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How much do you spend 2024

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

I was kinda inspired by Lbh's senko addication post that got me to thinking about addictions.  Mine is I buy something that pertains to fishing everyweek some times 2 or 3 times a week. It might only be a pack of hooks or it could be 5 or 6 new baits.  I'm guessing since last august I have spent approx $900 to $1200 on fishing gear and tackle. I'm guessing that by december 31 of this year I will spend at least $1000 more as I plan on adding a couple more rods and reels into the lineup, and obviously some more baits here and there.  I was just curious to how much some of you guys spend on Gear and tackle. I'm sure there are some here that blow me out of the water and some that don't, but I'm not competing to see who spends more   I was thinking that what I spend is maybe around average for most anglers. What amount would you consider average. Thats what I'm looking for.  

fishing user avatarKS_Bassin reply : 

Well now that i'm out of college ;D and have a full time job ;D the bait-monkey usually has my pay checks spent in advance not really. I usually spend 100-150 dollars a month last month was closer to 400 though a couple reels and an assortment of tackle. The main problem is when bass pro or other companys send me emails or catalogs with clearance specials it's like christmas and i just can't help myself.

fishing user avatarpapa smurf reply : 

I figure I spend about the same amount as you, although I really don't keep up with it.  I know I should keep up with it, but it's almost better not to know how much I spend.

fishing user avatarBen reply : 

If your figuring only Gear and tackle, probably only 1 - 2K a year.  If you count total spent on fishing related stuff, like boat gas and oil, gas in the truck, the boats themselves, the truck to pull them (which is about the only time I drive it) and that kind of stuff, it goes way up, to approx $800 per month.  If you also add in the money I spend on building a playing with all the hot rod motors I run just so I can see how much past 80 mph I can push a loaded 20' Javelin bass boat, then your looking at about $10,000 - $12,000 a year.  Oh! and the boats and truck are all paid for so that's not having to add in payments.  I also DO NOT tournament fish, only pleasure.  Got burned out on the tournament stuff years ago to the point I quit fishing for a few years, now I just fish because I enjoy it and like to relax while I fish.

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

Too much to talk about...

Seriously though...some months I spend up to $300 and some months I spend $0. It all depends on what I "need" at the moment. These first 5 months of the year have not been pretty for my wallet though.  :(

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Don't ask Raul... ;D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
Don't ask Raul... ;D

I think he is spending more money on pampers these days.  

As for me.  I spend waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay 2 much

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

No comment ..... ;D

Like Capt Cali said though ... it varies.  I woould say it averages out to somewhere near $100 a month.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

I enjoy reading threads like this one, probably because Misery Loves Company.

It serves as good psychological therapy that helps to ease my strong feelings of guilt.

But then again, we anglers are made of tough stuff, we just suck it up and before you know it,

were back online again courting the Bait Monkey.

Yesterday's total bill came to over $600 (2 baitcasting rods and reels), Honest Engine crazy1.gifcrazy.gifcrazy1.gif


fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

Like several others, this month will be higher than normal.  (this week is over $800  :o )  A couple ($200-$300) hundred a month is normal but that includes my rodbuilding hobby as well.

fishing user avatarKana reply : 

on a good month about 100, on a bad month about 400 or so, just too many pretty japanese lurs  around not to buy!  im an addict!  i find most of my big money spending is gearing up and getting ready for spring, but since i fish year round i evenly distribute money thoughout the rest of the year!

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

Since the beginning of the year?

In real dollars I would've spent somewhere around $1500 - 2000 in new lures, line, rods, reels, accesories.

In actual dollars, about $500-600.  I've worked deals, trades, bought lures in lots and sold off the stuff I didn't need, bought rods and reels in lots and kept what i wanted selling the rest.  It's been satisfying.  

Otherwise, I don't spend that much anymore.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Don 't think I 'm rude or something like that but what makes you think I 'm going to tell you how much I spend in gear ? I don 't know who you are, you can even be my wife under a ficticious name trying to obtain information and later rubbing it in. How much we spend is priviledged information and taking it to the worst case scenario the Fifth ammendment comes in very handy.

