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How bad has your cabin fever gotten? 2024

fishing user avatarJon in VA reply : 

So far here in SoVA, we have exceeded our annual snowfall by 150% so far, with more wintry precip forecasted for Tuesday AND Saturday...

How low have you sunk on your time off the water? Do you spend an unusual amount of time with your significant other? (Ya know, the time that's usually reserved for the bass.) Have you taken up a new hobby?

I for one have been watching Bill Dance every day for the last week. (Thank you, I'm going crazy watching Bill pull those hogs outta the water. I've been playing 'Bass Pro Shops: The Strike' with my fishing controller for the Xbox 360 and practicing throwing my baitcaster under my back porch (much like flipping under a dock) and pulling out tons of backlashes.

All I need is ONE day on the water to hold me for a couple weeks!

fishing user avatarCarrington reply : 

its been bad for me, i want to say here in chesterfield we have gotten about 2 feet of snow or so, maybe more its crazy.

fishing user avatarEternal Angler reply : 

So bad for me I'm checking out this forum twice a day. 


fishing user avatarSfritr reply : 

Its so bad I have been standing on my bathtub and flipping into the toilet.  (Can't seem to get it over that log though :)  )

Its so bad I went to Meijers and bought a whole striped bass, hooked it to my lure, and fought it in the hot tub.

Its so bad I stood on my boat in the garage, hooked my line to my dogs collar and tossed bones into the yard. then fought the dog back to the boat.

Is that bad enough for ya???? :-[

fishing user avatarsantacruz reply : 

So bad i've broke down and fished the ohio river from shore.

fishing user avatarTaylor Fishin 4 life reply : 

man i love fishng in georgia :) No snow, No freezing lakes, no real cold.  My cabin fever is great

fishing user avatarbassfisherjk reply : 

BAD! They are calling for another big snow storm for the middle of the week :'( 

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Heck it's even bad here in Texas. Wind, sleet, snow, just does not make it fun. I had plans for the middle of the week, but now we have sleet and snow in our forcast for the Houston area(Again).

fishing user avatarThe Bassinator reply : 

I go to school in NH and there has been little to no snow but its been cold and windy for what seems like forever and even when it seems like its nice out I look at the ponds and theyre iced over pretty thick. I cant watch Bill Dance, Roland or Hank Parker anymore and I need to fish!!!

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

So bad I went ice fishing yesterday.  Two lakers, 22" and 16".  ;)

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
Its so bad I stood on my boat in the garage, hooked my line to my dogs collar and tossed bones into the yard. then fought the dog back to the boat.

Is that bad enough for ya???? :-[

It sure is bad ~ who would do something like that ?





fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 
So bad I went ice fishing yesterday. Two lakers, 22" and 16". ;)


I'm working 58 hours a week.....That's taking care of my cabin fever this year.

On my time off I'm practicing pitching into the trash

cans outside.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 
So bad I went ice fishing yesterday. Two lakers, 22" and 16". ;)

Bet I know where you were. Just can't wait for that lake to thaw under you eh? I don't blame you.

Oh man... here I am, blabbin away. You can tell my level of CF by the number of threads I stick my nose into. My BPS catalog looks like it's 4 years old. My tackle is sparkling. I even polished my SB blades with toothpaste! Bought more stuff than I'll actually get to use this coming year -but I can always hope. :)

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

My wife told me that if I say "I want to go fishing" one more time then she's going to have me committed.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Between all the hours I'm putting in at work, and the winter weather, I am a little tense.  I've avoided having a psychotic breakdown . . . . so far.   

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 

i've been ice fishing 1-2 times a week, and catching some great fish. no cabin fever here! you guys should find a nice winter lake to go to.

I was in lake george over the weekend, 2.5 inches of ice, we were the only idiots crazy enough to go out where we were.  Group pulled in 3 great lakers, I didn't get any.  was so d**n cold and windy though, we didn't stay very long.  The wind was so crazy, if you spread out your hands and legs it would blow you around. 

fishing user avatarTommyBass reply : 

I like ice fishing but I can only do it so much.  For one thing we don't get tons of ice here in indiana to the point you can go when you please.  Its a highly varying activity.  Also I just don't feel the same.  Sure a good ice fishing day is fun and can put some tasty fish in the pan, but its nothing like pitching a lure to stump for a big ol' bass.  We seem to get just enough ice here to keep you from putting a boat on but not enough to keep you from regularly walking on it.

