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how do u tell your friend... 2024

fishing user avatarcantcatchfish4somereason reply : 

I have a great buddy that i fish with he takes time off from work to fish during the week with me. He's my best friend but he sucks at using the foot control trolling motor and insist on being in the front of the boat. His boat postioning sucks and stays to close to objects we are fishing for me and my comfort. He says he cant throw his pole from the back of the boat. some times i wish i could just fish alone but i like having someone to fish with. How do u break it to him that he sucks in the front!?

fishing user avatardone reply : 

Well, you could try this..." offense but you suck up there, get on back here and let a real man work those controls."

LOL. I cannot figure out why I have no friends, just the voices in my head.

Seriously though, the thing i like about men compared to women, we can talk normal to each other. Just tell him, to try out the back, tell him to let you try the front and really see how it works out. Like how you stick with a new bait for a while to learn it and get good at it, tell him to sit back there, relax and fish that way for a while.

Personally, I always run mine, but I REALLY enjoy being out with my bud on his boat and letting him worry about it.

fishing user avatarcantcatchfish4somereason reply : 

see thats the thing some times im like god at the fish we probally missed cause he doesnt know what the heck he is doing. But then i think well he wont get any better unless he puts in some time. So i just bite my tongue and shut up kinda... He says must be nice to sit in the back and *itch lol but hey he has to know what he is doing wrong right?

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 
Well, you could try this..." offense but you suck up there, get on back here and let a real man work those controls."

LOL. I cannot figure out why I have no friends, just the voices in my head.

Seriously though, the thing i like about men compared to women, we can talk normal to each other. Just tell him, to try out the back, tell him to let you try the front and really see how it works out. Like how you stick with a new bait for a while to learn it and get good at it, tell him to sit back there, relax and fish that way for a while.

Personally, I always run mine, but I REALLY enjoy being out with my bud on his boat and letting him worry about it.

That's how I would say it, but spoken with the right tone of voice.


just keep casting towards the front.  Cast right next to where his lure lands.  When he gets mad then tell him his positioning skills suck.

fishing user avatarHook Set reply : 

Just tell him if he is your best friend, I tell my best buddy everything, good or bad, that's what being best friends is all about!

However, if you are gonna take the helm on the premise that he isn't doing it right, you had better put him on some fish to drive the point home. If you do that, I doubt he will hold it against you!

fishing user avatardone reply : 
Well, you could try this..." offense but you suck up there, get on back here and let a real man work those controls."

LOL. I cannot figure out why I have no friends, just the voices in my head.

Seriously though, the thing i like about men compared to women, we can talk normal to each other. Just tell him, to try out the back, tell him to let you try the front and really see how it works out. Like how you stick with a new bait for a while to learn it and get good at it, tell him to sit back there, relax and fish that way for a while.

Personally, I always run mine, but I REALLY enjoy being out with my bud on his boat and letting him worry about it.

That's how I would say it, but spoken with the right tone of voice.


just keep casting towards the front. Cast right next to where his lure lands. When he gets mad then tell him his positioning skills suck.

yeah the tone is everything. Now I am extremely sarcastic and my friends are too. We can talk to each other that way but like the one poster said, if I ***** threw him to the back and took over, I had better do REAL good or they would have a field day with me. LOL

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

If it is his boat your stuck.  If its yours tell him to make the payment next month and he can run whatever he wants.

fishing user avatardone reply : 
If it is his boat your stuck. If its yours tell him to make the payment next month and he can run whatever he wants.

LOL true! I assumed it was his boat. But yeah if it is your friends boat, yeah you are stuck.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Whoever paid for it calls the shots. Don't like it, buy your own.

fishing user avatarswilly78 reply : 
Whoever paid for it calls the shots. Don't like it, buy your own.


fishing user avatarLittle Luey reply : 

If he is your friend he would not be upset you tell him he sucks, but then you have tell him how to do it correctly. Just saying he sucks is not going to help him get better.

I also agree with the comment that if it is your boat you shold be the one driving it. if he wrecks it, do you think he will pay you for the repairs?

I don't let anyone drive my truck or motorcycle. When anyone asks I tell them that it is like asking me permission to ask my wife out, it is not going to happen. ;D

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I don't care who paid for what if he is a true friend he will understand friendship is the most important part and then fishing second.

fishing user avatarlooking4structure reply : 
I don't care who paid for what if he is a true friend he will understand friendship is the most important part and then fishing second.


fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Your friend needs to read or view a DVD of how to position a boat while fishing.

Bass magazines and the Internet have articles throughout the year on positioning the boat.

Maybe you can give him an article to read or watch a DVD together and then work with him on positioning the boat.

He needs assistance from a third-party to be able to position the boat correctly.  :)

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 
I have a great buddy that i fish with he takes time off from work to fish during the week with me. He's my best friend but he sucks at using the foot control trolling motor and insist on being in the front of the boat. His boat postioning sucks and stays to close to objects we are fishing for me and my comfort. He says he cant throw his pole from the back of the boat. some times i wish i could just fish alone but i like having someone to fish with. How do u break it to him that he sucks in the front!?


