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Do I have a problem??? 2024

fishing user avatarSneakySnook reply : 

Wanted to know how often does everyone fish. I go 3-5 days a week for 2 hours and lately when I don't go fishing I'm practicing how to pitch for 1 hour. So, do I have a problem or am I okay.

fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 

Hey, if it's contagious pass it on. We should all have such a problem;)

fishing user avatarWill reply : 

Man, for me that would be less than normal during the spring/summer/fall months.

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

If it's a problem, it's the BEST problem to have! In my book, nope, you're just enjoying the sport!!!!

fishing user avatarpittbassfishing reply : 

No problem there i do bout the same fish when ever you can just for the love of fishing and to have practice in the winter time with some big bass.  Have fun on the water.

fishing user avatarafroengineer reply : 
Man, for me that would be less than normal during the spring/summer/fall months.

Same Here

fishing user avatarsinker48 reply : 

Yes you have a problem ! Cure is 7 days a week 4 hours per day.

                                      Good  Luck !

                                                 Sinker 48

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : problem here...unless I have a problem also. :o;)

fishing user avatarSmalliehunter48 reply : 

As one of our posters notes have said..."Bass fishing is an addiction passed of as a hobby!!"  Last year I obsessed about it so much I wasn't even chasing my wife around for sex.  She was hacked about it, too.  It most definately can be an addiction.  Everything in moderation you know, anything to excess can be a problem.

fishing user avatarDDbasser reply : 

Man, and I thought I had problems!!!!!!

I've been sitting in front of the TV watching KVD's video's (for the, well I lost count time) while pitching a jig to a cup in the corner of the room.

Oh yeah I almost forgot, and fishing every Saturday, Sunday and sometimes in the morning before work.

Oh man, I gotta get going I have a winter jackpot at 1:00 this afternoon!!

NOPE, No problems here!!!!!    

fishing user avatardavmac reply : 

Sneaky, you're killin' me man.(As well as you others that fish more than that). Five times a week. UGH!!

In August I bought a used Ranger...That week gas prices nearly hit $4/gal. The next week I was told I had to have hernia surgery...turned out it was TWO hernias. Doc said don't even set a hook on'em anytime soon. It's been cold and wet here in N. Carolina for weeks.  Went out in my one-man boat last Monday  only to get half-way across the lake and discover I had a HOLE in my boat.

  Now, what was your question again?  And did I mention that you guys are killin' me?

                         GREAT FISHING GUYS!!

fishing user avatarHula_King reply : 

I wish I had your problem.  In fact, I think everyone wants it.  Although, I do tape BASS on ESPN and FLW on FSN every Saturday and Sunday mornings because I don't want to miss them when I'm out fishing.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

If marriage or your job interfere with fishing quit them and go fishin.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

So...You go bass fishing 3 to 5 days a week?

But that's ONLY about '200' days a year!

You DO have a problem ;D

fishing user avatarFALCON reply : 


fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 

If you've got a problem then most of us on this forum need to consult a physician, psychologist, or someone quick. ;D

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
If you've got a problem then most of us on this forum need to consult a physician, psychologist, or someone quick.

What's the rush? ;D

fishing user avatarSneakySnook reply : 

It doesn't interfere with the fiance because she loves to fish. She doesn't fish as much as me but she know's that fishing is how I relax. We have lakes all over at the apartment complex I live at that is why I fish so much. I walk around fishing the complex, wish I had a small boat but nothing yet. Looking to get a canoe or kayak because I also fish saltwater come April-November. If anyone saw Bass Tech today that is the kind of kayak I need.  ;D

fishing user avatarMinuteman reply : 

Your still in Denial, it gets better after you surrender and admit you have no control over it.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Sounds like someone close to you is telling you that you are spending way too much on bass fishing.

I think we all have been through that with girlfriends, wives, mothers, maybe even co-workers.  Just remember if you have kids, take them with you on a regular basis.  

fishing user avatarSneakySnook reply : 

I admit it I'm hooked on fishing and bass are another great fish for me to target. Love fishing and I will never give it up.

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

There must be a lot of single guys on this forum. That much time on the water would stress my marriage. Sorry guys, but if I ever had to choose, I would choose my wife.

fishing user avatarDDbasser reply : 

Hey Rattletrap,

you've got it all wrong!!!!! you just need to introduce them to the great addiction called fishing!!! ;D

My wife loves to fish as much or more than I do!!! I can barely get out of the house to go fishing without her!!!!  

And My kids love to fish also, they've been fishing since before they could walk.  

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 
There must be a lot of single guys on this forum. That much time on the water would stress my marriage. Sorry guys, but if I ever had to choose, I would choose my wife.

I'm not married but I do live with my girlfriend and it bugs her sometimes. She gets all lonely and stuff.

I just tell her..."I could be going to strip clubs and stuff like a lot of other guys do". She then promptly hands me my tackle and pushes me out the door!! It works everytime!!

I'm working on getting her to go fishing. She just doesn't want to be out in the cold right now so I'm hoping she goes when spring roles around.

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

I agree. My wife would go with many anytime I ask her. She really is not into fishing, she just likes to be where I'm at. She has a tendency to get motion sick, but only if the boat rocks a lot. You have to get your family involved. You also need to do things they like sometimes. Getting the wife involved adds up to more time on the water.  ;)

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

If it's a problem. It's a great one to have.

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 

i agree its a great problem  i got lucky enough to marry a workoholic so i can go without any remorse

fishing user avatarSneakySnook reply : 

My fiance loves to fish so no problems between the two of use. We have been living together for 2 years now and have never had any problems.

Roger I have told my fiance the same thing. I tell her it could be worst I could be drinking or at a strip club. The way I see it is at least I don't drink and I don't do drugs, what more can she ask for.

fishing user avatarmudcatwilly reply : 

In September through December of 2005, I went twice a week, 6 to 8 hours per trip.  My wife thought I was nuts.  Lately, I've been getting out for 2 or 3 hours per trip and she is glad to get me out of the house for awhile.  The conclusion is, if you are married and especially with kids (I have three), either take the kids or limit your fishing time to whatever is OK with your wife.  If you are single, fish your tail off as long at it doesn't interfere with your daily responsibilities.

fishing user avatarBassNut reply : 

Let's see, if I compare you to me.

I live and breath fishing, morning noon and night.

I even dream about it,  ::)  sooooooooooo nope no problem.

I think you need to fish more!  ;D

fishing user avatarSneakySnook reply : 

I don't fish on the weekend. The weekend is for my kid and fiance. Come the summer I spend all weekend on the beach with the 2 of them but right now we just go outside and play.

Avid no one has said anything about how much I fish. I was just wanting to know how much does everyone else fish.

fishing user avatarFisinCrazee reply : 

   The only problem I see is that you are only going fishing for two hours on those days.  You need to extend those trips by a couple of hours and throw in at least one more day.  I liked your comments concerning drugs, drinking, etc. in allowing you to make these fishing trips.  My lovely wife makes the same statements to me about not drinking, etc. and says go when I want and for as long as I want.  I am retired and she says that I have earned it.  (Also, I do not have anything against drinking - in moderation.  'Been there-done that'.  Just wanted to clear that up.)

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

The first step on the road to a cure is admitting you have a problem. I only fish every chance I get. After work, before work, all weekend. No problem. We don't need no stinking cure!!

fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 
my kid and fiance.

RIP SneakySnook  :'(

fishing user avatarBassChaser57 reply : 

Yes you have a big problem and you MUST start going to meetings. They will be at the lake at sunup everyday that ends in "y" and we will all be there to support you in your addiction--um-- I mean recovery. 8-)


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