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Last Time I Ever Help The Michigan Dnr 2024

fishing user avatarAJMichigan reply : 

Thought nothing but highly about my state's DNR until my buddy explained what happened to him yesterday.


He was fishing for bass in an area park (highly fished park) when the DNR showed up and asked him for his license. He went to his truck about 50 feet away and presented the officer with his fishing license and his drivers license. The DNR officer then gave him a ticket for "Fishing without a license on your person."


Are you kidding me? Is the DNR really hurting this badly for money?


$175 dollar fine and a misdemeanor. DNR officer told him he's cutting him a break because he could take his gear too. Buddy plans on going to court to fight this, and hope the judge dismisses this ludicris ticket. I get it, you're suppossed to have it on you but 50 ft away in your truck? Give me a break.

fishing user avatarTuckahoe Joe reply : 

I mean, I guess laws are laws and whatever but if your fishing right there by your truck and your license is right there, that's pretty beat.  I wouldn't be happy about this at all and I'd probably go to court and fight it too.

fishing user avatarTopwaterspook reply : 

In Pennsylvania you have to display your license, on your person, while you're fishing. I was stopped earlier this year but the officer was more lenient.

fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

everyone knows you have to have it on you. no excuse otherwise imo

fishing user avatarwngan9447 reply : 

I see this from both sides.... but a ticket is ludacris. They should have just educated your buddy with a warning.


Unless your buddy was being rude... I wasnt there, but the conversation could have just went bad and the DNR just felt like being strict.

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 8/23/2013 at 6:40 PM, Topwaterspook said:

In Pennsylvania you have to display your license, on your person, while you're fishing. I was stopped earlier this year but the officer was more lenient.


I always have mine in my box and not displayed. I have been stopped by the guys here in PA multiple times and they never have a problem. I can whip it out in 10 seconds and show it to them.


As for the OP:


This is a ridiculous ticket this person received. It is not like he was claiming he had a license and had no way to prove it or said he left it at home. He was able to produce a license in 30 seconds. The point of these laws isn't for the state to try to SCAM people for money. Fishing regulations are in place to make sure people are putting in their share for maintaining the fisheries. He put in his share by purchasing a fishing license and some stupid money-making loophole was abused by the DNR officer. The northern states have absolutely archaic laws when it comes to anything wildlife management.

fishing user avatarStork reply : 

I disagree with this issuing. The purpose of this law is to prevent fishermen purchasing licenses and leaving them at home. If you can produce the license, you shouldn't be ticketed.

And truth be told, in this digital age of information, there's no reason for this law whatsoever- except to fleece fishermen.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
  On 8/23/2013 at 6:40 PM, Topwaterspook said:

In Pennsylvania you have to display your license, on your person, while you're fishing. I was stopped earlier this year but the officer was more lenient.


I've got mine attached to my fishing bag.  Never had them give me any grief as long as I can show it to them without having to "go get it."


I absolutely can't stand having that thing attached to my hat. :grin:

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

The reason PA requires you to wear your license is so they can visually eliminate who they need to physically check. When boating on erie or fishing the streams they use binoculars from a distance checking for valid licenses. Having the license on you eliminates them bothering me when I'm fishing.


As to the op I guess I'm old school. The law is the law. You don't get to interpret it for your own convenience. If you don't like it try and change it through the proper channels. 

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 8/23/2013 at 9:00 PM, Stork said:

And truth be told, in this digital age of information, there's no reason for this law whatsoever- except to fleece fishermen.


100% THIS. I could create a database of this stuff in about an hour that would be easily searchable by name.

fishing user avatarMarkH024 reply : 
  On 8/23/2013 at 9:02 PM, SPEEDBEAD. said:

I've got mine attached to my fishing bag.  Never had them give me any grief as long as I can show it to them without having to "go get it."


I absolutely can't stand having that thing attached to my hat. :grin:

I always have a copy in my fishing bag as well as I try to have one in my pocket. I've only been questioned by DNR in IL or Wisconsin maybe 3 times in my life.

I will say the fine is one thing, but a misdemeanor is a bit harsh.  Sucks to hear it but lesson learned I suppose.  

