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Skin Cancer 2024

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Bass fishermen and women have the tendency to run to the lake, river or pond and start fishing as soon as possible and fish for most of the day on sunny or cloudy days. Some of us go out in the rain.


And I would say the majority of us do not protect ourselves from the sun's harmful rays while fishing or boating.


I had my annual cancer screening by my dermatologist this week and no skin cancers were discovered. However, my dermatologist once again chastised me for being sunburn and for not wearing my BUM or using sunscreen.


She told me that melanoma can appear behind your ears; on your scalp; under your armpits; and even on the bottom of your feet. Any place the skin is weak the cancer can begin. And if not caught and treated rapidly your chance of survival is very low.


I do not want to preach about protecting ourselves from the sun's harmful rays. I want to bring up this subject to make everyone aware of the dangers we face from the sun, both on sunny and cloudy days so you can do what you feel is best for  you and your family.


Please do your research on skin cancers; get checked by a dermatologist once a year; wear protective clothing even if it makes you look like a nerd; and use a good sunscreen.


I lost a friend to skin cancer three years ago and he left behind three beautiful toddlers and a wonderful wife. My cousin, who I fished with in south Louisiana growing up, has already had six small melanoma's removed from his face.


We want everyone to live a happy and prosperous life with many 8-pound ladies in the boat and to do so we have to vigilant regarding our health, especially the silent killer, skin cancer.


Just my two cents.  Your input, please.

fishing user avatarwhitwolf reply : 

Great post and reminder Sam! The only thing of value I can add is this: As I've gotten older the feeling of being Invincible has abated. I know what to do, try to be cautious, and generally understand the risks associated with non-protection. The point being, you younger folks need to understand the risks of skin cancer and create good habits(with regards to protecting your skin) early on, as It Is nothing but a positive.

fishing user avatarjbw252 reply : 

I agree with you. I've had skin cancer.  Here's a few good topics to read.  &

fishing user avatarKevin Beachy reply : 

Thanks for the good warning!

fishing user avatarjdw174 reply : 

If you're fair-skinned, even a couple of good sunburns as a youngster can cause skin cancer later in life.  Thus far, I've had 2 actual basal-cell carcinomas removed, plus 4 pre-cancerous lesions.  

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

Good advice

Cancer is very very ugly....both of my kids have had some form of cancer but not from the sun (I don't believe).  I believe the worst is people who lay under those tanning beds...anything artificial is bad for the most part.  I myself do wear a Tilly hat for protection of head and face but am guilty of wearing shorts and shirtless in the summer at times.  There are soooo many ways of getting cancer that sometimes it's just hard to run and hide from everything.

Sorry to sound negative but have been around it for a long time.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Having surgery this morning to remove another skin cancer, this time on my back.

The damage occurred years ago, that is when protection is so important. As we age the cancer starts to show up too late to prevent it, all we can do now is save what's we have.


fishing user avatarCoherence reply : 

Just recently had a long-time member of my fishing club retire due to skin cancer issues. It isn't really something you think about when you are younger - running around having fun in the sun, but it is no joke. I hope everyone who reads this thread takes a moment to consider putting some sunscreen on before they head out for a long day in the sun again. 


Good post Sam

fishing user avatarHardcoreBassin reply : 

Thanks for the reminder, Sam.  It's true that us younger folk don't give too much thought to sun protection, but it is something that can't be ignored.  Sunny day/cloudy day, people need to be careful.  I recently started paying much more attention to it becuase I started shaving my head, so I do everything I can to avoid getting a burnt scalp.  I usually put on 45-5o spf and then wear a hat to be sure.


I am actually on the hunt for some nice fishing shirts/pants that help with sun protection.  A lot of people forget about their legs and top of their feet when they apply sunscreen too!


Does anyone know of any good "fisherman" sunscreen?  Something to avoid deterring fish from the bait because of the scent that regular sunscreen leaves behind?



fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

I use Elta MD UV Sport SPF 50 for general skin protection and Ventra SPF 45 water proof for top of hands and nose.

Cabelas Guidewear has some good long sleeve sun protection shirts, Columbia and Lands End also have good shirts. I like Sundays hats.


fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 

Great reminder, thanks for posting!

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

My forehead and neck look like bacon now because I went and got my head shaved after having long hair for the whole summer... Me being dumb I didn't even think about it and after being in the sun for a day the top of my neck and forehead or disgusting and peeling...

fishing user avatarColdSVT reply : 

People pick on me for always wearing long sleeves on the water...same for the amount of sun screen i out in my legs, feet, neck and face

Besides a long sleeved white shirt is cooler that a t shirt anyday imo lol

fishing user avatargulfcaptain reply : 

