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Record Bass 2024

fishing user avatarGot Bass? reply : 

Do you think that any kind of record (exept your own personal record) should be able to come out of a Farm pond, expecially private farm ponds. As of right now, that is how it is. I think it should have to be a public fishing area. Tell me what you think. Thanks.

fishing user avatarKeithscatch reply : 

I know in Texas they do not recognize private water fish anymore except in a special private water body record book. Personally, I think that is fair. Owning a large pond like what Ray Scott has or Gary Yamamoto has is not fair if a record bass was caught from that.

But if it is allowed then what can you do?

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

There 's no rule in the IGFA stating that a fish caught in a pond is not eligeable for record recognition.

fishing user avatarKeithscatch reply : 

Raul, I think that is what he said. He then said he thinks it shouldn't be allowed which I also agree with. But as I stated at the end if it is allowed then what can you do?

fishing user avatarGot Bass? reply : 

yeah, thats what i said.

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

My opinion is that yes, if a new record bass is caught out of a private pond it should be accepted.  But if that private pond is specifically maintained to encourage the growth of record bass, then I don't think it is fair.  

In other words, Joe Schmoe has a pond on his property that he uses to water his cattle, and for the kids to swim in, and also to fish from.  If he catches the new world record bass out of his pond, then it should be taken as the new record.

BUT if Joe Schmoe's brother also has a farm and he constructed a pond on his property, and built it with the intention of growing record bass, and then he catches the new world record bass out of it, then I don't think that is fair.  

That is just my opinion on the matter.

fishing user avatarFatman1267MM reply : 

My question is why shouldn't it.  Are you telling me that a pond managed for trophy bass is any different than one of the lakes in California that has a

high length limit and is stocked with adult trout for feed.  Seriously, if that isn't a double standard I don't know what is.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

I don't fish any lakes that have a length limit. most that do are overrun with dinky spots.

fishing user avatarscott000 reply : 

here in MD i believe the record bass and some panfish record was in a farm pond

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 
My question is why shouldn't it. Are you telling me that a pond managed for trophy bass is any different than one of the lakes in California that has a

high length limit and is stocked with adult trout for feed. Seriously, if that isn't a double standard I don't know what is.

Yup that is what I'm saying, it is my opinion, and I am entitled to it.  

You don't have to agree with it, but at least respect it.

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

I think that a record caught from a private pond should stand, regardless of how the pond is managed. If that pond is managed for the production of trophy fish then more power to the owner. I have fished many a private pond. Ya know how? I asked. Very nicely and with a 6 pack. More often than not, as long as you don't mess the place up, practice catch and release (unless the property owner says otherwise), and respect the rules that the owner sets for his property, most people will allow you to fish their private waters. The waters may not be directly accessible to the public...but anyone can knock on Joe Schmoe's door and ask to fish his water.

fishing user avatarFatman1267MM reply : 

BASS, I do respect your right to your opinion, but I don't understand where the difference in the two is.  I own 2 ponds, and fish several others, and I would expect the same consideration for any fish I caught for a record as anyone else would get.  That goes for me or anyone else we let fish.

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

I look at it like this, Joe Schmoe's pond is just like any lake, or other pond in the US, it is average, it is the norm for fish.  If you catch the record bass out of that pond, you have more skill and therefore the record should be accepted.  If your fishing Joe Schmoes' brother, John Schmoe's pond with the optimal conditions, and he raises the bass genetically to become the world record bass, then it wouldn't be fair to all the millions of anglers like Fish Chris, who go out and try to get big bass, especially since John Schmoe has the bass in his back yard.  

Basically the average angler has that chance at the record bass, but it is slim to none.  John Schmoe has a very good chance at catching that bass, and that in my eyes isn't fair to everyone else.  