Now, If you want to know my present tackle junkiness status all I can say is that it 's on hold, I haven 't purchased a single new lure, rod or reel for over a couple of months, on the contrary I 've been selling the excess tackle I don 't use which is brand new. Also I 'm going to sell a lot of used tackle which is almost as new, I 'm downsizing in gear to manageable levels. Once I 've got rid of all that stuff that I don 't want and don 't 's going to PAYBACK TIME !

I 'll be back !

fishing user avatarflippin4it. reply : 

        I will never admit to how much I have spent, My wife would find out and off with my head!

fishing user avatarDR_Bass reply : 

I also spend a good percentage of my paycheck on fising tackle and equipment....

but what about tournament entry fees, gas, food, and lodging.  I think that takes up the most-part of my money on a fishing trip.

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

I have been spending & collecting for a long time and now that I have most all of the high ticket items (boat, very good rods & reels) paid for. It's not too expensive to pick up and occasional Lucky craft or replace a sack of plastics. I just bought the components for building a G-loomis spinning rod for my recently aquired stella and that will be my last big dollar purchase for a while. Now I'm thinking of saving for a couple of guided fishing trips in Canada & Belize, hey, maybe this monkey is just changing colors. Yea, it's worse than I thought. Oh well.... ;)


fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 
Don 't think I 'm rude or something like that but what makes you think I 'm going to tell you how much I spend in gear ? I don 't know who you are, you can even be my wife under a ficticious name trying to obtain information and later rubbing it in. How much we spend is priviledged information and taking it to the worst case scenario the Fifth ammendment comes in very handy.

Now, If you want to know my present tackle junkiness status all I can say is that it 's on hold, I haven 't purchased a single new lure, rod or reel for over a couple of months, on the contrary I 've been selling the excess tackle I don 't use which is brand new. Also I 'm going to sell a lot of used tackle which is almost as new, I 'm downsizing in gear to manageable levels. Once I 've got rid of all that stuff that I don 't want and don 't 's going to PAYBACK TIME !

I 'll be back !

If you don't want to tell thats fine just don't respond to the question I don't have a problem with it  I will applogize I didn't realize it would offend some but I guess it does.

I didn't ask for social security numbers just an average on what you might spend on fishing equip, tackle.  But I also do see your point too some. Being probally pretty well known as you are I guess there are some people that know you by your real name not just your screen name and understand why you wouldn't want to do it  

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Then I 'm sure you ain 't my wife under a ficticious name......she would never reply the way you did, more like : "tell me right now how much you spend !."

I used to spend a lot, something around a 500-600 a month, just for the pleasure and here I am with a big bunch of tackle I don 't even use gathering dust so I made a trascendental decisssion: no more tackle purchases and selling all that stuff I don 't use, not that I need the money but with the money I raise from selling all that stuff I 'm going to get me some REALLY KOOL gear like those obscenelly priced Megabass and Evergreen lures and rods.

I 'll be back !

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

If you are spending lots of money on tackle you are not out fishing. Keep your money, stay out of the tackle stores, off the internet sales, and go fishing. If you feel you have money to burn, I have a money incinerator: send me the money and I will dispose of it for you.

fishing user avatarlangs15 reply : 

If your sepending lots of money on tackle, than  your just wanted to have more stuff. Doesn't mean your ''not'' fishing.

I probably spend around 50 or so a month...BM didn't get me..yet..well fully yet.

fishing user avatarBassinWV reply : 

 I pretty much agree with George, I spend just enough to keep me in the water. If I need something I will grab it. Between line,gear, tackle we all know that can get steep. Depending on what I am grabbing is how much I spend. Once November hits though I am usually in the woods playing cowboys and indians with the animals till they start stocking trout in Jan. But needless to say it can range from 0-500 no problem.

