OK, so I already asked this question. But here it is, in it's own special place. If you had the chance to spend a week at the side of one professional angler, on the water, off the water, which one would you choose? My choice has been made clear in other posts, I would think, but if you haven't been reading along, I would choose Kevin Van Dam. He probably snores (that's just my luck).
Rick Clunn is the best to learn from the best to watch is Michael Iaconelli.
Rick clunn, hands down, no argument, dont even try.
al lindler and ike
Best to LEARN from...Al Lindner!!
AL LINDER with Bill Dance a close second.
KVD for first a second choice if KVD wasn't avalable would be Aaron martins
Best to learn from?
1. Larry Nixon
2. Bill Dance
3. Roland Martin (it's been said by those who have fished with him that's he's a pretty decent guy on the water).
4. Hank Parker
Elwood L. " Buck" Perry & Bill Murphy: Finding & understanding deep water structure
Douglas Hannon & Shaw Grisby: Understanding bass behavior
Rick Clunn: Mental aspects of bass fishing
Bobby Murray: Big bass can be caught on light line
Any Lindner as long they don't "preach" on the water. If that's not possible, I'll take a trip with Denny.
spinnerbaiting with KVD ;D
Kevin Van Dam has said Lake St. Clair is his favorite lake. I would like to spend a week with him just to see how he would fish my lake and compare and it to my strategy.
I love cranks, and David Fritts is the master in my book.
If Jigs was on the menu, then Denny is the master.
Spinner baits is a no brainer, KVD is the man.
Lite line applications, it would be pretty hard to go wrong with Aaron Martens.
Rick Clunn, no explanation needed, 4 classics!!!!!
Al Lindner for sure.
If I had to choose, KVD for sure.
I dont think it would be bad spending a week in Cali with Crupi, Long, FC or one of the other BIG DOG specialists.
It would have to be Denny B or Rick Clunn. They have so many years of knowledge that you could spend a month with them would barely scratch the surface.
1) Hands-Down, any member of the In-Fisherman crew (Al or Ron, Csanda, Stange, Petros ~)
2) Iaconelli & VanDam are both excellent tutors (two more Snowbirds)
3) Though Chad Brauer is not high in the standings, I find him highly informative.
(His dad's book, "Winning Tournament Tactics" is only so-so, ditto for Dance and Martin)
(I've never learned anything of substance from Parker, Houston or even Clunn)
I would definatley pick Ike. Most of you probably saw that comming a mile away though. :
I would choose Gerald Swindle. Reason being even though he hasn't really done much as far as wins or accomplishments compared to any of the guys ya'll are mentioning, he seems like a really cool guy to fish with and seems to understand the sport very well.
Woo Daves for worm fishing and any fishing on tidal waters.
QuoteRick clunn, hands down, no argument, dont even try.
What he said.
I would definitely pick Ike. His enthusiasm is unmatched and I would fit well right along side him.
I'd like to share a boat with Denny and get schooled on flippin' and pitchin'.
G-MAN? It would be physically impossible to flip a jig while rolling on the boat deck, esp the way your sides would be hurting. ;D Clunn and Denny would be my 2nd and 3rd. Of course, given the chance I'd take any chance to learn from any of these guys, But KVD, Clunn, and Denny would top the list in that order.
I guess the G man would be funny to fish with untill you started beating him with sissy finesse baits and fairy rods then he might not be so fun when he starts throwing a hissy fit
A week with KVD on St. Clair...I think I just wet myself!!! ;D
Al Lindner, seems like he can catch fish with any technique. He seems to master everything. I would love to see him join the Elite Series or FLW Tour for just one season with the current group of Professional anglers. I would like for him to tape and document all the pre-fishing he did for the events and then make a show out of it. He could then explain how the pattern he found in the practice worked for him or explain how he had to adjust to the different weather conditions. That would be seriously the best show ever. And the best part of Al Lindner, he would do it all out of a Lund boat. ha ha.
I would say my top 3 would be
1. Denny Brauer- he use to live very close to my hometown and started a bass club in our area, and seems like a very friendly person to be around.
2. Rick Clunn - he has many years of experience and has a interesting philosophy on fishing that interests me.
3. Greg Hackney- A younger guy that i like his style of fishing and can relate it to alot of the same techniques that i use often.
It would be a priveledge for me to fish with Doug Hannon.
He made his rep down here in Florida and I have always admired his intellegent commentary and scientific approach.
He was the first of the big name bass celebrities to advance the sport beyond the "Bubba" stage.
Saying that, he just seems like a "regular guy" easy going manner, sense of humor, that kind of stuff
It would be great to learn from him, and just spend a day on the water, telling stories and catching some.
Roland martin
Aaron martins
Gerald swindel
( i think all of these guys would be pretty cool (fun) with )
Ike. By Far
Zell Rowland the R pop master. anyone can teach you something different about fishing.