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Drinking and fishing ??? 2024

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

I know I lot of guys consider drinking alcohol to be an important part of their fishing trips. {I don't drink at all}.

I'm just curious as to how they manage this responsibly ? I mean, do they drink for the first 3 hours, then not drink another drop for the next 6, so they can drive home legally ? (personally speaking, I'd feel like crap an hour after I stopped drinking, and the rest of my trip would be miserable) ? Or, do they sit there and drink their arse off, while their buddy drinks gatoraide, then he can drive them home ?

I dunno..... the whole thing just sounds like a major PITA to plan around, to me.

And I sure as hell hope they don't drive with even so much as, what they might call "just a buzz"  :-X

Drugs suck, and alcohol is one of the worst of them.


fishing user avatarFordNFishinLover reply : 

Im with yah man. Im only 17, but ive seen what drugs/alcohol does to you. An i have no reason at all to drink it.

Im also very anti-smoking, others can do it, but please dont do it around me.

I can have plently of fun without all of that so why do it!

fishing user avatarBrianinMD reply : 

Personally, I don't drink at all while fishing, except I am night fishing from the bank and stop well before its time to leave the next day.

There is no excuse for drinking and driving, period. If anyone thinks its okay if they only have a "buzz" or they are somehow super human and can have a couple and still drink needs to be on the scene of a fatal wreck caused by someone who only had a couple. The image doesn't leave your mind....

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

I'd bet most of those who drink a lot while fishing, also drink a lot period.

Personally, I think the link with fishing and drinking going hand in hand is like the same involving golf.  Exaggerated.

The guys who take a case of beer with them, will take that case of beer to tailgate parties before any entertainment event.

The "outings" are just an excuse/opportunity to drink.  If they weren't fishing, golfing or tailgating, they'd be drinking in front of the tv at home, or at the local pub.

Home is the best place to get a snoot full.  At least the drinker doesn't have to get behind the wheel to get home.

fishing user avatarBassnMan Mike reply : 

When I go fishing I drink Gatorade or water. If I'm staying the night I might have a beer or 2 at night.

I do have friends who's impression of fishing is taking a few cases of beer and drink till they pass out, but they are not what I consider real fishermen. They are ones that might go fishing 2-3 times a year.

Bassnman Mike

fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 

Fishing and doing a good job of it takes all the concentration that one can muster without being impaired by alcohol.  I'll drink a beer with you but not in the boat.

fishing user avatarbigfruits reply : 

when i go out for a few hrs i rarely drink. canoe camping, thats a different story.

fishing user avatarBranuss04 reply : 

I'm guilty of drinking while fishing, but it's on very rare occasion.  

*I don't like drinking when it's hot.  100+ degree's plus alcohol+boat=MAJOR dehydration/headache.  

*I don't like drinking when the fishing is good.  It's too much trouble to deal with drinking when I should be worrying about fishing.

*I will sometimes drink at the beginning of a long night fishing trip.  

* When I think the fishing is going to be tuff, I'll buy a couple just in case  ;)

*Anytime when fishing with 4bizz

with that said, I NEVER drink to the point of getting a buzz.  I think the most I ever drank on a trip was 3 over a 8 hour period.  I think certain fisherman put a bad rap on drinking+fishing and give fisherman drinking beer a bad name.  It's just like anything else - moderation and responsibility.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

I drink a couple beers on the boat pretty regularly. And I mean 1-3, not 8.

I have developed a ridiculously high tolerance for alcohol, so I have yet to feel any of the ffects while on the water. I just like beer.

All things in moderation my friends.

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 

I never have any alcohol on the boat, but, we frequently camp at the lake so the evenings by the fire are a different story.

fishing user avatarfatbass reply : 

I will admit there was a time before bass fishing when I imbibed a little too much.  That time has passed.  Now, with bass fishing I keep too busy throwing baits and the like.  I still have 1-2 beers with my lunch maybe 1-2 later in the day.  Not the twelve like back then.

fishing user avatarRAINCLOUD36 reply : 

Much as I love beer I never take any on my boat. Only water or soda.

fishing user avatarTom H. reply : 

It all depends -

Bass or Panfish no

Catfishing late at night yep , you bet ya , then again when I'm catfishing I've got a good spot and a place to stay.

fishing user avatarMaineBassMan reply : 

I drink beer when I'm fishing for fun, but I don't drink to get hammered. I take 2 - 3 beers with me pack a nice lunch and bring a bottle of water and Gator Aid. I'm usually on the water by 6-7 am, I will not have a beer before I catch a fish, (bad Carma). I nurse my beers and whether I drink all 3 or not I'm done drinking at Noon. From there I eat my lunch and drink nothing but water and Gator aid. I'm off the water by 5:30 pm. I take my bottles home to, I hate seeing all the cans and bottles on the bottom of the lake.

