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Lost that loving feeling ... 2024

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

Have any of you ever lost that passion for fishing.  This year has been a series of disappointing experiences on the tournament circuit both on and off the water .... It has left me quite burned out.  Right now I am even struggling to get the mojo to just run around the pond on my kayak.  Just curious if anyone else has experienced something similar.

fishing user avatarJosh Smith reply : 

Yeah, for about 20 years it wasn't a priority.

Shooting guns took its place.

I made guns into a business, and got back into bass fishing when I started needing breaks from business. Coming back in, I discovered the equipment evolved to the point that I can do in practicality what I wanted to do in theory before.

I've played with the idea of tournaments, but I'll never make the mistake of turning fishing into a business beyond selling a supertuned reel now and again.


fishing user avatarRichF reply : 

A couple years ago I was kinda excited for the season to end just so I could finally sleep in on the weekends...That feeling lasted all of two weeks before I wanted to fish again.  I used to get down after tough tournaments, especially back to back bad events.  I would question why I spent so much time, energy, and money on it.  I've gotten past that now though.  I'm even more excited to get back out and compete after a bad tournament. 

fishing user avatarriverbasser reply : 

If I'm ever tired of fishing, a week at work normally changes that

fishing user avatarGundog reply : 

It just seems that for me I start getting burned out on fishing just about the time the snow starts falling. Then there is the 4 + months without fishing that gets me wanting to go out fishing again. By January I'm twitching and fiddling with my reels and lures. February means outdoor shows and buying tackle I need/want. In March the weather start getting warmer and I get antsy. 

fishing user avatarNYWayfarer reply : 
  On 9/13/2016 at 1:17 AM, riverbasser said:

If I'm ever tired of fishing, a week at work normally changes that

That about sums it up.

fishing user avatarBiteFiend reply : 

Never having fished tournaments, I have never experienced burnout as a result of that. Having said that, I have experienced burnout from fishing before. 

I lived in Florida for a while and moved back to Nebraska a few years ago. I learned how to target bass while living in Florida and was blessed to live on the coast where I could fish both salt and fresh water. I became very spoiled fishing-wise when I lived there, being able to catch huge bass fairly consistently and being able to fish for tarpon and snook. 

After moving back to Nebraska, and again fishing our local waters, I became very disappointed with fishing here. I didn't catch bigger bass at all for a while and obviously there are no saltwater opportunities. I became so discouraged I hung up my rods for a couple seasons. 

After that break, I came to the realization that bass fishing is bass fishing. They may not get as big here nor am I able to catch as many, but they are still here. And I like to catch them. I've been pretty gung-ho about it ever since that break. I do start to get a little burned out toward the end of the season, but I have found that if I take a day off during the week throughout the season to completely disconnect from anything fishing related, that helps. As does taking the occasional weekend off and not fish. 

fishing user avatarYeajray231 reply : 

If I ever get that burnt out feeling. I find new waters. I get an undeniable excited sensation fishing something new.  Whether it's a river , small lake or pond. And that rush is back again. Just wondering what's lurking.. 

I'm excited just thinking about fishing somewhere new lol 

fishing user avatarCgrinder reply : 

Yeah I start burning out in August and normally hit it again in late September/October. A grind you enjoy is still a grind.

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

You might just need a rest. Maybe it's time to just fish for fun. You can always go back to tournament fishing if the desire arises. 

fishing user avatarblckshirt98 reply : 

I get that feeling when I see the local water districts mess around with reservoir management.  The most productive lake for me in the spring/early summer this year was drained "for drinking water" by a good 20 feet and all the productive cover is now 30 yards from the waterline.  The place is now just mud and rocks, and I had horrible outings last couple of times I went.  I know the water districts don't manage the reservoirs around the needs of recreational users, but it's just kills my enthusiasm to go back out.

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

Since my job is...(how can I say this politely?)..."not particularly interesting", a fair amount of my identity has gone into fishing.  Consequently, when the fishing is poor and/or the weather is too uncomfortable to fish, it does cause me to wonder if I have my priorities straight and, perhaps, I oughta just find a good book to read instead.

