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It's Official..My fishing sucks! 2024

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Ok, I don't know what it is, but I have come to the conclusion that I should take up another leisure activity.  I went out today with my son, he caught a few dinks, I got skunked,.  I suck at this any more.  It is very frustrating (still beats work ;D ;D)  I am going to have to really rethink what I am doing.  Got some taps on some robo worms, couldn't nail them though.  Any of you ever gotten to this point where you just feel so puzzled? ??? ???

fishing user avatarTIEDROPE reply : 

yea man, trust me. Everyone i talk to is catching fish but im not! Right now for me at least the weather and timing is so critical. Everyone hits a slump once in awhile

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Just because other people SAY they are catching fish,doesnt mean that they are.People hate to admit being skunked,its a fact.And as we all know,the bass is one of the hardest fish to #1) figure out and #2) catch.

But you are not alone,everybody has a tough day from time to time.Dont sweat it.

fishing user avatarJagrrich reply : 

Don't give up yet!! I'm in the same boat with ya! I've been out 6 times and only once did I accidently catch a crappie. My 4 year old son has already out caught me! He's landed one bass and one crappie.

Tell me that makes you feel better!!

EDIT: Your gonna like this, My wife just informed me that my son won't be 4 until OCT.  :-[

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Jaggrich, well i have to admit, your post does help :)

fishing user avatarMuddpuppy reply : 

May be you are just trying to put too many new methods together too fast.  Keep fishing as your activity and use catching as a added bonus.  

But everybody has those kinds of days.  I have two friends that went today and they both got skunked. Didn't even see any one catch anything.  It happened to me last week.   :'(

fishing user avatarbosnmate3 reply : 

Hey man, I've been going to a local ponf every day for almost two weeks and I've caught fish on about 4 of those days,so don't beat youself up.I just kind of rig everything I have and see what happens.I'm new to the whole fishing sport so I don't think I could give you any advice as to what to try,but I can tell you what's been working for me. Topwater,Torpedoes, Zara puppys, and Chugbugs. I'm working shallow waters with lots of vegatation,and structure.So keep the faith and keep on casting. And read this forum !!! I can't tell you how much I've learned by just reading these post.  Best of luck

fishing user avatarRebbasser reply : 

Hey, even the pros get skunked from time to time.  I spent today hauling water and getting blown all over the lake, and I sure ain't no pro.  Guess that's why the call it fishin' and not catchin' ;) ;D

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Getting skunked is just part of fishing. We have all heard the saying, "If you caught fish every time it wouldn't be called fishing it would be called catching.".

When I just can't seem to catch a fish I force myself to stop fishing and start looking. I spend allot of time zigzagging around staring at my fish finder. I look for any structure that has baitfish close by and fish it. If I don't find fish there I cruise the shallows with my polarized glasses on, looking for fish. Not just bass, any fish. What I am looking for is an increase in the number of fish in the shallows. This tells me several things. Mainly that the oxygen and ph levels in that area are good and the fish are active. If I don't see any bass I will turn and head out into deeper water. I will fish any structure and cover I see in the general area. If the fish are there and they are active, they will usually let me know.

No mater how "fishy" an area looks, if the conditions aren't rite, the fish won't be there. I always tell myself, "You can't catch fish, if the fish aren't there.

fishing user avatarBassMaster reply : 

