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Don't Make The Same Mistake I Did This Week. 2024

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

If you follow me on social media you know I frequently talk about how important it is to wear good glasses for both polarization

and more importantly, eye protection. I never leave home without a pair of Wiley X glasses on my face.


Something that is also extrememly important is sunscreen.


I took the kids fishing this week and decided to take my shirt off but didnt put sunscreen on.


Needless to say, I got really sunburned. Besides that pesky skin cancer chance, there are other issues related to sunburn.


Starting yesterday I began dealing with what is commonly called "Hell's Itch" seriously Google it.


My back and chest itch like nothing I have never felt in my life. It is my skin trying to heal itself but in the meantime it feels like

10,000 needle pokes that only stop for a little bit at a time.


All of it could have been avoided if I would have taken the 20 seconds required to apply sunscreen.


So with that being said, don't be dumb and lazy like I was this week. Put on the dang sunscreen.


I can promise you, you do not ever want to have to deal with Hell's Itch.


Plus it would suck to lose a BassResource member to skin cancer because they were to lazy to apply sunscreen.



fishing user avatargulfcaptain reply : 

I started investing in Simms Sungear and gloves to avoid that whole sunburn issue.  Being covered up may not be the most comfortable thing in 100 degree weather, but when I get home I don't have that same red color as my crankbait.  Sorry about the sunburn.  Witch Hazel and lotion help though. 

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 
  On 8/15/2015 at 2:33 AM, gulfcaptain said:

I started investing in Simms Sungear and gloves to avoid that whole sunburn issue. Being covered up may not be the most comfortable thing in 100 degree weather, but when I get home I don't have that same red color as my crankbait. Sorry about the sunburn. Witch Hazel and lotion help though.

Agree, I would rather cover up w appropriate clothing for sun protection than pour on sunscreen ( unless I'm at the beach ) last time I was burned badly was Daytona beach, spring break 81... I know what your going thru.

Best wishes...

fishing user avatarFinCulture reply : 

Good point, a hat, and a buff will also further protect your head and neck.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

just got back from the Florida keys.... couldn't keep enough sunscreen on me it seemed.  even got a bit burned on my eyelids somehow while lobster diving!  

i have already spent part of my day looking at some protective clothing as i too would prefer to cover up than lather up.  not to mention it's impossible to cover every square inch of your body in sunscreen by yourself!  hope you feel better soon man, worst part for me is the peeling of the skin.

fishing user avatargardnerjigman reply : 

I'm pretty good about keeping sunscreen on. I use lotion at home before going out and then keep spray with me to re-apply during the day. Buddy and I have spent the last two Thursday's fishing all day. (literally getting on water at 5:00 AM and off at 9:30 PM.) We both use this method and haven't had a single problem, wearing shorts, t shirt, no shoes. Only "protective" clothing we wear is a hoorag.


Whether it be protective clothing or sun screen, take the time to do it. My grandmother was a nurse and hearing about all the old farmers with melanoma  was enough to drive that lesson home.  


This was the worst sunburn I've ever had and by far the most painful. I couldn't hardly sleep at night, showering was nearly impossible. I'd practically tear someones head off if they bumped it. Never again boys...



fishing user avatarMike L reply : 


Sorry to here this, we can all learn from your experience.

Living in Fla for the past 37 yrs I've learned a few things about protection and healing.

I don't know what you're useing to ease the pain and itch, but the best thing I've ever tried and that includes what a doctor prescribes is straight natural aloe.

Not the extract you buy at the drug store, but the stuff right out of the plant. This is one wives tale that is true.

Hope you feel better soon.


fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

The sun is unforgiving. The South FL sun is brutal, especially in the summer. I am not recognizable when I go fishing, I cover up so much. Buff, Costa's, sun gloves, Columbia long sleeve shirt and pants, socks, and shoes. The only the thing you can see on me is the bridge of my nose. That's the only section of body that I apply sunscreen to. Lol!! I have been sunburned before, long ago and it hurts!! 

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

Thanks guys, it is slowly getting better.


I just don't want anyone else to have to deal with because it is horrible.

fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 

Good advice

I am 57 and have had 3 "places" removed from my body in the last 10 years. My yearly physical this past spring revealed a pre-cancer that took two "cuttings" to fully remove from my upper back. Now it looks like I have a huge scar from a stab wound.

