Answer me this - why is it that whenever somebody posts a picture of a terrific catch (e.g. a huge bass), there's always some yahoo that says it's Photoshopped - probably from some guy who's never used or seen Photoshop to begin with. Seriously. Many photos these guys say are "Photoshopped" aren't even possible to create in Photoshop.
Or the latest one I saw, some dude commented that the fish in the photo was a fiberglass replica. Ya, the guy hauled out a fiberglass replica with him out on the boat just to take a picture of him holding it. Ya right. How do people come up with trash like that?
Why do people - who weren't there when the pic was taken...who don't know the person in the photo....who have zero first-hand knowledge about the catch or the angler who caught it, have to make up garbage like that and downplay somebody's Personal Best moment?
If you haven't guessed by now, it's a pet peeve of mine. This sport is so small and shrinking, that there's zero space for negative attitudes like that anywhere. It's not needed, not necessary, unwarranted, and just plain old juvenile.
To those that make comments like that - grow up or take up another sport! Take your false accusations elsewhere!
The smallmouth in your avatar look photoshopped
Actually the fish are real. Glen is photoshopped!!!!
Couldn't agree more Glenn
Jealousy and the fact the pin heads can hide their identity.
Yes, the avatar photo is a replica, the real photo of this bass could use some photoshopping, it's on the site somewhere.
Glen, I said it it more than one of my comments. The so called "new pros" have this tude that makes them (in their eyes" the best") How in the world could anyone catch a bass bigger than theirs? It's not possible, it must be fake! Got tired of that B.S. a few yrs. ago and dropped out of the circut fishing to concertrate on making jigs. Now I see pics. of 5 to 8 lbers. and pat the guys on the back. It's not only the "photo shop" guys, it's the sport in general. This clown act way of thinking has got to go or it'll become what Mr. Scott pulled it away from. Way to much wrong and not enough right.
I don't really know how to tell the difference unless it's obvious. I always try to give the benefit of the doubt because I've taken plenty of pictures of big fish that looked small and vice versa. If I catch a big fish and weigh it I don't care what others say anyways.
Photoshop costs about $700.
With that kind of cabbage you can buy a St Croix Legend rod and Shimano Core reel.
At least say the photo was 'Gimped' (Gimp is open source).
Neither Photoshop nor Gimp can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
On 6/6/2014 at 10:59 AM, WRB said:Jealousy and the fact the pin heads can hide their identity.
Yes, the avatar photo is a replica, the real photo of this bass could use some photoshopping, it's on the site somewhere.
I got a fairly good copy of it you sent me years ago!
You guys should check out some real photoshop experts then.
I think the real problem is others lying about their size catches. Although that's everywhere. It's silly seeing guys post 3lb bass pushed all the way up to a camera and claim it's a 10lb.
Don't you have a website or something to run???? No need to get caught up in the menial BS
^^ spot on ^^
Frankly I don't care if somebody embellishes how much a fish weighs. It doesn't affect my life in any way.
Don't get me wrong, I love to see a huge fish as much as the other guy. I just don't care about the actual weight. A big fish a great to admire regardless of the actual weight stated.
Trust me I've thought about editing a pic several times but just to make ME look skinnier !
On 6/6/2014 at 11:51 AM, Hi Salenity said:Trust me I've thought about editing a pic several times but just to make ME look skinnier !
If I stand next to you, you'll look anorexic.
On 6/6/2014 at 11:56 AM, slonezp said:If I stand next to you, you'll look anorexic.
Lol me and u can stand on both sides of him. He will look like a male model
Glen I have to respectfuly disagree with you. Here is why. If you set out to do something difficult and you succeed then you have accomplished something. If it was easy and most everybody could do it then its not really an accomplishment. If what you did can only be done by a small percentage then your most likely proud of that accomplishment. Now lets apply that to bass fishing. Only a small percentage of guys have actually caught a 10+ pound bass. Even fewer with a 12 pounder and there are not many who have ever caught a 15+. The guys that have done these things know they accomplished something when they did it. So when tons of guys post pictures of 6-8pound bass claiming they are 10 pounders its an insult to the guys who have caught legit trophy bass. When guys lie about it, it diminishes the accomplishment. You say its your pet peeve when guys call them out, well its my pet peeve when guys claims a fish is much bigger then it is. Now I agree with you if the picture in question looks close or is reasonable. After all most of us get excited when we catch a good fish and tend to over estimate the weight. But when its obviously exaggerated I think they should get "educated". I think there is a balance. Some should get called out when its obvious, and when its reasonable then let them have their 15 minutes of fame.
Then you 2 are welcome on my boat anytime! LOLOn 6/6/2014 at 12:22 PM, FlipSide said:Lol me and u can stand on both sides of him. He will look like a male model
Glen I think its the way we humans are any more. Every thing is fake to them. I don't know how many times I see fake on youtube. Even though its a highlight, or a full video of a real event. Many of the videos I watch. Are of past races. Most of which I was watching live. People are just dumb.
I don't know a single person that has a legit copy of Photoshop. Thanks to torrent sites. It makes it very easy to get Photoshop for free. I have way to many computer nerd friends to know this. There is also a free program out there. I cant recall its name. I will say there is very little difference between that program and Photoshop.
QuoteThere is also a free program out there. I cant recall its name. I will say there is very little difference between that program and Photoshop.
On 6/6/2014 at 12:23 PM, Mattlures said:Glen I have to respectfuly disagree with you. Here is why. If you set out to do something difficult and you succeed then you have accomplished something. If it was easy and most everybody could do it then its not really an accomplishment. If what you did can only be done by a small percentage then your most likely proud of that accomplishment. Now lets apply that to bass fishing. Only a small percentage of guys have actually caught a 10+ pound bass. Even fewer with a 12 pounder and there are not many who have ever caught a 15+. The guys that have done these things know they accomplished something when they did it. So when tons of guys post pictures of 6-8pound bass claiming they are 10 pounders its an insult to the guys who have caught legit trophy bass. When guys lie about it, it diminishes the accomplishment. You say its your pet peeve when guys call them out, well its my pet peeve when guys claims a fish is much bigger then it is. Now I agree with you if the picture in question looks close or is reasonable. After all most of us get excited when we catch a good fish and tend to over estimate the weight. But when its obviously exaggerated I think they should get "educated". I think there is a balance. Some should get called out when its obvious, and when its reasonable then let them have their 15 minutes of fame.
My condolences to you for being insulted by the supposed accomplishments of others. If possible, can you imagine how bad it must feel to others who live where certain bass live naturally when they see people bragging about the invasive species they caught?
On 6/6/2014 at 12:38 PM, Hi Salenity said:Then you 2 are welcome on my boat anytime! LOL
To borrow, and modify a line from the movie JAWS, "You're going to need a bigger boat"
Lund your missing the point. Say you won a silver metal at the Olympics and you were proud of that accomplishment. You worked hard, and you trained for years. How would you feel if every other person you talked to claimed they also won Olympic silver and gold metals and they had a picture of their metal. Wouldn't you be annoyed if you knew they were lying. At some point wouldn't you call BS on them? It has nothing to do with being insulted with the supposed accomplishments of others. If somebody catches a big bass then I am happy for them. I honestly think that awesome. Its when they are claiming a fish is much bigger then it actually is and he and I both know he's full of it. Think of you telling a bunch of friends a story and then there is that one guy that always has to 1 up everybody's story. Except he's lying. That wouldn't bother you?
Can't say I'm aware of a photoshopped picture, but I've seen many embellished by some that have that pose perfected. I'm not guiltless, have done it myself, for the future I'm going to do my best not to. As beautiful as some of the pics are, they distort reality.
On 6/6/2014 at 5:04 PM, Mattlures said:Lund your missing the point. Say you won a silver metal at the Olympics and you were proud of that accomplishment. You worked hard, and you trained for years. How would you feel if every other person you talked to claimed they also won Olympic silver and gold metals and they had a picture of their metal. Wouldn't you be annoyed if you knew they were lying. At some point wouldn't you call BS on them? It has nothing to do with being insulted with the supposed accomplishments of others. If somebody catches a big bass then I am happy for them. I honestly think that awesome. Its when they are claiming a fish is much bigger then it actually is and he and I both know he's full of it. Think of you telling a bunch of friends a story and then there is that one guy that always has to 1 up everybody's story. Except he's lying. That wouldn't bother you?
