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Bass-Mounting? 2024

fishing user avatarSteveKickinBass reply : 

I'm wondering how you guys feel about mounting a Bass.  I've always been a fan of catch and release, but  I've also said that I would mount one if I ever caught one that was around 10 lbs, which would be my PB.  Would you or have any of you mounted one and what do you consider when and if you decide to?

fishing user avatarPeter E. reply : 

I tell you what my friend, definately decline on the skin mount and make a photo and get the measurements, then have a graphite mount made. These are in my opinion the best way to go, that skin will eventually rot and look horrible, the graphite mounts are good for a life time. Plus with the picture who could refute it? And my favorite plus you have released that trophy for an other angler to catch. THese are fish of a life time adn it isn't fair to denie another angler the same joy. Oh and if you haven't seen a graphite mount they look almost too real!

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

I agree with Peter.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

I have talked with people who have had some fiberglass replicas made and from what I hear about them,if you send it to be done by a high volume reproduction company,you will most likely get a generic paint job which looks nothing like the actual fish you caught.Case in point,my uncle who lives in Tampa has had 4 bass fiberglassed by BPS and they all look exactly alike.....of course the sizes are a little varied but the paint jobs are identical on all 4 fish.

Whatever way you choose,do your homework and ask lots of questions.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Mounted my first 10 pounder, had a replica made for my PB; I 'd rather have the replica, at least you can wash the dang thing.

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

Take some good digital pictures, good measurments, make sure to get some real clear close ups.

Put the fish back where you caught him. If for no other reason, at least to keep his genetics in the water. He didn't get to be ten by having poor genetics. Look for someone who is reputable and that you can take a look at some of his other work.  Those assembly line places like BPS don't cut it. Its not going to be cheap but it will be well worth the money and trouble. Those grapite mounts will last your life time. Skin mounts are a thing of the past. Plastic reps look so fake. You only get what you pay for. Good luck.

fishing user avatarBassChaser57 reply : 

I had a replica mount of my 10 lb bass. They made it look EXACTLY like the photo. My vote is 100% replica as the skin mounts look good about 3 years-replica=forever.

fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 

i have a skin mount that is 11 years old and looks as good as the day i got it.mounting an occasional trophy fish is not going to hurt a fishery.constantly harvesting them the years i have been fishing i have mounted 1 was my pb.the only time i will mount another is if it's a monster smallie.all the rest go back.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

I've only had one fish mounted over the years and it was a skin mount many years ago when the Repro's were extremely high.  While the mount still looks pretty good for being almost 20 years old it is a dust collector which is hard to clean properly because it's delicate.  The Fins have damage to them that wouldn't have happened with a repro, I'd go for a repro today because the prices have pretty much evened out.

fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 

used one of those compressed air cleaners they make for computers.

fishing user avatarTurtle. reply : 
[mounting an occasional trophy fish is not going to hurt a fishery]

     If everyone thinks like this,then yes it will

[my favorite plus you have released that trophy for an other angler to catch. THese are fish of a life time adn it isn't fair to denie another angler the same joy]  


         I'd have to say I agree 100% JMO


fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 

so you are going to tell me that the guy who keeps 1 trophy and mounts it but releases all other fish hurts the fishery more than those who keep and eat 5 fish limits.i don't believe it.what about all the delayed mortality from tournaments?you don't think that hurts a fishery more than somebody mounting a trophy?besides that far fewer trophy size fish are caught because most anglers don't have the skill to catch them.we are a minority compared to your average i've said before,we run the risk of sounding like p.e.t.a. when we say people shouldn't eat fish or mount long as an angler is within the legal limit of the law nobody should say anything.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
I'm wondering how you guys feel about mounting a Bass?

I would suggest working the clubs first. If meeting women is tough in high expectation places like the clubs, try the super market. I've found a couple keepers in the frozen foods aisle.  

No Bass should ever have to go through that.

fishing user avatarTurtle. reply : 

I fish a lot of small ponds some I can cast across.I would guess to say that there may be 2 or 3 (trophy)fish or (personal best)fish.If in a three day period,three different anglers catch and keep there trophy/personal best fish.Then this fishery just took a serious hit to its gene pool.


fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 

my post was considering major bodies of water.of course small ponds and bodies need to be managed differently.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
I'm wondering how you guys feel about mounting a Bass?

