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BE Elite-Feb 2008- RAUL!!! 2024

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Monkey got ya?  BLAME the VET!!

We are proud to announce this months elite member, the man responsible for coining the term "The Bait Monkey", our resident Veterinarian,....


Aside from his knowledge base Raul is always helpful at directing our members who have tackle and gear questions.  If it's out there, Raul probably has one.  A tackle afficianado in the true sense.

Raul has been here since the doors opened.  A real family member in every sense of the word and we are very happy to have him here.

With that,'s Raul!!

Hollllyyy cow !!!! man I 'm deeply honored for such distinction.


Name: Raul Gutierrez Constante

Age: 43

City/State/Country: Leon de los Aldamas, Guanajuato, Mexico

Occupation: I own a small veterinary clinic where I practice.

Education: College

Years fishing: 34


Favorite food: Thermidor lobster

Favorite movie: Star Wars

Favorite quote: "He who can make to grow two plants of wheat where only one grew is more important to mankind than a general who has won a thousand battles"  by Frederick the Great of Prussia.


Preferred Style: Man I love crankbaiting and spinnerbaiting. The day usually starts with a topwater bait such as a Jitterbug, which depending on my mood ( not the mood of the fish ) I may even fish all day long  Wink, then it 's crankbaiting time, with such a large collection of weapons I can slice the water from the surface almost all the way down to the bottom, first come the lipless cranks, then time for the shallow divers and so on, if the cover is so nasty that I can 't make a crankbait meander it 's way trough the limbs it 's time to grab a spinnerbait and work it through the nasty cover. Soft plastics & jigs are normally left for when the fish really don 't react to my offerings, even though I 'm really good with them they are not my favorites.

Favorite bait: Rapala Shad Rap in any of it 's variations

Favorite set up ( rod/reel ): rod.- GLoomis IMX CR723, reel: Team Daiwa TDZ 105H and Shimano Chronarch 50 MG ( Scorpion 1000 Mg )

Favorite Lake: Lake Zimapán in Central Mexico ( between the states of Queretaro and Hidalgo  )

Favorite hobbies other than fishing: Gardening ( love to grow stuff ), show dogs, aquarium fish,

10 People you respect and/or admire:

1.- Jesus Christ, need to say more ?

2.- My wife Elizabeth to whom I've been married for the past 9 years; my sweetheart for almost six years ( 5 years, 8 months, 18 days to be exact ) man she must have really love me, what a patience to wait for a guy like me for that long.

3.- My mother Maritza Constante, tough woman with an iron fist when it comes to discipline.

4.- My father Raul Gutierrez senior ( rest in peace ), a man with the patience of a saint.

5.- My son Raul Gutierrez III ( my lil prince ) and my daughter Olga ( my little princess ), precious gifts that the All Mighty sent.

6.- DVM Jose de Jesus Alvarez Perez, a magnificent teacher and friend

7.- DVM Fernando Chaurand Ramos, one of the best friends I 've ever had

8.- LAE Pedro Rodriguez MacAllister, a long time friend and my fishing partner for decades

9.- DVM Victor Manuel Huacuja Galvan another magnificent teacher and friend.

10.- You guys rock !

Turn ons: Oh boy that 's a tough one, planning a trip with the friends or family it doesn 't matter if it takes weeks or minutes to plan it, planning is as fun as getting there. Seeing my son getting all heated up when he sees his dad 's fishing tackle ( future BaitMonkey victim ? ) .

Turn offs: racism, really nasty weather that keeps me from gardening, fishing or showing dogs ( oh well, I can always catch fish at home playing video games .... ).

Aspiration: to keep on teaching what I know, to keep on learning about what I don 't know.


I was born in Mexico City back in 1964, lived and grew there until I was 16 years old, attended to The Columbia Gem School from kindergarten up to high school, in Mexico school is divided differently than in the States when it comes to High School, the first three years are called "Secundaria" the next three years are called PreParatoria, I finished secundaria in 1980. My dad had several important jobs in Mexico 's government for several years because of his studies as Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas ( Political Sciences ), he retired in 1980 and since his family lived where we live now, being a smaller city ( we were tired of Mexico City ) my mom and dad decided that the best place to raise two teenagers ( my sister and myself ) was here where in those days everybody knew my family.

