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Whats the strangest way you've seen people fishing? 2024

fishing user avatarbass wrangler569 reply : 

Whats the strangest way you've seen people fishing? The strangest way I've seen somebody fish happened at a pond a few years ago. There was this guy there with a massive surf rod who was casting a 12" saltwater popper the entire way across the pond (this pond is not small either). He would work it the entire way across the pond making the lure splash and chug like crazy and then he would make another cast. He never did catch anything...

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

At Shenandoah University's concrete pond on campus last year I fished the pond before my client's meeting.

There was a lady and her two sons, ages 14 and 12, who were fishing for bream.

They were using a saltwater setup with very heavy mono and a very, very, very, very large hook.

I reset up the rig for them with a small gold hook and a split shot sinker.

They had no idea of how to fish for bream or bass and it was kind of funny to see them using a saltwater rig.

fishing user avatarCRFisher reply : 

Saw a guy yesterday with a Rapala 6 inches underneath a bobber.

fishing user avatarflippinstick reply : 

I saw a guy fishing with a cane pole and a spinnerbait. he must have been fishing in less than a foot of water but he would move the lure so that the blades would move.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 
I saw a guy fishing with a cane pole and a spinnerbait. he must have been fishing in less than a foot of water but he would move the lure so that the blades would move.

We refer to this as jiggerpoling. You start a cadence and tap the water with the end of the pole ahead of the spinnerbait. It is deadly at night if fished correctly.

fishing user avatarMarty reply : 

I don't see it much these days, but it was fairly common years ago. People fishing without a rod or reel, just using line wrapped around a beer can. Their casting motion was less than smooth.  ;)

fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

I didn't see the attempt, but I did find the evidence. The last time I fished Hunting Run Lake, I saw a 2 1/2" diameter bobber just under the water's surface, and when I pulled it up, there was about 4' of line attached to the bobber. On the end of the line was a large salt water size brass snap swivel; attached to the swivel was a 1/2 oz tandem spinnerbait.

fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 

Watched my nephew cast out the tree line of a lake we were on last thurs.  Went for his pb 35' up, and with pinpoint accuracy, nailed it!  Lost his spinner though.

L-if you read this, sorry, I had to...... :)

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

Spinnerbait on a cane pole and under a bobber.

;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Thanks for sharing, you guys just made my day!!

fishing user avatarKorea_Bassin reply : 

I watched a guy last year who had come to the river to spend the afternoon with his girlfriend, evidently without advanced fishing plans. I watched as he searched around the bank, found some fishing line, searched around some more unitl he found a hook, then tore a small piece from a styrofoam cup which he wedged onto the line for a float. He then flipped over a few rocks until he found a worm and then he and his girlfriend proceeded to catch bluegills right and left with his impromptu fishing rig. Perhaps not that odd, but very innovative and McGyverish.

Another type of fishing that I find odd although I guess is somewhat common in some areas is noodling/grappling (grabbling?) for catfish.

fishing user avatarFR0G reply : 

Just the normal goons using a surf rod for trout or even the occasional lure.

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 
I saw a guy fishing with a cane pole and a spinnerbait. he must have been fishing in less than a foot of water but he would move the lure so that the blades would move.

That may not be all that weird.  I knew a few old timers who would use big bamboo rods with #30-40 mono about 8' long tied to the end.  They would go out at night on their boat and zigzag a big top water plug (noisy one) in and out of the lily pads and grass.  They would catch some monsters.

fishing user avatarJeff H reply : 

Seen plenty of people fishing panfish with HUGE bobbers that even a 2lb bull gill wouldn't be able to get half submerged.  

fishing user avatarNitroMan reply : 

I have been fishing a lake around my house for a few weeks straight, and the guy that works for the county as a Parks & Rec. worker has been watching me catch a bunch of LMB about 2-3lbs. and the last time I went out there he brought his kids out to the same area I had been fishing.

He saw when I was fishing I was using jerkbaits, Rat-l-traps, and spinnerbaits. He had all 4 of his children fishing with the same type of lures but all on bobbers and they would throw them out and wait...

Finally I got tired of watching them not catch anything and I told his kids how to work the lures and the Dad got soooo mad at me. But the funny thing was that just after he got done telling me I don't know what I was talking about his youngest daughter caught a decent 2lber on the jerkbait. He thanked me after that and I continued to fish after laughing a little to myself.

fishing user avatarS I G M A reply : 

Another type of fishing that I find odd although I guess is somewhat common in some areas is noodling/grappling (grabbling?) for catfish.