I would suggest working the clubs first. If meeting women is tough in high expectation places like the clubs, try the super market. I've found a couple keepers in the frozen foods aisle.

No Bass should ever have to go through that.

.......are you bored LBH?

fishing user avatarrocknfish9001 reply : 

in my opinion, most skin mounts look much better, more realistic, and are always cheaper. If you go to the wrong place, you could end up with a fiberglass mount that could be shaped weird, and an odd paint job. I prefer the looks of a good skin mount. It looks just like a fish, even the best fiberglass mounts look fake to me. And by the way, a skin mount will not rot if it is taken care of. My neighbor's is 10 years old, looks brand new, still shiny and everything. You just have to wipe them down with a towel to keep the dust off, and keep them fairly dry.

fishing user avatarPeter E. reply : 

I think he is.... Oh well it is better than reading those two agruing. Oh well Idated three chicks that worked at the grocery store whan I was younger, worked good in high school, they always had cuties running the cash registers.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

It is true that some fisheries have been severely degraded by over-harvest, but in most cases

this was due to commercial netting rather than recreational fishing. Paradoxically, many fisheries have been degraded

by insufficient harvest, rather than over-harvest. In Canada, lodge owners at are odds with provincial conservationists

who oppose no-kill waters. While lodge owners envision trophy fish everywhere and better business, conservation officers

have a better understanding of population dynamics. In spite of all we hear about the biggest bass being the best breeders,

such is not the case.

A large old cow lays about the same number of eggs as a young cow, but her eggs will be larger, though not necessarily superior.

Bass are no different than deer, dogs, humans or any other living thing. Once an animal or plant has passed its prime of life

everything begins to decline with advancing age. It has been stated and is probably true, that over 90% of the largest fish

we release are dead within a year. To be sure, releasing a large fish induces an overwhelming feeling of self-gratification,

and I'd be the last to discourage that practice. I'm merely stating that we shouldn't let that feeling carry us into fantasy land.


fishing user avatarHawg_Hunter reply : 

I think the skin mounts look more realistic. Do any of you have some good close up pics of your replicas to put up on here?

They make replicas out of graphite??


fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

I am tired of being serious, but seriously, how come when I approach a girl in the frozen food section they run away screaming and the cops come?LOL

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

But seriously, how come when I approach a lady in the frozen food isle they run away screaming and call the cops? Skin mount, graphit mount,replica, do what you want. Its whatever makes you happy. Although I like to keep those big fish genes in the water I don't think that if you want a skin mount that the world is going to end because of it.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

The early reproductions lacked scale-definition and were very easy to identify as hoaxes, but today's repros are superb imposters.

I've seen fiberglass replicas that were virtually indistinguishable from the real thing.

After all is said and done, a replica could never substitute for the real McCoy, and here are two reasons why:

1. A replica is NOT you're fish, but a prototype reproduction of someone else's fish (a cast made from an actual fish).

It will not be the identical Length, Girth and Shape of your fish, but identical to the fish prototype you choose.

In other words, "your" fish will be identical to hundreds of others hanging on other walls across America,

maybe your neighbor's wall, across the street.

2. This one disturbs me most of all. You will not be able to dictate the position and posture of your fish.

With a skin mount, you supply the taxidermist with several hand sketches and photos of exactly how you want the fish to look.

With a repro you're forced to settle for someone else's pose. After looking at practically every pike pose available in the US,

I've yet to see a pose that doesn't make the pike look like a "fish-out-of-water", usually with some unnatural banana-bend.

At least with a replica you'll never be alone, and might see that same silly pose on your neighbor's mount, across the street :D


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I really wanna say something smart here but the smarter thing is to let this opportunjity pass by these guys say it all

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

I have never considered it. Maybe a replica but never a mount. Unless of course the fish doesn't make it. I would not take a bass just to mount it.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

The early reproductions lacked scale-definition and were very easy to identify as hoaxes, but today's repros are superb imposters.

I've seen fiberglass replicas that were virtually indistinguishable from the real thing.

After all is said and done, a replica could never substitute for the real McCoy, and here are two reasons why:

1. A replica is NOT you're fish, but a prototype reproduction of someone else's fish (a cast made from an actual fish).

It will not be the identical Length, Girth and Shape of your fish, but identical to the fish prototype you choose.

In other words, "your" fish will be identical to hundreds of others hanging on other walls across America,

maybe your neighbor's wall, across the street.