Sorry, but I think you are missing my point. It's obvious that this subject really bothers you, and as I said before, I'm sorry about that. Maybe if I had been lucky enough to catch a legit trophy I'd feel the same way. Perhaps if I lived in a part of the country where it was even possible to do so would change my attitude. It must be that I'm missing all of the benefits the legit trophy fishermen get that makes them upset when someone fakes their way into their ranks. Do you lose the reserved parking spot at the boat ramp? Lost stud fees?
Seeing as how you mentioned the Olympics, I have to say that the only true measure of size really comes when a person is competing against their peers on a level playing field. After fishing in week-end warrior tournaments for close to 25 years, I know where I stood against the men I competed against. I wasn't the greatest thing since sliced bread, and I wasn't the guy that always donated my entry fee. I was proud of my accomplishments, and didn't lose a wink of sleep or ever felt my manhood was in question.
The bottom line is that someone's PB is relative to so many things I have no control over, that I refuse to be upset if that person decides to embellish it. If you'll notice, I've even changed my profile with regards to that very question. I only wish that we had the option of entering "Who Cares!" into that spot. I won't get upset if others judge a person by that yardstick, I just choose not to.
I was a professional musician for many years, traveling all over the United States in a modified tour bus with bunks, etc. We spent a lot of time on that bus going from job to job, and we talked a lot about many things, in my case often about fishing. I told the road manager that if I ever caught a DD bass I would release it and have a fiberglass mount made to commemorate the moment. He looked at me and said, "Just buy the mount. Who would know?" I said, "I would." After all, if I can't be honest with myself, how could I expect to be honest with anyone else?
There are other ways to "fake" a picture. I don't care if it's done. It's pretty obvious to see a fake when the shadow of the fish and the shadow of the person "holding" the fish are in different directions.
As I said before, I faked a picture of a bluegill (lost the pic in an old puter crash) and my wife. I hung the fish from a tree limb with about 4lb test mono. I had my wife stand on a step ladder with a rope in her hand and make believe she was straining to hold the fish. Backed up, lined things up and snapped the pic. The bluegill looked to be about 100 lbs. Thee were people, that don't fish, that believed the pic.
If you don't try to claim some kind of record or prize, what's the harm?
Lund ok your a tournament guy. what if you won a tournament and you posted about it. You won with 35lbs. Then somebody comes along and says they fished the same lake as you on the same day and they could have easily wont that tournament with the 40lbs they caught. They post up a pic and their 5 fish are obviously only 25 lbs. I suppose that wouldnt bother you? And you wouldn't say anything? Its not only about trophy sized fish. Many of us have held a fish out to look bigger (I have to) but that's not the same as knowingly claiming a weight that's much bigger then it actually was. This whole subject does not bother me nearly as much as you think it does. I was just trying to shed some light on why some people call others out when they know they are full of it. I also understand Glenn's position of being annoyed when guys call out every little thing without a reason to doubt. That's just as bad.
Rambler I bet that was a cool looking picture.
On 6/6/2014 at 11:14 AM, RoLo said:Photoshop costs about $700.
With that kind of cabbage you can buy a St Croix Legend rod and Shimano Core reel.
At least say the photo was 'Gimped' (Gimp is open source).
Neither Photoshop nor Gimp can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
VERY GOOD! Rolo, you're like me, you're old. You're not supposed to know that much about computer technology. I am indeed impressed!
You are correct, Photoshop is very expensive. My wife told me she wanted a copy, while she was staring at my Loomis rods. What could I say.
On 6/6/2014 at 7:06 PM, Mattlures said:Lund ok your a tournament guy. what if you won a tournament and you posted about it. You won with 35lbs. Then somebody comes along and says they fished the same lake as you on the same day and they could have easily wont that tournament with the 40lbs they caught. They post up a pic and their 5 fish are obviously only 25 lbs. I suppose that wouldnt bother you? And you wouldn't say anything? Its not only about trophy sized fish. Many of us have held a fish out to look bigger (I have to) but that's not the same as knowingly claiming a weight that's much bigger then it actually was. This whole subject does not bother me nearly as much as you think it does. I was just trying to shed some light on why some people call others out when they know they are full of it. I also understand Glenn's position of being annoyed when guys call out every little thing without a reason to doubt. That's just as bad.
Rambler I bet that was a cool looking picture.
Do I still keep the 1st Place Check? Because in that scenario that is what I was fishing for.
If someone came along after the fact making such a claim, I would congratulate him for his feat and suggest that he join up and fish in the next tournament. If he decided to, then we'd find out who was the big stick the next day. Until that time, his accomplishment is completely different than mine was. By the way, my peers know that they don't weigh pictures, and they don't count those who can't pony up the entry fee.
On 6/6/2014 at 11:20 AM, tomustang said:You guys should check out some real photoshop experts then.
I think the real problem is others lying about their size catches. Although that's everywhere. It's silly seeing guys post 3lb bass pushed all the way up to a camera and claim it's a 10lb.
I just don't know why people let this kind of stuff bother them so much? It doesn't affect me in any way if someone's fish is a pound less than they say. The only weighing I care about is tournaments and that's all on the same scale so it doesn't matter.
On 6/6/2014 at 12:23 PM, Mattlures said:Glen I have to respectfuly disagree with you. Here is why. If you set out to do something difficult and you succeed then you have accomplished something. If it was easy and most everybody could do it then its not really an accomplishment. If what you did can only be done by a small percentage then your most likely proud of that accomplishment. Now lets apply that to bass fishing. Only a small percentage of guys have actually caught a 10+ pound bass. Even fewer with a 12 pounder and there are not many who have ever caught a 15+. The guys that have done these things know they accomplished something when they did it. So when tons of guys post pictures of 6-8pound bass claiming they are 10 pounders its an insult to the guys who have caught legit trophy bass. When guys lie about it, it diminishes the accomplishment. You say its your pet peeve when guys call them out, well its my pet peeve when guys claims a fish is much bigger then it is. Now I agree with you if the picture in question looks close or is reasonable. After all most of us get excited when we catch a good fish and tend to over estimate the weight. But when its obviously exaggerated I think they should get "educated". I think there is a balance. Some should get called out when its obvious, and when its reasonable then let them have their 15 minutes of fame.
Your accomplishment should matter to you. Who cares what any one else thinks?
And if you really want to get philosophical....what purpose does catching a big bass serve? You aren't feeding your family with that fish (I'm assuming).
On 6/6/2014 at 1:06 PM, tipptruck1 said:Glen I think its the way we humans are any more. Every thing is fake to them. I don't know how many times I see fake on youtube. Even though its a highlight, or a full video of a real event. Many of the videos I watch. Are of past races. Most of which I was watching live. People are just dumb.
I don't know a single person that has a legit copy of Photoshop. Thanks to torrent sites. It makes it very easy to get Photoshop for free. I have way to many computer nerd friends to know this. There is also a free program out there. I cant recall its name. I will say there is very little difference between that program and Photoshop.
GIMP is the free photo editor. It is open source. I use it and it is very good (NOT TO EDIT MY FISH, lol).
Agreed, but it does happen. It's just floated around a little too often in my opinion. Anyway, back to fishing
Cheats, liars and fakes.... they all suck. Not exactly quality traits. It is what is. If its a 5 lb 0 oz bass then that's what it is. If it is a 4 lb 12 oz bass then that is what it is. Why lie about it ? If you see a pic of a photo shopped "10 lber" then go ahead and call them out on it, or don't. It doesn't really matter.. Personally it does bother me to a certain point when some one claims that the fish they caught is much bigger then it actually is. Chances are that they didn't weigh it or measure it so to them that fish is as big as they feel it should be in there mind. I weigh all the big bass I catch and check my scale often. I can read a scale. This past fall I caught a 9 lb 1 oz bass in Maine. I posted the picture online and for the most part people were congratulatory. There were a few though that doubted the size of the fish, even after I posted the video of me weighing it on a scale. Those few select individuals really, really ticked me off. If some one feels they need to lie or exaggerate the size of a fish they caught to make themselves feel good or give the impression that they are a better fisherman then they are, then let them, that is pretty sad.
By the way, you can get Photoshop Elements, which does everything you need to do to make that 2 pounder look like a 10, for as low as $60 if you get version 11. The new version, 12, is about $100.
The most common use I see for Photoshop on the web is where guys will use it to blur or cover up the location of where they caught their fish.
What someone else says their fish weighed. Man,.... I wish that was all I had to worry about. Talk about carefree living.
I care so much about what fish weigh i dont even own a scale. I have a balance beam for tournament days and thats it. Ive seen big fish hit scales and come up three pounds. Size means nothing.
