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Saying No To The Bucket Fishermen 2024

fishing user avatartugsandpulls reply : 

was fishing a small pond packed with bucket fishermen usually ( stocked trout) but fishing for bass i caught 2 they asked for them said no way there going back they were none too happy and i loved it

fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 

Keep the two fish and throw them in the water. We'll be way ahead in the long run. lol

fishing user avatartugsandpulls reply : 

i did throw them back

fishing user avatarDiablos reply : 

Yeah I never give fish in freshwater but I'll always give fish from the saltwater if there is a family around.

fishing user avatarMN_SONNEN_ANGLER reply : 
  On 4/13/2012 at 4:28 AM, tugsandpulls said:

i did throw them back

He meant the bucket fisherman. :)

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 


fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I will only take fish at times to feed my feral kittens that i find while fishing. People don't like it when i throw back the 2lb to 5lb bass. I seen some guys taking 3'' sunfish to eat. Tell them to get food stamps if its that bad.

fishing user avatarMarty reply : 

I don't shore fish as much as I used to, but those requests always made me feel uncomfortable. That's just one of numerous reasons why I don't want any witnesses to what I catch, whether I'm on shore or on the water.

fishing user avatartelmomarques reply : 

there is a park with a fishing dock, people know me very well because i always get bigger and lots of fish from there compared to other people.

them mexicans always asking me for my fish, i have seen them take a 6 inches striped bass, i reported to dnr. i hate those types of guys

fishing user avatarmarinetech reply : 
  On 4/13/2012 at 7:21 AM, bigbill said:

I will only take fish at times to feed my feral kittens that i find while fishing. People don't like it when i throw back the 2lb to 5lb bass. I seen some guys taking 3'' sunfish to eat. Tell them to get food stamps if its that bad.

I think thats pretty good of you to feed the kittens :thumbsup:

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

The "bucket fisherman" who keep fish within the limits of the law have every right to do so. Not giving them your fish is completely reasonable, but condemning anyone for doing something that is legal to do, whether they are Latino, European, Asian, Eastern, Western, Northern, Southern, just like you , or very different is a waste of energy. I once kept some small bluegill from a local lake to fry for my parents. It was all we could catch, and was the last time I had the chance to do it. If you would have told me to get food stamps instead of keeping legal fish, you would not have liked my response.

fishing user avatarpbrussell reply : 

I've only been here for a short while, but I think I can say it with some level of authority.

Hasn't anyone learned that threads such as these are rarely productive? :dazed-7:

fishing user avatarJake P reply : 

I went on tuesday after work and start catching on a 5" smoke pearl with purple flake senko. Immediatley after the first dink i caught and released this woman runs over with her son and starts grilling me on why i threw it back. I told her i dont keep fish unless i fish for crappie or catfish and i wasnt at the time. She told me not to throw it back and to call her over to give to her when i caught another one. I told her no, i fish for fun and i dont want to take away from the place i fish on a regular basis, even though i know it doesnt hurt at times.I just dont keep them. She looked at me like i was crazy and told me it wasnt fair to her. I asked her nicely to move on and stop talking. that did the trick.

I dont really mind others too much but when someone asks me for my fish and then continues to argue with me, thats when i get ticked off.

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 
  On 4/13/2012 at 9:02 AM, pbrussell said:

I've only been here for a short while, but I think I can say it with some level of authority.

Hasn't anyone learned that threads such as these are rarely productive? :dazed-7:

Oh they get productive alright, just depends which side of the fence the ball goes over

fishing user avatarChiCityBasser reply : 

I get asked why I throw fish back or can I have it all the time at one lake me and a buddy of mine fish. He gets the same thing and we both tell them no and get either conversations on "why" or looks of disgust from the people asking. We just simply explain that they don't stock this lake with bass and enough people take them out regardless to if they are legal or not and pretty soon if everyone took what they caught the lake would be just a bowl of water filled with bluegills. So no matter how many people ask we put them back legal or not but I agree its ur right to keep a legal fish but put the 6" bass back, please.

fishing user avatarNice_Bass reply : 

Bass are tasty fish- I keep one or two every once in a while from certain lakes.

fishing user avatarBob C reply : 
  On 4/13/2012 at 9:35 PM, nice_Bass said:

Bass are tasty fish- I keep one or two every once in a while from certain lakes.

