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fishing user avatarBassMaster reply : 

So, whats the biggest bass that you've ever caught? Well, lets see who has caught the biggest bass. Tell us how long it was tip of nose, to tip of tail, and how much it weighed.

fishing user avatarplaymaker47 reply : 

19" i caught it on a Storm Thunderstick in perch color. i dont know how much it weighed cause i didnt have a scale.

fishing user avatarbigbass reply : 

51/2 LBS. on a white Strike King spinnerbait in the bleeding bait series........ ;D

Did not measure the length.... :-[

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

I win so far ;D. But I know there are guys on this board with some 13's and 14's.

Mine 10 lbs. 8 oz., 25 1/2 inches. (In the picture)

fishing user avatarflippin4it. reply : 

     Ku kill's my 8 plus pounder,but it was still an awsome fish.


fishing user avatarplaymaker47 reply : 

dang KU that is about 1 lb or less from the Kansas state record

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

My biggest bass so far is 10lbs she was caught in the shallows about 2ft from shore at first light(dusk) the sky was just starting to light up. At first It kind of scared me to see a bass this big, I have only seen fish this big in saltwater. I never expected to ever catch a fish this big. I was constantly on many 3's, 4's and 5lbers in this spot. At first when i seen it i said holly cow i got a hog on. I fish about 5 places constantly and in 2 of them i hold the record between a few guys for the biggest bass caught. One of them old timers who has fished all of his life(a lot more than me) told me to this day it was the biggest bass he has ever seen.(10lber) I mainly fish from shore in small places you would normally drive by even small swamps that hold plenty of bass and most of them are still unfished. And don't pass up those little manmade condo ponds too even a 1/8 acre one can hold bass like 3lbers too. They are really made for drainage but the fishing can be awesome. My 10lber hit a Rebel BIG CLAW Crawfish Crankbait #D74 in Chartruese its hard to find and the biggest one Rebel makes too. I like to use the smaller ones in rivers the bass kill this lure. Its one of the hottest lures I have ever used so far in bass fishing. My other hot lure is the BassProShops topnocker in color #25 it has caught some big bass too and the largest pickerel i have ever seen too. I have seen pickerel do out of the water back flips to hit this lure. BigBill

Its kind of odd too i have only caught small bass up to 6lbers and then a 10lber with nothing inbetween no 7's, no 8's, no 9's at all.  I went right to "10"??? But i have lost larger fish in the same spot too, one grabbed my 7 1/4" BPS Stick O Worm but it was the first time i have ever used it and i only had 3/0 hooks and i seen her swim up and take it and i missed her on the hookset.  Another one took my topnocker like a torpedo at 100mph then on the hookset she went down in the weeds I fought her for about 15 to 20 minutes, everytime i got 2ft of line she took back 3ft. I finally lost the fight fishing from shore. From what i saw of her she was quite a bit larger than my 10lber was. At another place in November just when you think the pond is asleep I got an itch to go fishing so i grabbed my rod with some large flukes and went out and on my very first cast something took it, i set the hook and the fight was on again but she bent my rod in half like no other fish has done in the past too.  But again it wasn't mean't to be I lost her too.  My big bass curse was on for quite sometime I just kept on losing them. I believe i finally broke it this year by landing a 6.1lber finally!!!  I hope. ???  My motto now is always expect the unexpected!!!! Be ready on the first cast all the time, have your drag set on the loose side mainly because i have lost lures on violent strikes from big smallies no matter were my drag was set so now i leave it just tight enough to get a hookset you can always tighten it during the battle but most of the time i don't i just play her slow now mainly because you never know how big they are till they get close.  I had a 4.9lber once give me a tour of the body of water i was fishing and i never seen her till she was at my feet.  She just never quit.  The strangest most exceiting strike i have ever had was from a 30" pickerel it was on a man made dam a drop off and as i just tuned and got my very first spinnerbait working(with Glenn's help here) I changed blades/trailers till i got it catching fish a big pickerel swam up parallel to the shore and  inches from the shore as i was taking it out of the water and just ripped it off my line, as my heart sunk as i just witnessed losing my hot new tuned fish catching spinnerbait.  I caught a lot of fish on this spinnerbait.  I have caught many big pickerel like 26", 27" and 28" and all i can say is what a fight it makes wonder how the northern pike and muskie are to catch.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 
dang KU that is about 1 lb or less from the Kansas state record