yeah man don't give up... i'm in a slump myself... the past 5 times i've gone fishing i've gone home with nothing to show for except some sun burn... sure i was questioning myself for a while there, but a good buddy of mine kept tellin me not to question what i know i'm good at.  and if you know you're good at fishing, abelfisher, then you can't question it.  you're time will come... plus, it's spawning season, and the fish just don't bite as much as they do when it's summer time.  but just wait, and trust your instincts.  something my dad would always ask me when i was younger and we came home from a fishing trip and we were around my mom is this:  he'd ask me what my favorite thing in the world to do is... and i'd say fishing... then he'd ask what my second favorite thing to do is, and i said catching fish.  and today if he were to ask me that, i'd tell him the exact same thing.  so just let that be a lesson to you.  it's not all about catching fish, it's about going out there doing something you love to do, especially with your kid(s).  it's such an awesome thing to pass down an outdoor activity such as fishing to your son or daugter and know that they enjoy it just as much as you did when you were their age.  then they'll do the same thing with their kids.  it is something that you will enjoy all your life.  i've been doing it all my life, only 20 years, and i still look forward to going fishing with my friends, myself, and my dad.  there's just nothing else in this world quite like it...

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Thanks,so far guys!  The other thing I forgot to tell you, is that somehow my 7'6 Pfleuger Trion rod(brand spankin' new) broke about a foot from the end.  How it did, I don;t know.  I just looked down

and noticed the rod looked a little weird.  Upon closer inspection the end was broken.  Hadn't even used it yet!  What a day.....  Oh well, still beats work!

fishing user avatarpapadew reply : 

I'm evidently in the same boat with you so far this year. After reading above posts, I remembered back to the mid '80's when Lake Jordan in NC was opened to fishing.  200+ bass per day was nothing uncommon.  I actually got "bored" catching cookie cutter bass!  10-13 inch fish would take your rod under the boat! Strongest for their size I've ever caught.  There was no challenge, but it was fun for awhile.  Now you really gotta "FISH" hard to get a few fish at this lake, but the size is altogether much bigger now.  It's like deer hunting in the wild vs shooting penned-up deer I suppose.  Hang in there. May is usually a much better time to pattern them after the spawn.  Papa

fishing user avatarMuddpuppy reply : 

Take the rod back where you got it sounds like a defect.  If they won't take it back check with phlueger.  

I was watching bass slowly swim by last week.  Nice sized ones 3 and 4lbs., wouldn't respond to any thing we threw.  They didn't spook, stop or pay any attention at all.  It was kinda like throwing a cat a frizzbee.

fishing user avatarbassin4life reply : 

If I caught something everytime I went then it wouldn't be a sport...sometimes when I catch nothing it teaches me more, just be more selective...don't give more and watch your fishin' shows and read up on magazines it will pay off I promise ;)

fishing user avatarfatbass reply : 

Any day you fish is better than a poke in the eye with a broken Trion rod. :D  Sorry bout that.  Like anything, fishing has its ups and downs.  Don't worry about it, "A great day is a comin", I always say.

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Mudpuppy, I took your advice and took the rod back to Fisherman's Warehouse.  They are sending it back to Pfleuger for questions asked.

As frustrating as it was yesterday, heck, I went back buying more baits today (more Senko's,  beavers, and bought some "big units" also from Reaction Innovations.  I also bought some of that Mega Strike paste stuff.  Maybe that will help ;D ;D  

fishing user avatarMuddpuppy reply : 

Did you tell them to tune your new rod to catch fish? ;)   Also if you wanted to switch hobbies now, you have 2 to and shopping. ;D

fishing user avatarBassMaster reply : 
I'm evidently in the same boat with you so far this year. After reading above posts, I remembered back to the mid '80's when Lake Jordan in NC was opened to fishing. 200+ bass per day was nothing uncommon. I actually got "bored" catching cookie cutter bass! 10-13 inch fish would take your rod under the boat! Strongest for their size I've ever caught. There was no challenge, but it was fun for awhile. Now you really gotta "FISH" hard to get a few fish at this lake, but the size is altogether much bigger now. It's like deer hunting in the wild vs shooting penned-up deer I suppose. Hang in there. May is usually a much better time to pattern them after the spawn. Papa

only fished at jordan lake a couple times, but i hear that the fishing was great in the late 80's early 90's, then people just kept keepin all the fish and the fishing has gone sorta down hill the past 10 years... i always liked falls and kerr lake better anyway