This is sort of a far cry, but one could compare it to genetically engineering a super race for use in the olympics, but only the US does it and no other countries have the ability to do so.  Would it be fair if the US won all medals in every event?

fishing user avatarbass ackwards reply : 

regardless of the rules, it cant be much of an advantage because the record still stands 40 odd years later. not saying it wont be a small managed pond, but i still think it will be me at lake seminole. hehehehehehe

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 
I look at it like this, Joe Schmoe's pond is just like any lake, or other pond in the US, it is average, it is the norm for fish. If you catch the record bass out of that pond, you have more skill and therefore the record should be accepted. If your fishing Joe Schmoes' brother, John Schmoe's pond with the optimal conditions, and he raises the bass genetically to become the world record bass, then it wouldn't be fair to all the millions of anglers like Fish Chris, who go out and try to get big bass, especially since John Schmoe has the bass in his back yard.

Basically the average angler has that chance at the record bass, but it is slim to none. John Schmoe has a very good chance at catching that bass, and that in my eyes isn't fair to everyone else.

This is sort of a far cry, but one could compare it to genetically engineering a super race for use in the olympics, but only the US does it and no other countries have the ability to do so. Would it be fair if the US won all medals in every event?

I see and respect your points and opinions on this matter, though I do not agree with them. A public access lake that you may consider "the norm" is usually maintained very well by whatever state it is in conservation dept. Joe's Schome's trophy bass factory of a pond, was more than likely created with the help of the very same conservation dept. that maintains the public access waters. And even if it wasn't, that just means Joe Schmoe spent A LOT of time, effort, and money to get his pond to that point. If a record fish is caught from his pond and is not considered a record, then that is not fair to Mr. Schmoe and his money, time and effort are all for naught. Great strides are made by state conservation authorities to keep "normal lake" fisheries in optimal condition, just like Joe Schmoe tries to keep his water in optimal condition.

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

If you had a trophy bass factory of a pond, would you let anyone fish it?  I sure the heck wouldn't.  Not a stranger, but maybe friends.  

I think the main idea I'm coming from is that Pa waters around where I live are not so well managed.  Most lakes in South West Pa are not managed for record numbers of bass, but for numbers of bass.  So to catch a record bass out of one of the public lakes or pond, as this post is refering to,  would be an amazing feat.  The angler is either a skilled angler, or a lucky weekend warrior.  Were as if I have my own trophy bass factory of a pond, which no one else fishes, ie no pressure, and I pull out a new world record, or even a state record, the situation just isn't fair.  Now if the pond is like you said " maintained very well by whatever state it is in conservation dept" where the record bass was caught, then by all means it should be accepted.  But that just doesn't happen around where I live.  Don't get me wrong, the state makes an effort, but I beleive it is a poor effort.

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 
If you had a trophy bass factory of a pond, would you let anyone fish it? I sure the heck wouldn't. Not a stranger, but maybe friends.

I think the main idea I'm coming from is that Pa waters around where I live are not so well managed. Most lakes in South West Pa are not managed for record numbers of bass, but for numbers of bass. So to catch a record bass out of one of the public lakes or pond, as this post is refering to, would be an amazing feat. The angler is either a skilled angler, or a lucky weekend warrior. Were as if I have my own trophy bass factory of a pond, which no one else fishes, ie no pressure, and I pull out a new world record, or even a state record, the situation just isn't fair. Now if the pond is like you said " maintained very well by whatever state it is in conservation dept" where the record bass was caught, then by all means it should be accepted. But that just doesn't happen around where I live. Don't get me wrong, the state makes an effort, but I beleive it is a poor effort.

That is where you and I differ. I would let a complete stranger come and fish my pond as long as they obeyed the rules I have set forth and respect my property. The thing about most trophy bass factory type ponds is that they are vigiliantly maintained by their owners using guidelines set forth by the state dept. of conservation.

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

Well now if I had a regular pond, I'd let folks fish on it providing they follow any constraints that I request of them.  But a trophy bass factory of a pond, nope.  

I agree with what you said, but I feel that a lake that is a trophy bass factory of a pond would be going above those guidlines set forth by the state.  Ie more forage for the bass, maintaining better than acceptable ph and oxygen levels etc...  In other words maintaining a higher standard of pond that is unaccessable to the regular angler.