There is nothing wrong with having a couple of beers while fishing just be responsible about it and police up after yourself.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Right on guys. I was afraid I might get hammered a little for this post.

I agree with what BassMan Mike said

I do have friends who's impression of fishing is taking a few cases of beer and drink till they pass out, but they are not what I consider real fishermen.

Exactly. I've mentioned fishing to a LOT of guys in the past, who replied.... "Yea ! We can get a case or two and....." Beeeep. Wrong answer.

My high comes from catching a freaking pig ! It's better than crack, + it's legal, and not physically harmful to you ;-)  LOL

It doesn't sound like any of you have a serious problem with alcohol, and that's a good thing. My father, and best long time friend were both alcoholics. And for them, alcohol was no different than crack, heroin, or methamphetamines.

It still blows me away that alcahol is legal, and pot is not. I don't do that, nor recommend it either, but I do believe its considerably less dangerous than alcahol, on many different levels.

Just be safe, and responsible out there. Their are too many big fish waiting for you, to screw it up with drugs or alcahol ;-)



fishing user avatarBrianinMD reply : 

The people that concern me are the ones on monday morning you ask how there weekend was and the first response is, great we got so trashed....or something along those lines.

If you life is such crap you have to use how much you had to drink to show how "good" it was you need a real life.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

No alcohol in the boat.


No ifs, ands or buts.

Being on the water is dangerous by itself without some idiot having their facilities impaired.  >:(

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

Don't drink, use to drink socially" about 20 yrs ago..Although I'm not on the water everyday, I have never seen anyone tippin a beer or anything else. I did run across a drunk at a local fishery a long time ago, the dude reeked of beer.

So no, no acohol for us.. ;)

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 


Those who drink responsibly, in any setting will most likely be responsible while fishing.  Those who are out to get 'trashed" don't need an excuse, like going fishing.

fishing user avatarBtech reply : 

I drink - Not alot but ill drink while fishing from a boat or shore. However my buddy that is with me doesnt - so if he feels i have had too much to drive he takes the keys and drives. Most of the time ill stop drinking a few hours before leaving, and be sure im sober before driving.

 If its just a day trip ill drink Gatoraide to stay hydrated and wait until that night to drink. I think as long as you do it responcible like you would have to at a bar its the same thing fishing. If you give yourself an hour for every beer you drink (or shot) you should be sobered up.

fishing user avatarCalcutta reply : 

I have seen people bank fishing here in georgia so drunk they couldnt stand up but I have never even seen a beer in any boat that I can recall.One day my son and I left the boat ramp and there was a drunk settin on a cooler drinking and casting.We returned 7 or 8 hours later and he was passed out lying in a pile of beer cans and he was sunburnt to a crisp!

fishing user avatarEddie Munster reply : 

Those who drink responsibly, in any setting will most likely be responsible while fishing. Those who are out to get 'trashed" don't need an excuse, like going fishing.

Good posting right there. Although I will say that people that want to get drunk will use ANYTHING as an excuse to do it.

I stopped drinking 6 years ago because I felt I was setting a poor example for my kids. I wasn't getting hammered and was a mellow fellow while holding a buzz. I also let my kids know why I quit too.

fishing user avatarROCbass reply : 

It still blows me away that alcahol is legal, and pot is not. I don't do that, nor recommend it either, but I do believe its considerably less dangerous than alcahol, on many different levels.



I agree with you about it being less dangerous, but it does not surprise me at all that alcohol is legal and pot isn't. The government wants their cut of everything. Alcohol is legal because it can be taxed. They could try to legalize and tax marijuana, but it would probably not be very effective because it is relatively easy to grow your own, compared to a home brewing or distilling operation. So what do they do to get their cut? Keep it illegal and then fine those who are caught using/ possessing it.

