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Remember Your First Bass? 2024

fishing user avatarmacmichael reply : 

Way back in the day of my teens my cousin and I were fishing for catfish. We weren't doing so well when we decided to check out his very meek tackle box. I didn't even have one. lol. Anyway he found this blue prerigged plastic worm. I believe it was made by Creme. It had a spinner on the front, a plastic red bead, the worm, and 2 hooks. We started bass fishing. I caught maybe a 1 1/2, 2 pounder. Needless to say besides the bass being hooked, I was as well. What a great day.

fishing user avatarDFrench97 reply : 

I remember mine but have no clue how old I was.  I was shore fishing a point on my lake with my dad and threw a black and blue football jig with no trailer and caught a 1lber.  Ever since I've been hooked!

fishing user avatarJar11591 reply : 

I was about 5 years old, fishing from a dock on a small lake. I was using a night crawler with no weight and it had been out there for a while. I started reeling in and felt weight on the line so I told my dad I had a fish. He didn't believe me, thinking I just had weeds as the lake was filled with them. After reeling in all my line, my dad reaches into the water and pulls out a 11-12" bass covered in weeds and slime. AWESOME. That feeling is why I still fish.

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 

I feel bad because I honestly don't remember mine, but then again I started out pretty young too....


fishing user avatarmotodmast reply : 
  On 3/30/2014 at 12:12 PM, WIGuide said:

I feel bad because I honestly don't remember mine, but then again I started out pretty young too....


Lol that face

fishing user avatarmotodmast reply : 

I remember my first bass. My friend at school (I was a sophomore in high school) was talking about this lake near his house and how he was catching some nice bass out of it. I asked him if he would take me and he said sure. I had just bought a cheep cabelas bait casting combo, ( keep in mind I knew NOTHING about bass fishing back them) and he showed me how to rig up a Texas rig. I put on a Yamamoto Kreature and we were casting into some Lilly pads, I felt the tap tap and set the hook pretty hard, I had the fish on and up next to the boat when he made a run under the boat and actually snapped my rod lol. I kept reeling he my friend netted the bass. Got it in and I was ecstatic!! We weighed it and it was a 4.8lb green. I was super stoked and took like probably 15 pics with it.

Pretty sure I'll always remember that

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 
  On 3/30/2014 at 12:16 PM, motodmast said:

Lol that face

What can I say, I was amazed. LOL

fishing user avatarFlipnLimits reply : 
  On 3/30/2014 at 9:54 AM, macmichael said:

Way back in the day of my teens my cousin and I were fishing for catfish. We weren't doing so well when we decided to check out his very meek tackle box. I didn't even have one. lol. Anyway he found this blue prerigged plastic worm. I believe it was made by Creme. It had a spinner on the front, a plastic red bead, the worm, and 2 hooks. We started bass fishing. I caught maybe a 1 1/2, 2 pounder. Needless to say besides the bass being hooked, I was as well. What a great day.

I remember those Crème pre-rigs.  My first bass caught me on a pre-rig also.  A K&E BasStopper.  I fished at a younger age but first bass I remember perfectly, I was 13 years old.  BasStoppers are still made today and I suggest them to newbies all the time. 

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I was too young to remember mine. My parents had me fishing before my first birthday, just sitting on a sandbar in my diaper holding a full sized spincasting combo and watching a bobber. Some of the first ones I can remember I caught on road runners when I was probably 4 or 5 in my grandparents pond. 

fishing user avatarskeeter1980 reply : 

Back in 1961 I was 11yrs old.I just spent 4 months in a hospital,with TB in NY,where I was born and raised.That summer my parents put me and my sister on a bus,too spend the summer in Il.,with my grandparents.My uncle took me fishing,and I caught my 1st,1lb bass,using a cane pole,bobber,hook and a worm.I remember crying like a baby,cause my uncle wouldn't clean the bass,so I could eat But it was the best summer that I ever spent,while growing up.

fishing user avatarShane J reply : 

I don't remember my first bass, but I do remember my first big bass. I was fishing with my buddy and his dad when I was just a young buck (probably about 8 or 9), and we were fishing with weightless pearl Slug-Go's. Casted right up into some lily pads, like I saw his dad doing, and it got destroyed as soon as it hit the water. I don't remember how I even hooked it, because I'm sure I didn't set the hook or anything. It was a "monster", and I was completely hooked, not only on bass fishing, but using plastics to catch them. The bass was about 5lbs, looking back now, but it may as well have been a 20 pounder far as I was concerned!

fishing user avatarFishinCop646 reply : 

I was maybe 10-12 years old canoeing on a river throwing a 3" chartreuse grub, just as happy as could be catching pan fish. I threw next to a submerged log and hooked a 2lb smallie. I ended up swimming for that fish because he got me tangled in the wood, but I got him! I grew up trout fishing and had never caught a bass before that. At the time I thought it was an absolute monster. It wasnt until 2 years ago that I got hooked on bass though.

fishing user avatarMikell reply : 

First bass was about 2 years ago, just fishing my bro n laws pond.  I knew there were bass in there from a flood that ran a creek into his pond, when it dried up a bit there were bass stuck in it, I was throwing a small yellow spinnerbait with a crawdad trailer. Swimming it back to me I felt it get hit like nothing before, as I reeled it in I realized I had finallly caught one of the bass in the pond! Just a small 1lber, if that. Ever since then Ive been hooked it was an awesome feeling.

fishing user avatarWeld's Largemouth reply : 

I remember my first bass, it was on a golf course pond in south florida and it was about 20 in long and 4 lbs heavy. This was last summer, i still even have the photo!

