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What's The Most Bizarre Thing That's Ever Happened To You While Fishing? 2024

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 

I've had an otter try to attack me while I was in my kayak and another time I had a snake take my Scum Frog. What about you?

fishing user avatarNCbassmaster4Life reply : 

Beaver tried to jump in my boat with me while hooking a 3lb bass....the other one trying to go through a bridge where there is not much space and seeing all the freakin spider screamin like I had seen a ghost.

fishing user avatarIneedAnewScreenName-972354 reply : 

While fishing with a live crawfish in a farm pond I caught a bullfrog. I casted over my target into some weeds and while I jerked on the line to free it from the weeds this large bull frog hops over and swallows it. Not much of a fight.

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 
  On 4/15/2012 at 1:52 AM, BiteitBaits said:

While fishing with a live crawfish in a farm pond I caught a bullfrog. I casted over my target into some weeds and while I jerked on the line to free it from the weeds this large bull frog hops over and swallows it. Not much of a fight.

I woulda just used the bull frog as bait! Haha
fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

There was a weed bed I'm guessing was about 20 feet long and about 5 feet wide....for 3 seconds I saw what appeared to be a big disturbance of bait fish jump out of the water like the water was boiling.It was just in that one spot. It was crazy,never saw that happen and I haven't seen it happen again. Very strange to me and the other people fishing that day.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Watched the space shuttle Columbia crash, parts of it landed in and around Toledo Bend ;)

fishing user avatarplumworm reply : 

I caught a 3 lb. bullfrog on a topwater. Mississippi river pool 10. To big to use for bait but them were some great frog legs.l

fishing user avatarRyneB reply : 

I was fishing a small river near dusk. I was wading on a big bend in the river. All of a sudden i hear a huge splash behind me, 2 coyotes jumped off the bank into the river about 15 feet from me. They couldnt of seen me because of where i was standing. I let out an "OH SH%*" and the one in the rear turned and looked at me, and then it proceeded to lower its head, the hair on his back stood up, and he let out a wierd noise. I have never ran so fast in my life. I made it back to the truck and realized i left my tackle bag back on the shore where i took off. I grabbed my Taurus .40 from under my truck seat and went back to get my bag. May have been the scariest moment of my adult life.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

I was fishing the Chicago river with my son and a crazy guy, possibly homeless, began reinacting a police chase and shoot out where he was the perp. This went on for 15 minutes or so. It was like I was watching a movie.

Was in San Diego when I was a teenager fishing a pier with my brother and father, A hot 20 something model approached us and gave my father her phone number. She had a skate in her hand and was looking for another one to complete her bikini top. "Call me if you catch one"

I met the man who owns Lake Michigan. It's a long story but I quote: "You're fishing in my backyard! How would you like it if I boated in your backyard?!"

I'm sure I'll think of some more

fishing user avatarScorcher214 reply : 

A carp hit my spinnerbait.

fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

Standing on the back deck of the Southerner fishing deep water rigs out of Port Fourchon, La for tuna, saw a flying fish coming at me from about 25 yards away that hit me square in my chest and fell to my feet. I picked him up, lip hooked him and returned him to the gulf where he was quickly eaten by my first yellowfin.

fishing user avatarfadetoblack21 reply : 

I was casting towards the bank and overshot my target with my bait. Had a bird hop down from a bush and pick up the bait and try to fly away! Luckily the bird was not hooked and dropped the bait!

