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Where Do You Do Your Best? 2024

fishing user avatarSquirmin Wormin reply : 

I was wondering where have you caught most of your best fish this year? has it been on top,mid depth,or bottom? i have done best on top, and bottom .

Nothing at mid running depth's at all this year, just basically two lures also this year,top water popper,and plastic rigs,worms,etc... about 3to6in range, not that i don't have more to use, but why if its getting results ? where have you been getting results at? and with what lure or lures have been getting you those results? And since i've gone fishing this year i'd say its been 75% hook up with fish ratio and the other 25% mishooks.

fishing user avatarColdSVT reply : 

Most of my big fish came on the 6xd this year. A few on jigs and trigs and a couple on top

Numbers wise the Trig has been good to me this year...jerkbaits also accounted for good numebers with some chunks mixed it. Dropshotting has been quite good to me these last few weeks as far as numbers, no big fish though, not yet lol

fishing user avatarOntarioFishingGuy reply : 

Most of my fish were caught on hair jigs, big fish on t rigged rage craws.

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

In south Florida it has been a hot humid spring and summer. Water temps are 90+ and have been for some time. I have had to fish deep and slow often, and adjacent to ledges. I have caught more big fish from the bank in the afternoon, then in the boat in the everglades. From the bank it is easier to fish slow because you don't have the movement of the boat. Many of the bigger fish have been adjacent to drop off hugging the bottom. From the bank, even on a windy day you can fish as slow as you want and just shake the bait rather then move it. In the early morning and late afternoon bass are more likely to chase a moving bait in the hot water. When the water temps get this high the bass are not as willing to come out and play.

fishing user avatarhatrix reply : 

Most my fish are caught fishing 3-5' below the surface. Probably 75% have been caught on some kind of glide bait or big top water. The rest is random hudds or orther soft baits slowly along the bottom. Although I have caught tons only fishing about 1' or almost at a wake. Most places are shallow and run about 10'-12' as being the deeper water. If you were to try and fish deep like 20' or something it would only be a tiny little spot of the whole place that reaches that. There are exception like a lake that was 2 quarries that were flooded to join and gets like 50' but only in a small area. That place is also mostly about 10' but tons of shore that is 2'-3' and that extends in pretty good cause it is such a gentle slope.

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

I have always caught more fish when I was on the water.  They were all caught at various depths, and with various lures, depending upon the conditions at that time

fishing user avatarbassr95 reply : 

I caught 2 PBs this spring, first on a Bill Norman DD22, (5lb 3oz) and then on a 1/4 ounce red eye shad(6lb 5oz). Since then, the majority of my bass have come on the bottom on texas rigs, usually with either a Rage Tail Anaconda or a Chigger craw. In second place would be mid-running baits, spinnerbaits and chatterbaits to be exact. I really don't have much confidence with topwater, other than in the evening when I'm already catching them and want a more exciting strike.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

With this hot summer big bass being a big no, but have done well with peacocks.  My biggest fish have been at the inlet, have done pretty well with both size and numbers.

fishing user avatarriverbasser13 reply : 

Laydowns and shade lines have been producing the best for me, using a baby boo jig or a tx rig worm. In the shade lines a weightless dinger or senko has been the ticket with the occasional crankbait hit

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Bottom on a shaky head with a Junebug Zoom trick worm and in the middle on a sexy shad KVD 1.5 crankbait.


Both cleared 8 pounds.

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

I don't keep track.


But I have caught a lot of bass this year on shallow cranks

fishing user avatarFishes in trees reply : 

Not counting the few big spring time fish I caught ( who were all in the shallower grass, less than 4', but fairly close to deep water, 20' +)  I've caught 8 fish in the 20" range since the spawn was over.  I didn't get to go fishing very much this year immediately after spawn time.  All of the fish were caught on main lake structure, kind of a feeding shelf, very close to deeper water, 10 to 14 ' down, immediately at or slightly above the thermocline.


Bait was either a creature bait on a home made 1/2 oz jika rig or a 5" paddle tail worm on a Brewer slider head.