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

Don't remember it at all. It would have been around 1959 or 1960 and it would have probably been a whopping 8" to 10" bass... :lol:


However, I still have the spinning reel that I would have caught my first bass on. Here's a pic from last year; it's still reeling in little bass around 53 or 54 years after the first one... :thumbsup:



fishing user avatarHittmann reply : 

My first bass Is also my personal best. I was catfishing and got bored so i put on a bass pro kermy frog my grandfather had got me and started playing around with it in some thick lily pads and BOOM out of know where the fish came clean out of the water and slammed the frog about 20-30 feet out. Got it to the bank and weighed her in at 5.2. I have been hooked ever since and my wallet isn't to happy but I am.

fishing user avatargripnrip reply : 

I remember it like it was yesterday.  I grew up Catfish and Crappie fishing.  I was probably 12 or 13.  I purchased a SK 38 special spinnerbait at Walmart.  It was a blue and chartreuse color with white blades. I caught the fish in a private pond. I slow rolled the bait past the edge of some lily pads.  The water was gin clear. I seen the fish dart out and hammer the bait.  I'd say it was a solid 2 pounder.  I still have the spinnerbait and the combo I caught the fish on!  Fast forward 25 years.  I am now totally addicted!

fishing user avataratpns1234 reply : 

Apartment lake in St. Petersburg FL. I'm pretty sure it was a push button zebco of some sort. I think it was 1984 and I hadn't caught anything. Some older gentleman advised me to throw it on the bank and let it fall in. Bout the next cast...BAM! I was hooked with a moster 1lber or so. That was all it took for me.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I don't remember my first, but I recall my first big one. Caught it off the dock at our cottage on a worm. It was probably around 4-5 lbs., and seemed like a whale.

fishing user avatarLendiesel22 reply : 

I was 7 or 8, got a nice 3lb fish throwing a buzz bait in Lilly pads. Been addicted ever since. That strike burned it self into memory, and fueled the fire for the middle school years. I had a private pond a bike ride away from where I lived in Pasadena MD that was loaded with 2 to 6lb bass and crappies. I got thrown out of there 3x4 days a week for about 5 years. The cops and DNR knew me by name, but really what we're they going to do? Arrest me for fishing? I showed them many times while walking the fish able areas I would pick up trash, glass, line, what ever didn't belong. I would ride away and tell them "see ya tomorrow". The need to get bit was worth the problems.

fishing user avatarHuskyKMA reply : 

Must have been 2002 or 2003, I was like 14-15 years old. My friend and I had his mom drive us to another lake for trout fishing. I caught five, he got one. That evening when we got back to his house, we decided to go bass fishing. We'd been bass fishing for a few years together, and he was pretty good at it, but for whatever reason whenever we went together we always got skunked on the bass. Anyways, he lived right on Silver Lake and the dam had failed and the lake was drawn way down. We walked down to the dam and started fishing some submerged brush piles with gitzits. All of a sudden there was a weight on my line and I thought I was hung up. He said to set the hook, and a minute later I had probably a 2 1/2 pounder on the bank. He caught one a few minutes later and I added another just before we had to quit because it was getting dark. My friend's dad had walked down and he couldn't believe it was my first bass, or that my friend's was the first he had caught with me because we had been fishing together for so long. Good day, I'll never forget it!

fishing user avatarSpotswood reply : 

I am pretty new to bass fishing, so my first was June, 2011. I was in my work fishing tournament, on a lake along the Winnipeg River, throwing some no name shallow diving perch crankbait when I hooked this little fella. He jumped and fought so hard for his size, I've been addicted ever since. 


fishing user avatarboostr reply : 

I sure do, I rembered like it was a few month ago...Ahhh! It was a few month ago...It was September of last year. A 1#r I think. :laugh5:

fishing user avatarFrankW reply : 

I remember my first bass in 1945.  I was 10 years old and we were camping on a local lake in California.  We set up the camp one weekend and then Dad and Mom went home for work and I stayed at the camp till the next weekend when they returned. 