I studied preparatoria at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey ( ITESM ) and later continued to study Economy for 2 years. Not a great student I may say which to a certain point made my dad sad, he excelled in everything he did so I felt like I was a kind of disappointment to him; also had bad companies, drank all the booze I could get at parties but my mom had faith in me and that iron fist of her took care of straightening me up. One day while I was at class it hit me, I thought: "what in heaven 's name I am doing here ? I don 't even like what I 'm studying", that day I spoke to my father and told him how I felt, he just calmly looked at at me and asked: " so what do you want to study ? " , Veterinary Medicine I replied without thinking it too much, the only thing my father said was: "so be it".

I attented to vet school for the next five years, graduated 2nd in my generation, wrote my thesis on bass culture ( which took me 5 five years ) and presented my professional exam, Magna Cum Laude boys and honorific mention for my trajectory as a student.

I began my practice while I was preparing my thesis but not as a veterinarian but as an aquarist with an aquarium store, I did very well until the dreaded day in December of 1994 when Mexico had one of the worst financial breakdowns in the history of the country, something that destroyed my business that I had worked so hard to make it grow. The good thing was that during those years I purchased most of the equipment that now I use in my practice, but I also won another thing, I met the woman who was going to become my wife, funny, she worked for me.

The Lord has been good to me.

That 's my story

Bless y 'all.


fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 


fishing user avatarTin reply : 

What an essay! Congrats Raul

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 

Congrats Raul!  

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 


I love your story and I love your posts. I admire your knowledge and your attitude. You are always willing to help the new guys and always getting the best of us old ones. You are a quick wit and a gentleman. You are a perfect choice for a BR Elite member. Congratulations and thanks for all you contribute to the site.

God bless you, brother.


fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Raul, Thank you for everything you do here. I always enjoy your posts and advise.

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 
I love your story and I love your posts. I admire your knowledge and your attitude. You are always willing to help the new guys and always getting the best of us old ones. You are a quick wit and a gentleman. You are a perfect choice for a BR Elite member. Congratulations and thanks for all you contribute to the site.

I don't think it can be said better.  Congrats.

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

Finally good to put a face with the legend.  Congratulations my friend.  I always appreciate your input and knowledge on the latest goodies in the JDM world.  I think you are a asset to this forum and the people around you.   8-)

fishing user avatarskillet reply : 

Congratulations !!! Have learned much from your posts...

                                     As Ever,


fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

Very nice, Raul.  I had no idea you were a vet.  

fishing user avatarslomoe reply : 

Well I finally get to see what Raul looks like. Congrats my man!  

What kind of dog do you show?

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

A man who I respect in every way  ;)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 


Raul may be the longest posting member who isn't a mod.

Vive la Mexico !!!

fishing user avatarLakeAnnaBasser reply : 

A good man. I have received very good advice from you on reels. Thanks ;)

fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 

Raul is the most loved Mexican in my vocabulary second only to Taco Bueno!   ;D

fishing user avatarVyron reply : 

Congrats Raul

Keep up the good work

fishing user avatarsal669 reply : 

Congatulations Raul !!!

Very nice way to learn about the most knowlegeble and respected forum members, LBH !

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey Raul: Congrats to you and that Banana Breated Flea Bag Friend of yours! Thanks for all the insight you bring to us every day> I share your dislike of Racism my friend 8-)

Hey Question; Did you coin the word Bait Monkey?

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Nice profile, Raul.  There's a lot I didn't know about you.  Didn't realize you're the class of '83 like me. :)

Congrats on making the "Elite" list.  Well deserved!

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Dom- Yes  ;)

and it is going places.