I agree. The release everything sounds a little rediculous. I don't understand the big thrill of c&r. :Idontknow: Catch and fry. :respect-059:

fishing user avatarNice_Bass reply : 
  On 4/13/2012 at 9:44 PM, Bob C said:

I agree. The release everything sounds a little rediculous. I don't understand the big thrill of c&r. :Idontknow: Catch and fry. :respect-059:

It is good practice- but nothing wrong really with keeping a small but legal fish every once in a while. Usually if i see the fish is malnurished i may keep- chances are it has plastic in its belly.

fishing user avatarMN_SONNEN_ANGLER reply : 

i agree its annoying when they ask but every once in awhile when i go out and just catch a few panfish and throw them in the livewell, i will offer them. if its no worth my time to clean the five sunnies and there are a couple people fishing from the launch not doing so well.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 
  On 4/13/2012 at 7:56 AM, Marty said:

I don't shore fish as much as I used to, but those requests always made me feel uncomfortable. That's just one of numerous reasons why I don't want any witnesses to what I catch, whether I'm on shore or on the water.

I Know how you feel BIG TIMES! I caught walleye last week and some guy comes running up to me and ask if he could have it. I was like "eeerrrr NO,they aren't in season yet brother" Mind you I was looking for crappies,so it was an unintentional catch on my part.

I remember when I first started fishing up here and started getting serious about Bass fishing....people would run up to me and ask for my catches....If I could release it back in the water fast enough before they approached me for it I kept fishing. But then I had people walk up to me and go "I want your next catch".....I got so sick of it to the point I faked "I have to go home,wife is calling me"......RUIN MY DAY! And it still does every time I get approached by them which is still to this day.

I fixed that problem by getting a kayak very soon this year. Now I can fish the backwaters where nobody can get to.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Is there a difference in keeping a few fish for feral kittens and helping someone in need? I have no problem in giving some fish to people that need it to feed their family, if they are that bad off I've been known to give them a cash donation. I don't really like being pestered either, but if it's a routine run of the mill fish I ask them if they want it.

I know this is a bass forum and people can debate c&r until they are blue in the face. Bass are fun to catch, and plentiful in Florida, enough to go around. I just can't put them on such an elevated plateau above all other fish or people for that matter.

fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 

There is nothing wrong with keeping of giving away the occasional legal fish. My annoyance is with the greedy that decimate fishing holes with blatant disregard for laws, regulations and sportsmanship

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 
  On 4/13/2012 at 10:47 PM, SirSnookalot said:

Is there a difference in keeping a few fish for feral kittens and helping someone in need? I have no problem in giving some fish to people that need it to feed their family, if they are that bad off I've been known to give them a cash donation. I don't really like being pestered either, but if it's a routine run of the mill fish I ask them if they want it.

I know this is a bass forum and people can debate c&r until they are blue in the face. Bass are fun to catch, and plentiful in Florida, enough to go around. I just can't put them on such an elevated plateau above all other fish or people for that matter.