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 
I probably spend around 50 or so a month...BM didn't get me..yet..well fully yet.

HAHAHA...don't kid yourself. The baitmonkey works that way. He doesn't just slam you from the get go. He eases you in. Once you're in...there is no getting out. That is when he slams you. ;)

fishing user avatarlubina reply : 

I really don't know ( I don't want to know ). It hasn't been $0.0 for as long as I can remember. I also can't remember how much was last month...I do

know so that this month is already > $ 400.00 :'(

fishing user avatarlangs15 reply : 
I probably spend around 50 or so a month...BM didn't get me..yet..well fully yet.

HAHAHA...don't kid yourself. The baitmonkey works that way. He doesn't just slam you from the get go. He eases you in. Once you're in...there is no getting out. That is when he slams you. ;)

I have Bait Monkey medicine which is working great right now!

fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 

I have spent about $1500 so far this year on tackle but plan on spending approximately

$3000 in the next month but much of that will be for one-time purchases like a generator for night fishing. Like today I went to Wal-Mart with the wife and ran into a clearance sale on Matzuo lures & bought some equipment for the boat that ended up costing $60.00 without even looking for anything specific. I did practice some self-control and put back two lures for each one I ended up buying. ;)

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

I don't want to know and I don't want my wife to know either.  :-X

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 
Then I 'm sure you ain 't my wife under a ficticious name......she would never reply the way you did, more like : "tell me right now how much you spend !."

I used to spend a lot, something around a 500-600 a month, just for the pleasure and here I am with a big bunch of tackle I don 't even use gathering dust so I made a trascendental decisssion: no more tackle purchases and selling all that stuff I don 't use, not that I need the money but with the money I raise from selling all that stuff I 'm going to get me some REALLY KOOL gear like those obscenelly priced Megabass and Evergreen lures and rods.

I 'll be back !

No wonder you was so cautious, if she knew you spent that much, you would probally be divorced. I would be too. but you only live once so what the hell

fishing user avatarMyKeyBe reply : 

I wonder what this thread would look like if we where posting on the fishing forums. :-?

"I have one rod and one reel, set me back about $150.00 4 years ago. I tie my own fly's. Spent maybe $30.00 this year. Had to buy a new vest last year though. Set me back another $40.00. Fishing permit. $20.00. No boat because I fish streams from the shore. $0.00. So in the last 4 years I have spent about $240.00. Glad I don't fish for bass. I hear some of those guys spend that in a week!" ;) ;D :)

fishing user avatarLightninrod reply : 







My lips are sealed ;).


fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

LRod ... you know pictures are worth a thousand words ..... or in your case dollars ;) ;D

Awesome Gear!!!!!

fishing user avatarbigdog reply : 

baitmonkey,baitmonkey,baitmonkey,baitmonkey thanks all now its back. aaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarjbass reply : 

I'm with lubina on this one, I don't want to know. I might find out I'm not spending enough and have to buy more. Although I did pick up two rods and reels last month for $300.

fishing user avatarflippin4it. reply : 

        Lightingrod, do you have a gun safe to keep that stuff in? You should ! LOL. Nice stuff.........

fishing user avatarlubina reply : 

Very nice Ligthninrod....the handles are in the wrong side ;D but otherwise beautiful sets.

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

This is a great topic.

Like alot of you, I've got children (four daughters), and the money I used to spend on fishing, I now spend on tuition, dental bills, tennis shoes, etc...I buy what I need and that's it. Rarely more than $50 a month. Funny thing is, I fish more now than I ever have, and I always have 4 willing partners.

There's a lot of gear I'd like to have, but I don't know that I'd actually be catching any more fish or having more fun.

fishing user avatarSkwerl reply : 

Just got back into fishing again this year after a 5-6 year hiatus. Bought a boat and then found that all my old fishing gear was pretty much worthless. Bought about 4 rods and reels so far this year, each a little nicer than the last (picked up a Falcon Cara this weekend). The trolling motor on the bote quit working so I bought a new one. I'm not satisfied with the fishfinder so I'll be buying one of those soon as well. I've done a little work on the bote as well as some customizing touches.