One thing I know is that a picture will never do ANY fish justice. To see the fish in person is the only way to really appreciate how big it is. Of course there are ways to hold a fish to make it look better, but pictures simply can't show the size of a fish effectively. A 6'5" guy can make an 8lb fish look like 4lbs, but someone who is 5'4" could make the fish look like it weighs 12lbs. I caught a big amberjack last summer, the fish weighed upwards of 50lbs, I have 2 photos of it, standing the same distance from the camera, one angle makes it look 20lbs or less, but the other angle shows its true size. Cameras are deceptive...
^^ Nailed it ^^ That's just it, if you weren't there, then you're in no position to know the actual weight and size of the fish. Even if you think the fish is "obviously" smaller than what is claimed, if you weren't there, you don't know. So just admire a pic of a great fish and be done with it.
Seriously, if you feel your honor, reputation, or "big fish club" is somehow damaged by some other guys' fish, you have bigger issues in your head to deal with. LOL!
On 6/6/2014 at 7:16 PM, *Hootie said:VERY GOOD! Rolo, you're like me, you're old. You're not supposed to know that much about computer technology. I am indeed impressed!
You are correct, Photoshop is very expensive. My wife told me she wanted a copy, while she was staring at my Loomis rods. What could I say.
Roger and Lois are both high tech computer nerds. Lois is some kind of rocket scientist/ brain surgeon/pioneer of the computer world. She is obviously much smarter than Roger. Also better looking.
On 6/6/2014 at 11:14 AM, RoLo said:Photoshop costs about $700.
With that kind of cabbage you can buy a St Croix Legend rod and Shimano Core reel.
At least say the photo was 'Gimped' (Gimp is open source).
Neither Photoshop nor Gimp can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
It may cost $700 but it's very easy to torrent and install. Not that I've done that before.......
Glenn it has nothing to do with my honor, ego, or some big fish club. I had this peeve way before I ever caught a trophy bass. It annoyed me when guys claimed they had caught 10bers when I knew it wasn't true. It was just a lot easier for them to say they did something instead of actually doing it. I have just always thought of catching a big bass as something special. It doesn't have to be 10+ pounds. Size is relative to location. I disagree, there are absolutely some pictures you can tell that the weight is greatly exaggerated without being there. For the record I almost never call people out on this because I give them the benefit of the doubt if the fish looks like it could possibly be the size claimed. A good example of this problem is when somebody catches a legit 10 pounder and post the pictures on a forum. It never fails that there is always at least one comment on how his scale must be off. Or there is no way that fish is only 10 pounds. You know why guys make these comments? Because they have seen so many pictures 6-8pounders that are claimed to be 10 pounders. When they actually see a real 10 pounder they cant believe its only 10.
I guess we just have different opinions on this subject.
On 6/7/2014 at 6:40 AM, FishinDaddy said:Roger and Lois are both high tech computer nerds. Lois is some kind of rocket scientist/ brain surgeon/pioneer of the computer world. She is obviously much smarter than Roger. Also better looking.
There you have it, in a nutshell
This is the 1st thread that I recall that Glenn has participated in, good to see.
Matt hasn't participated in a long time and maybe some others will chime in like Chris who is a expert photographer and trophy bass angler.
Calling anyone out about the weight of a bass they claim is larger is a touchy subject and should be avoided, so I agree unless the claim is about record size bass.
With digital cameras in smart phones taking good photos is easy today, not so easy even 10 years ago. With digital photos making changes to enhance the quality or even alter the photo may not be as difficult today.
I am following this thread and I gotta say I'm amazed that this subject matter is such a hot topic....Lets face it , in every walk of life, whether at work or play ,polotics or science, people are truthful, people exaggerate, and some people flat out lie.....So you are surprised that SOME have bass that strangely enlarge themself.....I can't help but wonder why anyone would waste so much energy belaboring the accurate weight of anothers bass........I stopped weighing my bass catches so they can be estimated as I see fit. A lot easier that way.I don't post the pics either.
On 6/6/2014 at 12:23 PM, Mattlures said:Glen I have to respectfuly disagree with you. Here is why. If you set out to do something difficult and you succeed then you have accomplished something. If it was easy and most everybody could do it then its not really an accomplishment. If what you did can only be done by a small percentage then your most likely proud of that accomplishment. Now lets apply that to bass fishing. Only a small percentage of guys have actually caught a 10+ pound bass. Even fewer with a 12 pounder and there are not many who have ever caught a 15+. The guys that have done these things know they accomplished something when they did it. So when tons of guys post pictures of 6-8pound bass claiming they are 10 pounders its an insult to the guys who have caught legit trophy bass. When guys lie about it, it diminishes the accomplishment. You say its your pet peeve when guys call them out, well its my pet peeve when guys claims a fish is much bigger then it is. Now I agree with you if the picture in question looks close or is reasonable. After all most of us get excited when we catch a good fish and tend to over estimate the weight. But when its obviously exaggerated I think they should get "educated". I think there is a balance. Some should get called out when its obvious, and when its reasonable then let them have their 15 minutes of fame.
My thinking is in line with this ^^^.
I used to always think my fish were heavier than their actual weight, until I got a nice digital scale. After using the scale for a while, I was able to get my senses and feel in line with reality.
Take yesterday morning for example, caught a nice bass near some guys catfishing. They were calling 8 and 9 lbs, one said ten. I laughed at the ten. (If anyone knows me or have read my posts, they know I've yet to break double digits, and is my main goal) I said "This fish might break 5." I pull my scale out and it weighed 6lb, 3 oz. Made me feel good that even though I was a lb off, at least I wasn't embellishing the weight.
.On 6/7/2014 at 10:06 AM, Fish_Whisperer said:My thinking is in line with this ^^^.
I used to always think my fish were heavier than their actual weight, until I got a nice digital scale. After using the scale for a while, I was able to get my senses and feel in line with reality.
Take yesterday morning for example, caught a nice bass near some guys catfishing. They were calling 8 and 9 lbs, one said ten. I laughed at the ten. (If anyone knows me or have read my posts, they know I've yet to break double digits, and is my main goal) I said "This fish might break 5." I pull my scale out and it weighed 6lb, 3 oz. Made me feel good that even though I was a lb off, at least I wasn't embellishing the weight.
Amen . Well said.
There's nothing wrong with critical thinking. When I see a photo of a LMB in the teens held with only the index finger and
thumb, I have my doubts.
For me, I love catching Large Mouth Bass and if it's a pound, I love it. I've had a few much bigger but a picture for others
to see never was my goal to validate my love for the sport.
This was an interesting read. It seems clear that some take the perspective of "who cares what others do, doesn't effect me" while others including myself honor the weight system and appreciate the accomplishment of a good bass and it's honest depiction. Who is to tell me one way is better than the other??? Congratulations for being at peace for not caring if others lie about their weights and are unaffected by preposterous claims. That is your stance, not right or wrong. Just don't criticize others for enjoying the alternative side of bass fishing where weights do matter, calling out false weights is permitted, and the fun competition of monitoring fish weights and obtaining the rarely attainable giant in that body of water is enjoyed. Both perspectives are fine; i just get slightly annoyed by the potentially high and mighty responses implying that people should not worry about what others purport. That is your opinion, but don't criticize others for not having it, it does not mean you have achieved a level of maturity that other's do not have in fishing. Different things drive people in bass fishing; don't put a superior moral value to your stance.
In my earlier post, I didn't really give my opinion on the question that has been asked in this thread. Yes, I get annoyed when people claim ridiculous weights on fish. Do I lose sleep over it? Do I make a huge deal out of it? No. But if you give me a turd on a plate and say it's prime sirloin, I will call you out on your bullsh*t.
Someones' sig on a message board, might be this one, says 'WHO' Is Right is Not Important.....'WHAT' Is Right is All That Matters. Spreading falsehood is never right.
On 6/7/2014 at 2:51 AM, Scott F said:By the way, you can get Photoshop Elements, which does everything you need to do to make that 2 pounder look like a 10, for as low as $60 if you get version 11. The new version, 12, is about $100.
The most common use I see for Photoshop on the web is where guys will use it to blur or cover up the location of where they caught their fish.
This probably annoys me more than making a fish appear larger than it really it is. If I catch a fish in private spot out of respect to the people that invited me I have to seal my lips. Most of my fish are caught in public areas, I have directed people to locations for both freshwater and saltwater fishing, quite often without ever being asked.
On 6/7/2014 at 4:49 AM, jhoffman said:I care so much about what fish weigh i dont even own a scale. I have a balance beam for tournament days and thats it. Ive seen big fish hit scales and come up three pounds. Size means nothing.
