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What Got You Guys Into Bass Fishing? 2024

fishing user avatarTim1212 reply : 

it doesn't have to be bass fishing, but what hooked you guys into fishing?

What got me into fishing is TV, I remember watching Roland Martin and Bill Dance when I was little. My dad never got me into fishing because he hates fishing.

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

I was just curious to the end of one year so I bought a $17 Shakespeare kit.  Had everything I needed ... rod, reel, line, bobbers etc.  Did some reading.  Learned to tie a good knot and went out with nightcrawlers one day in October of 2011.  I caught 2 bass and one crappie and I was "hooked" ever since.  I spent that winter learning as much as I could about the sport, joined a league and never looked back.


Why do I keep doing it?

1 - Never the same day on the water/bank.  Something is always different.  That is a challenge.

2 - The scenery - It's way more relaxing than anything I have ever done.  Even in the midst of competition you have to appreciate the beauty of places we get to fish.

3 - The camaraderie - I have made more new friends doing this than any other hobby I have ever tried.  That's fun!

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

I dig big chicks and this sport promotes it.


Perfection. ;)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Attended a local Fishing Expo and saw a seminar hosted by a GYCB sponsored

pro.  This was 1997 and I had never heard of a Senko. I had fished for bass with

my grandfather, dad and brother since I can first remember, but for the most part

gave it up as a teenager.


Fast forward 30 years and introduced to the Senko. I started right off the bat catching

big bass and lots of them! I have been hooked ever since.  I know pros around the

country were already fishing the bait, but not around here. In the early 60's my dad

"discovered" the Floating Rapala. The Senko was equally revolutionary and without

a doubt, MAGIC!

fishing user avatarMike L reply : 

My Dad, an Uncle and a cousin went to what we called The Forest Preserve on the far south side of Chicago.

It was a heavily wooded area with a few picnic tables scattered around..Nobody else was around

There was a little [which looked huge] pond in the middle of it.


 My Dad took a bucket of night crawlers out of the truck of the Ford,  gave me and my cousin a rod.

My Uncle put the worms on the hooks and told us to just "throw it out there".


I remember the feeling of the Dad screaming, my uncle yelling, and my cousin running...


It was 1956. I was six and haven't thought about that in years!!


Thanks for asking.




fishing user avataraquaholic reply : 

idk i just like it. Ive always loved being near the water. I think that started from walking the docs of the yacht club wishing i could own one as a kid.

fishing user avatarbasshole8190 reply : 

My grandfather started taking me as soon as i was old enough to hold a pole.... i thank him for introducing me to this great sport.. if more youth would take interest in activities like fishing there'd be a lot less problems and crime.

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

I used to fish paylakes for catfish back in the 60's. A co-worker asked me if I had ever been bass fishing. Since my answer was no, he offered to take me. I accepted, and the rest is history. Caught my first bass on a black 5/8 oz. Hula Popper, about 1 1/2 #. That was several thousand dollars


fishing user avataraqualkinbush reply : 

Fishing with my dad when I was small. Pretty much my best memories of time spent with him. I didn't fish much from about 10-23 then suddenly decided I wanted to start fishing again. Went out caught some good fish bought some good gear caught some better fish as of the last year I go out 2-3 times a week. I'm fairly addicted now.

fishing user avatarlmbfisherman reply : 

in general what got me into fishing was my dad.  It was the only time my dad and I would act like buddies and not restrictive.  Basically not my dad when we fished. 


What got me into bass fishing, not sure it just "clicked" last year.  Guy said he was quitting bass fishing and I traded him some stuff for it.  Then did a lot of "research" in trying to learn the different techniques.  (I was a worm and bobber fisherman before and was frustrated to keep catching panfish after panfish.)  Bought some jigs and 4" curly tail Powerbait worm...bam catch my first bass...and I was like holy cripes!!  THIS WORKS!!  Been hooked ever since, it now consumes most of my day and time.  Everything I see is bass fishing, lol...when I pass a body of water that looks like prime bass water, I feel like jumping out and start fishing. 

fishing user avatargallowaypt reply : 

My grandfather took me as a child a lot, but I never got serious about it until last spring. On a whim, I took one of his old rods and casted into a small creek after seeing a few fish one afternoon. I landed two small bass back to back. I've been soaking in everything from this site and have been hooked ever since.

fishing user avatarTexfisherman reply : 

My dad did. He started taking me fishing as soon as I learned how to walk, lol. My first rod/reel was a Zebco 202.

fishing user avatarB@ssCrzy reply : 

My mom got me started.  I was probably 6 or 7 on vacation in Michigan with my family.  My mom rowed me out to the drop-off and we just dropped our worms over the side and let it sink to the bottom.  Caught about 20 dinky perch.  One of the fondest memories of my life.  Goes to show you how something small has a big impact on a kid.  Thanks Mom!!

fishing user avatarSodus Bay Scooter reply : 

It's funny. I always used to see people fishing and thought "god, how boring. Why do these people like to fish like this?"

