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What say y�all? 2024

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

An idea has recently been brought to my attention one I have given careful consideration and have decided to bounce off the membership.

The idea is instead of starting a simple guide service I should start a Structure Fishing School. The classes would consist of me going out with anglers on Toledo Bend with a topographical map in hand and showing how to use electronics to locate a specific piece of structure. Then I would proceed in showing how to find sweet spots on the structure and then how to position the boat to fish the structure effectively. These classes would consist of more than one day depending on angler's level of experience and would be held in the area of choice of the student.

What do y'all think, plausible or not? ;)

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Very good idea , you could probably pull it off.

fishing user avatarScroGG ToGG reply : 

i think its an excellent idea, because its something that I could personally benefit greatly from, as im sure alot of us here could. Keep us informed on this idea..

fishing user avatarprincecraft papa reply : 

I think it is a awesome idea! I have been fishing for a long time, but I would still be interested in something like this just to get a different veiwpoint.

once you got a reasonable customer base, you could start a club for clients, this would be a cool concept in franchising!

good luck & have fun with it

fishing user avatardman reply : 

Great idea!

I dont know electronics and if someone around here offered that service, i'd go in a heartbeat.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I think your idea is great, but wonder if there is enough demand?

Offering this option in addition to standard guide services might

be a better business plan. Instead of tipping your hand talking

with the local guides, I would run the idea by Randall and George


Another thought: It also seems to me that the key to success for

the guides I know personally is repeat business, long-term relationships.

Here again, the standard guide service might be more important over



fishing user avatarpaul. reply : 
These classes would consist of more than one day depending on angler's level of experience and would be held in the area of choice of the student.

i choose tennessee. ;D

if you don't want to start a full blown guide service, have you ever thought about just writing a book instead? perhaps another idea would be an online class where people could send you graph screen shots or map images and you could help them interpret what they are seeing and how to fish it. that way, your knowledge and expertise is out there for anyone and everyone to benefit from.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I agree with RW.  I think it would be cool to offer an "accelerated" guided day along side with the normal guided day.

You want that repeat biz.  

fishing user avatarsmallie.huntin reply : 

I think it's a great idea, but like a few others have said offer it along with a regular guide service.  I know if you were in my area I would jump on the chance to learn how to interpret what I am seeing on my fish finder and find those "sweet spots".  

Good luck with it!

fishing user avatarilovefooffur reply : 

Toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe?

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Great idea Catt. You should stay busy.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
These classes would consist of more than one day depending on angler's level of experience and would be held in the area of choice of the student.

i choose tennessee. ;D

if you don't want to start a full blown guide service, have you ever thought about just writing a book instead? perhaps another idea would be an online class where people could send you graph screen shots or map images and you could help them interpret what they are seeing and how to fish it. that way, your knowledge and expertise is out there for anyone and everyone to benefit from.

If you really want to teach people how to read their graphs to find the sweet spot on structure, I think a book is an awesome idea as Paul suggests.  From a business standpoint, if you're wanting to make your money on the water I'm with RW's post.  Either way, you have the knowledge for it.   ;)

fishing user avatarTriton21 reply : 

I agree with RW & LBH.  I don't know if I will ever be able to fish the 'Big Pond' again but if I do your service will be at the top of my list of 'things to do'.  Good Luck with your new business.


fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

go out on their boat, with their electronics.

this will save a ton of money on insurance and probably bonding too.

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

That would be what most of what I do with my guide service and seminars. Many of my lakes don't have much of a topo map that helps but I teach what to look for on the depth finder and give them a picture of what the structure looks like and what to look for. Most guys who go out with me want to learn and I am probably a much better teacher than just a guide since that's what I enjoy doing. I don't hold anything back and provide all the information I can. We do catch some fish too though.  ;) I do have some clients that over time don't need me as much anymore. I ran in to one yesterday while on the lake that had just caught a nine pounder on structure. One big plus to teaching people something while we fish is that if the fishing is slow at least they learn something they can take and apply later.

fishing user avatarSLO_ROLL reply : 

I think you should include scuba with the class. If your water is clear enough.

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 
go out on their boat, with their electronics.

this will save a ton of money on insurance and probably bonding too.

I have done this also at times. Saves me on gas, getting the boat ready and having to tow a boat through Atlanta. Sometimes I just sit in the back and coach the person on what to do and look for while they fish. Good idea but we still do better as far as catching when using my boat under my control. I have found out many peoples biggest weakness is boat control.  But, if it's just a class then it works out pretty well after you teach them how to use the trolling motor.  ;D Sometimes I just have to end up running the motor. :)  

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Thanks for the outstanding suggestions y'all ;)

The reasoning behind using your boat is not to say me money although that is a plus but I feel anglers retain more information when they have control of the boat; boat positioning when reading structure is a huge part the equation just as it is when setup to fish the structure.