Yeah, I invested in some sun gear from SIMMS a couple years ago and use it religously anytime I'm gonna be out in the sun as well as one of those full brim hats and a good quality pair of sunglasses.  I preach the same thing to my 9yr old, have gotten him a few shirts to wear fishing that are SPF 50 as well as a neck gaiter.  My only complaint I have is I can't find any of the sleeves they make or any of SIMM's sungear for kids.  But always have a can of SPF 50 in the trunk for the legs when wearing shorts and for my face as well as my boy.  Only time I have been sunburned since I bought all this....the day I went to Seaworld....but my son had on his long sleeve shirt I have for him and was fine.  Just wished I had one of mine on as well.

fishing user avatarkikstand454 reply : 

When I first joined up with a bass club, I showed up in my inshore clothes. Long sleeve Columbia, long pants, buff, boonie hat, gloves in my pocket. I caught a little hell, gave a little back. ... and I wear that same set up everytime I go out- even in the winter. Its just the right thing to do- especially here in Florida and the rest of the south. I don't know how some of those guys go out there for 8hrs in shorts and a T-shirt. I burn in like 30minutes. *shrug* covering up is not only safer- its just more comfortable.

fishing user avatargulfcaptain reply : 

I'd rather look a bit "goofy" as some has told me.  Rather be teased about my clothing then deal with the pain of that nice sunburn.

fishing user avatarColdSVT reply : 
  On 8/1/2014 at 3:01 AM, kikstand454 said:

When I first joined up with a bass club, I showed up in my inshore clothes. Long sleeve Columbia, long pants, buff, boonie hat, gloves in my pocket. I caught a little hell, gave a little back. ... and I wear that same set up everytime I go out- even in the winter. Its just the right thing to do- especially here in Florida and the rest of the south. I don't know how some of those guys go out there for 8hrs in shorts and a T-shirt. I burn in like 30minutes. *shrug* covering up is not only safer- its just more comfortable.

I too learned thosw tricks on the flats of the gulf coast...i often miss polling up on tailing reds and spooky tarpon

fishing user avatarJd_Phillips_Fishin reply : 

I wear a long sleeve shirt, long pants, and a buff whenever I fish.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Going in Monday for my annual screening.   I generally wear shorts and a t-shirt, go to pants and long sleeves when the no seeums are bad.

fishing user avatarDriftb reply : 

   I always found long sleeve shirts to be unbearable in the heat, but I got ahold of a few Simms Solarflex shirts this year and I have never been as comfortable in the hot weather. I'll usually wear a similar short sleeve tee underneath. When I start getting hot, I take off the long sleeve tee, soak it and wring it out.  I put it back on wet, and it feels like I have air conditioning.  I haven't quite found a perfect formula for long pants though, but I have been wearing the light nylon zip off pants and find they aren't too bad, plus the flies. don't bite through them.

  I never worried about sun damage as a youngster, but once the dermatologist starts cutting chunks of meat off you, it's hard to ignore.

fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

I have the worse skin type for getting skin cancer. Red hair and blue eyes.


I have a dermatologist appointment every 3 months. Sometimes I only get 20 or more places frozen and sometimes I get pieces of flesh cut off. Sometimes both.

I have done the chemical peel, and acid/blue light treatment a few times.


If you don't take care of your skin when young, you may go through the same stuff when you get older.

fishing user avatarMattfrom_NJ reply : 

Just found out melanoma runs in the family.  I no longer care about having a farmer's tan.  

fishing user avatarkickerfish1 reply : 

I have been to the pool probably close to 20+ times this year. Every time I go I apply sunscreen and usually a few times. My friend has never used it and she doesn't seem to be concerned about it. I have warned her that you can get skin cancer at any age but she is stubborn.

Thanks for the reminder Sam!

fishing user avatarFisher-O-men reply : 

Unfortunately, the ones who really need this warning will not listen.  I have had 8 cancers removed, most Basel Cell, and a few Squamous.  I was 57 when this started.  I am now 59.  I asked my Doc how I could prevent this from continuing.  He said, "nothing, the damage was done 30 years ago".  Regardless, I do what many of you have done.  Long sleeved shirts, hat with a drape in the back, and I try to fish facing away from the glare. 

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 

Ive got pretty sun resistant skin to begin with. I have some cherokee in me somewhere along the line. People mistake me at times for hispanic... I am as white as you can get lol. When I burn, I don't actually burn, I just get dark. I know friends who get red, blister, and peel. Gross. Those are the ones I worry about.


But still... I try to get a burn every once in awhile just because I like the color and I love how it feels. I am a surfer as well so getting some sun really makes me feel good. Now getting older, I really pay better attention. I usually go with a long sleeve shirt when out on the water. When I play golf, I ALWAYS wear SPF40 or up.


It isn't with it guys and gals. I am also a member of a few local surfing forums here in Florida and you would be amazed how often there is a thread about skin cancer and or somebody passing on. Surfing REALLY does a number on you without protection. Almost your whole body is hammered by UV radiation. I myself have been out on the water surfing for over 8 hours. Only a couple breaks for water and food in between. It's scary and really a shame. It's an imperfect world we live in.