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Mudpuppy, As a matter of fact, I did!  They said that would be another $15  to tune it.  Oh well, probably money well spent, don't you think! ;) ;D

fishing user avatarMuddpuppy reply : 

A true shopper if there ever was one.  

fishing user avatarBassin101 reply : 

After Saturday I can relate.  Full moon Sunday, reservoir is full, game and fish says they are hitting.  I go and start by taking Chris' advise with a black buzz.  Within 20 min. had a 2.5 in the boat.  After that nothing for the day. :P  Sunday I go to my 36 acre lake and catch 5 and had 7 get off.  :-[

I think its because I know my lake better so I am going to do a little searching when it gest slow.

fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 
"If you caught fish every time it wouldn't be called fishing it would be called catching."

I've come to hate that saying...  seems like people who don't fish like to say it the most. And they think they're the wittiest people alive when they say it.

In any case, I've noticed that when I tell non-fisherman that I caught 12 lbs of fish in a recent tourney, they instantly picture me pulling in fish after fish like it's the easiest thing in the world.

They don't realize it took 8 sun baking hours to catch 5 legal fish. They don't know about the HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of casts that I made and didn't catch squat.

fishing user avatarbassin4life reply : 

Gobbledog just cause sum 1 says that about fishing doesn't mean they don't fish a lot I bet not everytime you have been fishing you caught something.....its the fun and to some people a sport...I agree with Flukemaste 100% ;D

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

A couple of suggestions:

1. Don't fish your tackle box, focus on a couple of simple, but effective lures. I'll be specific: Chrome and blue Rat-L Trap. Fish it parallel to cover or along the bank in  5-10 ft of water. Cast it out and burn it back, nothing fancy. White/chartreuse spinnerbait, cast and retrieve, same as above. Jitterbug, black, slow retrieve.

2. Fish points only. The water where the point extends into the lake and the shoreline on either side. Then move on to the next. At some point in the day there are (almost) always fish holding on this structure.

3. A day with a guide is a great investment.

fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 
Gobbledog just cause sum 1 says that about fishing doesn't mean they don't fish a lot I bet not everytime you have been fishing you caught something.....its the fun and to some people a sport...I agree with Flukemaste 100% ;D

I just hate that saying.

Obviously I've been fishing and not caught anything. Everyone gets skunked now and then.

fishing user avatarbassin4life reply : 

thats what i said everyone has there ups and downs....thats what makes it so fun in my opinion ;D

fishing user avatarchefxian reply : 

Yea I know the feeling. I fished in a tournament a few weeks ago to start my qualification for this bass club. I practiced night and day fishing everywhere and everything. Im so ready for this tournament it wasnt funny. I was focused for 8 hours straight and missed 7 fish, while my partner triple limits and incedentially wins the tournament. My partner was cool though he hooked me up with the same baits I drove the boat ,short of him setting my hooks he did everything he could. Now thats frustration

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

All of us have days where we practice casting, I sure have my fair share.  Most of the time I can atleast catch a one-eye though.

fishing user avatarLandis76 reply : 

(If someone else has given the same advice..sorry, I didn't read all the other responses)

I also know where you are coming from. Fishing is a sport where your state of mind is so important. You have to have confidence and faith. That is SO hard for me. You HAVE to believe there are fish where you are fishing that could bite your line at any moment. You have to have confidence in your abilities and techniques. You cannot have a self-defeating attitude.

Another problem is when you don't have confidence, you don't have patience. When you don't have patience, you don't fish slow. When you don't fish slow, a lot of the time you don't catch fish. It's a vicious cycle. ::)

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

Fish lowilght conditions.When it gets warmer,fish early,late,and cloudy,overcast conditions.That will improve your chances.

fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 

I take it back. I've never been skunked!!!  Ever! I don't know what yall are doing wrong.  ???