I agree,It's the beggars that bother me the most. More than not I'm willing to give one or two away to a gentleman that just makes conversation with me and says "nice catch" when I catch one. Yes I do work in "are you keeping any today?" If the reply is "only a couple for a small family fish fry tonight ." I'll gladly give him/her one or two nice catches. Show me some respect and I'll give it back.

fishing user avatarSpotswood reply : 

Just recently I have witnessed the same thing on a small local river. Here in Manitoba, the spawning time period is completely closed to fishing, April 1 to the middle of may. But this year because of the early spring, the spawn hit during legal fishing times, and I saw many large female walleye just about to spawn being taken. And buckets full of the males. Many people just don't realize how big of an impact it can make.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I have givin my fish to guys on the ice who were struggling for bites when I have had more than I know what to do with or I changed my mind and just don't want to clean fish that day. Talking panfish, bluegills for the most part, most people are really thankfull. Ice fishing was terrible this year, well not the fishing, but just the ice itself. We only had a few weeks of safe ice, and I am almost out of fish already. Looks like this is the year, when they are in season, that I keep some smaller bass for the fryer.

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 
  On 4/13/2012 at 8:49 AM, K_Mac said:

The "bucket fisherman" who keep fish within the limits of the law have every right to do so. Not giving them your fish is completely reasonable, but condemning anyone for doing something that is legal to do, whether they are Latino, European, Asian, Eastern, Western, Northern, Southern, just like you , or very different is a waste of energy. I once kept some small bluegill from a local lake to fry for my parents. It was all we could catch, and was the last time I had the chance to do it. If you would have told me to get food stamps instead of keeping legal fish, you would not have liked my response.

Well said.

fishing user avatarStasher1 reply : 

I'll occasionally leave the bass gear at home and spend an afternoon (or morning, evening, night, etc) chasing bream with a 3wt fly rod. On those days, I'll typically offer what I catch to the "bucket fisherman". Bream are plentiful where I fish, and if someone is deperate enough to fish for their supper in a county pond that's too polluted to swim in, they need all the help they can get.

I've only had one person ask for any of the bass I catch, and he's a good friend who has been having a lot of finacial problems over the past few years. Instead of giving him fish, I gave him a rod, reel, terminal tackle, and a variety of soft plastics from my past orders from ***. What he decides to keep and eat is his business.


Don't you just love how former site supporters are black-listed when they're no longer paying members. :rolleyes:

fishing user avatarBasspastor reply : 

When I shore fish I'll sometimes ask if people want what I catch when it's pike, sunfish, or crappie. Usually I release the bass, but not always. If one of the "Grumpy Old Men" wants some I'll give them fish if they are under 14". And I gave some last Sept to a funny black woman, she didn't care for me releasing the bigger fish, but wasn't pushy about it.

I do enjoy it right now when people catch bass and grumble about having to throw them back.

fishing user avatar200racing reply : 

im happy to give my catch away if i don't plan on eating it.

its a public resource not my personal fishing hole.

if i can make someone day better while im enjoying my hobby than its a win-win.

fishing user avatarCaver reply : 

One time this guy kept bothering me for my fish on a local pond when I was throwing them back. Finally he asked me for like the fifth time and I took the fish, bit off it's head, sprayed its blood all over my face, and yelled "FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!" at the top of my lungs. No one bothers me anymore.

fishing user avatarClash City Rocker reply : 
  On 4/13/2012 at 7:21 AM, bigbill said:
I will only take fish at times to feed my feral kittens that i find while fishing. People don't like it when i throw back the 2lb to 5lb bass. I seen some guys taking 3'' sunfish to eat. Tell them to get food stamps if its that bad.

What a shame for you to suggest to a man taking it upon himself to feed his family, that he should go on government assistance instead.

fishing user avatarTony Monticelli reply : 

next time tell him he can have all the sunfish i catch..

also ask him if he wants skates.. those things i prey to find someone who will want them.

fishing user avatarATRoberts reply : 

I don't see anything wrong with giving away a few fish if I don't plan to keep them. I rarely keep any but will often offer them to someone else. I have never had anyone ask me for any. You can normally tell the one's who need a few fish to eat versus those who don't.

fishing user avatariceintheveins reply : 

Nothing wrong with keeping small bass where they are abundant to overabundant. But keeping a nice bass? Why? I personally can't see why anyone would rather fish for stocked trout than bass. Soo boring.

fishing user avatarTony Monticelli reply : 
  On 4/17/2012 at 8:48 AM, iceintheveins said:

Nothing wrong with keeping small bass where they are abundant to overabundant. But keeping a nice bass? Why? I personally can't see why anyone would rather fish for stocked trout than bass. Soo boring.

that's an easy question to answer, its all about the steak. marinade that up and slap er on the grill.. but for bass id rather a nice big stripper than a green boney thing anyway. them black sea bass also is some good eatn.

the only little fish i like is bookie trout the smaller the better there like french fries, fry em up take em down head and all.. unfortunately there a 5 fish limit round here so it takes a few weeks to get a good meal.

fishing user avatarScorcher214 reply : 

There was only one time I gave bass away. There was this old lady with a cane pole fishing. She must have been 90. She asked if she could have it and I gave it to her just because shes 90 and still fishing. I hope Im 90 and still fishing! I've been asked other times. One guy got a ticked off because I threw one back instead of giving it to him. I was still only C&R season, even if it wasn't that guy wasn't gettin nuttin.

fishing user avatarNorth Ga Hillbilly reply : 
  On 4/13/2012 at 2:50 AM, tugsandpulls said:

was fishing a small pond packed with bucket fishermen usually ( stocked trout)

Most stocked trout are put there to be caught without the expectation that they will live on to reproduce. Here in GA if you release a trout, its got about a 5% chance of seeing the next season.

I also have to agree, tell a guy to go get on food stamps and I expect you will be leaving with a long term reminder of your rude stupidity, and rightly so. Supplementing a families diet with legally caught fish is an honorable way to get through tough times, one less mouth filled by Uncle Sam.


fishing user avatarWookieeJedi reply : 
  On 4/17/2012 at 8:48 AM, iceintheveins said:

Nothing wrong with keeping small bass where they are abundant to overabundant. But keeping a nice bass? Why? I personally can't see why anyone would rather fish for stocked trout than bass. Soo boring.

I make about a 2 hour drive into Arkansas to catch trout. They are delicious and I can usually limit out in less than an hour. The limit is 5, but I take 3 kids with me, and they all catch fish. I also use the trout to train my kids on detecting a strike, we don't use bobbers.

Trout have other uses too, when they stock them in the Ouachita below the dam on Lake Catherine, the stripers go nuts for them.

fishing user avatarAndyPlaysDrums reply : 

Read this thread last Sunday afternoon and thought, "Hmm, this has never happened to me."

Monday morning, fishing for smallies at a local pond and there's another guy there drowning nightcrawlers. Nice guy, we chatted and fished, and while he was telling me there was nothing biting, I could tell I was playing something that was likely sitting on a bed just out of sight. After a couple losses, I finally catch it. He comes over as I'm taking the hook out and admiring this beautiful 2lb. class smallie and says, "Can I have it?". All he had to put it in was a net, not even a bucket. I was like "Really???". I said there was no way in hell that I was going to take a spawning smallmouth out of that pond, and I put it back. He took my spot when I was leaving and said he'd keep it if he caught it. Fine, not my control, I guess...

fishing user avatarNCbassmaster4Life reply : 
  On 5/5/2012 at 11:44 PM, AndyPlaysDrums said:

Read this thread last Sunday afternoon and thought, "Hmm, this has never happened to me."

Monday morning, fishing for smallies at a local pond and there's another guy there drowning nightcrawlers. Nice guy, we chatted and fished, and while he was telling me there was nothing biting, I could tell I was playing something that was likely sitting on a bed just out of sight. After a couple losses, I finally catch it. He comes over as I'm taking the hook out and admiring this beautiful 2lb. class smallie and says, "Can I have it?". All he had to put it in was a net, not even a bucket. I was like "Really???". I said there was no way in hell that I was going to take a spawning smallmouth out of that pond and it put it back. He took my spot when I was leaving and said he'd keep it if he caught it. Fine, not my control, I guess...

I guess some people just need to be educated on how important it is to release such a fish.


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