I was lucky this time, but as I continue to age, more may develop. Early detection helps but there are no guarantee's regarding the effects of sun damage.

When I came up you never heard of sun screen. I was tanned every summer. I was stationed in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for a year back in 79. I have practically lived on the water fishing. We have a pool and I work outdoors most of the time. I am no different than than hundreds of thousands of others who live in warm climates.

Nowadays we know better. You younger guys can protect yourselves and your children. Please take the time to do just that.

fishing user avatargulfcaptain reply : 
  On 8/15/2015 at 4:35 AM, BassinLou said:

The sun is unforgiving. The South FL sun is brutal, especially in the summer. I am not recognizable when I go fishing, I cover up so much. Buff, Costa's, sun gloves, Columbia long sleeve shirt and pants, socks, and shoes. The only the thing you can see on me is the bridge of my nose. That's the only section of body that I apply sunscreen to. Lol!! I have been sunburned before, long ago and it hurts!! 

I'm sure I look the same way......I just call it the fish ninja look.  Even better when you have 3 rods tucked behind your pack on your

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 8/15/2015 at 5:07 AM, gulfcaptain said:

I'm sure I look the same way......I just call it the fish ninja look.  Even better when you have 3 rods tucked behind your pack on your


Now that is the Bassin Ninja look for sure!! LOL.... 

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

Yup been there like really burnt bass fishing in a rental boat on my honeymoon. We went to Niagara falls and it rained 24/7. I asked my new misses ever been camping? We drove home packed the camping gear and went to a nearby lake fishing. We had a blast. No pancakes flipper I was tossing scrambled eggs and pancakes in the air.

We went to the drug store to get suave for the lobster red burn.

After 41 years of marriage the spark is still there.

fishing user avatarFisher-O-men reply : 

Just cover up guys!  If God had intended for us to run around naked, we would have been born that way!

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Key West, December 1975.  Went sailfishing for 4 hours, stayed out 8. got blistered and was in agony for days.  A male Cuban nurse named Manuel introduced me to Aloe which was growing in the backyard.  100% intstant relief. Sun screen should be used,  I don't like being covered up when I'm fishing, except a hat.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

That hot sun on the water is intense. Burned to a lobster red.

I just shaved my head for the last time. I wear a hat now.

The hair and beard grows for the winter.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I have learned to respect the sun even when its cloudy. The harmful rays still penetrate through light to moderate cloud cover. 

fishing user avatarMN_Bassin reply : 

All you guys telling these stories sorta scares me! I only seem to burn the first few trips of the year, but once I get tan, I don't burn again. However, Minnesota is higher in latitude than southern states, so we get less direct sunlight...? if I can recall junior high science class correctly. Anyways, wear whatever it takes to get to those big 'uns!

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Closer to equator, the worse rhe burn. Winter is worse than summer.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

I still have some discoloration on the inside my ankles from roasting them on a float trip about 40 years ago. I will never forget that mistake! One of the young ladies with us on that same trip burnt the tops of her bosoms so badly she stopped by the ER on the way home. It is a little funny now, but a bad sunburn is a serious thing.

fishing user avatarAdamsEye reply : 

As someone who has had masses removed I agree. Unless I am swimming I wear long sleeves and pants. I would rather sweat all day then get more masses cut out of me.

fishing user avatarTurkey sandwich reply : 

Two weeks ago wearing a protective long sleeve, hat, bandana covering my neck (beard does a good job covering my face and luckily despite the greys, my hairline is pretty steady), and shorts I managed to get sun poisoning. After getting the boat on the trailer, I had to pull over 10 minutes down the road to dry heave. It was horrible.

I was so focused on keeping us on fish, that during the drift I didn't eat, drink, or I guess apply enough sun screen to my legs and I was a mess.

The sun is not kind to my Irish/Slovak/Russian genes.

fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

I also do the fishing ninja look.

Besides protecting yourself without needing sunscreen, I'm actually COOLER in all that clothing because a. I'm insulated and b. My skin isn't radiating from being slowly cooked.