To sum up how bad my cabin fever is in one word.... "BAD"

fishing user avatarbrushhoggin reply : 

last couple of years i've been dumb enough to fish this time of year, so this is the first time i've gotten smart and stayed indoors for the winter. its not cool. i'm thinking about buying a shotgun just so i can wonder the wilderness shooting anything that moves till it starts to warm up. the first 70 degree day we get i'm going to fish like its my last fishing trip

fishing user avatarbassmanET reply : 

This has been the first time I have experienced Cabin Fever! I skied a lot when I was younger, took kids tubing (but there to old to hang with their old man anymore & I'm too old & outta shape to ski anymore!) Started fishin last May. I can't stop thinkin about fishing! Sometimes catch myself staring out the window at the snow or driving down street to my finshin hole & checking how much ice there is. To make it worse I bought a boat in January & it sits under a tarp covered in ice :'(. I just keep taking it one week at a time!

fishing user avatarFrog Turds reply : 

so bad that i went to this dam yesterday. it was 20 degrees out, snow falling with my long rod.  I was throwin a white ice fluke & slow rollin a shad rap. wasn't expecting to get anything. but felt good to get out & actually cast lol

first time i've ever used a long rod in winter :D


fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

Its at the point were if I see a fishing show on tv I get mad and switch the channel even though I love fishing shows. Just seeing other people fishing has made me extremely mad. I also have at least one fishing dream per week and I am constantly looking over my tackle and imagining fishing it.

fishing user avatarNick94 reply : 

I cant stop thinking about it! ive reorganized my tackle thrice already and ive been thinking over it this whole time !!!!!!!!!!!! >:(

fishing user avatarPurpleworm82 reply : 

Apparently I'm not the only one in the house with cabin fever:


Good kitty!

fishing user avatarBainza reply : 

Mines starting to get bad and then i remembered...i have guns...and lots of wild rabbits and squirrels...squirrel or rabbit stew is amazing

fishing user avatarflipin4bass reply : 

Hang in there of today, 39 days til spring!

fishing user avatarLuke at Gouldsboro reply : 

I've been messing with my tackle box almost every day, watching fishing on tv, playing fishing games on playstation, and buying fishing stuff almost every other day. It's bad, I need to fish in the worst way

fishing user avatarScorpio reply : 

It' so bad that I think I just re-purchased a reel on this post that I sold last year.

fishing user avatarEasternPAfisherman reply : 
Mines starting to get bad and then i remembered...i have guns...and lots of wild rabbits and squirrels...squirrel or rabbit stew is amazing

Or squabbit, hahaha.

fishing user avatarSlateTundra reply : 

It's not quite as bad as it once was.  I got the kids to keep me busy.  I'm looking to buy things for my truck.  I also picked up ice fishing too.  I'm keeping myself busy.

fishing user avatarCWB reply : 

Ice fishing definitely helps. So does feeding the Bait Monkey. I've been busy checking out colleges with my son who thinks he's going to be a major league catcher.

Would be nice then he could support me.

fishing user avatarFrog Turds reply : 

i do try and look at the positive side of winter & the hardwater. that if it were warm all year round here. the lakes would be that much more pressured. fish would be that much more conditioned & be much less numbers to catch.

winter gives bass a break and will be that much better for us in the frozen lands when the ice thaws and the water warms. atleast thats what i wanna believe 8-)

fishing user avatarJon in VA reply : 

I went out a bit earlier. 33 degrees with light snow and sleet. Dreadful. Guess I'll just wait til spring. :P

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

Not too bad, but like others, the bait monkey has had some fun and I got my new canoe in last week and will start rigging that.