I catch a 5 lber, errrr I mean a 10 lber on every single cast!!! That's because I'm so dang good!  ;)

fishing user avatarbassin4life reply : 

Man then where you at on the B.A.S.S series???? ;)

fishing user avatarKlinger988 reply : 

abelfisher, since i have been fishing i have come to realize that getting skunked is just part of the game.  I have also learned however, that the more confidence you have, the less likely you are to get skunked.  Stick with a lure that always catches you fish (tubes and baby brushhogs for me) when the fishing is hard and you should do much better. There are ALWAYS fish to catch, its just a matter of finding them and establishing a pattern.  just last week my buddy and i were fishing for four hours and i had only caught a pike.  We were trying to fish a cold water pattern because the water was still only around 50.  Finally a few minutes before dark we decided to try one of our summer spots and to our surprise we started to slam them.  We were fishing a rock wall and the rocks were holding more heat then the place we were at first.  This apparently was what the fish were looking for. This just goes to show that you have to have confidence and not be afraid to try something different.  Good luck!

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Well, I finally got into some today!! Found a rocky bluff area, water temp was 63 deg.  Started  using 4" green robo worms on a darter 1/4 oz. darter jig head.  They started hitting about 8:00 am.  Landed 5 , missed a couple of more, (once my bait came untied with a nice one on it.)  had some nice strikes too. Poor fish, swimming around there with 1/4 oz. of lead in its mouth. Anyway, I got off the lake feeling pretty good. At least I know I could still catch some.  I came home and my daughter said, "See Dad, I knew your fishing didn't suck! " ;D

fishing user avatarJagrrich reply : 

Well it looks like the Fishing gods shinned up on both of us today!!

I didn't do as good as you but it felt good to finally over come the slumps.

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Yeah, Jaggrich, that is a good feeling, more like a large sense of relief that came over me coming off the lake today.  I felt like I was still in the game!  What a relief!

Fishing Gods, Shine On! ;D ;D

fishing user avatarchefxian reply : 

Nothing makes me more pleased than to practice. Nothing makes more happy to learn. Nothing makes me happy to spend A BUNCH of money Then to get Skunked. It happens to all of us and IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN. Good Luck Fellas

fishing user avatarclooney reply : 

Glad to hear you're back in the game. Now go for 10 next time!

fishing user avatarbassackwards reply : 

abelfisher, now that feeling you got of catching fish. You have to hold on to that feeling, and not let that feeling go, whether your catching fish or not. this is the mindset these people talk about not losing. not letting your mind beat you up.

regardless if you catch anything next time u fish. keep this mindset that you have caught fish, therefore, you can catch fish, therefore you will catch fish.

again, regardless, whether it makes sense that you should be catchin fish or not.

hope I helped some.

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Thanks fellas!  Sometimes is just feels better to get the frustration off my chest!  Yeah, I am sure, I will get skunked again, as we all do.  But bassackwards, you hit the nail on the head! Thanks! ;)

fishing user avatarbassackwards reply : 

well thanks, I'm glad I could help someone after all the help I've gotten... :D

fishing user avatartireman reply : 

Sounds like to me the battle is over before the war has started. Tell us about your last trip, where, how, what you used, wheather and lake  conditions. Maybe we can figure something out or find out if you really suck ;D just kidding. How long have you been bass fishing? ;)

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

I used to fish quite a bit back in Indiana prior to my move out to Cal. in '97.  I only started back fishing last year.  These Cal. lakes are a lot diferent than the lakes in the midwest.  They are clearer, cooler and deeper.  (ie. tougher to fish)  At least for me. :)

fishing user avatarDaniel_Hwang reply : 

Maybe it was just that day. :P

fishing user avatarchefxian reply : 

Abelfish is right. California bass are much more difficult to catch then in Florida, I can tell you that. California bass are spooky and finiky. Go to Castaic and tell me how many limits your going to pull out of there. I love Florida's bass fishing. More limits and bigger fish on average from my experience.


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