So, I always get a big kick out of hearing what other people call big bass.
Certainly, all of us are familiar with the terms
pig, hawg, giant, etc.
Here are some that I hear used, just not nearly as often. Some of them bring a big smile to my face, or even make me laugh.
Swamp Donkey.
Toad (or Toadzilla).
One member here used the word heavysauras. For some reason that one really tickled me.
So, what are some of the more obscure names you've heard used for big bass?
Walmart girl!
Paul Elias weighs in 132 lbs 8 oz.; NADINE!!!
I call em Texas Redneck Bubba Bass
I like Hawg, cause hogs are bigger than pigs
Fatty Patty
Wal Mart girl! I laughed so hard a little poop came out.
I've used the term "Behemoth Pig-beast" from time to time
Barbara always seemed to be a fat girls name.
If I can't catch the "train" I have to get a "bus".
Hog Molly
or Arkansas Razorback cheerleader.
Mrs. Brown or Mrs. Green!
"Get the net, this one's a HORSE!!"
Big bass earn people names from me, usually Henry, Bertha, Ralph, Susan, etc.
I've heard the term "slaunch" before!
Big Bertha...always Big Bertha
even though the bigger bass are most likely females, i like to say "Bubba" for a big bass...
i also like to call them chunks...
i remember Shimmy calling them "Betty" a couple times...
"That stupid fish that completely ignored my bait!"
On 4/6/2012 at 1:58 AM, Gangley said:Big Bertha...always Big Bertha
Walmart girl has to take the cake, thats hilarious!!!
I usually don't get a name out its more along the lines of WWWHHHHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mike Iaconelli style.
This is slightly off topic. So Oregon locals are not exactly bass happy. We have a gin clear lake with a number of docks that LM hang around and under. I've heard the locals call them brown trout.
Bassquatch is probably my favorite from this thread so far...
fat hoe
cross-eyed Betty
Oinker, pig, hawg, fat chick.
Mostly, 'whutthehellwuzthat?'
Since the first time I heard Mark Zona say it all the big bass I catch are "fence pandas". No idea what it means but it made me laugh and it stuck ever since. I guess maybe because pandas tend to be large, heavy creatures and big bass seem to like fence rows??
Slob, Slobbette, Giant, Jaws, SuperSized, Mack Mama, Tubbs, Oinker, Blimp, Over, Ms.Obesity, Mama Mia, Whale, Walrus, Hippo, Biggun, Precious, Tubbs, Trunk, OH BABY...
I like ~ MOGAN
Stolen from Capt Blair Wiggins host of Addictive Fishing
I like Bucket Mouth best personally...even if it is rather uncreative.
I must say, I do think walmart girl, bassquatch, and walrus will make it into my rotation. Now I just need to go catch some hawgs, or walmart girls rather
My favorite that i termed. Slobapottamus. Also good ones, Footballs,pigs, slampig(nasty girls)
Gotta say, "Slaunch" is kinda growing on me. It seems somehow phonetically descriptive...
I have heard quite a few names over the years but for some reason i always use "Toad"
big betsy!
big mama!
Just a few use it alldepends on what mood I am in.
Our family calls them Big Bertha
On 4/5/2012 at 9:30 PM, deaknh03 said:Wal Mart girl! I laughed so hard a little poop came out.
I "liked" his comment. I am still laughing!!
That is a "mule" my boy! (Taken from Bill Dance's 13lbs. "mule" video)
its a MONSTER!
I just have three and their wee, not so wee, and freakin' huge. Mostly catch just the wee size though.
On 4/5/2012 at 8:56 PM, roadwarrior said:Walmart girl!
you sir have made my d**n week
On 4/19/2012 at 4:01 AM, buzzfrog said:you sir have made my d**n week
Maybe it's only in Cali but I always hear "there are some BEASTS up in here".
Bucket Mouths
My favorite names come from Mark Zona, that guy is completely off the rails. My biggest from Guntersville last year was a North Alabama Swamp Donkey. El Donkey Kong Hee-Haw has been thrown around this year and is by far my favorite
Dinner! Lol