Had to go down to Texas for that one.  Biggest one I have caught in Kansas was this spring 8 lbs. 3 oz.  I was sight fishing for her and it actually took me two days to catch it.  I spotted her right at sunset and worked her for a good hour or so.  I came back the next morning at sunrise and didn't catch her until 10:30 am.  At the same lake I found a dead 26 inch.  Didn't have a scale, but I think it could have been a state record.

fishing user avatarMarty reply : 
I have caught many big pickerel like 26", 27" and 28" and all i can say is what a fight it makes wonder how the northern pike and muskie are to catch.

Never caught a musky, except for a couple of dink tigers. Pike fight very well. But I have spent more time on pickerel waters than pike waters, and I always thought that pickerel were much better fighters than largemouth.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

5 pounds, twice.

First time on a silver with a black top Rapala on the James River.

Second time on a pumpkinseed Berkley Power Worm, Texas style, on Lake Chesdin in Virginia.

I don't know who was the most surpised at my success - me, my frineds who were with me, or the two fish!

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Not big enough yet.

fishing user avatarKana reply : 

24 inches, and  a touch over 8 pounds.  

went out with a guide and my father on toledo bend, hammered them on a walmart 1.99$  crankbait.  when i got home i bought every crankbait that wally world had in that same pattern.  of course i had to send a few to the guide that put me on the fish!

fishing user avatarplaymaker47 reply : 

hey KU what lake was this that you found the dead one in.

fishing user avatarMax-in-Mn reply : 

oh lol I've only caught like a 5 pounder...To cold up here for giants.

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

My biggest was 28 1/2 inches long with a 26 inch girth. It was 17lbs 8oz (oh no bubba is in the lead now I know someone has a 19 or 20 pounder)

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 
hey KU what lake was this that you found the dead one in.

If I told you I would have to kill you.... just joking. ;D Lone Star Lake just south of Lawrence and Clinton Lake.

I knew someone would beat me out.  That is one hawg Chris.  Where did you catch it at?  I don't think anyone is taking you over.

fishing user avatarplaymaker47 reply : 

hah KU i already have my kansas lake maps out and i think i might hafta head up and fish lone star sometime soon.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

It's a great little lake.  Like I said I caught that 8 there this spring along with a handful of 5's.  I have only fished there once this summer and had a pretty good day.  My buddy caught is PR of 4.5.

fishing user avatarWabassin reply : 

My biggest bass is 7lbs 4 oz but it was only 22 inches long, my longest bass was 6lbs 4oz and was 24 inches long.

My biggest smallmouth is 5lbs 8oz and was 22inches long.

fishing user avatarPhishn_Phool reply : 

9.1 caught night fishing Devils Kitchen Lake near Carbondale, Il, caught on a home made single spin and #11 pork frog.  I once had the Lake Norfork, Ar record for Stripers at 27 1/2 LBs caught on New Years eve of 1976, jigging a Sonar.  I think the record lasted about 27 1/2 days LOL

                                     CPR ;D

fishing user avatarNick reply : 

A loaded question for size, esp. for us who fish north of the Mason-Dixon line.  Anyway, I have fished eight days in Florida, and I get get a 9lb. 9 oz. at Okeechobee in the FLW this year.  At my motel pond there, I raised one that may have been even bigger.