Please be safe guys. When you are days away from death from cancer, you don't want to say, "all I had to do was wear sunscreen or cover up, but now I am going to die." Thats a pretty dark statement but it's true.

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

Thanks. Your statement about getting out and fishing before considering sun protection reminded me of ME. although I rarely burn, years and years of exposure to the sun have left my skin in anything but excellent condition. Thankfully no other 'problems', but that doesn't mean I'll continue to gamble that there won't be any in the future.

fishing user avatarjhoffman reply : 

Spf 50 never leaves the deck

fishing user avataraceman387 reply : 

I always cover up with long sleeve shirts and long pants combined with a wide brimmed hat whenever i head out to go fishing, My mom just had merkel cell carcinoma removed from her face along with several lymph nodes taken from her neck. Thankfully, her tests came back clean. Please take skin cancer seriously and cover up.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

My wife and I had our screening yesterday, both 100% fine.

fishing user avatartcbass reply : 

I just started wearing Columbia Omnifreeze Zero hot weather clothing. It is 30spf and when it gets wet it keeps you a few degrees cooler.

I got the baseball hat, buff/neck gaiter, long sleeve pants, and long pants.

I was so happily surprised when I found out how light all of this clothing was. It does actually keep you cooler then the actual temp. I also really like the buff, which I didn't think I would like wearing at first.

When I take the buff off it feels like I'm walking out of the shade. That's how much cooler it is. I won't go out without wearing this stuff now.

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 
  On 8/5/2014 at 1:27 PM, tcbass said:

I just started wearing Columbia Omnifreeze Zero hot weather clothing. It is 30spf and when it gets wet it keeps you a few degrees cooler.

I got the baseball hat, buff/neck gaiter, long sleeve pants, and long pants.

I was so happily surprised when I found out how light all of this clothing was. It does actually keep you cooler then the actual temp. I also really like the buff, which I didn't think I would like wearing at first.

When I take the buff off it feels like I'm walking out of the shade. That's how much cooler it is. I won't go out without wearing this stuff now.

I started whereing those Colombia PFG long sleeves that are 50 UPF and I love em!

fishing user avatarDILLY07 reply : 

Unfortunately, I rarely use sun screen. I get very very tan during summer. I never get burnt. Im no Cherokee but my skin is sun resistant. My family is tanned family. If it gets worse, I'll apply. I don't know when I'll learn. I guess im stubborn. :sleepy5: 

fishing user avatarspartyon8 reply : 

I seem to be irritated by the buff. I find it itchy and it fogs my glasses up. Best investment for me has been some northface fishing pants. They are very light and once wet, they stay cool without being "soaked".

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 
  On 8/6/2014 at 6:14 AM, DILLY07 said:

Unfortunately, I rarely use sun screen. I get very very tan during summer. I never get burnt. Im no Cherokee but my skin is sun resistant. My family is tanned family. If it gets worse, I'll apply. I don't know when I'll learn. I guess im stubborn. :sleepy5:

Even if you aren't getting sunburnt you can still be damaging your skin.

fishing user avatarTim S. reply : 

I grew up fishing 200+ days a year(tournaments with my dad) and then framed houses for 6 years after high school. During that time, I never wore any sun protection. I'm as white as can be, but I was once mistaken for a black man by a black woman due to all the sun I had gotten that summer, lol! That being said, I have worn SPF 30 or higher for the last 9-10 years and wish I had worn it all along. I now have a couple of spots on my left forearm that I'm going to get checked out next week. 

Remember this-EVERY DISEASE HAS A THRESHOLD. And EVERY time you are exposed to a trigger(the sun is the trigger in this case), you have brought yourself closer to that threshold. And you never gain ground with skin damage, only lose it. Once you cross that threshold, the disease becomes active. There is no 'do-over'. This was graphically demonstrated to me about 10 yrs. ago, when a friend I attended church with was diagnosed with cancer throughout his body. It originated as a melanoma, according to his doctor. John Jones died at 32 years old and left behind 2 little girls and a wife. So please, wear your sun protection anytime you go out, even for a short time.

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 

I'm a hypocrite... I went out a couple days ago and was hotter than sin. I haven't gotten a body tan in YEARS so I decided to take the shirt off for the day for some color and Vitamin D.


I'm not gonna lie, it felt fantastic and I finally got some color back.  :whistle:

fishing user avatarlivetofish28 reply : 

I'm 17 and have now started fishing in long sleeve shirts and wear a sun buff and love it. It keeps me so much cooler than without it and now I dont see myself fishing without it. I figure its better to start now rather than have problems later.


        tight lines 



fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

I've always preferred a hat with a neck flap over a buff but I honestly don't wear ethier as often as I should....

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Preach on, brother Sam!

fishing user avatarlivetofish28 reply : 
  On 8/7/2014 at 1:06 AM, Catch and Grease said:

I've always preferred a hat with a neck flap over a buff but I honestly don't wear ethier as often as I should....

The buff covers your full face though while the neck flap only covers your neck 


      tight lines




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