2. This one disturbs me most of all. You will not be able to dictate the position and posture of your fish.

With a skin mount, you supply the taxidermist with several hand sketches and photos of exactly how you want the fish to look.

With a repro you're forced to settle for someone else's pose. After looking at practically every pike pose available in the US,

I've yet to see a pose that doesn't make the pike look like a "fish-out-of-water", usually with some unnatural banana-bend.

At least with a replica you'll never be alone, and might see that same silly pose on your neighbor's mount, across the street :D


Exactly what I said earlier in this get a generic form (pose) and most likely a generic paint job.A taxidermists work (skin mount) is original and you have more options.Thanks for expanding Rolo!

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

The only way I'll keep a fish is if it's a record.

Releasing a 15 pounder would be the highlight of catching it for me.

How sweet does THIS look?

fishing user avatarTurtle. reply : 

That looks awsome LBH,now someone else has a chance at something awsome.And I dont belive for a minute that,that  fish will be dead in less than a year

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

No way,...that's lake Fork, she's just a baby,lol

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

WOW I CANT BELEIVE HOW WRONG SOME OF YOU GUYS ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First off replicas are fiberglass not graphite.

2nd you get a generic paint job because you went the cheap route(Bass Pro) who does thousands of mounts and does not care about matching you fish.

If you go to a good taxidermist (which most are not good) they can match your fish. Colors, body markings, fins and any other thing that makes your fish unique.


Now of course your thinking that I am wrong becuase a skin mount is a real fish and is much more accurate than a molded replica, especialy since it is your fish, Well your wrong. Let me explain.

A skin mount is just that. Its only the skin. its preserved and wrapped around a foam manikin. all areas that have had tissue and muscle and bone removed now need to be built up with clay or other material. Over time the skin warps and shrinks and rots and cracks and yellows and distorts. after all it is an actual piece of skin wich is slowly rotting away. The position of the mount is up to the taxidermist. Verry rarly are skin mounts mounted in natural positions. The mouths are usualy over extended, the throuts are usualy pushed in instead of flairing out. The fins are usualy over streatched and the eyes are usualy set incorectly. Also if you think skin mounts look beter because they arent painted well thats wrong to. Replicas and skin mounts are both painted. The quality of the paint job depends on the taxidermist. I will admit for a les skilled taxidermist a skin mount is easyer to paint, that would explain why some people think they look beter.  but like I said earlyer most taxidermist are not very good.  

So to sum up a skin mount, usualy it is possed in an unnatural pose. It will yellow, it will warp and if you take measurements of your mounted fish and compare them to the actualy measurements of when you caught it you will most likely be suprised.

A Replica is superior in every way.  They are more natural. They are more anatomicaly correct. they also eliminate most of the errors that taxidermist make. The are molded from actual whole fish in a natural postion. They are not shrunken in around the head. They dont have incorectly positioned throats and over extended mouths. there fins are not over streached. Replicas are also much more durable and they are easyer to clean. They can also match your fish's measurements better than the streched skin.

Here is a morbid way of comparing the two. Think of a wax replica of a person. If done right it looks just like a real person. now think of a mumified persons skin wrapped around a manikin. Which is going to look more like the real person? The wax replica of course.

Another thing to consider is this, most world class taxidermist will not do a skin mount. They only do replicas.  I have done many fish mounts in my time and many other big game mounts. I am good enough to recognize great taxidermy when I see it. I can aslo spot poor taxidermy easily. I know what I am talking about. I no longer do taxidermy because its too time consuming I am already too busy as it is but I can definatly recomend some great taxidermist. One thing you have to consider. If your getting a fish mounted it is most likely a very special fish to you. DO NOT TRY AND GO CHEAP!!!!!!. in Taxidermy you absoluty get what you pay for. dont expect beautiful customized mountes from Bass pro. it aint gonna happen. spend the extra $100 and get a mount that you will love fore ever. GET A REPLICA. Oh yeah, you also get to release the fish!

I apologize if I have made anybody mad for saying they are wrong. My intention is to educate not chastize. I just cant help but get fired up about this subject.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
I apologize if I have made anybody mad for saying they are wrong. My intention is to educate not chastize. I just cant help but get fired up about this subject.

