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Do we have a fishing superstition thread? 2024

fishing user avatarloudcherokee reply : 

I know there's lots out there. Let's here your best.

One of mine would be the first cast catch. 9 times out of 10 if I catch a fish on the first cast, I end up not catching another fish.

I've also heard about bananas on the boat.


fishing user avatarMassYak85 reply : 

I always bring the scale with me over anything else (besides a rod/reel obviously). Even if I'm only going to be fishing for 10 minutes from shore. The funny thing is, I seem to always catch a big one when I forget it, and of course....I have to give the fish the old eyeball test instead of getting an actual weight, which annoys me. Luckily I haven't caught a potential PB without having it. I also carry 2 sets of replacement batteries for it just in case.

fishing user avatarJosh Smith reply : 

Chinese reels break.

fishing user avatartrick worms reply : 

I only use shishamo reels on tournament day?

fishing user avatarNeil McCauley reply : 

I have a goodluck rock. That is all.


fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

No superstitions for me

fishing user avatarriverbasser reply : 

If the cows are laying down the fish won't bite

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 


It's power is Legendary ~



fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 

No superstitions when it comes to fishing for me.I put in my time on the water and the results follow.

fishing user avatarBrayberry reply : 

I fish a lake beside a golf course from shore, and every time I go I look for golf balls on the ground and in the water.  Every time I find one I have a great day, and the days I don't find any, it's a poor fishing day out there.  It's random, but it works for me.  I now have a truck bed full of golf balls

fishing user avatarBareHook reply : 

No Bananas, nuff said. Carry-over from saltwater.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 
  On 5/19/2016 at 10:23 AM, riverbasser said:

If the cows are laying down the fish won't bite

i really don't have any, but that's what my grandpa would always say!!

fishing user avataratbass reply : 

Never heard about bananas. I won a kayak tourney last week with a banana peel in the back of the yak most of the day.

fishing user avatarSteveo-1969 reply : 

I've had a lucky fishing hat for several years, never fish without it.  I just bought two new hats and am in the process of turning those into lucky fishing hats as well, by rubbing lots of fish slime on them!

fishing user avatarJaderose reply : 

I wear a glove on my left hand when I fish.....BUT.....I won't put it on until I have the first fish in the boat.

fishing user avatarBaitMonkey1984 reply : 

If I don't have an adult beverage opened I will not catch a fish. The carbonation in the beer must work as a poor mans hydrowave. 

fishing user avatarTracker22 reply : 

I agree with the first cast curse.

I also believe wind from the east fishings a beast. wind from the west fishings the best.

Oh, and if I see deer grazing its a good sign.

fishing user avatarriverbasser reply : 
  On 5/20/2016 at 5:07 AM, Tracker22 said:

I agree with the first cast curse.

I also believe wind from the east fishings a beast. wind from the west fishings the best.

Oh, and if I see deer grazing its a good sign.

never heard it that way. round here the saying goes "wind from the east fish bite the least"

fishing user avatarDye99 reply : 

Good luck hat


fishing user avatarLuna2406 reply : 

I ask my wife to do a good luck fishing dance...i have yet to see it but when i shoot her a text to do the dance for me I end up catching a fish hahaha hey its only weird if it doesn't work. 

fishing user avatarJd_Phillips_Fishin reply : 

These are my big ones

the first cast catch

If the cows are laying down the fish won't bite

if I see deer grazing its a good sign

and of course no bananas 


fishing user avatarTorn Thumb reply : 

Where did the banana thing come from?

Does avoiding going fishing with certain people count as a superstition if you always get skunked when they are around?

fishing user avatarBareHook reply : 
  On 5/20/2016 at 3:57 PM, Torn Thumb said:

Where did the banana thing come from?

Does avoiding going fishing with certain people count as a superstition if you always get skunked when they are around?

I believe it comes from the "Banana Boat" days and something to do with the large spiders that tended to be in with them.

fishing user avatarDogfish_Jones reply : 

I use to have that "first cast and making sure I didn't catch anything", but as time went on I had some great days when that happened.

These days, I really do not have one thing that stands out as taboo or something I try to avoid.

fishing user avatarJosh Smith reply : 

I'm pretty sure that when I don't locate bass I won't catch them.


fishing user avatartstraub reply : 
  On 5/20/2016 at 3:57 PM, Torn Thumb said:

Where did the banana thing come from?

Does avoiding going fishing with certain people count as a superstition if you always get skunked when they are around?


  On 5/20/2016 at 9:18 PM, BareHook said:

I believe it comes from the "Banana Boat" days and something to do with the large spiders that tended to be in with them.

