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Sexy Shad Crank Tied Up In Tree 2024

fishing user avatarCaptain Rhino reply : 

At the pond I fish at, there is a sexy shad crank that is tied up on a branch overhanging the water. It is a good 10 or 15 feet away from shore and the water is pretty deep there. There is no ramp or any type of boat access (I don't have a boat anyway). Does anyone have any good techniques to get this lure down? I was thinking about using a rope with a weight tied on the end of it, to swing around the branch and pull it down.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I think you would be way ahead of the game just buying one.


fishing user avatarCaptain Rhino reply : 
I think you would be way ahead of the game just buying one.


Very true... I have just seen this lure hanging there the last couple of times I have fished at this pond. It seems like it is begging to be pulled down and used.  :-/

fishing user avatarkayl. reply : 
I think you would be way ahead of the game just buying one.


That's no fun! Is the tree climbable?

fishing user avatarCaptain Rhino reply : 

That's no fun! Is the tree climbable?

I could get to the limb, but not out onto it. It is too thin. It is too thick to break the limb with my line and a hook, but not thick enough to support any weight.

fishing user avatarfishizzle reply : 

How about a limb pole saw?  cut where you can reach.

or mason string tied to a metal washer?


or cast braid with an old lure

good luck....never give up!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

The limb pole saw is a great idea. Get one with the lopper on the side opposite the saw blade. Put the hook over the branch and pull it down or just lop it off.

This looks like a lot of work to get a lure.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Get a skinny kid that you don't like and have him climb out on the limb and when it breaks have him swim back to the bank with the bait.

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 

Sometimes I will carry with me one of those collapsable panfish 12 foot poles. I tie a length of 20lb line with a treble hook on the end. I keep the rod stuck through my belt in back and I have had to use it many times to get lures and flies out of the trees. They collapse down to only a few feet.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

That color is SO hot that I bet by the time you get to it the birds would have pecked it to pieces. Buy another and keep it outta sight of every living thing, except bass. Manufacturers really need to put a "Keep out of reach of children" label on those things.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

I say get your shotgun and shoot the crap out of the limb.  It will fall, trust me.   ;D

fishing user avataravid reply : 
I think you would be way ahead of the game just buying one.


That's no fun! Is the tree climbable?

I totally get this.

I buy alot of lures every year, including some very expensive ones.  but the sight of free bait hanging from a tree is irresistable.  It's a game.  

Why not try a rod and reel with a weighted treble.

spool up with some braid or other heavy line. Now it's time for casting practice.  See if you can't either hook onto the lure or the line that's attached to it.  If your lucky enough to get a hook up, don't snap the rod tip, just pull straight and see if you can't pull it down.

If that fails, go to the "total war" option.  find a neighbor who has one of those extendable tree pruning gadgets,  and start cutting.

someone is going to get that lure.  why not you?

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

That's no fun! Is the tree climbable?

I could get to the limb, but not out onto it. It is too thin. It is too thick to break the limb with my line and a hook, but not thick enough to support any weight.

You could still climb the tree and place your weight on the limb while holding on to the trunk that the limb is attached to, thus breaking the limb with your weight.  Then climb down and retrieve the lure.  

fishing user avatarBassboss reply : 

Your plan sounds good. our you can just cut the tree down  ;D

fishing user avatarelectrikal reply : 

I use a collapsible swimming pool pole with a U-bolt through the end where the net would insert. It will reach out 18' and allows me to pull the branch down to me or wrap the line around the U-bolt and break it off. Of course, I never have an errant cast but just in case a buddy does  ::).  This also works well for a baitknocker in treetops & stump flats or a pushpole for shallow waters.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

This is the funniest thread I've read in a long time.  I know its no joking matter, but what's funny is that I've been there in that, "how the hell am I going to get that bait?" mode.

I recommend using a trained falcon or hawk to retrieve it.  Another option would be to order several trucks full of clean fill to build up the land below it and you just reach up and get it.  Also, a home made hovercraft with a long ladder might do the trick.

Or, you could just buy one just like it.  ;D

fishing user avatarshorefisher reply : 
I say get your shotgun and shoot the crap out of the limb. It will fall, trust me. ;D

dammit, speedbead beat me to it

fishing user avatarmoby bass reply : 
Your plan sounds good. our you can just cut the tree down  ;D

As a bonus, you'll have some new fish attracting structure. ;)

I gotten several lures out of trees by using a homemade grappling hook made out of coathangers.  Strong enough to pull the branch down but can easily be straightened and released by giving a hard pull should the grappling hook get snagged.

fishing user avatarGonzoFishing reply : 

LOL..... This is one funny thread! Dude, you better get that lure! It will definetly become your lucky lure if you succeed! World Record LMB watch out  :D

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Where's an engineer when you need one??????????