Different strokes for different folks but I could never see tournament fishing as anything but an invitation for stress and frustration.  If I lose a fish now (or don't hook it in the first place), it is simply an "oh well."  I prefer to keep it that way.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

No tourneys for me, either, but over the last couple years
I've fished very little during the summer. Just haven't had
the passion. The heat and humidity are a pain, doesn't 
matter the body of water. Gaining weight makes it all the 
worse. So that's got to be a priority for me and it isn't.

Taking time off also helps me focus on my sons' and their
interests--they only focus on fishing during certain times
of year. They move on to other sports, and things they and
their friends are in to at the moment.

It also helps with spending money on things I don't really
need. Keeps money in our bank account.

Fall brings insane travel for elite level soccer for two of the
boys - almost every single weekend is travel. And now one
of my boys has taken up mountain biking - racing with a 
local club. So there's travel for that, too.

I'm learning -- at 47 -- to just enjoy the curves life throws 
at me and not worry about missing out on bass fishing five
days a week. :) Life is much bigger than that.

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

All great feedback ... thanks .... I have a week long trip to the Outer Banks for my annual Saltwater excursion with some very good friends.   That might change my tune.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

If tourneys get to much like work they aren't going to be fun.

fishing user avatarYeajray231 reply : 
  On 9/13/2016 at 6:36 AM, Bankbeater said:

If tourneys get to much like work they aren't going to be fun.

Unless you're consistently winning. Ha-ha. Right 

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

If its not fun, I would not waste my time doing it.  Try fishing for fun, and just enjoying nature and the sounds of a morning on the water.  Concentrate on the surroundings instead of the competition.:unsure:

fishing user avatarCatch 22 reply : 

I often wondered why some old timers would just bail of the sport and sell everything.I have not reached that tipping point yet,but I have a better insight of why it happens. So many things have changed here in the last 8 years or so,that I just don`t have the burn like I have had most of my life. Just to populated to suit me.Time to move again.



fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Sure. It happens to all of us in our endeavors.

Work. Sports. Hobbies. You name it, sooner or later you get tired and just need a little rest to recharge the batteries.

So, when you recharge the batteries you have to work on your confidence. Just because you don't catch anything or that 10-pound lunker does not mean you are a poor fisherman. It means the darn bass were not hungry or aggravated or in the anticipated locations and therefore you did not get any strikes.

Take a week off and then start to rearrange your tackle, wash your rods in the shower, respool all reels with fresh line, organize your plastics and hard baits and make plans to hit the water again.

Then post how you do.

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 

Good subject. No I have never lost my fondness for bass fishing.Never.I truly enjoy the hobby of bass fishing and I will never give it up,regardless what new species of gamefish I catch next.You need to not care so much about tournament bass fishing, it's not even a true measure of how "good" a bass fisherman really is.You need to remember how fun it is just to catch a bass and not worry about less important things.Having fun is the #1 priority in bass fishing, everything else is 2nd place at best.

fishing user avatarReel Guy reply : 

I had that happen a number of years ago when I was flyfishing. Used to go and drink a cup of coffee at the riverside before fishing just to relax and take it all in. Then I would take sandwich and snacks and take a break once in awhile and just relax. It was fun and relaxing. Then I stopped the coffee because I was so intent on catching fish. I stopped taking breaks because catching fish was more important. I got obsessed with catching fish and forgot to have fun. Then it wasn't fun anymore and I gave it up for a year until I got refocused. I did and made it fun again.

Now I've taken up bass fishing! Here we go again!!!

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

30 years into it and I haven't yet. No idea what I'd do if I didn't fish all the time. 

fishing user avatarTorn Thumb reply : 
  On 9/13/2016 at 7:59 AM, Sam said:

...rearrange your tackle, wash your rods in the shower, respool all reels with fresh line, ...

Is there supposed to be a joke in here?