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 

You buy a license, you play by the rules. Not your rules, their rules. Your buddy did get a break, he got to keep his gear. Going to a judge most likely will not help, he disobeyed the law.

fishing user avatarPABASS reply : 

I understand that in PA the licences are to be displayed so the DNR can visually see whom has a fishing licenses which good for them, but I live in a digital world and I have a copy of my licenses on my phone and that should be all that is required.  If they need to walk, drive or boat to check this then so be it, its there job.  PA gives you the option to print them out in white(ones that are purchased at brick and mortar are yellow), so I should be able to keep one on my phone as well..  With this being said I do wear mine almost 100% of the time...

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 

Going to a judge will most likely help, actually. If the person has nothing on their record and it is an offense this minor they will probably not waste the court's time and just lower it to something smaller or get rid of it, similar to what happens for a first traffic offense.


And as for the gear, if I have a fishing license less than 50 feet away from me and can produce it in a few seconds, and some DNR guy tries to take my gear, things will not end well.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I'm sorry to say in my state these guys have more power than the state police.

Your buddy should of said I have a problem losing everything so keeping it in my truck I know where it is at all times.

I was checked once in my home state of ct.and I seen the fish n game ranger let others go free with no license. Why do I buy mine?

Being disabled I park my car as close to where I'm fishing when I can. I was fishing 10' from my car when the park ranger told me to move my car I was too close to the dumpster. The dumpster was empty so no pick up was going to happen soon. As I packed up to leave he said just move your car. I told him by the time I get in my car the pain will be so bad I have to leave anyway. I thanked him and left. This guy was showing off his power because he had a summer help kid with him.

I vt I was checked for hunting licenses while on my land. Since my land isn't posted no hunting I get to hunt it for free. Now as they got out of there truck we put our guns down on the ground right away. It's the right thing to do. They were relaxed and very nice to us. Some of these guys are awesome.

fishing user avataraquaholic reply : 

I keep my license in my bag. Dnr around here is hated. Ive tried calling them for help with wild animals multiple times, and  never could get any help having an officer sent out. Ive had good experience with people who work for the dnr, but the officers are a different story at least around here. I obviously cant speak for every one in america.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 8/23/2013 at 11:14 PM, imanidiot777 said:

Going to a judge will most likely help, actually. If the person has nothing on their record and it is an offense this minor they will probably not waste the court's time and just lower it to something smaller or get rid of it, similar to what happens for a first traffic offense.


And as for the gear, if I have a fishing license less than 50 feet away from me and can produce it in a few seconds, and some DNR guy tries to take my gear, things will not end well.


If you are not 100% compliant - the bad ending will undoubtedly be yours.



fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Take a deep breath and calm down. Injustice can be dealt with later, through court or most likely administration.

However, during the event cooperation is NOT optional. To threaten law enforcement or a "DNR guy" is a crime

in and of itself. If you are implying physical force, you might win the battle, but you will most definitely lose the war.

fishing user avatarstkbassn reply : 
  On 8/23/2013 at 10:07 PM, imanidiot777 said:

100% THIS. I could create a database of this stuff in about an hour that would be easily searchable by name.


Because I seem to get grief on here when I disagree with authority or corporations I am hesitant to respond but I am driven by some demon inside of me that makes me do it....can't stop it! So I'm in agreement with this . 


I buy my license each year so I don't get a fine(1) and to help support conservation efforts and support of VADGIF(in my state) so they can continue to provide their services. So when they use their authority (or abuse it rather) to turn that around on us sportsman and fine us over a "technicality" , I call that a slap in the face!! SO, in closing, if you can produce the license at the time it's asked for there should be no fine, period!!  If they have the time to stop and ask you for it they have time for you to walk over and get it out of your bag, truck, car, etc..... Do I keep mine on me? Yes. Have I left it in the car before? Yep...and I was asked to produce it on one occasion when I did so and there was no issue even though I had to go and get it.


Not a true story but could be :


I can just hear the officer in conversation with his wife that evening...something like this I'd imagine.....


 Officer says " honey, you'd be proud of me...I fined this fisherman today over not having his license on him" Wife says" Oh, that's not unusual is it"? Officer replies" No, but this guy did have his license in the car and he showed it to me". Wife says " Well why on earth would you fine him then"?! Officer replies as he puts his hands behind his head and leans back in his chair,chest out " Honey, I followed the law, to the letter . I have to show these fisherman who runs the show in these parts , ME "!  Wife replies " Okay Barney Fife, whatever!"