I've seen that on tv... they've pulled up some HUGE catfish... i would never want my whole arm in a catfish that big

fishing user avatarJayDub reply : 

Another type of fishing that I find odd although I guess is somewhat common in some areas is noodling/grappling (grabbling?) for catfish.

I've seen that on tv... they've pulled up some HUGE catfish... i would never want my whole arm in a catfish that big

Those crazies stick their hands into any and every hole they find underwater to catch them too.  Under sunken roads, beaver dams, you name it.  That's also why many of them have been bitten by snakes, turtles, and of course big cats...some have gotten stuck and drowned...  Read a story about an old man who stuck his arm elbow deep into a giant cats mouth, and the cats teeth gripped his skin, literally ripping all the skin off of his arm as it pulled away.  :-/

fishing user avatarjeremyt reply : 

Not to make fun of people from the north, but I was on a pier one summer and we were catching spanish mackeral one after the other one. There was a guy from Jersey whom my buddy and I had been chatting with and he asked us how to fish for them, we basically told him how to fish for them. He eventually caught one and went to give it a Jimmy Houston kiss and it latched on to his top lip. Ripped it to shredds. It was awful but one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

fishing user avatarbass wrangler569 reply : 
It was awful but one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

yeah its awful... awful funny. Too bad you didn't have a video camera.

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

i've seen people fishing off a bridge into a river using a spool of line with a pencil through it. they had a hook on the end of the line but it didn't look like they had any bait on it.

fishing user avatarshotgunlew reply : 

I saw a guy fish a 10 inch worm off of mono that was tied to a tree branch. The worm was on a 0 sized treble hook, the kicker was he had this huge slip bobber.......I asked him what he was doing, he looked at me like i was stupid and said fishing.....some people, i was there for 4 hours and he never caught a thing.what was he best through was when he went back to his truck, i saw three fishing poles in the back.


fishing user avatarSyfer420 reply : 
Not to make fun of people from the north, but I was on a pier one summer and we were catching spanish mackeral one after the other one. There was a guy from Jersey whom my buddy and I had been chatting with and he asked us how to fish for them, we basically told him how to fish for them. He eventually caught one and went to give it a Jimmy Houston kiss and it latched on to his top lip. Ripped it to shredds. It was awful but one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

;D ;D ;D ;D hahahahah i love jersey folks

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

Every time I took my brother-in-law fishing he would hold the spinning rod upside-down and reel backwards, I tried to show him how to reel properly, but he would always go back to his was pretty comical.


fishing user avatarPigsticker reply : 

haha "go back to jersey you moron" ;D

name the movie that quote came from and I'll be very surprised ;)

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

Maltese beat me to it.

At the local docks I see the occasssional person with a spinning rig going for trout usually. They cast noramlly, then out of the fricking blue, they turn the rig upside down or right side up and start retrieiving. Yep, holding a spinning rig with the reel on top of the rod.

after getting a few minutes of entertainment, I go up to them to start up a conversation and they tell me it is uncomfortable fishing the regular way. Then I tell them that the handle is interchangeable. They thank me after I switch the handle. ;D

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

I watched a ferry boat driver in St Thomas fishing. We were on a cruise ship making a stop, and were waiting for the ferry to fill up.

The driver had about 50 feet of what looked to be 100lb test mono tied to his chair leg, with a 1/0 straight shank hook on the other end. He was using cut bait, and would drop it over the side, let it down most of the 50 feet, and jig it with his fingers. He set the hook with a upward yank, and start wraping the line around both hands. He never missed one, and never lost one while I was watching. I'm telling ya, he "cranked" in a bunch of yellowtail while we were watching and tossed them in a cooler half full of ice.

When the ferry docked, a little kid came on board with a fresh cooler, and hauled off the full one.

Not exactly high tech gear, but the guy was a heck of a fisherman.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Last week, on Ray Hubbard, located on the edge of Dallas, as the morning comute into Dallas began and the sunrose upon the waters, the morning traffic was treated to a bass fishermen fishing in the buff along the rip rap of the long bridge across Hubbard.    

   Anyway, someone called a news station, and the morning chopper for traffic decided to take a peak at this story.

   Well, once the eye in the sky pulled up on the nude bass fishermen, he decided to take off.     Tooooooooo  much exposure for the fishermen I guess.   LOL

    As news of this story flooded the forums and airways, lots of jokes were flying.