A question of how close to your state's record have you come could be a better measure of lunker catching prowess.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Good point Nick.

fishing user avatarSuthernProg reply : 

5 lbs dead even. Didn't measure. Caught on a Scumfrog in the pads on a little pond in Hanover Virginia.

fishing user avatarlunker_city reply : 

22in. around 7.5 lbs, caught on a senko from shore!

fishing user avatarTheNextMikeIke reply : 

Mine was a 19 1/2" that weighed 4lbs 4oz. I caught her on a fishing trip in NH.

fishing user avatarfishmaster reply : 

the biggest bass that i ever caught was 15.68 lb. and it was 28 in. and the girth was 24in. ;D ;D

fishing user avatarfishmaster reply : 

hey i almost forgot i alsocaught a 2 or 3 lb. bluegill and that is not a lie. but i didn't messure it b/c we didn't have anything to messure it with  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

12lbs 9oz. on a lucky craft big daddy strike 4 crankbait series in chartreuse and black.  i caught her right at my feet.  scared the $h*t out of me!!! it was right before a huge thunderstorm.  when i caught her it was hailling the size of golf balls, and it was my last catch.  i caught that hog when i was 14, now im 15,.  its pretty cool to have a goal to reach ten lbs. be met the year you set it.

tight lines

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

13 lbs, Largemouth bass, it took 6 months to catch it.

fishing user avatarbass master reply : 

9 lbs on a salt and pepper tube bait. At a Southern California lake.

fishing user avatarel_jewapo reply : 

23" 7 lb 2 oz. Caught on a deep diving crank bait.

fishing user avatarBrad_McKee reply : 

Mine was 5 pounds flat and 21 1/2" long.  Caught it on a 7" Gulp! Junebug turtleback worm.  Thought i had a i punder with moss since i was fishing maybe a foot and a half deep.  Then I saw it explode right next to me.  Probably the best moment of my life. God I love fishing.  

fishing user avatarNick_Barr reply : 

Mine Was a 6 1/2 Lbs. Largemouth, Post Spawn, 6lbs. test McCoy Line

It could have been about 8 Pounds if she was full of eggs. I caught here in a lake that is rated #2 in the state to produce a new record. I saw them electrofish a 13 pounder whic would break the record by a good 2 pounds.

Smallmouth 5-4  Caught her on a dt Hula Grub, on 6 lbs. Test McCoy Line on a Light Action Drop  Shot Rod. Took me 5+ Minutes to get her in the boat.

fishing user avatarhipster_dufus reply : 

mine was 9 lbs, 20 in long, 25.5 around, caught her on a bass colored shad rap in a bunch of trees at lake bennet on 4jul03 at 7:45 am

fishing user avatarShad_Master reply : 

In the last three years, I have caught 4 20"+ bass:

1) Was fishing from the bank at the pond at my housing development (you are not supposed to fish there unless your property is on the lake, but since it was not completely built up, I used to sneak down there and catch a few).  Had been hitting some 10" to 14" bass on a regular basis and had caught a few nice blue gill when I felt a thump and new it was a good'en.  Tried to reel him in and he kept taking drag (though my reel was broken :o).  When he jumped I almost had a heart attack.  Managed to get him landed and had to estimate the length/girth:  approximately 21.5"/16" -- 6.15# by the fish weight calculator on this website.

2) Fishing a tournament at a local lake.  Had been having some luck from shore on a particular bank but one of our guys had camped out on this spot and stayed there for a couple of hours.  Wasn't doing much good elsewhere and so decided to move in after he left.  On the first cast, caugt a 20.5" .  Didn't get the girth measurement, but he was a realy hog.