So is your buddy the reason you..


If it was my boat I'd tell him to get in back and LEARN how to cast from the back of the boat.(Throw his pole from the back of the boat? I don't understand that?).

If it's not your boat but his, step up to the plate, be a man and buy your own boat.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

If he's your best friend , he should be open to suggestions from you on how to position the boat . If he doesn't want your advice  and it's his boat , you have decisions to make.

fishing user avatarKoop reply : 

I prefer the back of the boat when fun fishing with friends.

Easier to not have to worry about boat control and just fish ;) My friends and I end up whining about who gets the BACK of the boat. During a tournament it is a different story, I don't mind the back if the boater can control and position the boat well, there are very few people in your local bass clubs who are good enough to suck up all the fish from the front, its just not going to happen. However, if the person is terrible at boat control it drives me nuts if they are cutting off angles and just positioning the boat poorly. :-/

If its your boat, then teach your friend. nit picking him all day will make a miserable experience on that water.

If its not your boat then just be happen your even on the water.

fishing user avatarFishbone reply : 

If he's bigger than you, just shut up and sit in the back.

fishing user avatarJigMe reply : 

If he is your best friend, I said just open up and tell him the truth. You won't enjoy the fishing trip, if you can't feel comfortable on the boat. I am sure your friend would understand, and maybe let you control the boat. Can't resolve anything without communication..."I sounded like my wife" :-/

fishing user avatarHellbenderman reply : 

...put the gas motor on the front and the electric on the back...

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

Fishing from the back with someone who knows what they are doing (and wants to give you access to as much water as possible) is sometimes great. On a long day of fishing, esp. if the wind is blowing hard, controlling the boat can be work, and letting your partner have control while relaxing from the back can be a beautiful thing. On the other hand, fishing from the back with someone who doesn't know (or care) if you can fish, can ruin the day. Tell your friend how you feel. If he listens and you can show him what he's doing wrong, you both win. If not... Good luck.

fishing user avatarcantcatchfish4somereason reply : 

I thought this would be a fun thread not like im the only one ever experienced something like this.

fishing user avatarshootermcbob reply : 

Dude, I fish from the bank every time I go fishing. ANY  spot in a boat would be cherished. Just a different perspective for you. However, my sister and I have great fun from the bank every time we go. Good luck with your situation.

fishing user avatarbottledgt reply : 

haha, sounds like my problem. i HATE going when its my buddys turn to drive and take his boat. boy cant operate at all. he cant run it and fish at the same time literally!. he runs it on high everywhere and will troll to a spot and wont let off until he is ON it. then we coast past it while i hurry to try to fish it. and doesnt understand the concept of bumping the motor to keep the boat straight. when he lets off, the boat has been known to drift in 2 complete circles while he fishes. then when hes done with that spot,its wide open to the next 50 yards and all over again. drives me NUTS. i try to tell him, but he just doesnt get it...oh and if he backlashes, i might as well take lunch cause we aint movin for except i would have to eat about 20 times per trip LOL

fishing user avatarGRiver reply : 

My Dad used to drive me nuts doing the same thing...All over the place...not close enough, too far, "Where the hell are we going Dad?"

Wish he was still here too me driving me crazy.

I have come to realize any day fishing is a good day.

fishing user avatarcantcatchfish4somereason reply : 

its funny i use to tell him i guess im your *itch i call wake you up i buy all the gas i drive us to the lake i unload the boat and drive us down the river and then i drive the trolling motor all day guess its what i get for complaining about having to do everything lol

fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 

Some people don't understand boat position.  My wife's best friend's husband is one of them.  I hate to fish from the back of his boat but have to once in a while.

I have been with him a few times over the last 5 years and he hasn't learned a thing.  I feel your frustration.  I'd rather be by myself than in the back of an uncaring or ignorant boat operator.

fishing user avatarfishn hard reply : 

Who catches the most fish when there in the front of the boat?and if you are one of those guys that like to cast 100 yards i can see his point.and if your Tournament fishing no mater whos boat it is you put the strongest fisherman in the front.

fishing user avatarJ-B reply : 

The ideas of just talking about it, getting to the point are correct IMO. Just tell him how you feel about the way he is driving and ask him if he would mind changing it up a bit. Ask him to try different patterns in his approach to see if it will benefit either one of you, if not both. If he likes to get too close for your style of fishing when he is driving, as long as you are safe, try changing your style to compensate. Develop some good teamwork fishing strategies. If you are fishing for the fun of it, do just that. Use it to learn and try to have fun doing it.

Being a shore fishing fool, I could care less where I am in a boat so long as I can get my line in the water. If I don't like how close to, or how far I am from the shore, I can always cast off the back or there is the whole lake behind me to fish in also. Who knows, that magic drop off might just be on the other side of the boat.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 
I thought this would be a fun thread not like im the only one ever experienced something like this.

I experienced it.

Then I bought my own boat and solved the problem.  