       Of course a friend of mine emailed me and asked what I was doing on Hubbard that morning and I told him not me.

    That was easy to see when the guy sped off, I said he had small "johnson" on the back, and I have a "Big Johnson" .

    True story.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

I'm searching for the video!

fishing user avatarjiggerpole reply : 

I'm one of those weirdos that fishes with a 27 foot long telescopic pole and only eight inches of 130 lb. high shock mono, a stainless snap, with a broke back creek chub hooked to it. One of the best lures I have is an old leather shoe tounge with three treable hooks run through it. Seriously!!!!! Jiggerpole.

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

Also say a weekend warrior trying to fly fish in a small stream with a spinning reel and rod. I just continued on dieing of laughter.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
Every time I took my brother-in-law fishing he would hold the spinning rod upside-down and reel backwards,


Seen that several times in several places.

fishing user avatarChad. reply : 
Every time I took my brother-in-law fishing he would hold the spinning rod upside-down and reel backwards,


Seen that several times in several places.

Me too i never wanted to say anything though.

fishing user avatarEvan Pease reply : 

I saw a guy standing on water then I realized he was on a submerged dam ;D It was pretty funny.

fishing user avatarIfish4keeps reply : 
Every time I took my brother-in-law fishing he would hold the spinning rod upside-down and reel backwards, I tried to show him how to reel properly, but he would always go back to his was pretty comical.


my dad does the same thing...


one thing that i never got was why people use nets while they are bluegill and crappie fishing... i was watching linders edge today and they were using nets on 6 inch bluegills... just not necessary

fishing user avatarlittle_stephen reply : 

this guy serios as can be, slapping a plastic minnow or something on the surface over and over and over again on a heavy action rod and reel....... hed just whip it forward and smack it on the surfce in front of the dock right in front of him.... maybe three or four feetout......   he wore out after about a half hour..... idunno what he was trying to do... maybe kill a bug or something!?

fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

Yesterday I picked up another bobber/artificial lure combo. This one was in a tree next to where fishing from shore is popular. This time it was a 2" bobber and beneath it was a 3" Storm Swim Shad attached to the line with a medium size brass snap swivel. That combo might just have worked as opposed to the spinnerbait/bobber deal.

fishing user avatarAvalonjohn44 reply : 

Funny Thread!  I also see a ton of people fishing a spinning rig upside down.  I saw a guy at a pond in Winchester fishing without his reel.  It broke some how, and he unscrewed the spool and was using just it to worm fish.  He caught a dink, and it took him forever to bring it in.  He had absolute control over the drag system (his hand) though.

fishing user avatarAvalonjohn44 reply : 
haha "go back to jersey you moron"

name the movie that quote came from and I'll be very surprised

The 5th Element and/or Scrooged...

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

Saw a guy fill a burlap bag with black walnuts fresh off the tree.He tied up one end and crushed them with a hammer.He then tossed the bag into the water.As the bass started jumping out of the water(from all the acid from the crushed walnuts) he scooped them up with a landing net!

fishing user avatarfishingaddict reply : 

I was in Jamaica and those guys use bamboo poles, string, no reel, and a hook with w/e meat they have around for bait. I guess it's not too strange considering that the fish they catch has to feed the family, so they'll use anything.

fishing user avatarValkyrieRider reply : 

When in stationed in Iraq, the Iraqese (?) would wrap a line around their hand, throw in doughballs (water and flour) and reel in BIGASS CARP. When close to shore they'd jump in the water, grab the carp and chuck it up on shore and their compatriot would chuck it in a cardboard box.... presumably for dinner later...

We'd catch em on rod and reel and cigarette butts or MRE bread. (not sure which I'd rather eat)

fishing user avatarmayassa reply : 

I would use french fries as a kid in Ohio and catch perch all day, worms cost money I didn't have.  I did have a zebco 33 for my primary (only) combo.  :-/

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 

not fishing at all ;)

fishing user avatarPencil Pusher reply : 

Spinning reel mounted upside down on a 5 1/2 foot pistol grip casting rod. I have actullay seen this more than once.

fishing user avatartoolpush reply : 

at our local pond the other day saw a guy "bank trolling" i believe he was using a soft crawdad imitation any way he would cast the lure in the water then walk along the bank dragging the lure along after him. don't know if he ever caught anything as i soon left.

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

Bank trolling  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

This thread is SO awesome. As much as I hate stupid people, they sure do provide great entertainment


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