I don't carry scale either, don't care that much what the fish weighs, all that matters is the enjoyment I've had. I will say if a scale is available I may have the fish weighed out of my own curiosity, but I don't post the exact weight.
'WHO' Is Right is Not Important.....'WHAT' Is Right is All That Matters. Spreading falsehood is never right.
What is right is always subject to an individual opinion.
On 6/7/2014 at 2:30 PM, SirSnookalot said:
What is right is always subject to an individual opinion.
Never knew anyone who was raised to believe that lying or deceit is ok, no matter how meaningless the subject may be.
When you call someone out on what they say their fish weighed, what do you do.
Beat them up, have them arrested, or maybe file a lawsuit? A little off course here,
but now and then I'll here someone say. "I hate a liar". Isn't that self hatred?
Everyone has lied about something, NO, many things. And if you say you haven't,
you just told another one. If someone says their fish weighs 6#, and it's obvious that it
weighs more like 4#, so what, it's really none of my business, and I don't give a big
rat's ***. If your happy with your judgement call, I'm happy with you, and for you.
"Call someone out", what a STUPID statement!
On 6/7/2014 at 10:06 AM, Fish_Whisperer said:My thinking is in line with this ^^^.
I used to always think my fish were heavier than their actual weight, until I got a nice digital scale. After using the scale for a while, I was able to get my senses and feel in line with reality.
Take yesterday morning for example, caught a nice bass near some guys catfishing. They were calling 8 and 9 lbs, one said ten. I laughed at the ten. (If anyone knows me or have read my posts, they know I've yet to break double digits, and is my main goal) I said "This fish might break 5." I pull my scale out and it weighed 6lb, 3 oz. Made me feel good that even though I was a lb off, at least I wasn't embellishing the weight.
So by your own admission you don't have the ability to judge the weight of a fish without the use of a scale.
Guess that rules you out from being able to judge other peoples fish!
Interesting subject! I guess I fall Into the camp with the folks that don't really care If the weight Is embellished. I don't know the reasons for said embellishment and In the end, like others, It doesn't have any sort of Impact on my life.
I can respect Matt's and Shimmy's opinion on the matter and greatly appreciate having a place to come and share divergent views.
I have seen a picture here and there on this site with the weight not close to what was said and I quickly click out of the thread because I know It will be a circus shortly thereafter. I mean no disrespect to anyone by that statement but I have been around long enough to know what I like and or want to read and what I don't.
I'll speak only for myself here and assure each and every one of you this opinion has nothing to do with what's been written on this thread. I have no Idea why people over-estimate the weight of their fish. It could be wanting a feeling of Importance, Inclusion, or they simply might over-estimate the weight on purpose to see some come absolutely unglued. In the end we can, the majority of the time, agree to disagree, and continue to make this the best site around.
I guess I'm down there with the "I don't care" bunch. What's that old saying, "Are all fishermen liars, or do only liars fish?" I guess my best is "Honey, I'll be back in by noon" her reply is "witch day?"
On 6/6/2014 at 11:14 AM, RoLo said:Photoshop costs about $700.
With that kind of cabbage you can buy a St Croix Legend rod and Shimano Core reel.
At least say the photo was 'Gimped' (Gimp is open source).
Neither Photoshop nor Gimp can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
Photoshop Elements has fewer options than the original, but costs less than $100. It's extremely easy these days to be suspicious of photographs because of the many ways that they can be manipulated.
I'm interested in dragonflies and last week a guy posted a picture of one with an abnormal shade of blue. I was virtually positive it had been Photoshopped, but tried to be as tactful as possible and replied that for that particular species the blue looked different than the ones where I live. He came back and said he'd gone overboard with the color "enhancement."
The moral of the story is to keep it looking real when you manipulate an image.
Disclaimer: I never saw the picture that precipitated this thread.
On 6/8/2014 at 8:00 AM, Marty said:Photoshop Elements has fewer options than the original, but costs less than $100.
Better yet, 'Gimp' is a superb knockoff of full-featured Photoshop, and it's freeware.
As a side-note: I have both programs: full-featured Photoshop & Gimp, yet I find myself using open source Gimp
more often than I use Photoshop. Download the 'high-pass' filter for sharpening and you've got the equivalent of Photoshop
with free updates and upgrades.
On 6/7/2014 at 9:04 PM, Lund Explorer said:So by your own admission you don't have the ability to judge the weight of a fish without the use of a scale.
Guess that rules you out from being able to judge other peoples fish!
I said ridiculous weights. Don't come to me with a 4 lb fish and claim its 12.
On 6/8/2014 at 9:46 AM, A-Jay said:This is definately real.jpg
^^^ 100% Legit!!!
On 6/8/2014 at 8:54 AM, Fish_Whisperer said:I said ridiculous weights. Don't come to me with a 4 lb fish and claim its 12.
Just wondering, if I came to you with a 12 lb and claimed it was 4 lb, would you be ok with that?
On 6/8/2014 at 8:54 AM, Fish_Whisperer said:I said ridiculous weights. Don't come to me with a 4 lb fish and claim its 12.
Well, that's completely different! Now I can see why it has ruined your life.
Did you see the one where the guy claimed a 10" fish weighed 10#? At first I thought it was just a typo, like " instead of #. Now I see that this liar was trying to be ridiculous. To think that my wife left me and moved in with this faker. The kids are all calling him daddy, and even my dog growls at me now. My life is in SHAMBLES!
When do we start to build the gallows?
Note - All of the above is
But of course the whole idea that someone with a slightly heavier thumb is harming anyone else is the really ridiculous part.
On 6/8/2014 at 9:46 AM, A-Jay said:
This is definately real.jpg
Nice fish. I always knew those big four pounders were hiding out Up North!
On 6/8/2014 at 3:05 PM, *Hootie said:Just wondering, if I came to you with a 12 lb and claimed it was 4 lb, would you be ok with that?
If you knew it was 12 lbs... I would not be ok with that. I don't like being lied to.
Lund Explorer is getting a good laugh at the expense of my morals, that's fine. Excuse me for being raised with such morals that some of you are finding preposterous.
And btw Lund Explorer, as I typed in my first response to this thread, it annoys me when someone deliberately lies about a fish's weight, but it doesn't "ruin my life". Drop the hammer; no need to build gallows. Instead, find a tool to get your head out of your butt.
On 6/8/2014 at 3:55 PM, Fish_Whisperer said:If you knew it was 12 lbs... I would not be ok with that. I don't like being lied to.
So, I am assuming you have NEVER lied to anyone about anything. Be careful how you
On 6/8/2014 at 4:03 PM, *Hootie said:So, I am assuming you have NEVER lied to anyone about anything. Be careful how you
Sure have. Once maturing/ growing up, I have found no need to. Dad taught me if you have to sneak to do something or lie about something, then it is most definately wrong.
Uh oh, guys, I stand corrected. Bringing up dad got me thinking... He told me once that the only person you should ever lie to is your kids, and even then it is limited to two things.... Santa Claus, and the fact that you have sex with their mama.
We had a young man locally who said he caught a 7# + bass. People started disputing it. Just so happens his dad video taped the whole thing. The video shows the catch, the landing, and the weighing of the fish on a digital scale. So what happens next, you guessed it. People started disputing the accuracy of the scale. The truth isn't determined by whether or not someone else believes it. The truth is the truth. THE END. If you feel somehow threatened by someone else's success, you have some real issues to deal with.
Signing off this topic.
On 6/8/2014 at 3:55 PM, Fish_Whisperer said:If you knew it was 12 lbs... I would not be ok with that. I don't like being lied to.
Lund Explorer is getting a good laugh at the expense of my morals, that's fine. Excuse me for being raised with such morals that some of you are finding preposterous.
And btw Lund Explorer, as I typed in my first response to this thread, it annoys me when someone deliberately lies about a fish's weight, but it doesn't "ruin my life". Drop the hammer; no need to build gallows. Instead, find a tool to get your head out of your butt.
Nope. I getting a good laugh at the expense of your Faux Outrage!
I'll gladly shut up when you provide proof of the person who posted up the picture of a 4lb bass and claimed it to weigh 12lbs. I'll leave this forum forever when you can prove that it caused any real harm to you or anyone else. I figure I'm pretty well safe in that bet because I've raised a few teenagers that loved to play up the drama if their lives too. I'm also pretty sure that you won't shut up or leave if you can't!