The clothing line I am going to be launching soon has a "BaitMonkey" series.  A portion of the sales of this line will be going to the Providence animal shelter in honor of Raul's dedication to our furry family members. ;)

This is a shelter that really makes huge efforts to place their animals back into loving homes.  Money is always tight over there.  This is also where my cat came from.  A few UPS part timers work there so I've gotten the inside scoop on their efforts both on and off the clock.  

I chose this agency because I can be assured the money will go to good use.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Another great choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
Dom- Yes ;)

and it is going places.

The clothing line I am going to be launching soon has a "BaitMonkey" series. A portion of the sales of this line will be going to the Providence animal shelter in honor of Raul's dedication to our furry family members. ;)

This is a shelter that really makes huge efforts to place their animals back into loving homes. Money is always tight over there. This is also where my cat came from. A few UPS part timers work there so I've gotten the inside scoop on their efforts both on and off the clock.

I chose this agency because I can be assured the money will go to good use.


fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Nope, no mods, this is for the members.  :)

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 


My utmost admiration and respect to you.  I look forward to finally meeting you in person later this week.

God Bless you and your family. :)

fishing user avatarHookemdown. reply : 

 Way to go Raul!

I've never had the pleasure of meeting you, but I've seen your generosity and knowledge through your posts.  You are a fine asset to this forum.  


fishing user avatarscbassin reply : 

An Excellent Choice!! :)

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Raul ....  responsible for anyone on this site who has ever bought JDM!!

Thank You!!! ;)

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Right on Raul!  

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Congratulations Raul, and thanks for your long-standing contribution.

I always enjoy conversation with you, and not the least of which your witty humor greetings.gif


fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 


   You are deserving of this recognition.   Always helpfull, thoughfull of others and hi tech.      One of the first guys I remember meeting on the forum.

From your first post I read, I could see you had some salt in your posts.     This sight is lucky to have your knowledge, experience and wisdom of the Bait Monkey.

My hats off to you sir.    



fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

;D ;D ;D  SALUTE!   ;D ;D ;D


fishing user avatarHooked_On_Bass reply : 


fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Thank you very much gentlemen, I 'm deeply honored for being chosen for the Elite member of the month.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Great job Raul.  Another outstanding choice.

I think this is really a great thing to recognize those members that go above and beyond....


fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Congrats, Raul!  I'd have to say you rank among the most knowledgeable contributors on this site.  Thanks for sharing your knowledge with the rest of us.   :)

fishing user avatarbait__Monkey reply : 

good 4 u, mi frend!

i ben bizee wit da utter gys, but we git 2getter soon.


fishing user avatarguest reply : 


what do these guys get in addition some hearty "Atta Boys"?

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

what do these guys get in addition some hearty "Atta Boys"?

Free membership.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

what do these guys get in addition some hearty "Atta Boys"?

I dont believe the award is about "getting" anything.  I dont think the pat on the back is even expected judging from the first two guys picked.  The type of person that is given this honor sees the value in people acknowledging them.

That is just my take on it....


fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

These are profiles, to let the newer members know who is answering their threads, etc.  It's also a place to recognize and say "Thanks" ,if it applies, as many of the candidates are people who have been giving quality input just for the sake of helping.

And, like RW said,....there's the free membership. ;D  We upgrade all Elite winner's memberships to  "lifetime" memberships.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

what do these guys get in addition some hearty "Atta Boys"?


fishing user avatarksdog reply : 

Raul has always answered my questions and for that, I am grateful. The bait monkey now resides in my house.  :'(

fishing user avatarPainter Dude reply : 

Truly a Scholar and a Gentleman!

God Bless and congrats!

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

Felicidades, Raul!  You are most deserving of this. Thanks for your help along my journey.  I see a sign and it says, darkside, 500 ft. Getting there!  ;D

Anyway, did your buddy ever make it out to the Pacific Northwest and go fishing?


fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
Raul has always answered my questions and for that, I am grateful. The bait monkey now resides in my house. :'(

You didn 't think you were going to get away that easy did you ? :D

Yes IB, he did went up your neck of the woods and he had a blast, thank you very much for all the information.


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