One evening me and a buddy went out to the river to do some catfishing from the bank. As the night got later we noticed alot of water patrol boats passing buy us and shining there spotlights towards the other bank about 50 yards down river from us. This went on for about an hour before we hear one of the guys yell at some unseen person. A few seconds later we hear the unmistakable sound of a tazer being used on what I hope was the person they were looking for. I have not laughed that hard on a fishing trip since. . .

fishing user avatarHLNichols reply : 

I was wading to my favorite spot on a shallow branch of the Kanawha in tennis shoes one summer, several years ago. My shoelaces had untied themselves in the current, whilst trudging through the shin-deep water. I halted my stride swiftly as a brown water snake zoomed by. I continued to look for it, motionless, as to avert any danger. Next thing I know, I feel a light brushing against my ankles. I shifted my weight, only to feel a constriction by the force that had brushed my ankles before. My first thought- the snake was out to get me. It "had a hold on my feet". I started kicking and hopping around senselessly as to escape the grasps of the beast to realize that the beast was only the nylon cords that withheld my footwear to my extremities. Now that I have shared with you my foolish anecdote...

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

I was fishing with my brother-in-law in the Atchafalaya Basin in Louisiana several years ago. My B-I-L cast out a plastic lure and was retrieving it. Just as the lure cleared the water at the boat, a huge gator lunged out of the water after it. He was only about five feet from the boat. It scared the bezeezes out of us. We thought he was coming into the boat!

fishing user avatarbuzzfrog reply : 

snake bit and wrapped around my frog, pulled it up to me and it let loose, dropping to water, just commen water snake

fishing user avatarBass23 reply : 

Several years ago I was fishing on the bank of a canal just having a good time casting out when suddenly an otter came up out of the water right in front of me and scared the be-jesus out of me. He must have been searching for food because i think it scared him just the same. He went under and came up on the other side and went flying through the bushes. I just knew a gator had got me that day. My dad always said be alert. All this different stuff flashes through your mind.

fishing user avatarBass23 reply : 

Oh another. Years ago Lake Okeechobee was really low and me and a couple friends were wading in about three foot of water trying to catch some shellcrackers. We were evenly spread out fishing and me of course i was out the farthest. I happened to look to my left to ask my buddy something when up popped a ten foot gator. He looked at me. I looked at him. We froze momentarily. Really didn't know what to do. We both decided to start walking backwards when he went under. Now i'm expelling waste. We just kept moving holding our rods ready to swing if needed. Not that could of done much. Suddenly he came up farther out. We high tailed it to the bank to fish.

fishing user avatargr8outdoorz reply : 

Walkin the dog with a spook when, what I think was, a blue herron swooped down n grabbed it. Thankfully a few shakes of its head sent the spook flyin back to the water.

fishing user avatarplumworm reply : 

I was flyfishing the Yellowstone river in Yellowstone National park back in the 80's A guy on the other side of the river hooked a nice trout As it was thrashing around on the surface, a pelican swooped down and picked it up. The guy is now fighting a bird with a 6 ft. wingspan instead of a 16" trout. Guy lost,as the pelican flew away with the trout and his flyline. He yelled across the river to me that, "no one is going to believe me, when I tell this story" I told him to meet me back at the parking lot later. I wrote out the whole story on the back of a Yellowstone Park information sheet and included my name and phone number. Two of his Trout Unlimited friends called me to see if his story was true".All fisherman lie a little,but some storys just can't be made up"

fishing user avatarMichael DiNardo reply : 

Wading a strip mine lake with a buddy at night. He snags his lure near shore. Just as he frees his lure, we hear the loudest scream/holler/growl/shriek from the woods a few yards from where he is standing. Well it took about 0.5 seconds for a combined 500 lbs of fishermen to be standing as far into the middle of the pond as we could get. We figured we were getting the HE double hockey sticks out of there. As we approach the other shoreline, roughly 100 yds from the first encounter it happens again right in front of us. We immediately assume we are being stalked. After a few hours, we finally wade to the end of the lake where we parked. I have never heard anything that terrifying in my life. I was told later it was probably a grey fox with pups. I think it was a 'Squatch...


fishing user avatarprincecraft papa reply : 

I was fishing a weedbed usisg a tiny torpedp when.....wham...a seagull hit my lure & took off flying....I did what any good fisherman would do...set the hook! I fought it for a few minutes untill I got him close to the boat & netted it. stupid bird... the second I got the lure out of its mouth...wham...he hit it again! removed it again & released the dumb bird. anybody know the record size for a seagull?

