapala ( I am lucky to have an extremely pruductive smallie outlet right outside my familys cottage. I have caught smallies all my life)
i didnt have a weigher, i just measured them
sm- 19 inches fishing with a tube in a river
lm- 20 inches fishing in a reservoir
6 LBS. Texas Rigged ball breaker-Largemouth
5 1/2 LBS. hula Grub-Smallmouth
Both fish caught in WA.
13.5 lb largemouth on a junebug colored zoom u-tail AND no monster smallmouth
This is my very first post. Just found this web site yesterday.
My biggest SMALLMOUTH was 4.5 #'s. He broke the water about ten times. I thought for sure he was going to spit the hook at me. I caught him on a soft craw.
Biggest LARGEMOUTH was 5.5#'s. I caught him on a mirrored skirt spinner bait. That was my last fishing trip last fall. It was a great way to end the season for the winter. ;D
LM 7.6
overall-bluefin tuna 923 lbs
bigest fish, paudash lake, ont.
large mouth 7 lbs caught twice, with lure stil in mouth!
small mouth 6 1/2 lbs
large mouth 71/2 lbs
Caught on rapala j- 7s and j11s and jitterbugs
Biggest alrgemouth went at 7lbs caught on a 4" senko.
Biggest smallie is 5.5lbs came on a pegged texas rig. Best fighting fish I'v ever caught.
9.88 LM on a clear Zara Spook postspawn (she was all head, only can wonder what she was prespawn) in September on a small pond.
Largemouth - 6 lb. 6 oz. on a storm crankbait run over a spawning bed.
Smallmouth - haha well ive only fished for them once and only caught a few fish so i would have to say a 12" smallmouth is my biggest fish
7.5 lb largemouth this spring on a shad colored strike king diamond shad. (rattle trap)
recently I caught my biggest bass. I did'nt have my scale on me, but the guy I was fishing with said he was about 7 1/2lbs.
I just got the pictures, I hate that I didn't have the scale... I think he was bigger, but I really can't say (being extremely humble). regardless, it has been my biggest catch for a largemouth.
QuoteLM 7.6overall-bluefin tuna 923 lbs
that's awesome! how long did you fight him , what kind of tackle?
the tuna's we catch using live bait jigged up just south of the tuna grounds. Usually live Whitting or Hake but a small bluefish also gets it done.
The LM was caught on a jig
Largemouth- 8lbs 6oz
Smallmouth- 4lbs 12oz
Both on Spinnerbaits
LargeMouth - 7-1/2 # Spinnerbait
Lake Shelbyville Illinois
Smally - 6-1/4# Smithwick Suspending Rogue
Powerplant lake in central Illinois This lake during the 90's was producing 100+ Smallies a day...
All Bass are released....
LM was a 5 pounder caught on a Scumfrog. Smallie was about a pound caught on a Bomber Model A crankbait.
7.5 lbs. caught on a shiner
6.75 caught on a t-rig
Caught a 9-9 largemouth in an FLW event this year. I haven't weighed smallies from the great north, but around 5-5 would probably be right.
LM 8.4# on craw coloerd deep crank
SM 2.5 on a live nightcrawler