3) Earlier this year I was fishing at my test pond.  Lots of people fishing there in the Spring with worms and buzz baits.  The weeds were starting to get thick and decided maybe I could get some bites by crashing a crank bait into the weeds.  First cast, felt the fish bite, but he didn't hook up.  Threw down my crankbait rod and followed with a 6" Vibra Tail worm and he took it (no more than 10' of line out) and he nearly ripped my arm off.  Measured him at 20.5" with a 16" girth (just under 6#)

4) About a week ago, I was fishing over my lunch hour at a lake near my work.  I had been fishing the weeds, but the blue gill were pestering me so bad, I decided to just have a little fun and tied on a 4" GULP Nightcrawler and let the blue gill drag it around.  On my second pitch, I felt a pretty good tug and thought it must be big BG.  Pitched again and felt the hookup, reeled him in and was shocked to see a giant mouth.  I had to estimate his length at somewhere between 20" and 21", an easy 5#er.

fishing user avatarCurado reply : 

7 even on a bleeding shad Hart spinnerbait, 22 in. didn't get the girth but was full of eggs real fat fish.

fishing user avatarnwgabassmaster reply : 

26 inches from nose to tail, it was 8 lbs. 6 oz.  

fishing user avatarDobi reply : 

about yay big.

I've never been one to kiss and tell (=

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 

22" @ 6lbs 8ozs. on a Popin Image topwater bait frog colored


The Pa Angler

fishing user avatarCujo reply : 

8lbs.  didnt measure.  caught the bucketmouth on a 4inch worm in PA

fishing user avatarMinuteman reply : 

7 lb 8 oz 23 1/2" caught 20 years ago while catfishing. I caught it while helping a friend land a big cat and I was trying to get my nightcrawler and line out of the way when she nailed it. I have been a bass fishermen ever since that day and I can't even remember the last time I used any live bait. I just dug the pix out and need to get them scanned to jpg.

fishing user avatarJepu reply : 

19.5" about 4.5 pounds on black lake NY

fishing user avatarBrad_Coovert reply : 

7lbs 9oz. West Boggs Lake, Indiana   ;D

Not bad for Indiana though.

That fish cursed me though.  I've hooked a few that size since and have lost them all.   :-[


fishing user avatarbassaddict62 reply : 

23 inches a few months ago.  :) Guess it weighed around 7 pounds or so, because it wasn't very fat. I've caught bigger fish, but musky and carp don't count. This is only my second year of fishing exclusively for bass, and I think I'll beat this fish record soon.

fishing user avatarAxis reply : 

Caught my personal best this morning!

8 lbs 5 oz.   24 1/2 in

on spinnerbait in nearby pond

fishing user avatarDePoy79 reply : 

24 inches 9lbs 7 ounces, only about two pounds from state  record!! and i caught it on a live blue gill. i know, its horrible, but i saw her on her bed, and was throwing everything, worms lizards tubes , everything, so i caught a blue gill hooked it on an octopus hook, flung it on the bed and bam, fish of a lifetime.

fishing user avatarbowjunkie35 reply : 

7lbs. 7oz. from a farm pond in Arkansas. Many 5's and 6's and a couple that I estimated at 7 but couldn't weigh.

Actually had what myself and my partner estimated to be 9-10 lbs. on. I had this fish beat too. But we were fishing from shore with a thick weedline and instead of wading in to lip the fish past the weed line, I tried to horse it up over the weeds. Guess what happened!  :'( Ruined the rest of my day!

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

September 4, 2005

Public pond, early morning, Norman Fat Boy (bluegill pattern).

27 1/4"

fishing user avatarbassackwards reply : 
24 inches 9lbs 7 ounces, only about two pounds from state record!! and i caught it on a live blue gill. i know, its horrible, but i saw her on her bed, and was throwing everything, worms lizards tubes , everything, so i caught a blue gill hooked it on an octopus hook, flung it on the bed and bam, fish of a lifetime.

perfect example between catching the fish or not catching the fish. you chose to catch it, and I congradulate you.

fishing user avatarbluezstringr reply : 

7 1/2lbs ... Lake Chesden, Va. ... Aug. 1983

What made it great day, besides being my best fish, it was my best day ever (eight fish ... from 3lbs to 7 1/2lbs) Plus I broke the local jackpot for $230.00  ;D

P.S. I used the money I won to mount the fish

fishing user avatarMikey reply : 

11 lbs. 5 oz. on a strike king spence scout color : black & white.


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