I was fishing with an 8' 6"  Bamboo fly rod and my favorite bait, a Colorado Spinner.  This was not a spinner bait like we use today but a Colorado blade on a wire shank and a treble hook.  It had no weight and was a popular lure that we use to buy on a card with several attached.  Back then my best cast was about 25'.  I had located a spot along the road that looked like it would hold fish.  It was a shallow cove with the bottom covered with rocks up to about 2' in diameter.  The water was about 6" to 2' deep over the rocks.  I can remember this like it was yesterday.  I started fishing and hooked a Smallmouth that was about 18" long.  I later caught two more that were just slightly smaller.  I didn't know what a Smallmouth was at that time, I just knew I had caught some bass.  I took them back to camp and cleaned them leaving the head on.  I wanted my Dad and Mom to see what I caught.  This was about Tuesday and my parents wouldn't be there until Friday night and by that time the fish were spoiled.  My parents were proud that I caught the fish but disappointed that I let them spoil instead of eating them.


All these days later I can still visualize that spot and even see that Colorado spinner gliding over the rocks.  As a 10 year old I was just amazed that I caught those fish. 



fishing user avatarTC235 <*))))>< reply : 

Not so much my first fish cause my dad took me fishing VERY early, then for years i gave it up and never fished. About 4-5 years ago i picked it up again and landed my first real lunker the first 3 or so months at it again and never looked back. Still remember the feeling :grin: 


IMG 0869

IMG 0867

fishing user avatarJacob044 reply : 

Can't forget this one. My first bass actually caught me. I was puttering around in my boat on the river in back of my house at about 13 and a bass actually jumped into my boat. (Hard to believe, I know but true.) He was probably chasing something and I just happened to be there at the right time. Never once thought about bass being in my river till then. Started a whole new hobby then.

fishing user avatarstarcraft1 reply : 

Like it was yesterday. A 2 man rubber raft- that leaked, piece of wood for a paddle, a 6' white knight spinning rod, Mitchell 300, org./blk. spinner in a cove off the San Jauquin river (Cal delta) and a lot of yelling! 3 1/2 lbs. Still fish that cove today. I'm sure everybody is tired of hearing the story!

1966, mid July. My birthday present of life.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

Ok it was around spring at Easter time the ice was off, the day was 60/65degrees and sunny. We rode our bicycles to get there. A small pond at a dairy. I purchased one of those comic lure deals where we get 20 or 25 lures for just $5.95.  It was mainly hooks but they sent me heddon in yellow sonic with the black lightening bolt on the sides. I casted it out and a 3/4# bass nailed it.  This was around 53 years ago.

Fishing in those times were awesome.

fishing user avatargripnrip reply : 

This is my baby's first bass!



fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

I grew up in Oregon fishing for trout and salmon so I didn't get into Bass fishing until I was stationed up here at the Air Base. A co-worker from Alabama (Patrick)  took me along to this very small reservoir and gave me a Hula Popper. I tossed it up by a lay down on the bank and the next thing you know, ole bucket mouth exploded on my lure. He was all of 12 inches but that started a lifelong addiction that is responsible for a light wallet and a content soul. Thanks Patrick!

fishing user avatargeorgeyew reply : 

I don't remember the specific details like size or the type of lure, but I do remember my friend bugging me about going fishing with him. I finally caved and went along. He let me borrow his extra rod and even pre-rigged it for me. On my first cast ever, I caught a bass! It wasn't huge, but a bass on the first cast ever was pretty exciting for me. I was hooked on fishing ever since.

fishing user avatarBass NC reply :  post-47393-0-35413500-1396300839_thumb.j
fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

My first one was caught circa 1985 on a hunk of night crawler dangled under a bobber out of a creek that I still fish to this day. It might not have even been 12" but next to the dink bluegills I usually caught it was a whopper.

fishing user avatarfishva reply : 

No, but I remember the first one that got away. It was on a top water lure (a jitterbug, most likely), and the bass just blew up the water to get it. I didn't even set the hook, I froze so hard.

fishing user avatarRipSomeLips reply : 
  On 3/30/2014 at 12:16 PM, motodmast said:

Lol that face

Great picture! The best part is you can still buy the same hat from BPS if you wanted to recreate the picture!


Can't get it in the orange anymore though.

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

Geez, I'm lucky I can remember....................What was the topic????  Oh yea.  :rolleyes2:  NO

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Of course I remember my first bass, where, with what, how, the only thing I am not able to remember is the date.

fishing user avatarHattrick7 reply : 

It was probably about 2 1/2 years ago in my community lake where I live and fish almost everyday. I had no idea what I was doing. I bought this really cheap suspending minnow from Matzuo or something where you get two for one. After several weeks of trying I finally hooked into a pounder if that and from there I'm a hopeless bass addict.

fishing user avatarfrantzracing0 reply : 

to this day my first bass is also my personal best. I was 11 years old and my parents took us to a little private campground for the weekend. I had never fished a day in my life. I caught her on a tadpole under a float. I have a picture of myself holding her floating around somewhere, ill have to see if I can find it. I didnt truely get deep into bass fishing until highschool but to this day iv been after a bass to match or beat my first

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I was about 8 or so.  I was throwing a shallow running, broken minnow around some fallen timber while my Dad was loading up the boat.  I guess I was just playing around more than anything else.  A good sized bass hit the bait from the bottom and jumped with it.  That bass threw the bait, but after that I was hooked on bass fishing. No more panfish for me.


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