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

The water never gets too hot for Peacocks!


  On 9/10/2014 at 4:12 PM, SirSnookalot said:

With this hot summer big bass being a big no, but have done well with peacocks.  My biggest fish have been at the inlet, have done pretty well with both size and numbers.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 
  On 9/11/2014 at 12:56 AM, geo g said:

The water never gets too hot for Peacocks!

I just got in from peacock fishing, hit 3 spots.  Caught one and had another bump my jig 6 or 7 times, changed to a lure and it bumped that a few, wouldn't take strike hard enough to take the hook.  These are single fish not paired up and are males, they just haven't been real aggressive as of late.

Caught a bunch of blue runners last 2 days, the fight never ceases to impress, fight exactly like a jack.

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

SirSnookalot, While bass fishing, I have been picking up two or three peacocks a night in Weston.  You know instantly its not a black bass when they hit.  A bass with an attitude!

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I've caught most of mine in less than 5' of water this year. I have been running shallow cranks and topwaters over the tops of weeds. I've also has pretty good luck ripping jigs through the grass.

fishing user avatarFish2FISH reply : 

Senko in greenpumpkin has been my go to bait this past Spring, with dozens of fish between 5-8lbs being caught. 
I've also had a lot of success with the Rago BV3D's.

fishing user avatarTrap-n-Fish reply : 

I fish mostly shallow water. 3' or less on the flats and maybe 5 or 6' in the creek channel. On the flats a Cotton Cordell Ratella or a BPS super shallow squarebill work best. In the creek channel the Ratella or an H2O model S.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 
  On 9/11/2014 at 2:23 AM, geo g said:

SirSnookalot, While bass fishing, I have been picking up two or three peacocks a night in Weston.  You know instantly its not a black bass when they hit.  A bass with an attitude!

As soon as you feel the head-bob you know it's peacock.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I haven't been out too many times this year but in the past years I'm fishing from shore in the shallows to 10' of water. My biggest bass my pb 10lbs was caught two feet off shore on a drop off at 5:30am first light.

Let's not tell everyone my hottest lure is the Rebel BIG CLAW crawfish crankbait that dives 10'. We use the smaller ones in the shallow rivers in the pools and backwashes.

The chartreuse color. I'm willing to bet all the colors work just match the natural craw colors in your area. Here they have red sides with black backs in the ponds and lakes but in the rivers there a light tan color. Chartreuse seems to work in stained water. Plus in the low light I use chartreuse.

fishing user avatarMainebass1984 reply : 

I think this is a season related question. I caught a lot of big fish shallow this spring and have been getting them deeper lately. Overall most of my fish over 6 lbs this year has been in 5-10 feet of water off of sunken trees fishing a jig.

fishing user avatarJtrout reply : 

I've caught more this year fishing in the deeper spots of my home lake using trigged curly tail worms weighted.

fishing user avatarFrogTosser88 reply : 

Trick worm.... 2nd best fish was on a frog early this spring. The trick worm has been killin it lately. Rigged texas with a 1/4 oz. They are not taking it off the bottom.. I bring rod tip high and let it fall. If they dont eat it on the cast that is.

fishing user avatarBluegiller reply : 

All my quality catches this summer have been from my canoe, between 6am and 730am, around the edges of lilly pad clusters, using senko worms wacky rigged on weedless hooks.

fishing user avatarOK Bass Hunter reply : 

My biggest fish came on Texas rigged Rage Lobsters.

fishing user avatarPersicoTrotaVA reply : 

Caught my PB(5.54lb) this year right off the bank, less than 2 feet of water with a 1.0 KVD squarebill crankbait.  Most of my fish have come from 0' to 4' of water.  This also due to the fact that most of the lakes I fish are shallow lakes, less than 12'.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

Hard for me to say what depth. Wacky, once again, has been the fave method for me. I fish it weightless and weighted and have caught fish on both. Probably more on weightless, so I'll guess that is in the 0-2 foot range give or take.

fishing user avatarJosh Smith reply : 

As some have noted, I've been playing with one lake this year.