That feeling towards fishing derived from my childhood when we would go out with a bobber and worms and never caught anything for hours except for the occasional panfish, big whoop.

It wasn't until about 4 years ago when my wife's sisters boyfriend was fishing at the cottage on the bay where I came down and tried out bass fishing with these "artificial lures". I thought yeah right, we're not gonna catch anything like this.

THEN! I got a bite and reeled in a small bass. I was honestly kinda shocked like wow that worked! Shortly after I went to Walmart, got an ugly stick spinning setup and a handful of different lures including a hula popper recommended from the store clerk, including instructions how to fish it.

I went down to the same spot at the bay, chug chug chug pause and bang! Caught my first top water and I was HOOKED!

Three years later I have a fishing kayak, 3 bait casters and a spinning setup, joined a bass club, fished a handful of tournaments and managed to stress the heck out of my wife with the idea of getting a bass boat.

I've never met the bait monkey, I got swept up by a gorilla!

fishing user avatarRevival reply : 

Im from Hawaii...most of us are born fishing.  But once i started freshwater fishing as a kid, I hated saltwater fishing unless its on a boat.  I feel like freshwater fishing is more personal.  Its me vs the bass.  

fishing user avatarDyerbassman reply : 

Fame, fortune, chicks....really, just some peace and quiet outdoors. Like most people, started out fishing for carp and bluegill. Once I landed a bass, it was all over!

fishing user avatarTim1212 reply : 
  On 6/28/2013 at 6:12 AM, Revival said:

Im from Hawaii...most of us are born fishing. But once i started freshwater fishing as a kid, I hated saltwater fishing unless its on a boat. I feel like freshwater fishing is more personal. Its me vs the bass.

I like saltwater and freshwater fishing equally..saltwater fishing for redfish in a marsh is kinda like bass fishing to me. I just like the sounds of seagulls and the smell of the ocean
fishing user avatarwhitwolf reply : 

My daddy got me into fishing at a very young age. I didn't bass fish for years as he was a meat fisherman and catfish and crappie were great table fare. A couple of college buddies had a boat and I went with them one day and have been hooked ever since.

fishing user avatarzwhiten12 reply : 

I love the outdoors and nothing is better than just sitting on lake waiting for a "thump- thump" on the end of your line!

fishing user avatarGeorgiaBassBros reply : 

Ive been fishin since i was old enough to hold a rod thanks to my dad. Ive been his fishin partner ever since i first started. I really dont even want to think of the day when he is no longer able to fish

fishing user avatarOK Bass Hunter reply : 

Bill Dance and Jimmy Houston when I was younger and then I stopped bass fishing for awhile. One night I watched City Limits with Iaconelli and an episode of Ultimate Match Fishing. The next day I ordered Fishing on The Edge and the rest is history.

fishing user avatarfxdwgkd reply : 

I grew up at Tri-lakes here in IN. How can one not fish living on the water. When my parents split we moved in town. I was about the only kid in Ft. Wayne you would ever see wading in th St. Marys fishing (that may be what is wrong with me now). My whole family from my great grandpa all the way down the tree fish. As far as bass goes it was just a natural progression.

fishing user avatarJunkYard814 reply : 

Started fishing for panfish as a little kid with my friend and his dad. After a couple years, I got into pike fishing with the same friend and his dad. Great starter fish; easy to catch, fight hard, even the smaller ones are relatively large fresh water fish, not to mention to a kid they look pretty badass. Caught a couple bass while panfishing, thought it was cool but didn't think too much about it. 


Fast forward a couple years. High school football was over. I needed a new hobby to occupy most of my time. I liked golf, but it's an expensive sport for a student. Bass fishing filled that void. Between fishing, reading about it, watching it on the TV and computer, I can't get enough. I'd be out on the water every day if I could. 

fishing user avatarThatbasstardbrent reply : 

When i was younger and overlooked fake baits i caught bass on occasion. Every time I caught a bass it was an exciting experience. As I got older and wanted to learn to catch only bass on a single trip thats when i got interested. I used to fish with nightcrawlers, but nothing compared to being able to buy a bait that could be reused and mastered. At this point in my fishing journey i have labeled this my sport more than a hobby, but iguess a sport is a hobby when you aren't getting paid.

fishing user avatarTC235 <*))))>< reply : 

My dad and two brothers have fished since i could remember. I was too much of a little grinny impatient kid to keep up with it. 2 1/2 years ago i wanted to give it a go again. Went to walmart an picked up a cheap combo and some lures including a mirco chatterbait. Went to a local pond that evening and had a white chatter tied on. Casted it out a few times and wacked a soild fish around 3lbs. Started investing time and money into it and a couple weeks later i went shore fishing and caught my first lunker. Largemouth had to be around 6lbs and had a bucketmouth like you coulden't believe. Once i held that fish i knew right there and then i was wired to fish! Now i am overly attached to fishing for trophy sized bass in lakes that hold them. It's almost the only thing going threw my head. Catching 3-4lbs bass isen't enough for me anymore. I just want the bigguns! It's crazy thinking back a couple years ago i could care less... It's amazing the changes throughout your life!