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

I had an errant cast with a lure I made one day and I had to get it back.

My first thought was to come back at night and cut the tree down.  That just isn't feasible.

A week later I had devised a plan.

I took twine or jute whatever you wanna call it.  I tied three one ounce bank sinkers to the end.  

I threw it up over the branch ninja style and pulled the branch to me.  I got my lure back.

I had tried using heavy line and a heavy jig but the line snapped and I lost the jig too.

For some reason when I see a freebie lure when Im fishing, I MUST get it.  I have got a ton of lures from errant casters and snags that you wouldn't believe it.  

If I see a snagged lure in the water I am dead set on getting that lure.  Not only is it good casting practice, but sometimes you gather a small crowd.  

fishing user avatarNEKvt reply : 

If you are on shore and it is not your pond please do not cut the limb.  That just gets the ball rolling on privatizing and locking fisherman out.  It is as bad as leaving trash.  

I depend on access as much as the next guy but the way I see some areas trashed by fisherman I would seriously contemplate putting up posted signs.  

fishing user avatarflatbass reply : 

For a few hundred dollars you could buy a trained monkey

fishing user avatarBassinWill301 reply : 
For a few hundred dollars you could buy a trained monkey

I think this would be a good investment in the long run.

fishing user avatarSudoomFisher reply : 

How about one of those claws on a stick that lazy people use to pick stuff up with?

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
For a few hundred dollars you could buy a trained monkey
This is absolutely the best plan.  Train him to climb to a specific spot on the branch, light and hold a stick of dynamite, and the rest will take care of itself - you'll have that bait in no time.  I can't believe I didn't think of this myself.  It would be really cool if it was a spider monkey.  Actually, I just wanted an excuse to type out "spider monkey" twice.  
fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
How about one of those claws on a stick that lazy people use to pick stuff up with?


fishing user avatarzbigbadaaron reply : 

the lure in the tree happens to the best of us

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Twenty some responces , amazing.

fishing user avatarAndrew Coleman reply : 

Have the bait monkey go and climb the tree to get it for you.

fishing user avatarBassBandit35 reply : 

I'd leave it alone cause its making the tree looks sexy too.

fishing user avatarfish-fighting-illini reply : 

Their is but one right answer and the question can be answere mathmaticly.

      Hospital deductible  = $500     lure = $6

fishing user avataradclem reply : 
Their is but one right answer and the question can be answere mathmaticly.

      Hospital deductible = $500 lure = $6

I agree the negatives way out way the positives.

Later, :)

fishing user avatarkayl. reply : 
I'd leave it alone cause its making the tree looks sexy too.

Best reply yet!  

I just hope that the reason the OP hasn't replied lately isn't b/c he tried something and got hurt!

fishing user avatarHook Set reply : 

How about a tiny helicopter with a spider monkey as the pilot?

It's not that far fetched, the first moon mission was by a monkey.

You realize you owe it to all of us to get that friggin lure right?

Good luck!

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 
Have the bait monkey go and climb the tree to get it for you.

The bait monkey ain't going after no free lure.  Its bad business.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

potato cannon

fishing user avatarCaptain Rhino reply : 

Well, I went back today with a long stick, hoping I could loop it over the branch at the end of the tree. After a half hour of frustration and this old, homeless looking guy behind me telling me how I should be fishing, I decided that I need a new plan. I think the nut tied to the end of a thin piece of rope is the plan to go with. I'll try that next time. The hooks on that thing will need to be replaced if I ever get it down though.

fishing user avatardjs fishing reply : 

Tape a cigarette (or something) to a long branch. Melt the line so it falls in the water. Swim out and grab it.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
I'd leave it alone cause its making the tree looks sexy too.

You are right, what with Christmas and the holidays right around the corner.  Maybe someone's LED visor will blow into it for lighting.

fishing user avatarriverfisher reply : 

I would get myself an Indiana Jones whip!! Snap that thing out onto the branch and swing from the bank to get that sexy ol'shad!

fishing user avataryankthatsucker reply : 

one word:


jk dont cut it down

fishing user avatarriverfisher reply : 

Something like this would work!!

fishing user avataryankthatsucker reply : 
Something like this would work!!

hahahah that has to be soooo stinkin dangerous

fishing user avatarguitarkid reply : 

Gees all that for a $3.69 crank? Man and I thought I was cheap.

(just break the limb)

(carry a leathermans or gerber that has a saw on it with you, it will be your best friend.)




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