True story and one I will always treasure ..


. I was out in the middle of a fairly large creek here in VA...a conservation officer approached from the bank and asked me to show him my license. Because I was busy fishing and enjoying my day and, knowing the law , I told him I had it on me but if he needed to see it he would need to come out and check it. He went back to his truck, put on his waders, and he came on out. He was noticably irritated about this but hey, I was doing my thing and didn't have a lot of time that day. He checked it and my ID...he wished me luck and left....this was priceless!


Killed my lunch break but had to respond...sorry guys :)

fishing user avatarClackerBuzz reply : 

very sad to hear for both people. i hope the judge has common sense, compasion, social skills and gives ur buddy a warning. and i hope the DNR guy learns more about people and karma sooner than later. no doubt he has and had many problems past, present and future.  'live by the sword, die by the sword' makes for a very long, hard and lonley life

fishing user avatarTodd2 reply : 

Seems harsh to me, but none of us were there. I've had mostly good experiences here in KY with the DNR, but the nicest one I ran into was in TN. We had crossed the state line, and didn't have our TN license. He "escorted" us to a marina and let us buy the license, with no fines. Very cool.

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 8/24/2013 at 12:19 AM, A-Jay said:

If you are not 100% compliant - the bad ending will undoubtedly be yours.




Depends on the guy. I have seen really nice people and really bad ones. I have never had a problem yet just keeping my fishing licenses in my box. I always have it with me and I won't lose them then; I can pull it out in 5 seconds and don't even have to walk to my car. Even though it is technically required that I display it, this has not been a problem thus far because it is COMMON SENSE that I am doing what I should be doing. The day it is a problem is the day I will have a problem. Even the DNR officers think it is a stupid rule. The only reason they would ever ticket you for it is because they are trying to make money, and I think that is just dirty. The point of the DNR is to manage fish/game/environment/etc, NOT to make money off of people.

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 8/24/2013 at 12:40 AM, roadwarrior said:

Take a deep breath and calm down. Injustice can be dealt with later, through court or most likely administration.

However, during the event cooperation is NOT optional. To threaten law enforcement or a "DNR guy" is a crime

in and of itself. If you are implying physical force, you might win the battle, but you will most definitely lose the war.


I'm perfectly calm. I threatened no one and you implying that I did offends me. I've never been in the least bit uncordial on here. You chose to take what I said that way. I agree with stkbassn here, why is there a huge problem with disagreeing with authority when authority is clearly wrong?

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 
  On 8/23/2013 at 9:12 PM, Dwight Hottle said:

The reason PA requires you to wear your license is so they can visually eliminate who they need to physically check. When boating on erie or fishing the streams they use binoculars from a distance checking for valid licenses. Having the license on you eliminates them bothering me when I'm fishing.


As to the op I guess I'm old school. The law is the law. You don't get to interpret it for your own convenience. If you don't like it try and change it through the proper channels. 

I am actually kind of surprised at how many people are complaining about the law and the requirements.  Is it really that hard to have a license on you at all times?  Do you leave your phone, wallet, keys in your vehicle when you fish?


I have an electronic vesion on my phone and a paper version in my wallet.  I was asked once to show my license and i asked if my phone would work and he said that's fine even though technically it doesn't count because you have to sign the license.


To many people have the us against them mentality with any kind of authority and it drives me nuts.  My dad told me when i was young, unless authority figures are asking you to do something illegal or immoral you need to comply as they are there for a reason and resisting anything will not end up well 9 times out of 10.  It is funny how much more smoothly things go when you take that approach.....even when you disagree.

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 8/24/2013 at 1:12 AM, flyfisher said:

I am actually kind of surprised at how many people are complaining about the law and the requirements.  Is it really that hard to have a license on you at all times?  Do you leave your phone, wallet, keys in your vehicle when you fish?


I have an electronic vesion on my phone and a paper version in my wallet.  I was asked once to show my license and i asked if my phone would work and he said that's fine even though technically it doesn't count because you have to sign the license.