I get fired up too because nobody is wrong.Everyone has his/her own opinion.My intention in this thread was to voice my opinion on things that I have seen up close,in person.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

All I know is that even if I got a record up here in RI, I want Lake Fork Taxidermy to do the replica.  Their work is in every restauraunt/diner in town and they are BEAUTIFUL!!!

Not cheap but again, especially with taxidermy, you get what you pay for.

fishing user avatarfishbear reply : 
I'm wondering how you guys feel about mounting a Bass?

I would suggest working the clubs first.  If meeting women is tough in high expectation places like the clubs, try the super market.  I've found a couple keepers in the frozen foods aisle.  

No Bass should ever have to go through that.

Man, LBH you took the words right out of my mouth....  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

my only oother question is ummmmmmmmm,,,, wellllllllllllllllllllllllll shoot, never mind, this is a family forum..... ::) ::) :-[ :-[ :-[ :-/ :-/

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

fivebasslimit, a lot of the statements were in fact wrong. Opinions are neither wronr or right. Your post actualy backs up one of my ponits. If you try and go the cheap route you will get inferior quality.

Low buget, I am familiar with Lake Fork taxidermy and I recomend them. They do outstanding work. lyons and Ohaver and Roberts fish mounts do world class mounts and Lake fork taxidermy isclose behind

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Look at Fish's reproductions then look at the skin mounted tens that we have seen in the last couple months. No comparison. Dead in a year or not, someone might get to catch her in 11 months.

fishing user avatarKeithscatch reply : 

I had Lake Fork Taxidermy do my 9.5lber and she looks excellent. Whether or not it is the exact same size, width, length is irrelevant to me. Why do I need the exact fish skin anyway? My memory serves me well and I will never forget that fish. She went back in the lake and lived another day. That plus the catch makes it so much nicer.

I am not a hunter so killing a trophy is out of the question. I just don't see doing it. As much respect as I or we have for these fish it is then hard for me to understand why someone would kill this fish of their dreams.

I don't even know what they cost anymore but when Lake Fork Taxidermy did mine they charged me $10 per inch. It is almost 10 years old now. I have moved so many times that I have broken a few pieces off of the fins in my moves but other then that it looks good.

Go with a replica and you will feel better about yourself.

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

Matt and Keith made some great points.  Although I will admit when I caught my 14lber thoughts of mounting that fish did cross my mind but I couldn't kill it.  I do everything in my power to save gut hooked fish, so why kill the big one and do just the opposite.  IMO there is just no reason to kill the fish.  First it suffocates and dies, and after that it can't feel anything else, but you just nail it to a wall.  Completely unnecesary when you could have released the fish, let it die of natural causes, and go get your lazy butt out there and take the extra time to make a fine replica.

fishing user avatarBassackward reply : 

I just got my pb mounted a couple months ago.  The only bad thing about it is that I cant stop looking at it!


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I tried mounting a bass once.

Turned out to be a musky

Girls still call me "shorty"

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
I tried mounting a bass once.

Turned out to be a musky

Girls still call me "shorty"

Thats funny!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
I tried mounting a bass once.

Turned out to be a musky

Girls still call me "shorty"


fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I appreciate everyone's comments in this thread.  I've always released my fish and I've never had a replica or a skin mount.  As Rolo stated, early reproductions were easily identified as hoaxes which is why I've never had one.  Over the years, I haven't really kept up with the status of creating replicas but it sounds like it might be worth getting one from a reputable taxidermist.  

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Just an FYI.

MY pb in 7lb 8oz LMB caught back in 1980 on Long Island.

I had it skin mounted which was common practice back then with trophies.

The mount that I got back was a bass to be sure, but that's where the resemblance to "my" bass ended.

It was pretty and hung on my den wall for years untill my son knocked it off while having a pillow fight with a friend.  

If I were to have a mount done today.  There is no question in my mind that it would be a replica.  Not only because it's good C&R practice, but also because the replica mounts are in fact, superior to skin mounts.

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 





fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

I would go with a replica. I think the technology and skills available to good taxidermists has come a long way and it is possible to make a replica that looks identical to your fish. The key is finding a reputable taxidermist, taking as many pics in as much detail of the fish as possible along with proper length and a few girth measurements, and finally, paying top dollar to have it done. Now, for me, paying top dollar for a replica is a tough blow to the ol' pocket book to take, but if I ever catch a DD fish, you can bet I will document every inch of that fish to the best of my ability and as long as the fishes safety will allow for as nice a replica I could get.


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