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

Good question, but, I would not touch that one with a ten foot pole,,LOL. I would hate getting hit in the head with a rock !!!

fishing user avatarfishbear reply : 

If any private pond fish should not be allowed into the record books, then all you whitetail hunters better not be crying when they do not put your trophy buck in the record book because it was killed on private property that feeds and promotes huge bucks.  Same song different verse in my opinion.  You can not have it both ways.

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 
If any private pond fish should not be allowed into the record books, then all you whitetail hunters better not be crying when they do not put your trophy buck in the record book because it was killed on private property that feeds and promotes huge bucks. Same song different verse in my opinion. You can not have it both ways.

I don't hunt, but you bring up a good point.  I still don't think it is fair though to the rest of the folks out there though.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

This is a good subject and one that I don't have a definite answer for.  I know there are records in my state, and the adjacent state, Kansas, that were achieved fishing a farm pond.  I'm sure numerous other states have records that were caught on farm ponds as well.  I've just never thought about whether this is fair or not.  And what about the poor angler who can't afford a boat to fish the larger public waters.  Maybe they wouldn't be able to fish much at all if it wasn't for the proverbial pond.  It could be argued that the angler with a boat which allows them to access all waters has an advantage over the poorer angler.  There are so many different ways to look at what is fair and what isn't.  Sometimes it's just best to leave well enough alone.  

Fishbear, although I understand your point about whitetail deer, they are still able to roam onto surrounding land and aren't limited to the land where the owner creates a habitat that is conducive to growth, which isn't quite as exclusive as a farm pond.  I still see where that landowner would have some advantage as you stated.  

fishing user avatarKeithscatch reply : 

One of the main differences here guys between Joe Schmoes pond and a public lake is that if Joe Schmoe is running his lake to grow large bnass he will not remove a 10lber from his pond when he catches it. However, in a public lake many who catch such a fish do. I mean they have a right to by law so what can you do? But this one thing hinders the development of big fish for years and sets the lake back.

I am from Texas and while I love the ShareLunker program they have over there in theory I still believe it is not helping them. I know I have argued this with lots of Texans on another site for years but the facts are the facts. Case in point. A majority of fish that are entered into this program or let's say an even number of fish entered into this program NEVER go back into the lake they where caught. They end up in a fish tank at BPS or at the Athens center where they keep this bass till it dies. So every year let's say that in Lake Fork we have 5-10 fish caught and entered in the ShareLunker program. 3-5 of these fish will never go back to Lake Fork. So basically it is no different then catching and eating those fish. Same result happened this fish never goes back. Now their eggs and fry do so that is the one good thing.

All that means though is that the number of teen fish where reduced that year thus making the pool of bigger fish less by that number of fish each year. Now a 13lber will not always live long enough nor grow big enough to reach 20lbs. But some will. Now if we continue to remove the teen fish then it stands to reason that we lessen our efforts at seeing 20lbers.

In California they do not do this and it is no strange occurance that they have 20lbers. In Florida sadly allot of people remove such a fish and therefore limit the number of 20lbers here. I believe Florida has some 20lbers swimming around. I think Texas does too. But if only a couple reach that size then the likliehood of catching them is slime and none.

So moral to this story, release the big bass back to the lake and perhaps a WR is around the corner.

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

Basically, I think what it comes down to is the fact that a fish is a fish no matter where it is caught.  Whether the bass is caught from a 50,000 acre lake, or a mud hole of a pond, is irrevelant.  Life isn't fair either, so when a pond that was created for the sole purpose of raising lunker bass actually yields a lunker bass, the bass should infact be accepted as a record, and according to the rules, it would be.  