My lakes have iced over and thawed out twice since New Years - in-between, I've gone out fishing even though I know the success rate would be near zero. In fact, I haven't caught a fish since mid-November but I've been out fishing at least a couple times a week since then. I guess my cure for cabin fever is to go fishing ! (I do hate it when you have to clear the ice from your guides every other cast though ;D).

fishing user avatarpennyankees reply : 

i routinely flip jigs under my coffee table from my couch lol

fishing user avatarbwell reply : 

I have been practicing flipping in my backyard with about 4 inches of snow of on ground...  My neighbors probably think i am nuts lol.

fishing user avatarFrog Turds reply : 
I have been practicing flipping in my backyard .

yup, i stand out there in the driveway and pitch into a coffee can til my thumb goes numb from the cold. why not make the best out of a bad situation called winter by practicing ;)

fishing user avatarMatt Kremers reply : 

I took my new baitcaster out to the river a little while ago. The river is still frozen over, so I would just cast onto the ice and retrieve. It was just nice to cast for 10 minutes until I couldnt feel my fingers, resulting in birds nests.

fishing user avatarQuinte bass reply : 

I was gonna say you need to get out more....but perhaps not.... :D :

Up here in Ontario I have to wait till June 26th (fourth Saturday in June) before we can fish for we need more drugs n stuff ;D

fishing user avatarBassnMan Mike reply : 

I feel for you guys. Me personally, I'm out here in California, yeah I know, "The Land Of Fruits And Nuts" We did have a few waves of winter weather but that still didnt stop me from wetting a line so no cabin fever here.

BassnMan Mike

fishing user avatarcwen reply : 

I read a similar post, but I can't even watch fishing shows anymore.

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

Cabin fever?  Now why would I have cabin fever?  I have been trying to replace the carpeting in my boat for three months.  I've got two pieces left to install, but the temperature needs to be above 50 for the carpet glue to adhere.  Only after I install these two pieces can I re-install the ****-pit floor board, the driver's console and the adjoining side panel.  Only after re-installing all of the above can I then install my new Hot Foot throttle.  And then ... I get to re-install all of the electrics and electronics.  And then ... I get to put the boat in the water and adjust the Hot Foot.  And then ... I get to install my new Minn Kota Terrova with the iPilot.

All I need is a couple of days in the sixties, but nooo ...

fishing user avatarA-Rob reply : 

last year I planned on ditching everyone and driving down south to fish by myself for a week.

It was all planned, but then my girlfriend stepped in haha.

fishing user avatarQuinte bass reply : 

I feel your pain 8-)

Have been contemplating a trip to Mexico for bass but costs are pretty heavy duty - and that's before you even start looking at flights etc.  .....So must think of other things.  Problem is no matter the what those 'other' things may be,  I always end up back at bass.  ::).  Long time till late June :'(

fishing user avatarBigJohnny reply : 

We had a fairly early winter in OH, I'm hoping we get an early spring. I plan on fishing pretty much every day from ice out until the end of the spawn.

fishing user avatarIneedanewscreenname20170204 reply : 

Flipping practice plugs indoors playing keep away with the puppy who chases it wildly down the hall...

fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 

I beat the winter cabin fever blues by fly fishing.  From November until mid-April, I am on the streams with a fly rod either fishing for Steelhead (if the tributaries are flowing) or trout.  Once I put my boat away in the fall, I polish off my waders and vest and am ready for six months of a new fishing season.  Come April, I will put away my fly gear and shine up the boat.  I love living in PA.  The variety really keeps fishing from getting too stale.

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 

went out today, got about 10-12 bass, maybe 7 pickerel, and a bluegill.  cabin fever is pretty lame  :D

fishing user avatarzacksdad reply : 

I"m watching reruns of Charlie Moore. Someone shoot me !!! :-/

fishing user avatarjerkw8nonajerk01 reply : 

Well  too have watched an amazing amt of on demand fishing game fishing...and throwing practice plugs in the backyard while the dog chases it through the snow.....reminds me of'm gonna fish this weekend tho!!! I've surveyed my little pond by the house and no at least.....almost forgot one of my faves...fill the bathtub and see what this rig and that rig does...I actually found a great shaky worm like this :D

fishing user avatarnralover reply : 

I have become so starved for excitement that I charged out my front door and sucker punched my next door neighbor. She didn't know what hit her.....

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I won't say I have cabin fever as I'm still fishing 7 days a week, however I'm not doing what I like to do best.

In the winter here 20mph winds coming off the ocean at 50 degrees is uncomfortable for me plus there is a lack of bait which means few fish.  Just like everyone else I'm waiting for the warmer weather and bait to show up.


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