Today for example, it was 90 degrees and sunny. No burns. 10 years ago? I'd be burnt and complaining about how hot it was.

fishing user avatarGaterB reply : 

Hell's itch is no joke. Wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy!!

fishing user avatarNeil McCauley reply : 

I slather sunscreen on as soon as the sunrises and repeat every 2 hours thereafter. SPF 30 or better. SPF50 is best imo.

You really want to protect the tops of your ears, your nose, and your upper face. That is where basal cell carcinoma will appear someday with too much sun exposure. Everyone is afraid of the killer Melanoma, but it's pretty rare compared to basal cell, and basal cell can disfigure you badly if you don't recognize it soon enough and have it removed when its small.

Anyone out in the sun 10+ hrs a day needs to take it really seriously... put sunblock on thick and frequently.


Happened to Hugh Jackman:


fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 8/15/2015 at 2:26 AM, JT Bagwell said:

If you follow me on social media you know I frequently talk about how important it is to wear good glasses for both polarization

and more importantly, eye protection. I never leave home without a pair of Wiley X glasses on my face.


Something that is also extrememly important is sunscreen.


I took the kids fishing this week and decided to take my shirt off but didnt put sunscreen on.


Needless to say, I got really sunburned. Besides that pesky skin cancer chance, there are other issues related to sunburn.


Starting yesterday I began dealing with what is commonly called "Hell's Itch" seriously Google it.


My back and chest itch like nothing I have never felt in my life. It is my skin trying to heal itself but in the meantime it feels like

10,000 needle pokes that only stop for a little bit at a time.


All of it could have been avoided if I would have taken the 20 seconds required to apply sunscreen.


So with that being said, don't be dumb and lazy like I was this week. Put on the dang sunscreen.


I can promise you, you do not ever want to have to deal with Hell's Itch.


Plus it would suck to lose a BassResource member to skin cancer because they were to lazy to apply sunscreen.

I went shirtless a lot when I was younger. So far, I've had 4 suspect spots cut off. No cancer yet. But if you have a bad feeling about any moles or spots, don't hesitate to see a dermatologist. My family doctor didn't think any of these warranted attention, but the dermatologist did. And some that she thought were suspect were not the ugliest ones.


Nowadays I wear the long sleeve fishing shirt, a wide brimmed had and sunscreen on everything not covered by cloth, including ears, face and nose.

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

And remember, SPF 50 is good for 150 minutes, not all day. Kayakers, don't just spray your knees. Get the insides of your legs, ankles and feet because that's how you'll sit.

fishing user avatarMN_Bassin reply : 
  On 8/16/2015 at 10:05 PM, the reel ess said:

And remember, SPF 50 is good for 150 minutes, not all day. Kayakers, don't just spray your knees. Get the insides of your legs, ankles and feet because that's how you'll sit.

This... This is the truth... My legs once looked like Neapolitan ice cream. Knees down was tan, lower thighs were strawberry, and the rest of my thighs were vanilla!

fishing user avatarjaysen reply : 

you are all a bunch of chickens... scared of a big yellow ball :cooking-egg-31: .


seriously though I too am a fishing ninja and ppl give me weird looks. I am fully covered with uv buff and all. I did use sun block on my face ( especially my nose) but found even if you reapply frequently, on bad days I still burned. I now paint my face white with zinc oxide. because it stays on and is white I know I am covered.

fishing user avatarCatch 22 reply : 

In a drug store recently ,a family came in with a young boy about 12 yrs.He had no shirt on because of several blisters  raised up the size of  grapes  frorm to much sun. I cringed because I had the same about his age. Back then sunblock was  a tee shirt and ball cap.


I hate  the use of sunblock but more and more I yield to it. A wide straw  hat and long sleeves work good for me.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Pesky skin cancer? Skin cancer can kill you!


fishing user avatardam0007 reply : 
  On 8/15/2015 at 2:26 AM, JT Bagwell said:

If you follow me on social media you know I frequently talk about how important it is to wear good glasses for both polarization

and more importantly, eye protection. I never leave home without a pair of Wiley X glasses on my face.

Something that is also extrememly important is sunscreen.

I took the kids fishing this week and decided to take my shirt off but didnt put sunscreen on.

Needless to say, I got really sunburned. Besides that pesky skin cancer chance, there are other issues related to sunburn.

Starting yesterday I began dealing with what is commonly called "Hell's Itch" seriously Google it.