Back on the original topic, I don't see anything wrong with enjoying a drink or two out on the water if the person is of legal drinking age and makes sure they regulate their consumption so they will not become impaired. Personally I would rather not take the risk of having anything at all, especially if I am the one driving the boat..

fishing user avatarChristop73 reply : 

I don't allow any liquor of any kind on my rig. Like others have stated if you need to get buzzed/drunk to have a good time you need help.

fishing user avatar6pointbuck2003 reply : 

Deffinatly not cool to drink and drive. I can understand drinking a few but if your buzzed it aint worth the risk of hurting yourself or an inocent person.

fishing user avatarskillet reply : 

"You might be a Redneck if you ever got too drunk to fish"

                                            Jeff Foxworthy

Haven't imbibed in a number of years now. When I did, never while fishing. Never understood that rational...


fishing user avatarfivesixone reply : 
I drink a couple beers on the boat pretty regularly. And I mean 1-3, not 8.

I have developed a ridiculously high tolerance for alcohol, so I have yet to feel any of the ffects while on the water. I just like beer.

All things in moderation my friends.

These are my thoughts exactly.

fishing user avatarRiskKid. reply : 

I drink socially and responsibly. I fish for fun and it is my hobby. I don't see how these activities would be enhanced by the other. A time and place for everything. These should be done in different times and places.

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

usually no I dont drink and fish. at my buddies cabin all bets are off! we will usually troll for pike and bs and have a few once we start getting buzzed up we usually anchor and drink/fish until 1-2AM then it is a very short ride to the cabin, very small lake only 2 other cabins on it.

fishing user avatarCatBassin reply : 

I don't drink at all while fishing during the day, tried it once right after I turned 21 and it wasted more time than it was worth. Me and my buddies will drink when we're catfishing all night, and that used to turn into a whole weekend, but we don,t drink till sun up we just sit around the fire shoot the bs and enjoy the time.

fishing user avatardone reply : 

    Drinking and driving a boat is just as bad as drinking and driving a car. I will not drive if I have a single beer in me, same with the boat.

   Growing up on the Niagara river, I saw alot of drinking and boating, I saw a lot of folks arrested, and I can rattle of tons of drunk and dead stories for folks who found out how bad an idea it was.

   Fishing, I never drink. The main fishing I do, trout fishing wading in streams, and Bass on a boat would both likely end up with some nasty reprocussions if I got wasted doing them.  

  At home, I may have a couple. As for what others SHOULD do, IMO, if they are doing what they are doing without endangering others or stomping on my rights, I am pretty quick to let their free will decide for them.


fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

1981 a guy handed me a beer while out on the lake. I poured it out after he left. I have no problem with someone having a few beers in my boat, I just do not do it.

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

In this state (MA), it is illegal to be under the influence of alcohol while operating a boat - period.

Besides that, I have a hard enough time trying to catch fish sober!  ;D

Seriously....I have never and will never permit any kind/quantity of alcohol on my boat.

fishing user avatarprincecraft papa reply : 

I'm not sure what the laws are where you guys live, here in eastern Canada you are required to have a boaters lisence, if you get caught drinking on your boat you loose your lisence. zero tolerance! I know this may seem extreme, but concider this. 75% of all boating accidents involve a drunk driver!

I thimk I'll wait till I'm at home BBQin B4 I enjoy a couple of beers.

Don't DRINK & DRIVE,,,,,,,car,boat,truck,4x4,,,,still driving!

fishing user avatarOK Bass Hunter reply : 

I'm too busy fishing to drink water or eat sometime much less have time to worry if my beer is cold. So I don't drink when I'm fishing. Too many other things on my mind. Drinking just gets in the way for me.

fishing user avatarZeNoob reply : 

When we go catfishin at night we will drink from sundown till sun up. someones wife usualy drives us. If we go camping were drinkin beer 24/7 untill it gets to heavy then we switch to rum and cokes for a few hours then its back to beer.

as for bass fishing, well i shore fish(no boat) so it kinda hard to keep track of your beer while constantly casting and reeling in.

and yes, if someone farts it a good reason to crack open a cold one.  ;D

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
In this state (MA), it is illegal to be under the influence of alcohol while operating a boat - period.