The simple truth is that the actions of another person doesn't do any harm to your morals, and I haven't seen any title you've been given to be in charge of anyone else's morals. My pointing out these facts to you has tarnished it either.
FYI, I do own a 10lb hammer, but I guess you'll have to take my word for that one.
On 6/8/2014 at 4:15 PM, Lund Explorer said:Nope. I getting a good laugh at the expense of your Faux Outrage!
I'll gladly shut up when you provide proof of the person who posted up the picture of a 4lb bass and claimed it to weigh 12lbs. I'll leave this forum forever when you can prove that it caused any real harm to you or anyone else. I figure I'm pretty well safe in that bet because I've raised a few teenagers that loved to play up the drama if their lives too. I'm also pretty sure that you won't shut up or leave if you can't!
The simple truth is that the actions of another person doesn't do any harm to your morals, and I haven't seen any title you've been given to be in charge of anyone else's morals. My pointing out these facts to you has tarnished it either.
FYI, I do own a 10lb hammer, but I guess you'll have to take my word for that one.
Nowhere in this thread have I said that someone posted a 4 lb bass and claimed it was 12lbs. Nowhere in this thread have I said that lying about weight causes harm to me, my morals or anyone else. Read my posts again.
At best, lying about a fish's weight annoys me, but as I wrote in a previous post, it doesn't ruin my life, nor do I lose sleep over it. I suppose we shall agree to disagree. It's 4:25 AM, I got some rigging to do, and some fishing.
SirSnookalot, on 07 Jun 2014 - 02:30, said:
On 6/7/2014 at 2:30 PM, SirSnookalot said:
What is right is always subject to an individual opinion.
On 6/7/2014 at 4:21 PM, Fish_Whisperer said:Never knew anyone who was raised to believe that lying or deceit is ok, no matter how meaningless the subject may be.
I said being right is subject to opinion, case in point is how to fish a certain bait. There may be a host of opinions, none are more right than another. What this has to do with being deceitful is beyond me.
On 6/8/2014 at 4:25 PM, SirSnookalot said:I said being right is subject to opinion, case in point is how to fish a certain bait. There may be a host of opinions, none are more right than another. What this has to do with being deceitful is beyond me.
VERY excellent point.
I know, I said I was signing off this topic....I LIED!
Because big bass are few and far between and some guys have never had the pleasure of fighting and landing a monster bass.
So it is easier to say the photo has been amended than it is to admit that another guy nailed the bass of a lifetime.
And one more point: the guys on fishing shows catch a pound and a half bass and say it is three pounds.
Those guys always increase the size of the bass they catch.
I know because I am the king of catching dinks and pound and a halfers!!!!
Funny how the I don't care club is ok with being lied to but not ok with calling a liar, a liar. A very liberal attitude. If somebody weighed the fish and its on video then those guys who called him out might just be jelous. I was once called out online after I was on a great bite and showed multiple pics of big bass. He said I photoshopped the pictures. I went out the next day and caught a couple more and took pics and video. The guy that called me out apologized. There is right and wrong and there is giving somebody the benefit of the doubt. If your obviously lying you should be called out. If your estimation is reasonable then people should let it go. There is a real simple solution to all this. If you catch a fish or take a great picture and the fish looks extra big, don't claim a weight if your going to lie about it. If your going to say the weight be truthful. Instead of lying just show the pic and say look at my fish. Let other people think the fish is a certain weight.
Jeez Glenn knows how to stir the pot.
Only thing I will say/ask is why waste the mental energy it takes to be annoyed when someone lies about a big fish? Much more productive things to do than worry about someone else's opinion/fish story.
I think there are deeper unresolved issues here.
The same issues that are behind the motives to lie about a fishes size, no?
On 6/8/2014 at 6:50 PM, Mattlures said:Funny how the I don't care club is ok with being lied to but not ok with calling a liar, a liar. A very liberal attitude. If somebody weighed the fish and its on video then those guys who called him out might just be jelous. I was once called out online after I was on a great bite and showed multiple pics of big bass. He said I photoshopped the pictures. I went out the next day and caught a couple more and took pics and video. The guy that called me out apologized. There is right and wrong and there is giving somebody the benefit of the doubt. If your obviously lying you should be called out. If your estimation is reasonable then people should let it go. There is a real simple solution to all this. If you catch a fish or take a great picture and the fish looks extra big, don't claim a weight if your going to lie about it. If your going to say the weight be truthful. Instead of lying just show the pic and say look at my fish. Let other people think the fish is a certain weight.
So you call a liar a liar. Did you change the fact he lied? Are you preventing him from telling more lies in the future?
Does it bother you perhaps because you have done the same? Maybe some projection going on here?
Just an observation.
To be perfectly clear, I have no problem with you calling a liar a liar.
I just don't feel the need to expell any energy to do so myself.
Its just one of those things that has always bothered me, kind like littering. As long as I can remember I have always been annoyed when I know somebody is lying to me. I call a spade a spade. Have I ever lied? Of course but I rarely if ever do it anymore. Plus we are talking about lying to brag about something. If it doesn't bother you then don't say anything. Its pretty simple.
It also goes both ways. If I see a picture and somebody is being called out and I think the claim is accurate I will defend that person. I have been on both sides, the accused and accuser.
"but I rarely ever do it any more", I like that. Can I feel free to use that line whenever I feel the need to lie?.....laughable indeed!
On 6/8/2014 at 3:10 PM, Lund Explorer said:Nice fish. I always knew those big four pounders were hiding out Up North!
That's not me -
No wait, yes it is me - that's the ticket . . . . . .
Man oh man!.....If your going to be calling out those you perceive as lying , stretching the truth or whatever you strongly disagree with in the fishing venue, you must be a busy man....Now you say I'm a liberal if I don't call out someone that appears to be lying about a fish weight....I d**n sure mentally keep notes on such matters, but simply am not going to let allow it to demand an overt denunciation of such practices so I can sleep at nite......I consider myself to be rather outspoken , however have learned that in many cases being judgemental to the point of confrontation is often a waste of energy better put to use in other ways......These days I have a full plate of things to be concerned about such as, making sure I fish as often as possible, keeping my boat, rods, reels , lures,etc ready for action at a moments notice, keeping my wife comfortable so as to avoid "fish fights", living in a manner that respects people and nature......I try not to worry about things beyond my control like my Leukemia, Skin Cancer, Neuropathy, CHF and diabetes....Being right is sometimes a priority, but not all its cracked up to be!........Enjoy, while you can.......JMHO
Many years ago, I watched a show on tv, that was an audience participation show. They had a psychologist who had done some studies that proved that people with brown eyes had some diabolical and evil traits. With a few examples, and scientific demonstrations, in a short period of time they had the whole audience ready to go to war, brown eyed people against the blue eyed people. It was getting totally out of control, when they stopped and revealed that it just a hoax, an experiment to show just how quickly people could be turned against one another for the stupidest reasons.
...Just suppose this is what Glenn was doing?
On 6/7/2014 at 2:43 AM, Mainebass1984 said:Cheats, liars and fakes.... they all suck. Not exactly quality traits. It is what is. If its a 5 lb 0 oz bass then that's what it is. If it is a 4 lb 12 oz bass then that is what it is. Why lie about it ? If you see a pic of a photo shopped "10 lber" then go ahead and call them out on it, or don't. It doesn't really matter.. Personally it does bother me to a certain point when some one claims that the fish they caught is much bigger then it actually is. Chances are that they didn't weigh it or measure it so to them that fish is as big as they feel it should be in there mind. I weigh all the big bass I catch and check my scale often. I can read a scale. This past fall I caught a 9 lb 1 oz bass in Maine. I posted the picture online and for the most part people were congratulatory. There were a few though that doubted the size of the fish, even after I posted the video of me weighing it on a scale. Those few select individuals really, really ticked me off. If some one feels they need to lie or exaggerate the size of a fish they caught to make themselves feel good or give the impression that they are a better fisherman then they are, then let them, that is pretty sad.
I don't really look for the photoshopped fish. If someone really wants to take that much money, time and effort to add a few pounds , then whatever. That's ridiculous to me.
The only thing that is annoying is a posted weight that is clearly not true. Yeah yeah yeah. I know cameras can be difficult to capture an accurate view, the angle is different, etc. But don't post a fish and claim it to be 13lbs when you have it by your thumb and barely your index finger. The blatant stuff bugs me.
I know there is grey scale. My avatar pic is my PB at 6 pounds 6 ounces. One guy said it looks 3 pounds. Whatever. I know it's true and people said it looks 5 or 6. Okay okay okay. It's a pound or two lost visually by the way I held it, picture angle, lighting, satellite pattern, moon phase, earth axis tilt, and all the other crap.