It's overfished, or has been in the past, and I have done best in shallow water, on the bottom, in the grass.  I caught a decent one on a Spook, and a smaller one on a shallow crankbait.


Most have been on jigs and Texas rigs, though. 


They're not big in this lake, though I have no doubt there are cagey huge ones out there.  I don't expect much being in Northern Indiana so far as size goes.  I've been seeing 12" to 14" here, mostly.  The pattern seems to have shifted and I'm trying to figure it out again.  We just had some heavy rain and a massive cold front, so I'll have to go out again, maybe tonight.  We'll see.


The lake has green water and is very fertile.  That one bass I caught on a crankbait this last time out has splotches that I was told here indicate very healthy bass.  (I started a thread.)


There are no shad in this lake, and the question is, what are they feeding on?  Next time I go out, I'm taking plenty of cranks that look like baby bass, crawdads, and sunfish. 


There's usually matted cover in this lake that I've not seen this year.  I was going to try froggin'.


Speaking of frogs, they all done disappeared sometime in the past month.  I'll have to look into that.  They were all over that pond.  Hmmm....



fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

Hmm, not too many huge fish this year but the ones I have caught in the 5 lb range (big for up North) have been on a popper in 2 ft of water next to lilies, a frog in 3-4 ft of water right in the middle of the lilies  a Sexy Dawg in 4 ft of water on a weed edge, and a popper in 1 ft of water under a bridge. 

fishing user avatarLApanic reply : 

I've caught them good shallow, 2-6ft range, all year and it fits my style so I've enjoyed myself.  Between fishing the local club, a couple pot trail derbys and private ponds.....I can count on one hand the number of fish caught 10+ feet. GRASS HAS BEEN KEY to my better than average fishing this year for me.  Alot of time spent on Eufaula, Lake Seminole, the Chattahochee between the two for mentioned lakes and the Flint River has humbled me but helped me as well when it comes to the thick stuff.  Baits have been....50% Hollow body frog, 30% Magnum Ultravibe (WM Magic) 10% Buzz Frog, 10% Chatterbait.


Let me set this up for

  1. My Avatar was a 1.5 months ago, Flint River, Bainbridge AL.... slight stain, bluebird skys and 94deg at noon
  2. grass edge in 2ft down to 8ft  in small cut of of river w/ slight current
  3. Mag U-Vibe, 1/16th oz Tungsten to the first 1-2ft of grass line....slooooow drag of the edge...and BAM
  4. Won the tourney with 23lbs in 2 hours


As far as rock and the Chattahoochee River.  the 2-5 ft range of tapering rock shoals with boat sitting in 7-8ft....its been lights out for 2 months in the first 2-3 hrs on a Super Spook Jr, Yellow Belly TN Bass ***PB tournament fish (7.4lbs) slurped that confidence bait right down.


Point of the me an old "bank beater" but love to fish shallow in the grass with confidence baits...and they stayed relatively shallow, in this part of the country, thankful this year so far

fishing user avatarbassfactor reply : 

Big ones on jigs, poppers and soft jerkbaits fished in a variety of ways and conditions.

fishing user avatarmjseverson24 reply : 

Each lake is so different in MN some of them deep is  the key some its shallow and some its that mid range(5-9) that is the key. I like to fish the mid to deep tuff when I can, but sometimes the super shallow bite is where it is at. I would have to say deep is my most productive, but only because my shallow water game is not as good as it should be. 



fishing user avatareinscodek reply : 

Top and mid-depth for me

I have a few jig fish but I aim to get better at the jig for more bottom fish..

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

It really depended more on the overall depth of the water I was targeting. In water under 10ft with cover present, mid-depth cranking and spinnerbaits.  In water over 10ft with cover, whatever depth the cover topped out and with no cover, on the bottom.   Overall, with the low production of weeds this year, the majority of fish I've been catching have been within a foot or two of the bottom.


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