Believe it or not if you was to drain a small pond that you fish regularly, that you believe does not hold any lunker bass for your area, you most likely would be mistaken.  The bigguns didn't get big being stupid.  They are there, it is just a matter of doing the right stuff to get them to bite.

fishing user avatarjomatty reply : 

there are a lot of valid points that have been made and since this is a matter of opinion there can be no right or wrong.  imo however, you cant start putting limitations on where the bass comes from because it will open up a pandoras box of future problems.

the idea that some ponds be allowed and others not is silly imo.  who is gonna set up the guidelines that make one pond qualify and another no, and who is gonna pay to police that?  no way.

the cali debate is similarly flawed.  i mean where do we draw the line?  if cali bass that eat trout arent allowed but texas bass that are essentially share a lunker prodigy where they are working hard to grow big bass and then release them with the hope of someone catching the WR, then there is a serious discrepency.  

best not to open up that bees nest imo.  if its caught legally then it should count

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 
There 's no rule in the IGFA stating that a fish caught in a pond is not eligeable for record recognition.

It does say that the record must be what the home state or country allows. Here in Pa private ponds, clubs, or pay to fish places are not eligible for a record as I understand the IGFA rules it would not count under it's rules as well.


fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

If the did make it a rule that pond bass where not allowed in the record books, this would create alot of problems, IMO.

for instance, when does a body of water cross the line between a pond and lake? 10 acres? 20? 50? What if a world record bass was cought in a pond that was usualy .5 acre under the pond size, but was flooded so it was over the pond size and tec considered a lake?

just some thoughts....

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Most public waters were private waters long before they were acquired by the state or province.

I don't believe it should matter whether the waters are 'public' or 'private',

but I do take issue with certain managment practices.

            I know of Pay-Ponds in Georgia that are heavily fertilized on a regular basis.

Like hunting deer over a food plot (which I vehemently oppose), if you fish Butner Pond,

Georgia about 3 or 4 times, you're almost guaranteed to break your all-time heaviest bluegill.

This I consider an UNFAIR advantage.


fishing user avataredbassmaster reply : 

was the current record caught from a farm pond????? whats the diff

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

private water may get special treatments than public waters, i think there is a big difference.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

the funny part of this whole thing, is that its MUCH more likely for a true giant to come from heavily fished, public waters. Private ponds don't get 1) enough fishing pressure to keep the numbers down nice and low, so that the few fish left will have unlimited food and space, and 2) Hatchery trout !

It cracks me up to hear about kids sneaking onto private farm ponds to catch 4 to 8 lb bass, when I can go to totally legal, public waters, and stick 10 to 18's ! Doh ! In Cali anyway, the grass is almost never greener on the other side of the fence.

BTW, Got Bass, is that you in the avatar ??? If so, how you been ? My e-mail is broken right now, but I hope to get it fixed in a couple days. Shoot me one then.


Fish Chris

fishing user avatarbassmasta7 reply : 

Hey Rolo,

Where's Butner pond?

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Why should waters that aren't public count?      What states look at High Fenced deer kills as records?   None to my knowledge.    

Not much different in the 2, neither are open to the public.


       I would have to also disagree with your opinion of how many sharelunkers make it back to its original home.      Not all do, and that is up to the angler, and saying the majority isn't even close.      Any facts to show where the majority went?


fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Hey Rolo,

Where's Butner pond?

Take US-29 (Roosevelt Hwy) to Palmetto, GA; to Rt-54 North (Cascade Palmetto Hwy);

to a right onto Ono Rd for about 1 mile where the lake will appear on the left side.

I left Georgia in 1998, so can't vouch for the status of Butner Lake today. It was a private, pay-to-fish pond

that was very liberally fertilized (characteristic green color). Cab-over bluegills were commonplace in March

and the lake-record bluegill was over 3 pounds. I've seen several bluegills myself that I'm sure were well over 2 lbs.

LAKE REGULATIONS (assuming nothing has changed):

1. Open only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

2. Open from daylight to dark

3. $7 per person, per day

4. No boats allowed

5. 2 rod maximum per person - No minnows allowed - No alcohol allowed


fishing user avatarbassmasta7 reply : 

I might have to check it out one of these days when i dont feel like getting the boat out. I just mapquested it and it is only about 35 min. from my house.


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