But you don't see me claiming it to be a DD.
If I said that I never lied before or that I will never lie again then that in itself is a lie. For example I have a 9 year old daughter and just yesterday I took her to the park fishing and she noticed 6-7 drake mallards all mating 1 hen. She asked me what they were doing to here and why they were being so mean. Instead of telling her about the birds and the bees, just yet I just laughed it off and said I don't know. that's an example of "if ever"On 6/8/2014 at 9:10 PM, *Hootie said:"but I rarely ever do it any more", I like that. Can I feel free to use that line whenever I feel the need to lie?.....laughable indeed!
Ill just start letting my son hold all the big fish I catch. He is 9 years old, but way small for his size. Make anything look like a tank!
3lb 10oz from Grand last weekend. Looks bigger if yoy ask me.
I agree That fish looks bigger, are you sure you didn't photo shop it. LOL, LOL
I starved my son for YEARS and put a big book on his head for this one photo!!
On 6/9/2014 at 7:58 AM, Mr_Scrogg said:I starved my son for YEARS and put a big book on his head for this one photo!!
I'm also fascinated by trolls and just read an article about their psychology. i've seen the same study referenced by many different groups b/c every online community is effected by 'them' (Machiavellian sadists):
On 6/8/2014 at 9:46 AM, A-Jay said:This is definately real.jpg
Can you teach me how to make a fish hover a over your fingers like that?
On 6/9/2014 at 12:09 PM, OK Bass Hunter said:Can you teach me how to make a fish hover a over your fingers like that?
And how do you get the bass to hold its mouth open like
On 6/10/2014 at 4:18 AM, *Hootie said:And how do you get the bass to hold its mouth open like
Whisper 'sweet nothings' in its ear
wow....... I haven't been around for a few days ............... I guess I got some catching up to do!!!
This happens a lot especially around those who do not fish.
I think the reason why peers think anything they perceive as skeptical as Photoshopped is that so many pictures online are Photoshopped these days that it makes it difficult to discern what is Photoshopped from what is legitimate.
Like you, Glenn, it bugs me whenever someone questions the validity of my catch. Such comments discredits my accomplishments. I agree, they should take their false accusations elsewhere.
Check out my PB smallie.
On 6/10/2014 at 5:57 AM, 00 mod said:Check out my PB smallie.
Best photoshop ever!!!!
On 6/10/2014 at 5:57 AM, 00 mod said:Check out my PB smallie.
More blue cooler love.
100 posts!!!!
Hip hip hooray for the debate topic of 2014!!!
mine was bigger.........Jeff has the picture to prove it!!!!
On 6/10/2014 at 8:20 AM, Brian Needham said:mine was bigger.........Jeff has the picture to prove it!!!!
Yes but yours smelled like a barn yard animal. Baa baaaa
LMAO, Behold the beast of beast (the fish not the beard)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think a lot of how you look at this subject depends on your expectations from bass fishing. You've got guys that do it for fun/relaxation, tournament guys, big fish guys, etc....
I really think the guys who are fishing for ONE fish hold honest, exact weights in a higher regard. It's part of the game and a big part of the mystique of that ONE fish. While someone claiming their fish is at a higher weight than it actually is doesn't directly effect me, it does show a difference in perception. My opinion is you should be happy with what you catch without having to falsely bump up the weight. If you are not catching the fish that you want to catch, change where you fish or how you fish.
What is the purpose of embellishing a weight? To gain acceptance and recognition from peers who are catching larger fish? Those peers are the ones who see through the BS and call out false claims, pretty much killing any credibility you hoped to create. In all honesty, if someone didnt care about what others thought about their fish they wouldn't feel the need to lie about weights.
In the end, I'll keep doing what I do and others will do what they do. The people I respect and associate with know I put up honest, accurate weights. My credibility is important to me and, in my opinion, that is the way to keep it.
Just because our opinions don't line up doesn't make anyone wrong.....except the guy lying about his fish weights.
I agree with you Glenn 100%
I need acceptance from a bunch of anonymous internet guys on a random website.
On 6/11/2014 at 3:37 AM, Mr_Scrogg said:I need acceptance from a bunch of anonymous internet guys on a random website.
What other reason is there for fibbing on the weight of any given fish?
On 6/11/2014 at 3:43 AM, SPEEDBEAD. said:What other reason is there for fibbing on the weight of any given fish?
Well there's having no idea and there's inflating one's own ego through falsities. There's a difference, and I'm not afraid to admit I have never weighed a fish so I have no idea what any of them weighed to be honest. Don't care, since it's just for fun for me anyways and I'm putting it back no matter what. I take pics to remind me of the good times/share fishing stoke and that's it really. If someone cares how big it "really" was, that's too bad for them. I don't care.
There's two types of people out there:
The kind that see a nice fish and want to high five you
The kind that see a nice fish and feel like less of a man.
The latter has issues. The former has good times.
On 6/11/2014 at 3:37 AM, Mr_Scrogg said:I need acceptance from a bunch of anonymous internet guys on a random website.
On 6/11/2014 at 3:43 AM, SPEEDBEAD. said:What other reason is there for fibbing on the weight of any given fish?
I would have a hard time disagreeing. I don't think it's abnormal human nature to desire acceptance on social media. An exaggeration of weight or a photo that makes that fish look larger than life is way to indicate to the world that we are a good fisherman.
If you need acceptance from people whom you've never met, and probably will never meet then there might be underlying issues. And one would be less apt to exaggerate a weight if he knows and sees said people regularly, or even a few times a year. Like us Kansas Area guys.
On 6/10/2014 at 9:49 PM, SPEEDBEAD. said:I think a lot of how you look at this subject depends on your expectations from bass fishing. You've got guys that do it for fun/relaxation, tournament guys, big fish guys, etc....
I really think the guys who are fishing for ONE fish hold honest, exact weights in a higher regard. It's part of the game and a big part of the mystique of that ONE fish. While someone claiming their fish is at a higher weight than it actually is doesn't directly effect me, it does show a difference in perception. My opinion is you should be happy with what you catch without having to falsely bump up the weight. If you are not catching the fish that you want to catch, change where you fish or how you fish.
What is the purpose of embellishing a weight? To gain acceptance and recognition from peers who are catching larger fish? Those peers are the ones who see through the BS and call out false claims, pretty much killing any credibility you hoped to create. In all honesty, if someone didnt care about what others thought about their fish they wouldn't feel the need to lie about weights.
In the end, I'll keep doing what I do and others will do what they do. The people I respect and associate with know I put up honest, accurate weights. My credibility is important to me and, in my opinion, that is the way to keep it.
Just because our opinions don't line up doesn't make anyone wrong.....except the guy lying about his fish weights.
I guess all of you trophy fishermen have finally swing me over to your viewpoint.
BTW, how much did you claim that 6lb bass in your avatar weighed?
Just remember the motto: The scale never lies, but yours might be broken.
LOL, "claimed" just what the scale says.
I'm sorry you seem to have taken this so personally but amazingly enough, people DO have differing viewpoints on things. Just because I state mine doesn't mean I'm trying to sway you any more than you are trying to sway me.
The only thing I ask is for you not to be a jackass about it.
Why do people do it, falsify the weight of their fish? I don't really care, just don't do it around me because I'll call you out every time!
SpeedBead, shoulda panned out on the shot to show the cinderblock on the hook! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Nice Toad BTW!
On 6/11/2014 at 9:16 PM, quanjig said:Why do people do it, falsify the weight of their fish? I don't really care, just don't do it around me because I'll call you out every time!
After you call them out, what do you do to them, beat them up, or just yell at them and call them nasty names. Yes, I am being facetious, but this is a serious question. What does it mean to call someone out. When was younger, and you called someone out, it was for a fight. I sure can't see starting a fight over what someone else believes their fish weighs...sheesh!
Can someone show me how to Photoshop this into a DD?
Up for interpretation I guess, but I'm not going to blows over someone inflating their catch size! I would gently suggest they reconsider their "guesstimate" and put the fish on some sort of weighing device to more accurately portray the weight!!On 6/11/2014 at 11:02 PM, *Hootie said:After you call them out, what do you do to them, beat them up, or just yell at them and call them nasty names. Yes, I am being facetious, but this is a serious question. What does it mean to call someone out. When was younger, and you called someone out, it was for a fight. I sure can't see starting a fight over what someone else believes their fish weighs...sheesh!