I have never heard about banana spiders affecting fishing, interesting theory.  I always heard it had to do with the speed of the boat.  Because bananas have a very short shelf life they need to be transported on faster moving ships so the cargo does not go bad before it reaches its destination.  The crewmen of the banana boats would blame the bananas for the poor fishing rather than the the speed of the boat and bananas became bad luck.  


fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

I'm not superstitious ( knocking on wood ) but one thing I noticed was that when I brought along the camera I never caught anything worth taking a picture of ( sure, for many of you Yankee fellas taking pictures of a 5 lb dink is something really worth a picture, oh well, several cuz who knows, maybe you'll never catch one again :whistle: ) , when I left it home then I caught something worth taking a picture so ..... Bring the camera or not bring the camera, that is the question ! nope no camera on board, better catch me a good one, yup, I'm not superstituos at all.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

No superstitions for me...





If I forget to bring a scale, I always catch
a new PB!! 

fishing user avatarJosh Smith reply : 
  On 5/19/2016 at 10:15 AM, Neil McCauley said:

I have a goodluck rock. That is all.


I used to have one of these.  I actually hooked it.  It looked to be a fossil of some sort, maybe coral, but with a few tiny holes in it.

When I hooked it, I thought it was a catfish or something, but it wasn't pulling.

I passed it on to my boy, and he lost it.


fishing user avatarTorn Thumb reply : 

I feel like having a live fish tied on a stringer at the waters edge might be bad luck, like the fish is communicating with the others telling them to stop eating. It's a trap!


fishing user avatarj bab reply : 

If the net is out and ready and/or if the GoPro is up and running we won't catch any big ones that day.

fishing user avatarmattkenzer reply : 

Always wet the dip net.

fishing user avatarFordsnFishin reply : 

When I was a kid and my dad took me fishing he always had a saying that we would quote before we started. If we forgot we felt like we weren't going to catch anything. To this day I'll still say out loud even if I'm by myself. 

"Bass,  walleye,  catfish,  and trout.  I'm telling you now you'd better look out.  You were safe in the lakes when I was home wishin, but be on your guard cause I'm going fishin".

fishing user avatarTracker22 reply : 

I heard one on tv from Hawaii that said "never say your going fishing; just say your going to have fun".

fishing user avatarBucketMouth15 reply : 

I always seem to catch one as soon as I turn my camera off 

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

The very instant I decide to keep a few fish to bring home, the fish move to the opposite end of the lake.

fishing user avatarMike L reply : 

Here are some Ive heard over the years

Never step onto a boat with your left foot...

If you catch a fish on your first cast, go home...

Never, Ever whistle when fishing...

Always spit on your lure for luck...

Never fish with a red headed woman...

Either throw back your first catch or kiss it...

Me...Always wear or bring the hat I had on when I caught my personal best. (And 2 from above) ;)



fishing user avatarFishHard247 reply : 

I wouldnt call mine a superstition but If Im hung up underwater. Ill break it off if the hole is golden. Im not risking running them off. Note: I dont use tungsten and high dollar hooks either. 

fishing user avatarUPSmallie reply : 

If the GoPro gets turned on because I just got some bites, I'll never catch anything.  throw the GoPro off to the side after waiting for 20 minutes with no bites.  Catch a fish shortly after throwing the GoPro.  I call it the GoPro Curse.

fishing user avatarlivetofish28 reply : 

Bananas in the boat. Net stays in the locker until needed and then immediately put back and always make the first cast not able to catch a fish.

    Tight lines


fishing user avatarshimmy reply : 

Not really any superstitions. Caught plenty of big bass with bananas in the boat. However, when the battery dies on my camera, i know we are about to catch a giant. I try to switch batteries as fast as humanly possible. I guess i have some weird observations, i have absolutely no confidence in a jig with half the skirt torn up. Secondly, i have no confidence in a jig with the paint chipped off the head. I will change jigs asap. Third, when people start making up random fishing songs to tunes of other songs in the boat, it is a sign that we need to get off the lake or move to a different spot. 

fishing user avatarTorn Thumb reply : 

Those same songs are the ones that put me on the fish. Funny how that works.

fishing user avatarKiley_sean reply : 

I have what seems like either a goodluck rod that always seems to make all the catches at my pond or the other rod I bring out (the nicer one) is cursed/hexed.  Same lures, same day, but it won't catch but maybe 1 bass for every 10-12 I catch with that cheap $75 Shimano fiberglass rod/spinning combo.   

This other part is not really superstition, but I have my best luck when I walk down to the pond (half a block from my home) just to try a new lure out.  Boom...that planned 20-mnute session turned into an hour of dropping it in and pulling them out.  The next week, I get a couple hours to fish and I'll get skunked or maybe a dink.


fishing user avatarDevinFishing29 reply : 

When I don't bring the camera I catch a big'un. I don't believe in the banana one. I have caught fish when I bring the banana.

fishing user avatarAndrewJ reply : 

I would not call it a superstition, but the running joke on my boat is that in order for us to have an amazing day, I have to fall off the boat and into the water.  The day I landed my PB, i had been using drop shot in the morning and was running low on baits.  One of my baits came off at the boat (as I was landing a fish) and floated on the surface.  I kneeled down to get the bait and into the water I went, rod and all.  My buddy helped me back into the boat, we laughed about it, and then went on to catch 70-80 bass, including 10 2-3 lbs and my PB.  


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