So far this year I'm probably at about $10K with another Grand or two anticipated before the summer is out. Gotta pay down the credit cards a bit first.  ;)

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I've been into bass fishing really heavy for under 10 years now, i think its like 7 or 8 years. At first I was spending a lot maybe between 1k to 2k a year on every thing i wanted that wasn't too high in price. I have a small collection of Rapala's (most kinds and sizes), panther martin, mepps and joesflies, well i have about 15 to 18 tackleboxes full of each catagory of lures for storage and 3 boxes that go with me when i go fishing. I rotate my older baits with my newer baits often too. I use everything i buy most of the time. If its on sale and i don't have it I buy it in every color and size that makesd sense to me to test it and see if it works. I will try it on every fishing trip till i figure out how to use it(presentation) thats the key with using something different and new to us.

Ok right now I buy the new colors that come out in the old favorite baits, fishing line, snap swivels, weights and maybe a rod or reel, or if i lose something i replace it right away but i don't spend much in $$ now maybe $500 this year if that. My only purchase was $100 of rapala's this year so far. I'm all setup now with most of the supplies and all i have to do is fish now. I have no time to shop during the season locally too i'm just too tired. I go to BPS on the net for most of my stuff.

I don't have a boat my son bought one to take me fishing.  I can't handle it alone i'm disabled so i mainly fish from shore.

fishing user avatarRebbasser reply : 

Way too much and I love every minute of it!

fishing user avatarDDbasser reply : 

Well, lets just say all the door greaters at my local BPS know me by name!?!?!?!?  

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Too much.....But then not enough!  I know you all understand!

fishing user avatarMikeI reply : 

I usually spend most of my fishing money during the first part of the spring, then just maintainence spending throughout the summer. Usually one big purchase (rod/reel, fishfinder, GPS, etc) a year then a handfull of baits.

fishing user avatarlubina reply : 

The dam virus got me again :'(.....2 IMX, a Quatum Tour and an Energy PTi-A on the way :o

Does anyone know is the is a vaccine again the Baitmonkey.?

fishing user avatarBasstrash reply : 

Unfortunately I lost all of my rods and reels in Katrina. I had a fairly nice collection of equipment I was very fond of. Probably around $4,000 of rods and reels alone. However these were collected over a few year period. I was big time into bass fishing 10 years ago, but lifes' boat drifted me away. I started the trip back about 3 years ago when an old fishing buddy contacted me. The rest, they say, is history. Since my rebuilding started after Katrina, in feb. of this year, I have added 4 new r-n-r's at about $300.00 each. I have spent probably only about $200.00 for tackle as Katrina didn't get my tackle. That was in my trunk when I evacuated!! She knocked me down, but I got up. Fishing has been a big part of the rebuilding.  

fishing user avatarlangs15 reply : 
Unfortunately I lost all of my rods and reels in Katrina. I had a fairly nice collection of equipment I was very fond of. Probably around $4,000 of rods and reels alone. However these were collected over a few year period. I was big time into bass fishing 10 years ago, but lifes' boat drifted me away. I started the trip back about 3 years ago when an old fishing buddy contacted me. The rest, they say, is history. Since my rebuilding started after Katrina, in feb. of this year, I have added 4 new r-n-r's at about $300.00 each. I have spent probably only about $200.00 for tackle as Katrina didn't get my tackle. That was in my trunk when I evacuated!! She knocked me down, but I got up. Fishing has been a big part of the rebuilding.

Very sorry you lost all of that stuff in Hurricane kartina, but your a live! And that's what matters most!

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I buy a bait here or there when I need replacements or a really good bait comes out,but I don't come anywhere near most of you guys.The exception was last year.I bought a new Yamaha outboard and a new Minn-Kota FC trolling motor, but believe me it was a case of need.It was either that or a new set of paddles.


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