I believe it's like that everywhere...  and at the very least, you could get arrested/ticketed for public intoxication, even if the driving statute didn't cover a boat.

fishing user avatarOlebiker reply : 

I do well to keep my balance in a rocking bass boat when I'm sober, so no beer in the boat.  Once the fishing is done I will gladly have an Amber Bock.  If I don't have to drive I might have two.

As to alcohol being legal and pot illegal: I can drink a beer or two without being impaired.  You can't smoke one of those left handed cigarettes without losing control of your judgement.

fishing user avatarbassmedic46 reply : 

Drinking and fishing is why I go alone. Most of the people that I know fish drink and they drink to much.

fishing user avatarsmdono reply : 

I'm gonna be perfectly honest.....i don't drink but i do enjoy a couple joints when im out fishing.  I am never physically impaired and I do fish with out it all the time.  but it is just something i enjoy.  

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

A couple of brews in a day of fishing ain 't gonna kill you, problem comes when you abuse of the spiritous beverages. My friend Pedro likes to drink .... a lot   :-/, he chokes with a couple of brews, starts the injun and keep on fueling the entire day, Poncho plays second usually needless to say I 'm always de resignated driver for boat and vehicle.

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

If I am nightfishing with bait at the beach, I will.  If I am bass fishing, no.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
I'm gonna be perfectly honest.....i don't drink but i do enjoy a couple joints when im out fishing. I am never physically impaired and I do fish with out it all the time. but it is just something i enjoy.

Don't drink and drive, get high and fly...

fishing user avatarfivesixone reply : 
I'm gonna be perfectly honest.....i don't drink but i do enjoy a couple joints when im out fishing. I am never physically impaired and I do fish with out it all the time. but it is just something i enjoy.

Don't drink and drive, get high and fly...


I don't have a big bass boat or nothing, I go out on my little pond prowler in my neighborhood lake most of the time with nothin' but a trolling motor. I see nothing wrong with havin' a few brews.

fishing user avatarshadyhaven reply : 

folks who have a problem will continue to have that problem no matter what they are doing! there is a time and place for everything, big lake=big rules(dnr,etc...)too much hassle. small lake=small rules. you get the pic. my lake is 90 acres, there is usually a beer or two onboard but thats it. anymore and trouble seems to find its way onboard too. i would much rather a lake full of left handers than drunks! at least it will be funny when you fall in!

fishing user avatarBass Dude reply : 

Beers are for AFTER fishing.  There is nothing better than getting home from a fishing trip, having a BBQ and cracking some beers---let the fishing stories fly!!!!

fishing user avatarAverageJoeBass reply : 

For me fishing and drinking don't mix.  Almost 100% of the time when I go fishing I am with my son or my nephew.  I wouldn't want them to associate fishing with drinking.  I would rather them associate fishing with spending quality time with each other and a hobby.  The only drinks I have around when fishing are soda and water.

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

Fishing/boating and drinking don't mix.....PERIOD!!!

Enjoy a few cold beverages on land after the outing or tourney. I have seen to many otherwise great people have their lives ruined for drinking and driving...don't do it!!!  Actually, I believe most T's don't allow alcohol on the boat..I might be wrong but???? IMVHO

Peace!   :)


fishing user avatarHossFly reply : 

Boy, this seems to be a good thread, so i'll jump on.....

Here in my neck-o-the-woods, we have a nice little river that has some  good 4-6-8-hour floats on it, be it by boat,canoe, or tube.

The fishing is usually pretty good to, bass and bream, if one chooses to do so.

'Problem is, a lot of adults AND a lot of  "KIDS", that would be, say, "under-age", have tarnished this said little river to the point that the local officials have BANNED alcohol on said PORTIONS of this river, due to abuse, neglect of laws, litter, drunks, the list goes on....

There is nothing wrong with a "responsible" adult enjoying a few "adult" beverages on a "water-outing", but around here it seems there are not as many "resposible adults" as there are "adult beverages".......

lust had to throw in my 6-cents worth...

fishing user avatarmrlitetackle reply :

Catfish late night at the lake outside house.......oh yeah!!

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

I'm not much of a drinker anymore.I don't have a problem with people drinking as long as they control themselves.However anybody operating a machine shouldn't be that for when you get home with a nice warm dinner.

It's pretty much illegal to drink in public unless said otherwise.All the parks around here prohibit the alcohol.


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