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

At 66 I still enjoy fishing small tourneys like wildcats on tues and thurs along with some club tourneys thrown in.  I also enjoy fishing for anything that swims and just enjoy being on the water and enjoying the good Lords gifts.  The only thing I don't enjoy anymore is when other people don't use common sense or courtesy on the water or around ramps.  That is trying...but oh well.....I'm still going.



fishing user avatarOhio Archer reply : 
  On 9/13/2016 at 1:00 AM, Felix77 said:

Have any of you ever lost that passion for fishing.  This year has been a series of disappointing experiences on the tournament circuit both on and off the water .... It has left me quite burned out.  Right now I am even struggling to get the mojo to just run around the pond on my kayak.  Just curious if anyone else has experienced something similar.

Yep.  Like anything else you can get burned out by too much of it.  It becomes more of a chore than a recreation.  Little things that you didn't notice now annoy the hell out of you.  You spend all your free time on it and feel like you're getting nothing out of it.  Time to step away from it, do something else that you like (or get caught up on all the things that you've put aside) and then reevaluate what is you want to do with fishing.  Better to do it now that try to push thru it and end up getting completely frustrated and ticked off until you drop out of it completely.  The fish will still be there...

fishing user avatarZachh Nute reply : 

I've had a terrible tournament season thus far. For exception of a 36th place finish at the Northern Open on Oneida Lake. But other than that I haven't cashed a check in a single tournament out of like 15 or 20. I've lost the drive to wake up in the morning, but I do anyways. I do it because with struggle, comes success.

fishing user avatarPreytorien reply : 

I think from time to time we all do, and that means me, in almost every endeavor. Most of the time I get burned out late in the summer, the dogs days, when the fish shut and lock their mouths. It's really irritating. I moderately alleviated it by finding a couple of out-of-the-way fishing holes that just flat out catch fish. They're small, every one of them, but it puts a bend in my rod and that keeps me coming back. 

I used to do cycling races. It was a lot of fun when you win, but soon the other guys and larger field started making it more competitive and soon I wasn't winning like I used to. I almost stopped riding, and had to step away and re-evaluate why I even rode a bike. Turns out it's more fun to do it on my own, no pressure, just enjoying the long isolated country roads. Then I got my dad into it, he started riding with me, getting in shape, now we ride almost every ride together, thousands of miles each year, with my best friend. My passion for competition turned to fun.

When you can make having fun your passion, you've got it figured out 

Keep at it Felix, you're a wise fisherman, your fishing-mojo will return :)

fishing user avatar"hamma" reply : 

  This subject is near and dear to me as my best friend went through this many years ago, and I helped him through it. I hope this helps someone here.

   Distraction coming from anything at all, will take you out of this bassfishing game. Your health, personal life, love life, business, anything like a flat tire on the way to the ramp, breaking a rod, etc. ANYTHING that distracts you, will ruin your concentration, which is more important than one may think. Whether you are tourney fishing, or fishing for fun. Once you allow distraction to interfere with your recreation, instead of using recreation to be the distraction needed from the daily grind ..its only a matter of time

  Tourney fishing can do this after just a short while. As time goes on you may "burn out" as your passion fades, things dont seem to be the same as it did when you found this seemingly endless entity to your recreation. Recreation is spelled out just as it should, "re-creation". With all this sport offers, many anglers will begin amazed at all it offers, Its "re-creation" if you will,.. and will put forth a effort and passion they have never attempted before in a pastime. Re-creating with every new technique learned, every new lake fished, and so on. As you "re-create" your gameplan towards something that "was" fun,.. towards something thats as demanding as a job. Things change, what you once saw as fun?,.. now may become tedious. Some tourney anglers overcome this "fun to job" situation. And go on for years without being burnt out, instead,,.. they may eventually get tired of the same grind of prefishing, fishing, prefishing, fishing, prefishing, fishing. etc.,... Its physically demanding. Something as small as changing clubs, or fishing a different organization can rectify this, as rules and direction changes.

 As for "burning out" as a funfisherman? I believe the repetition of fishing the same lakes, same spots, same scenery, same lure, will bore anyone eventually. This sport offers one the option to fish many different ways, even on the same lake. Most fun fishermen will just fish what they know, say a senko. It works for them and thats what they use. It offers the chance to disconnect from work, or home, or whatever maybe on their mind at the time. Offering a doorway from "distraction" to "re-creation" in their own little way,... But that right there is the pathway to boredom, eventually they get stuck in that track and dont change it up to say a jig and pig, or some other lure. Which in turn would change their perspective, and open a new and exciting "re-creation" to their downtime.