fishing user avatarf23blackwidow2 reply : 

I'm sitting on a dock with about 10 feet of line, and 2 small hooks about 1 foot away from each other, each with a worm on it. Some other people are around me. Some friends, some not, but they all have one thing in common; NO ONE is catching anything! All of the sudden, I feel nibble on my line. i give it a yank, and start to pull it up. when i finally get it on the dock, and there are 2, not one, of the biggest blue gills i've ever caught on the dock. Before i can unhook one, i flops of the hook. i made a lunge and ,as lightly as i could, stepped on it to stop it from getting away. About 15 minutes after my catches, just about everyone there had caught something. It's amazing how quickly fish's attitudes change. I caught 33 fish that day with the same set up. The closest person had caught only 12. It was one of those days...

fishing user avatarmod479 reply : 

Last summer after a good rain, I caught a walleye on a Skitter pop (frog) while fishing for smallies. I had a pic, might be able to track it down. I dont know if that counts a bizarre, but it surprised me.

fishing user avatarWookieeJedi reply : 

Once I saw a gator up in someone's fenced back yard. I was going to put ashore to tell them, but before I could do it, I heard a lady calling, "Fifi! Fifi!" She was calling her little dog. The dog wasn't gonna show...

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 
  On 4/18/2012 at 12:10 AM, WookieeJedi said:

Once I saw a gator up in someone's fenced back yard. I was going to put ashore to tell them, but before I could do it, I heard a lady calling, "Fifi! Fifi!" She was calling her little dog. The dog wasn't gonna show...

That's what she gets for having a toy breed. Lol
fishing user avatarredboat reply : 

We recently emerged from a killer drought in Texas. At the height of the drought back last Summer I caught a three pound catfish - but once I pulled all the ticks off him he only weighed about pound...

fishing user avatarMadd Lunacy reply : 

There's a walking trail that goes all the way around the lake I fish...Me and my dad were fishing in our boat and I happened to look up on the walking trail and I see this guy with a camera taking pictures of us. I thought I would help him out with some good shots, so I decided to pose and give him the good ole' California howdy. I don't think that was a bird he was planning on taking a picture of that day, cause once he focused in I think he could see what I thought of him taking pictures of us and he quickly pulled his camera away from his face and walked away. Lol.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I was driving with a buddy through a tiny little town in western Kansas next to the lake we were going to fish a tourny on the next day when this crazy lady runs out into the road in front of me waving her arms to flag me down. I had to lock my breaks up just to avoid running her over. I rolled my window down to figure out what in the world was going on that was so important to almost get run over. As soon as I started to talk she shushed me and leaned in close and said very quietly "There was a hummingbird on the feeder!" I was stunned and my friend was doing everything he could to not burst out laughing. As soon as she gave me a chance I hit the gas and got out of there. It was one of the most bizarre situations I've been in outside of work.

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 
  On 4/18/2012 at 11:29 AM, Bluebasser86 said:

I was driving with a buddy through a tiny little town in western Kansas next to the lake we were going to fish a tourny on the next day when this crazy lady runs out into the road in front of me waving her arms to flag me down. I had to lock my breaks up just to avoid running her over. I rolled my window down to figure out what in the world was going on that was so important to almost get run over. As soon as I started to talk she shushed me and leaned in close and said very quietly "There was a hummingbird on the feeder!" I was stunned and my friend was doing everything he could to not burst out laughing. As soon as she gave me a chance I hit the gas and got out of there. It was one of the most bizarre situations I've been in outside of work.