Really, a fight??!! You're as bad as Lund lol!!
On 6/11/2014 at 11:17 PM, quanjig said:Up for interpretation I guess, but I'm not going to blows over someone inflating their catch size! I would gently suggest they reconsider their "guesstimate" and put the fish on some sort of weighing device to more accurately portray the weight!!
Really, a fight??!! You're as bad as Lund lol!!
I swear, I have almost as much fun on this forum, as I have
On 6/11/2014 at 8:55 PM, SPEEDBEAD. said:LOL, "claimed" just what the scale says.
I'm sorry you seem to have taken this so personally but amazingly enough, people DO have differing viewpoints on things. Just because I state mine doesn't mean I'm trying to sway you any more than you are trying to sway me.
The only thing I ask is for you not to be a jackass about it.
Yup, the word is "claimed".
As I remember, everything in your post was a statement you made that included what it weighed, what you caught it on, and other sundry items that are not truly based on facts, but based on the premise that we were all going to take your word for it.
We are being asked to take your word that the picture of the fish wasn't altered, and that this picture of the scale somehow not only validates it's accuracy. Let alone that the fish in your avatar is what is hanging below that number. Of course, I'm probably a smartass for pointing out that the numbers on a scale could also be photo shopped as well.
Let's assume for now that when you made your post that you probably hoped everyone would trust your word, and that might be reasonable. Most likely that is the exact same thing that others would like when they post up a picture. Amazingly, that is what this thread is really all about.
Maybe the best thing would be for everyone to agree to a really simple idea. We'll let everyone post pictures and announce weights however they want. If someone doesn't believe the picture or thinks the weight is way off, then that person sits on his hands and doesn't say a thing about it. As you have stated, people only embellish to gain attention. By withholding your comments, then I guess you've done the best you can to keep that attention from them.
Let's make the words that count be the following. Trust It or Shut Up!
Let's just say we are all eating from the same table, but just enjoying our own plate! I know that when I post a picture of a good fish, if I don't weigh it, I won't give it a weight "value" unless I have personally weighed the fish. There are a good many posters that guesstimate what their fish weighs. Why is it such a personal assault to call "BS" on said fish, especially if it looks to be something it's not??
You're an entertaining ol' cat, I'll give you that. Your treading into LongMike crotchety zone also, which is truly impressive.
Question my pics all you want. I've got no problem with it if you LEGITIMATELY think I've altered the pic in some way, shape or form. I'd actually expect and encourage someone to call me out if my fish didnt appear to be accurate representations of the posted weights. However, if you're doing it for some other self-serving reason then your intentions are misplaced IMO.
Do I care that you question me? Nope. I feed on that. It makes me want to post bigger fish. It makes me want to help more people catch bigger fish in their respective areas.
So, thank you for your time. Please, whenever you feel like posting up some fish, feel free to do so.
I guess we need to start looking at fish that big O and Dwight post! They look really suspect to me now!!
Big O is ok.
Not so sure about that Dwight character though.
Speed, I trust your statements and pics, so long as you don't wear one of those black, flat brimmed poseur hats, lol.
LOL, I have one strictly to mess with the DREAM fellas.
Hate those things.
On 6/12/2014 at 1:14 AM, SPEEDBEAD. said:You're an entertaining ol' cat, I'll give you that. Your treading into LongMike crotchety zone also, which is truly impressive.
Question my pics all you want. I've got no problem with it if you LEGITIMATELY think I've altered the pic in some way, shape or form. I'd actually expect and encourage someone to call me out if my fish didnt appear to be accurate representations of the posted weights. However, if you're doing it for some other self-serving reason then your intentions are misplaced IMO.
Do I care that you question me? Nope. I feed on that. It makes me want to post bigger fish. It makes me want to help more people catch bigger fish in their respective areas.
So, thank you for your time. Please, whenever you feel like posting up some fish, feel free to do so.
Thank you very much for the compliments, but I'm afraid I am but a mere shadow when compared to the brilliance shown by such a great mentor as LongMike.
In the spirit of reciprocating in kind, I have thought long and hard and it has finally come to me.
For your inane ability to judge the exact weight of everyone else's fish by merely looking at a picture, you have surely risen to the level of the following sage.
Wow. A Johnny Carson reference? You're dating yourself bud.
You keep doing your thing. I'm not entirely sure what it is but you keep doing it. Since this is a fishing forum, perhaps even go fishing and post a picture to share with the group. I hope you weigh it. I'll be watching!
On 6/11/2014 at 8:55 PM, SPEEDBEAD. said:LOL, "claimed" just what the scale says.
I'm sorry you seem to have taken this so personally but amazingly enough, people DO have differing viewpoints on things. Just because I state mine doesn't mean I'm trying to sway you any more than you are trying to sway me.
The only thing I ask is for you not to be a jackass about it.
Your pulling on the bottom of it Speed, we all know that fish is only pushing 4.5 pounds... Maybe
Are people seriously questioning that your fish isn't 8.64lbs... Sometimes you just gotta shake your head and laugh
Wouldn't it be funny if Glenn had to lock his own thread?
On 6/12/2014 at 8:59 PM, slonezp said:Wouldn't it be funny if Glenn had to lock his own thread?
LOL, was thinking the same thing
I have no clue how it's gone this far really.
I just want the guy to post a pic
9 pages and loosing steam? I know there's a point here, I am just not sure it's 9 pages long.
I find it just as immature/disappointing to shoot down or harp on a suspicion that someone is lying than someone actually fibbing themselves...
Nothing wrong with doubting, in fact if people didn't doubt things the world would be a pretty horrible place... But sometimes, it is illogical, wrong, and not worth it..
I find it amusing that it's frowned upon to challenge a questionable post of a fish pic that someone estimates the weight.
Those that have consistently shown such high reguard for recording weights with said pictures? Those people to me are beyond reproach. It's usually the randos that are fairly new to the forum that are trying to fit in or make a statement by "pushing " the fish at the camera to generate a larger profile! That my friends is unacceptable! Why they do it is anybody's guess, but most of the guys and gals on this forum that take the time to validate their big fish, will go unquestioned to me!
There's a deeper question here - Wayne probably knows what I'm gearing to, he has a pro photog in the family. It boils down to photographic ethics and whether a photograph is a document of the truth, or or the moment, and all the emotion that accompanies that moment. I could go on and on, and I might later when I have a moment.
I'm of the opinion that a picture's purpose is capture the joy of the catch, and to celebrate both the angler and the fish. Nothing else. Publicly, I've softened on my opinion of outlandish claims. Privately, it still chaps my rear just a little.
Oh, I get to hear about photog forums from her.
You think we're harsh? LMAO! Not even close.
J, I think that's it in a nutshell. I guess I just can't let it fester! Being a mod, you have to be a little more diplomatic about such situations!!
On 6/10/2014 at 8:38 AM, Brian Needham said:LMAO, Behold the beast of beast (the fish not the beard)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That picture!! I literally LOL standing in line for lunch.
I have a (ahem) friend who claimed that on one fishing trip he and his dad caught over 100 bass apiece with at least 50% of them being 3 or 4 lbs. I did the math and that meant that for just ONE of them, it would have meant that, assuming the 3 to 4 lbers were just 3 lbs each, it would have been approximately 150 lbs of bass. For both, it would have been at least 300 lbs of bass-excluding the other 50% of smaller fish. Not impossible, I suppose, but extremely improbable -particularly since this is the same fellow who once recounted a story where a friend of his wife once alledgedly said about him "I knew he was big but I didn't know he was THAT big!" This is a guy who couldn't possibly weigh more than 130 lbs soaking wet.
Anyway, to make a long story short, did I feel it necessary to call him out on his fish? No. I wanted to but supposing I was wrong and they actually had caught that many. Then I'd be an arse. And even if they hadn't, what good would it have done? He is who he is. I'll admit that when he told the "that big" story about himself, I nearly hurt myself trying not to laugh, but really, a liar will eventually call himself out. Early on in my relationship with this person, I believed some of his stories but now, I take them with a grain of salt. Sometimes I think he actually believes some of the things he says-which is, in itself, kind of pitiful.
I'd believe it if it were smallies. My dad and have had a few trips with over 150 in the boat. We usually quit at noon.