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

My whole family is from the same area and during the summertime everyone would go camping every weekend and fishing was a big part of these trips, mainly for catfish. My dad is a walleye fisherman so we'd go fish for walleye once in awhile. I loved being around the water so I'd fish ponds or creeks that I could walk to from our house. When we moved to the KC area my friends parents would take us fishing and I started catching bass on accident fishing with nightcrawlers. I thought they were a cool looking fish and the way they jumped and would chase a moving bait was a lot more exciting than bottom fishing for catfish. I bought some inline spinners and started catching them on purpose. Since then I've taught myself all I know today from reading or watching others doing it and practicing on the water. 

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

Ok I was a spring trout only guy. I carried lures because everyone else did. We would get all hyped to fish every spring when the rivers were stocked then after a few months the fishing would fizzle out. We would rent a boat and fish a lake, early mornings for trout and later for bass. But not many trips per year.

It wasn't until I got my dual sport motorcycle is went I realized how many hidden places we had to fish at. One night before a front was approaching we were using nightcrawlers and as I was feeling in the worm I had a strike. I thought right away the fish want

Something moving. I out on a mepps Anglian #3 silver blade w/ Brown bucktail and started catching bass after bass. My son was near me and asked if I had another one of the mepps lures. I threw one to him and we caught doubles after doubles of bass till it got dark. We were hooked on bass fishing for sure. From then on every new lure I purchased and had success I purchased more for my son's too. looking at retirement I had another awesome new hobby. Then I found this site and purchased some videos on how to use different lures and presentations and I had good reading here every winter while it was snowing. I still hammer the videos today to stay sharp. I still read here too. I even go out and practice with my lures with different presentations.

Now being a retired engineering tech I want to test every lure to see if it works or not. But I was very interested in the color thing too. But my main thing was to find out

When this feeding frenzy happens with the front(rain) comming in. I wish I could nail down when this switch is turned on when this feeding frenzy happens. The bass are so turned on they would strike a bare hook for sure.

We all are hooked on bass fishing and what else ever bites too but the bass are number one why we're out there. Plus we never stop learning. I'll never be as good as I want to be but maybe that's the challenge why I stay going too.

fishing user avatarNorcalBassin reply : 

Always fished for trout and salmon with my dad since I was a little kid and enjoyed just being on the water. Once I got out of college the majority of my time was flyfishing in streams and high country lakes. Never had an interest in bass fishing until my dad's buddy basically gave me his old aluminum bass boat when he upgraded to a new rig. That "free" boat led me to my addiction of bass fishing that in just 3-4 years has resulted in a couple giant tackle bags and 21 new rod/reel combos that I had to have to make sure I have a set up or two for every technique imaginable. Fortunate my wife hasn't killed me yet. :threaten:

fishing user avatargrizzgreen18 reply : 

my grandad took me fishing when i was six or seven all for bluegill and occaisionally throw a cat pole to the wasnt till high school that i got back into fishing again...all catfishing kinda got into bass fishing there but never caught anything so i put the lures wasnttill last spring when a guy at my work took me fishing at a creek loaded with smallmouths that i got into bass fishing fully and now i drive everyone crazy especially the girlfriend i dont know how she puts up with it lol

fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

My Dad was a busy man but about 2-3 times/year he would load up an old camper of ours and we'd go to some high Cascade lake and fish for trout (in Oregon). It seemed like time would slow down and we could just hang out together. Also, my Grandfather had an ocean boat and we'd go after Salmon every summer from about age 12-16. Years later the Air Force stationed me up here in the frigid North and I ran into a guy from Alabama. He turned me onto Bass fishing. I'll never forget the first time a Bass hit my Hula Popper! The rest is history! 

fishing user avatarnascar2428 reply : 

As a shore fisherman most of the time. The challenge of locating and catching fish with lures is what brings me to the water. I refuse to become a bobberhead!!

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Probably my Dad.  He use to take me out when I was about 6, or 7.  I was never interested until I caught my first channel cat on a cane-pole at a pay lake.  Then I was hooked.

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 

I was always an outdoorsy kid since I was born. I loved water critters. I naturally started fishing around 7 and naturally became a surfer as well.


I just love anything water.

fishing user avatarChiCityBasser reply : 

My brothers had been fishing for years and would get up early and venture off to a lake and fish for the day but I was lazy and would never get up or laugh when they would mention 5 a.m. as a wake up time. One year on Lake Schaffer in Indiana on a family vacation I decided to get a rod after getting a bonus gift card from Target and try my hand at fishing. The relaxing time fishing from the dock that evening and catching my first large and smallmouth had me hooked. Now I look for every oppurtunity I can to fish to the hardwater season hits here in IL. i love it and it has become a true passion whether I'm catching fish or not and just enjoy the time outdoors on the water and in nature.


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