To many people have the us against them mentality with any kind of authority and it drives me nuts.  My dad told me when i was young, unless authority figures are asking you to do something illegal or immoral you need to comply as they are there for a reason and resisting anything will not end up well 9 times out of 10.  It is funny how much more smoothly things go when you take that approach.....even when you disagree.


It isn't even about doing it on purpose. If you don't keep your license in your box like I do it is perfectly plausibe that you just forgot it in your car. Or even if I intended to wear it, it is plausible that one day I left it in my box. I really deserve a ticket of over $100 bucks and a misdemeanor after I paid for a license and supported proper fish management? If you actually believe that I feel bad for you. I THOROUGHLY believe in taking care of the environment and giving some money for a license to help manage fisheries. If doing what is right and responsible gets thrown in my face by the DNR because of a moronic technicality, you can bet I'm going to do something about it.

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 
  On 8/23/2013 at 11:09 PM, deaknh03 said:

You buy a license, you play by the rules. Not your rules, their rules. Your buddy did get a break, he got to keep his gear. Going to a judge most likely will not help, he disobeyed the law.

Going in front of a judge can help. I just went to court for a reckless driving ticket that got reduced to improper driving. now the cop recommended it be reduced, but i still had to appear for that to happen. so why did the cop not just write me a ticket for improper driving? because in VA the law prohibits him from doing so, a judge must agree to reduce the charge to improper from reckless. also a couple people had their tickets thrown out altogether. going in front of a judge can help, of course if youre the type to just bend over and take it by not going to court, well thats on you...

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 
  On 8/24/2013 at 1:17 AM, imanidiot777 said:

It isn't even about doing it on purpose. If you don't keep your license in your box like I do it is perfectly plausibe that you just forgot it in your car. Or even if I intended to wear it, it is plausible that one day I left it in my box. I really deserve a ticket of over $100 bucks and a misdemeanor after I paid for a license and supported proper fish management? If you actually believe that I feel bad for you. I THOROUGHLY believe in taking care of the environment and giving some money for a license to help manage fisheries. If doing what is right and responsible gets thrown in my face by the DNR because of a moronic technicality, you can bet I'm going to do something about it.

I bet you don't forget it again though.....excuses are not up to the officer to determine if applicable or not in most cases, that is what the judge is for.

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 8/24/2013 at 1:41 AM, flyfisher said:

I bet you don't forget it again though.....excuses are not up to the officer to determine if applicable or not in most cases, that is what the judge is for.


Maybe, maybe not. But you are missing the point. The rule itself is ridiculous and pointless and is literally there to shaft people who follow the rules; especially when it is easy to just have an electronic system in place that would fix all of this. If you just want to lay down and let them walk all over you, be my guest. If something like this happens to me, I know a few people who could blow this up in the newspapers and make a big enough deal to change the rules. We make this country what we want.


This is literally exactly the same as DUI laws. If you really wanted to get rid of drunk driving, you would just make it a law for all cars to have a breathalyzer to start them and then it is impossible to drive drunk. But of course, that would stop the cash flow that DUIs bring in to the police. This is the same exact thing, the only reason a rule like that exists when there are obviously more sensible ways of doing things, is MONEY.

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 
  On 8/24/2013 at 1:46 AM, imanidiot777 said:

Maybe, maybe not. But you are missing the point. The rule itself is ridiculous and pointless and is literally there to shaft people who follow the rules; especially when it is easy to just have an electronic system in place that would fix all of this. If you just want to lay down and let them walk all over you, be my guest. If something like this happens to me, I know a few people who could blow this up in the newspapers and make a big enough deal to change the rules. We make this country what we want.


This is literally exactly the same as DUI laws. If you really wanted to get rid of drunk driving, you would just make it a law for all cars to have a breathalyzer to start them and then it is impossible to drive drunk. But of course, that would stop the cash flow that DUIs bring in to the police. This is the same exact thing, the only reason a rule like that exists when there are obviously more sensible ways of doing things, is MONEY.

I completely see your point but to make soemthing electronic is not as easy as you think. And to Dwight's post earlier it is the law so either abide by it, go against and pay the penalty or try and change i through the appropriate channels.


And believe it or not, not everything is out there to try and make money.  THe DUI example is a poor one really so i won't even acknowledge the absurdity of it all.