I feel exactly the same as Randall I enjoy teaching as much as any part of fishing but I also believe that one can only learn so much from a guided one day outing. And as Randall said One big plus to teaching people something while we fish is that if the fishing is slow at least they learn something they can take and apply later.

I've entertained the thought of writing a book but unfortunately I lack the skills required to undertake such a project; I know what I want to say I just have a hard time putting it into writing. Many of my post here though short take hours of writing and re-writing trying to make the subject understandable to as many different skill levels as possible.  

fishing user avatarDock Master reply : 

I think it is a very good and very unique idea.

fishing user avatarNBR reply : 


I think it's a great idea and, intime, adding video, scuba and some graphics would increase your market size. I live too far to make a trip practical.

fishing user avatarTN basstracker reply : 

I like the idea.  I've been wanting to learn more about Structure fishing and what I'm seeing on my graph. My best friend and his wife just got stationed from Iraq and Germany down to Fort Polk, I believe, near Toledo Bend.  We had been discussing, with great excitement, about fishing The Bend, but neither of us know anything about it.

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

I really like the idea Catt, very creative.

One of my biggest weaknesses is interpreting what I am looking at on that screen.  Fishing lakes with vast amounts of cover to go along with the already existing structure is just sometimes pretty overwhelming to me.

I see only one problem with your idea, you're too far from me. ;)

fishing user avatarwagn reply : 

As other have said.....It's a great idea. My greatest weakness right now is structure fishing and would love to take an on the water "class" on it.

fishing user avatarBassCats reply : 

send me a note if you do it. I will gladly be a customer

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

Catt, that sounds like a great idea. If you would like, I would be more than glad to be a practice customer free of charge.  ;)

fishing user avatarrickster reply : 

Thats really thinking outside the box Catt, good idea

fishing user avatarTyde one reply : 

Wow  that sounds great. I would definitely  rather go to a fishing school than a guide service. You should offer courses with different lengths of time for each. Show how to work lures

fishing user avatarCaptain Obvious reply : 

Catt great idea and I hope that you carry it out.

When can I apply for class  ;)

Catt if you ever start those classes maybe try and do somthing with kids.The sport is only going to grow if we keep passing it on      

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Well let me make one thing perfectly clear I have no intentions of making money at this venture if I decide to take it on; my faith is not in man to provide my needs.

I love to teach and would be quite satisfied with one or two students a month since the classes would be 2-3 days in length. I'm looking to keep the cost as reasonable as possible even when using my boat but there will be expenses incurred.

I like the idea about filming instead of a book but there is a lot of information to cover I don't want to bore anyone.

TN basstracker Fort Polk is very close to the Bend ;)

fishing user avatarPanamoka_Bassin reply : 

I agree with most people here, in that you should offer it as a "premium" service. Up here on Long Island, there's a couple of guys who give lessons with electronics and they seem to do fairly well, as I keep seeing them on different boats all summer long. These guys also teach captain's courses and one also does inshore guiding for stripers, while I know of one other guys who has a complete offshore charter boat.

Think of it this way, start with a regular service and then offer the higher level if you think the customer would be liable to upgrade. Kinda like I do at the bar...

"I'll have a merlot."

"Well, I have a house merlot, but I think you'd like the Mondavi merlot much better. Its a little more expensive, but a much better wine."

More often than not, they go for the better wine. In the restaurant biz, we call it "up-selling" and its a great way to increase the profits.

Regardless of your approach, good luck with it. Sounds like a great idea!

fishing user avatarDaniel A. reply : 

I think it's a phenomenal idea, Catt. Whatever you choose, don't over-commit yourself. Since you're not doing this for monetary reasons, you can focus on just what you want to do - teaching.

When my grandfather retired, he seriously pursued wood carving. It's been a passion since he was young. At times, though, his enjoyable hobby becomes quite taxing. Just food for thought...

If and when you get your structure fishing class going, let me know. I'd like to book an appointment.  ;)

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Catt, we don't disagree on a lot of things, but I am on the other side of the fence with you on this statement. You need to make money on it. Your knowledge and time are worth a lot more than you are giving yourself credit for. Good luck and even though we fish together I would be the first to sign up.

Good luck,


Now, I'm off to the big pond.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

"Teach a man to catch a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach him to fish, and he'll eat for a lifetime." (Or something like that)

Your students would get a lot out of it and you'd get a lot of personal satisfaction. Can't beat that.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and he'll be frustrated for a lifetime."

Don't get me wrong Jack it's just monetary gain is not my #1 priority, #2 maybe but not #1 ;)


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