My back and chest itch like nothing I have never felt in my life. It is my skin trying to heal itself but in the meantime it feels like

10,000 needle pokes that only stop for a little bit at a time.

All of it could have been avoided if I would have taken the 20 seconds required to apply sunscreen.

So with that being said, don't be dumb and lazy like I was this week. Put on the dang sunscreen.

I can promise you, you do not ever want to have to deal with Hell's Itch.

Plus it would suck to lose a BassResource member to skin cancer because they were to lazy to apply sunscreen.

and I get my balls busted for dressing like its winter time lol. I hate sunscreen. I wear long sleeves a hood a buff a hat pants and glasses. In the chance I do wear shorts or forget gloves or something I use the spray on stuff. Once you get that oil on your hands I'm sure it gets on the baits when you rig and it could turn the bass away..
fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes we rush to fish and forget the important stuff, sun tan lotion. A loose fitting shirt. A good that.

I look funny with my nam jungle hat. My kids laugh.

You mention skin cancer here I had enough of cancer the past two years it's in remission and the number is zero "0" when they just checked it.

It's prostate cancer awareness month get it checked. Please, a simple blood test could save your life.

fishing user avatarbassr95 reply : 

Just another reason to fish at night! :laugh5:

fishing user avatarkadas reply : 

My skin doctor is an advocate of sun block clothing--she told me the whole deal--neck buff--gloves--sun shirts--said if you put these things on you do not have to worry about forgetting to keep applying sun block--I for one use the clothing--do not like putting sunscreen on if I do remember to do it!! LOL---I am getting older and thought some of the spots I have on my arms and back of my hands were 'old age" spots--she said nope--they are from the sun and it is not good! Decided to start using the clothing!!

fishing user avatarstarcraft1 reply : 
  On 8/15/2015 at 2:33 AM, gulfcaptain said:

I started investing in Simms Sungear and gloves to avoid that whole sunburn issue.  Being covered up may not be the most comfortable thing in 100 degree weather, but when I get home I don't have that same red color as my crankbait.  Sorry about the sunburn.  Witch Hazel and lotion help though. 

I've went the same road and I've found I'm cooler than I was before. I use the spf 50 shirt and gloves and now going for the neck/face gear. A little on the pricey side ($40 ea. shirt) but well worth the $$$

Try hydrocortisone for the sunburn itch, it helped me.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

The general bass fishing community has embraced SPF coverup clothing and that has surprised me.

Ball caps were the only hats worn by bass anglers a few years ago, today wide brim sun shade hats are more common.

Cabelas guide wear makes very good sun protection clothing at a reasonable price point, check it out.

Skin cancer is most common on your face and hands because we expose those areas nearly everyday we are outdoors, driving or whatever, it's not just out fishing. Sunscreen is important along with sun protection clothing. 30 minutes of sun exposure isn't harmful, it's a few hours when the sun is overhead that causes major skin damage.


fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

If you get burned again get some of this stuff:


I don't burn very often but i have family that does and every single one of us that has used this never peel or itch if you spray it on you pretty often after you get burned. 

fishing user avatarblckshirt98 reply : 

Sun exposure is one thing I don't mess around with when I'm fishing or outdoors in general.  I always apply 50 SPF sunscreen and reapply if my skin even starts to feel remotely warm or like it's starting to burn.  I use a boonie hat with a 360 degree brim, and a gaitor to cover my neck/ears.  I always wear fishing pants, and cover my arms/hands in sunscreen too,


I got bad sunburn in Hawaii once after spending some time in the water.  Scalp sunburn is the worst because when it peels/itches/flakes it looks like you have the worst case of dandruff.  That same sunburn I was in a restaurant and had to conjure up every bit of self-discipline to not take a dinner fork and start scratching my back right there at the table.

fishing user avatarpowerduster reply : 

I hate putting on sunscreen. The only area I put on religiously when I'm out is my face. I got prescription maui jims sunglasses and a hat and sometimes a face cover for extra protection. Long sleeves like colombia and other fishing specific shirts with high spf ratings for the rest. When I'm wearing everything, I look like one of them florida fishing guides you see photos of in saltwater fishing magazines. I don't wear all that when bass fishing where shade is readily available, but when I'm at the beach or fishing on the boat.


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