  Is there a way to avoid being burnt out in either fun fishing or tourney angling? I found that, just like changing a lure. Change your approach to bass fishing. It isn't as easy as snipping your line and re-tying a new one on. But its what worked for me.

  When I fished tourney's I fished more of draw tournies, than team T's. Learning new techniques and tips from every boater I could. This changed my approach to fishing bass, therefore keeping me interested, avoiding being "burnt out" from tourney fishing. My demise in tournies was from something else.

  What kept me from burning out while funfishing was a decision to fish as many different lakes, ponds, rivers and streams as I could. The different scenery, situations, terrain, all aided in keeping me interested,...I started my quest from my hometown and spread throughout my state from there. Then I did the surrounding states and so on. Also, I had bought a small 8' basshunter boat as a teen, and that was my bass fishing platform until I stopped tourney fishing (approx. 20 years). When T fishing ended, I bought a 16' deepv tracker, this opened a huge doorway to bigger waters and kept my mission to fish all the lakes and rivers I could, on the right track. I actually worked at keeping my fishing interesting, no matter what stood in my way,.. I found a way to continue my love for this sport. And now that I think of it.,... 

If you truely "love" bass fishing, burning out isnt an option, you will find a way

fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

Felix, I agree with those suggesting backing down the fishing a notch or two till it's fun again.  I love the competition but after a dozen years of it I may sit next year out or at least throttle it back a bit.  I think for me, picking and choosing when and where I go would be refreshing after so many years of going where the club goes.  Imagine not having to get up at 3 am to drive 100 miles to fish a lake that's not all that on a cold rainy day with guys you are fishing against rather than with.  How bout picking a nice refreshing morning on a lake you actually like that is fishing well?  A good fishing buddy, as hard as they are to find, really adds to the experience for me.  What if every fishing trip was like the Roadtrip?  Fun, challenge, time in nature, fellowship, etc.. Pretty easy to get excited about!

fishing user avatarFun4Me reply : 

I find that winter is a long enough break for me to recharge my fishing batteries. If I could fish year round I'd probably get burned out, or at least not do it as much..

fishing user avatarFisher-O-men reply : 

The pressure of tournament fishing is a kill joy IMO!   In many ways it has killed the sport.  I'm an old guy that just likes to fish, ya know?

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I burned out a few years ago.  Came back with a fresh attitude to do my thing, and above all, HAVE FUN.  I top three'd every event I entered as a boater, which wasn't many.  They were all team style events (best five from the boat), and I fished maybe a half dozen of them.

fishing user avatarJaderose reply : 

This whole thread is EXACTLY why I don't mess with trying to get into the tournament racket.  Nothing against it I just have a very stressful job that keeps me very very busy.  While I am VERY serious about my fishing, it will never be a job for me.  My job is what I do....A Fisherman is who I am.  I'm not above a friendly wager or 2 when on the water with a buddy but nothing more than that.


fishing user avatarwhitwolf reply : 
  On 9/13/2016 at 2:23 AM, Dwight Hottle said:

You might just need a rest. Maybe it's time to just fish for fun. You can always go back to tournament fishing if the desire arises. 

A lot of wisdom in the quoted post Felix. :)

fishing user avatarFurther North reply : 

Yeah...back in '87, my best fishing Dad...passed away.  Couldn't get the zip back into it.  No one else fished like Dad...had the balance of when to talk, when to fish...when to talk and fish...

Life got a real job, got married, did a lot of upland hunting (always my first passion), got into SxS shotguns and shooting clays, played a ton of volleyball...11 years went by...our daughter arrived in the fall of 1998...moved up north in late winter 2009 our daughter...always a water baby...said, "I want to go fishing, Dad!"

And we did.  The die was cast, the path set...I was re-hooked...Haven't looked back.  Wouldn't change a thing.


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