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 8/24/2013 at 1:51 AM, flyfisher said:

I completely see your point but to make soemthing electronic is not as easy as you think. And to Dwight's post earlier it is the law so either abide by it, go against and pay the penalty or try and change i through the appropriate channels.


And believe it or not, not everything is out there to try and make money.  THe DUI example is a poor one really so i won't even acknowledge the absurdity of it all.


You say that but you fail to explain why that example is poor. I'd appreciate even one reason why that is absurd. PM me we don't need to change the topic on the thread. I'd be interested in hearing if there is actually something I am missing.


Making it electronic is a piece of cake. I'm a software engineer, I know how easy it is. You buy your fishing license and you get electronically rung up for it as it is now. Making a database with such simple information as driver's license, first and last name, and address, is SO easy I could do it by myself in an hour. It would take me literally 5 seconds to type in a first and last name and see, ah, they have a license this year.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 8/24/2013 at 1:46 AM, imanidiot777 said:

Maybe, maybe not. But you are missing the point. The rule itself is ridiculous and pointless and is literally there to shaft people who follow the rules; especially when it is easy to just have an electronic system in place that would fix all of this. If you just want to lay down and let them walk all over you, be my guest. If something like this happens to me, I know a few people who could blow this up in the newspapers and make a big enough deal to change the rules. We make this country what we want.


This is literally exactly the same as DUI laws. If you really wanted to get rid of drunk driving, you would just make it a law for all cars to have a breathalyzer to start them and then it is impossible to drive drunk. But of course, that would stop the cash flow that DUIs bring in to the police. This is the same exact thing, the only reason a rule like that exists when there are obviously more sensible ways of doing things, is MONEY.






fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

You should write to your legislator and suggest how easy it is.


Short of that, the rules obviously are not up for interpretation. I take the chance that I'll come across a fish warden that is understanding because, as I previously stated, I attach my license to a fishing bag and not a piece of my clothing. I know the law and if I get clipped for it, I really have no one to blame but myself.


I don't always agree that 65 is too fast for me to be driving, but that is the law and again if I choose to skirt that limit I have no one to blame but myself.




why is there a huge problem with disagreeing with authority when authority is clearly wrong?


I take a bit of issue with this statement as well. You are not in a position to determine what is right and what is wrong. That's the point.

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 8/24/2013 at 2:05 AM, SPEEDBEAD. said:



I take a bit of issue with this statement as well. You are not in a position to determine what is right and what is wrong. That's the point.


OK then, I'll leave it at just the one part of the question, why is it wrong to disagree with authority and/or the rules? I have done so with a logical argument. No threats, all coherent and laid out.

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 

I'm officially retiring from this topic as it is obviously not going to go anywhere. Oh, and I actually have written my legislators about rules and laws in the past. The problem is, one person means nothing to them, you need a lot of people who are willing to stand up for things and not just get walked on.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Also, saying:




And as for the gear, if I have a fishing license less than 50 feet away from me and can produce it in a few seconds, and some DNR guy tries to take my gear, things will not end well.



and thinking that anyone would interpret it any way other than:



 To threaten law enforcement or a "DNR guy" is a crime

in and of itself. If you are implying physical force, you might win the battle, but you will most definitely lose the war.





I dont know what to tell you, not really sure how else to interpret that.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 8/24/2013 at 2:07 AM, imanidiot777 said:

OK then, I'll leave it at just the one part of the question, why is it wrong to disagree with authority and/or the rules? I have done so with a logical argument. No threats, all coherent and laid out.


When you make these statements to men who have devoted their entire adult life to law enforcement - you tend to get this type of reaction.



fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Can we add "venting about law enforcement and perceived injustices" to the list of things that get locked automatically?



I dont know that in all my time here anything constructive has developed from one of these threads.....

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 

Only because I feel like I now need to defend myself, what I WOULD do is make a big stink on scene (short of actually threatening someone), make sure the officers name was published and that the story got out via internet and/or newspaper (if they actually believe in the ticket they wrote, they should have no problem with it), and I would show up to court and do as much as I could to get a stupid rule changed.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Wait for it . . . . . .



fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I think that's enough.


Good night Irene.


-Kent  a.k.a. roadwarrior

Global Moderator


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