I'm rolling!
fishing user avatarynnhoj86 reply : 

I rode my motorcycle to the lake to do some shore fishing. Everything was good until I saw this Guy want down the boat ramp and come sit next to me. Spoke hardly any English and said he was from Mexico with no papers. Asked if I can give him a ride to Phoenix!!! In the back of my head, I thought he had buddies trying to hotwire my bike. Anyways, said I had to change lure, walked over got all my stuff and left.

fishing user avatarstkbassn reply : 

One, I was fishing a 1/4 oz jig in a creek, got it hung up in some rocks...pulled back hard and it broke and came back and the head hit me square between the inch either way and I would probably have lost an eye.....

Two, me and my buddy were heading out late one night in my old Champion and running around 35-40 mph up the channel and a duck flew right between us at head level.....very scary!! Lights out if that thing hits one of us!

I'm sure there are other things but those two stick out....

fishing user avatarMegaBASS reply : 

About five years ago, the wife and I were visiting family who were staying at the South Seas Plantation in Captiva. Looking for an excuse to escape the in-laws, I went to the local hardware store and picked up a cheap rod and reel and later found some frozen shrimp. I was casting from the dock, landing grey snapper with every third cast, when the big mamma osprey perched in a nearby palm tree decided to make her move. My plump snapper was no match for mamma osprey who swooped in and grabbed the fish 20 feet from one stunned angler. Besides thinking "holy poop", I also recall worrying that osprey cannot unlock their talons until they land (I'm not sure if this is true, but I heard this 'factoid' during the trip) so I wasn't sure how the fight would end. The osprey tried to fly back to its palm tree with teh fish, but my 12 pould test and hook held up. After about a 10-15 second fight, i decided that trying to pull the fish from the osprey was better than opening the bail and risk getting a hook into the bird. The snapper had HUGE gashes across its back, and the osprey returned to the tree and smack talked me until I left.

One other quick story.. A long, long time ago, I was fishing with Lucky Craft Man for muskie. I was in the back of the boat when WHOOOMP - he smacks me upside the head with his lure on the backcast. Fortunately, no hooks embedded, but my dome was rocked by a freaking Suick! The bizzare thing was that a decade plus later, we were fishing Lake Mead when my rattletrap got stuck on a rock. I gave it a huge pull only for the lure to come free and make a bee-line for Luck Craft's Man-hood. While he was doubled over, I couldn't stop laughing or thinking that it was sweet vengance.

fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 

The oddest thing that happened to me was when I hooked a rope. This wasn't just any rope, but a rope with a noose that was around the neck of a foal. Someone must have lost this young horse and instead of burring it, they looped the rope around it's neck and threw it over the hill into the lake. I gagged several times from the stench trying to get my lure back (which if it wasn't a $20 jerkbait, I would have just cut the line).

  On 4/19/2012 at 3:04 AM, MegaBASS said:

One other quick story.. A long, long time ago, I was fishing with Lucky Craft Man for muskie. I was in the back of the boat when WHOOOMP - he smacks me upside the head with his lure on the backcast. Fortunately, no hooks embedded, but my dome was rocked by a freaking Suick! The bizzare thing was that a decade plus later, we were fishing Lake Mead when my rattletrap got stuck on a rock. I gave it a huge pull only for the lure to come free and make a bee-line for Luck Craft's Man-hood. While he was doubled over, I couldn't stop laughing or thinking that it was sweet vengance.

His head was the only thing I got all that night. Also, I suspect that the rattletrap to my crouch was much more painful then a Suick to the head (now, if I burried the hooks of that Suick in MegaBASSes head, then that would be a different story). So as I see it, it is my turn for revenge. Are we still hitting the water next Wednesday, MegaBASS? You may want to wear a helmet and cup.

fishing user avatarBass Dude reply : 

I had a Red Tailed Hawk come out of tree and devour a squirrel. I was beating the bank and he was about 20 feet away....scared the crap out of me!! I've never heard anything quite like that poor squirrel screaming and trying to fight off that hawk!!

Not bizarre, but the first time I saw a bald eagle come out of the tree tops and fly over my was mind-blowing!!


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