Come on people, we all know any number of people that STRETCH the truth or FRACTURE facts. They come in all sizes , shapes, and ages....Some just cant help themself and tend to exaggerate all the time, while others limit it to others they want to impress....My nephew is an uncurable fish length stretcher....We normally just measure for length , only sometimes weighing. Nephew sends me photos and his 5's are 3 1/2's whenever he isn't fishing with me. When we fish together he tries to hide his measurements, quickly tossing back the fish to fog up the situation....I have learned to laugh at his very predictable actions , expecting nothing less........I too do not approve of the lying , but chalk it up to human imperfections.....Just think what the percentage is for the Political ranks?.........OMG!!!!!!!!
On 6/12/2014 at 9:42 PM, quanjig said:I find it amusing that it's frowned upon to challenge a questionable post of a fish pic that someone estimates the weight.
Those that have consistently shown such high reguard for recording weights with said pictures? Those people to me are beyond reproach. It's usually the randos that are fairly new to the forum that are trying to fit in or make a statement by "pushing " the fish at the camera to generate a larger profile! That my friends is unacceptable! Why they do it is anybody's guess, but most of the guys and gals on this forum that take the time to validate their big fish, will go unquestioned to me!
Oh really, just new people pushing a fish at the camera? I would say that practice is the norm and not the exception. It not only happens here but on every other fishing forum I have been on. Reason why it's done is simple, bragging rights, and recognition, if that weren't the case the pictures wouldn't be posted in the first place.
I once read a post that I could never forget, it was in a thread similar to this one. The poster claimed that he/she never pushes a fish to the lens, of the scores and scores of pics posted by that person I've not noticed one that wasn't. I'll name one guilty, I've done it, any one else gonna fess up?
I'll take everyone's word on weight, because I can't prove otherwise. I have no choice but to accept ones word, even a fish hanging from the scale proves one thing only, the fish is out of the water. Doesn't prove how it was caught or who actually caught it. I saw a guy getting his picture taken of a really nice snook, hell he caught it throwing a cast net for bait, lol.......
Don't get me wrong, I'm far from perfect! When I post pics of fish, I somehow try to give the fish some perspective by laying the fish on top of the cooler or next to a combo!
No, you don't want to do that, because then you'll get blasted for mishandling the fish!
I think this thread has served its purpose - that there's no way possible to know how big a fish really is unless you were there to witness it first hand. Anything else is pure guesswork and speculation. The snarky comments, "calling out", and false accusations are therefore, poor representations of the bass fishing community.
On 6/13/2014 at 10:19 PM, Glenn said:No, you don't want to do that, because then you'll get blasted for mishandling the fish!
I think this thread has served its purpose - that there's no way possible to know how big a fish really is unless you were there to witness it first hand. Anything else is pure guesswork and speculation. The snarky comments, "calling out", and false accusations are therefore, poor representations of the bass fishing community.
If I could give this post 2 likes, I would.
First of all, I have to agree with Glenn. By calling someone out on what we "think" is a poor estimate of a fish's weight we create bad blood between us and the person called out, and probably others who are privy to the conversation. And what have we proven? We didn't weight the fish. We didn't measure the fish. We weren't there. This is a case of us calling someone out and pronouncing them guilty with only a single piece of circumstantial evidence - a photograph. And what if it turns out that we were wrong? Who is the jerk then?
That's not to say I haven't seen pictures that were so far off I couldn't help but drop a hint, but it has been a few years. I have learned some lessons. There are obviously some photographs that just scream "I am only a 3 lb fish" but there shouldn't be too many people on this forum who don't realize those weights are off. Other than making the poster feel like a cad, I'm not sure that calling them out accomplishes anything else. And what if the person posting the weight sincerely thought he was making a good guess? He or she could have really made an honest mistake and now we are going to berate them until they crawl under a rock? I agree that we should weigh our fish with a scale and state that weight, but some anglers aren't at that point yet. Again, there are obvious exceptions to my examples here, but I am just saying I don't think we should paint with such a wide brush. Not everyone that posts a questionable weight is a liar.
It has been my experience that absolutes are rare and the truth usually lies in the gray area. People aren't just immoral jerks or saints. There is a middle ground. There are some people who lie about their weights and there are some who just make mistakes. It all boils down to this. Are you ok with asserting your superior moral code over someone who just made a mistake, or who maybe just took a bad picture?
On 6/14/2014 at 8:11 AM, senile1 said:We didn't weight the fish.
neither did they(90% of the time).
I am not singling you out by quoting you, it just fit what I wanted say.
it is my opinion you can't be a "serious fisherman" unless you own a scale.
I don't care where you live, what you drive, what rod you use, if you have a boat..... but I will judge you on whether you have a scale or not.
opinions vary but that is mine for the most part.
After reading all 10 pages of this thread I think I can sum up the answer in a few words. Because, people are stupid!
On 6/14/2014 at 11:22 AM, Brian Needham said:neither did they(90% of the time).
I am not singling you out by quoting you, it just fit what I wanted say.
it is my opinion you can't be a "serious fisherman" unless you own a scale.
I don't care where you live, what you drive, what rod you use, if you have a boat..... but I will judge you on whether you have a scale or not.
opinions vary but that is mine for the most part.
I must not be a serious fishermen then, I don't carry a scale for any kind of fishing. I do fish everyday, make my own lures for some of my target species, fish inshore salt and offshore ocean, then do bass fishing in the afternoons. Am I curious sometimes, you bet and if a scale happens to be around I may have a fish weighed, it sure won't be a 25" fish.
I've posted my fair share of pictures, in reality it's a small fraction of what I catch. Many of my fish are caught early morning with no one around to snap a photo, in the case of a 40" tarpon for example it's illegal to take them out of the water even for a photo op. Just because I don't carry a scale, tripod for a camera, log every 15" fish I catch doesn't diminish my seriousness in catching fish. It's a matter of personal priorities not level of seriousness, I don't care if a fish weighed 9.9 or 10.001, it's just a number. Milestones and PB mean very little to me, all that matters to me is the thrill at that moment, and I'm serious about that.
I don't own a scale, so I am a lousy fisherman. Catch a lot of bass, but I broke the cardinal rule, no scale. Oh well, back to my non serious (catching the crap out of them), bass
On 6/14/2014 at 7:10 PM, *Hootie said:I don't own a scale, so I am a lousy fisherman. Catch a lot of bass, but I broke the cardinal rule, no scale. Oh well, back to my non serious (catching the crap out of them), bass
I'd agree with you and Snook, but I've been told by someone not to take you seriously!
You can trust me on that because I just back from the bathroom, and By God, I've got a scale!
Not that anyone cares but my thought is; unless there is money or some sort of professional gain to be had who cares. What did Henry David Thoreau say again "Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing its not the fish they are after" This thread renforces that for me
Im going to start photoshopping some photos as soon as I learn how to E mail someone.
LOL, don't visit BR all weekend and I see it's still alive and kickin'!
Honestly, I could care less. If someone is pathetic enough to Photoshop a picture of a fish then I really feel sorry for them. They must have very very low self esteem since they feel the need to lie for praise and acceptance on an online community
That bass in my avatar probably weighed well over 30lbs. Love me Dammit LOVE ME
Some people fish for trophies, I just fish because I like to fish. Unless you caught something that is a world record, your catch is nothing special to anyone but you anyway. Think you're the only guy to catch a 10, 12 15, 18, 20 pound bass? Hardly.
I don't even take pictures much, unless its something to share with some friends who fish for fun too. And I could care less who's telling stories and who's legit. Makes no difference to me what someone else caught or didn't catch and I wouldn't waste a minute thinking about it and could care less if they photo edit a pic to enhance their BS.
Anyone claiming to have caught anything "large" is just bragging, and claiming it's bigger than it was is like running a 4 minute mile in the dark by yourself. It's not the world record, you only have you as a source to verify what you did, and quire frankly no one else cares because it's all been done already.
Most people just do recreational stuff for fun and leave the competition to the professionals who set the records. I do not fish to compete, be the best, or prove anything to anyone about my angling skills. I just fish cuz I love to fish.
toni63.......welcome to the forums!
I'm not sure why there's so much venom directed toward the guys that just want the truth. Telling a story is one thing, and I love the embellishment. But doctoring a photo or deliberately misleading someone bugs some people. They don't hate the liars, it just bugs them. But the guys that are dead set against the truth seems a little weird to me. Maybe I'm misunderstanding things. I'm a cut and dry guy. Btw, the largemouth in my avatar went 3.79 lbs on the KTBA's certified scale. I fished with Tim Kelly that day, and he thought it was at least 5. Even the best have a hard knowing. That's why they carry a scale, I suppose.
I did use a scale yesterday, I didn't like what it said, I either need to recalibrate it or go on a diet.
I think you need to fish more!