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

If he's your best friend, and you're that close, just tell him upfront.

If you're not THAT close and really don't feel comfortable, next time you feel the boat is too close to the target just try saying. Hey, I think we're going to scare the fish, can we back off the area just a bit and make a little longer casts.

Or, Hey today I read online about spooking fish by getting to close, can we try to stay back a bit, I want to see if it makes a difference.

fishing user avatarangler1 reply : 

The truth hurts sometimes. If its your boat, its your pedal. Maybe you can convience him that it would be a good idea if he learns how to fish from the back. If you fish a Fed. Nation tourney and u r a non-boater, you will be fishing with a boater that is chosen for you. You will in fact be in the back of the boat. If he's you best friend I think he will understand if you correct him when he mispositions the boat. I am always learning new things when I am fishing, maybe you can use that angle. Good luck.

fishing user avatarchristopherjake reply : 

Honesty is the best policy.  

fishing user avatarDinky reply : 

How about trying to convince him to take turns on the trolling motor?

You could say it is an issue of fairness.

Then maybe he will be able to see first hand how you are affected in the back seat.

fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 

I'm still a little confused on who owns the boat. My friend and I fish together a lot and if we take my boat, I drive, pay for the gas, and control the front of the boat. If it is his boat, he drives, pays for the gas, and controls the front of the boat. If there is ever a time I think his boat positioning is bad, I politely suggest an alternative, but if he likes where we are, then it is his boat and he can do what he likes. I still think that if it's your boat, you should control it and if it is his boat, I would be greatful to just be out on the water.

fishing user avatarUnder the Radar reply : 

Well, we're into the third page and we still don't know who owns the boat.

That aside, this seems to be a point with you. So it's either speak up or shut up. If you shut up, it will eat at you from the inside. Good friend, Best friend or Close friend it starts something like this

"Friend's name, listen, I need to talk to you, there's been something that's really starting to wear on me and I need to talk about it..."

Either he is going to listen or not.

I can tell my best friends that they have a bad case of DOG BREATH in the morning and not worry that they are going to be offended. They have told me that it looks like I am on strike against Gillette ( need a shave).

Best of luck to you.

BTW WHO does own the boat???

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

Guy 1: How's about you move the boat so I can make a cast?

Guy 2: How's about you shut the #$%$ up, I got a bite (swings and misses).

Guy 1: Smooth. NOW move the #@$%ing boat.

I know it sounds complicated, but it works. ;)

fishing user avatardave reply : 

From what I read, he drives the boat to the water, pays for the gas, launches the boat, drives to the spot and then gives up the con. I think cantcatchfish4somereason, owns the boat. I think we all know what the answer should be.

fishing user avatarcantcatchfish4somereason reply : 

i dont know i like seeing the responses why give away a vital clue like who owns the boat? i tell you though i own the boat and i told him im taking the front of the boat so u can just sit in the back and ***** or get out in the yard and practice casting!!

fishing user avatarUnder the Radar reply : 

Ata boy.

On my boat, I have to beg my partner to take the bow for awhile. He has his own boat but would rather fish from mine.

I'm glad we got this settled, so let's put this to rest.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Where's Irene ???????????????????????????????????????

fishing user avatarABLE2DISABLE1 reply : 

Just maybe that's the only way he/she was taught to FISH.Not knowing how to position for two ANGLERS instead of ONE.Or that Maybe he Is a Defender protecting his SHOT at that FIRST ANGLED FLIPP PITCH or JUST PLAIN SELFISH.You could just find a new PARTNER to RUN your Boat.See as you do not,or have not in the past want the RESPONSIBILATY of BOAT CONTROL.Not meaning to SHREAD TAIL at YOU,Butt you did say THEY are in CONTROL, because you do not like to fish ALONE.

fishing user avatardone reply : 

LOL. I can tell ya. I have had a boat 2 yrs. I have had one with me in the front a couple months. (the other I controlled from the back). About 50 percent of my fishing is just me.

While I try to position the boat where I "THINK" the 2 of us will have the best combined angle, I can say as far as successfully pulling that off not too sure about that. LOL. It is almost an art form.

fishing user avatarEastMarkME reply : 

If 2 friends are out fishing...specially non tourney and the one in the front owns the boat...and thinks its OK to even mention 'its my boat' and to not consider giving the buddy in the back first shot at some prime spots on occasion....that guy in the front is pretty lame and not much of a real friend....and really inconsiderate too in my view.

Its my boat and I tell my fishing buddys.."If I *** end you...tell me"

Anything else is wrong IMO. Fishing is fun. :)

Anyone said to me 'its my boat' by actions or words we would still be good friends...til we got to the dock.

Priorities man...priorities. Friends and family first in my life.


fishing user avatarNasTMcfingas reply : 

Just make a friendly wager. "I bet (whatever the Wager) that I can put us on more fish today than you can tomarrow or whenever you two had your last trip." Had the same problem with a friend and his boat and now when we go out, it's either 50/50 or he will atleast get a better positioning of the boat so we can both have some prime targets to throw at.


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