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Eating Hawgs!!? 2024

fishing user avatarjaybird71 reply : 

My wife and my best fishin buddy's wife are best friends so we frequently go out to dinner/etc together. Last night was one of these occasions and I received some disturbing news I'm having difficulty coping with...

They recently moved to our neck of the woods as my buddy went back to school here for law enforcement. We do a lot of bank beating and I've shown him all (well almost all :)) my local hotspots. There is a not well known quarry very close that produces bass (like the one in my avatar) on every outing. Regretfully, they are slowly filling in the quarry, but it in the meantime it is a action packed hawgery!

Ok so here comes the part where you might need a crying rag...My buddy shared this spot with a coworker who has been dining on these 5 - 7#'s!!! When confronted with this horrendous act the coworkers response was," we'll they're filling it in anyway"! AND supposedly he used to tournament fish! I asked why he didn't just keep some of the slab crappie this place also produces for the dinner table...he said he likes the taste of bass better. Why not just keep some of the dinks???

I realize one person probably won't harvest all the monsters, but I have seen "word of mouth" ruin small trophy waters before and this quarry is getting smaller all the time. I don't blame my buddy for sharing the spot, as he (like myself) would like to assume anyone interested in pursuing big fish also tries to preserve them for another day (or angler). Thanks for letting me vent, I'll get off my soapbox now...

Anyone else have a similar experience? Want to form a support group?

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

Of all the topics discussed here, this one will almost always generate some of the most passionate, and  vitriolic comments. Selective harvest, done right, can greatly improve a body of water. Indiscriminate harvesting can ruin it. 


Jaybird, you don't say how long it will be before the lake is no longer fishable. I am not a fan of keeping bigger bass, but in this situation it may not matter muchI do feel your pain though. When you find a honey hole that produces big fish the last thing you want is everyone to know about it, and some knothead eating them all. Good luck. 

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I can only imagine how you feel. Here is my question. I am not familiar with quarries. When they say they are filling it in, what happens to all those fish?

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

If the fish are legally caught he has every right to keep them for dinner. Don't give away your honeyholes anymore

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Jerks are jerks.


The guy is a jerk of the highest level.


I hope he falls in with no one there to bail him out.

fishing user avatarTodd2 reply : 
  On 8/31/2013 at 10:34 PM, slonezp said:

If the fish are legally caught he has every right to keep them for dinner. Don't give away your honeyholes anymore

This sums it up.

fishing user avatarlanzbass reply : 

You asked , " Anyone have a similar experience", Yes ! My advice; Keep the rest of your favorite fishing spots for you and your family, and when you take someone with you in the future let them know not to tell others where your special places are! As you found out from the coworker , not everyone is as experienced as you ! Sorry this happened !

fishing user avatarmddrew88 reply : 

What a sacrilege!

fishing user avataraquaholic reply : 

If i find a fishing spot that produces very very well. I keep it too myself,and i go fish it by myself.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I told one buddy who told another buddy who told ten more buddies now there is no fish left in one local used to be hot spot. I seen one buddy who took a 5lb bass to have mounted. It's a dink when compared to what I have caught there. This same guy brought me a fish to find out what it was. He caught a big Brown trout. Stupid me for trusting a so called buddy.

But I didn't tell them the bigger bass are hiding on the other side of the island. There not fishing the right area. Never show anyone your exact honey hole location.

Iron Will movie quote; Who do I trust? Trust the dogs.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 
  On 9/1/2013 at 2:58 AM, aquaholic said:

If i find a fishing spot that produces very very well. I keep it too myself,and i go fish it by myself.


I know a place that's hidden in the woods with big bass in it. I know nothing.

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

Loose lips sink ships..

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
  On 9/1/2013 at 6:34 AM, tomustang said:

Loose lips sink ships..


You can talk about how to catch bass, be very carefull about telling where to catch bass.

Your small quarry lake is more than likely toast.


fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

I only take people I trust but I have a few nobody knows about...

fishing user avatarMichBassMan reply : 

That scenario happens more often than you think. It's a bummer it happened to you. I have friends AND relatives that I won't bring to certain spots. Additionally I've learned to be selective in who I show how to catch bass. It takes a long time for a bass to reach 5lbs.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

Me and my son's share info on new hot spots. The hot spots I have really helped me learn how to fish for bass using lures. Which I brought both my son's there to learn too. I do hold the biggest bass and chain pickerel for both places. And the biggest salmon at one of these spots too.

Places #1

10lb bass

32" chain pickerel

Snapping turtle the size of my 15" jeep tire I landed him twice in one night.

Place #2

6lb 1oz bass

30" chain pickerel

5lb silver salmon

Snapping turtle about 4' in diameter with a human sized head. My son laughed and said I snagged a log but when it's head turned and looked at us when I mentioned my line I cut the line. There was yellow braid all over the ground too so it wasn't this giant turtles first rodeo.

My point is if the bass are healthy everything else is too. Some guys make hats from the turtle shells, the 4' diameter turtle would make a umbrella. I'd like to see the turtle man grab this one by its tail.

I hate this kindle fire HD spell check it changes my words.

fishing user avatarBrian Needham reply : 

it is sad........ again I stress EVERYONE needs to watch the Bob Lusk video. facts and myths about bass.


5-7# bass has no natural predator, taking 1, ONE out, changes the lakes dynamics! 


5-7# don't taste good, they are too fatty...... 1-1.5# are the perfect eating size, and if the lake/pond/quarry has a healthy population, the harvest wont hurt a thing.


even worse they are filling it in, sucks for everyone.


now go stand in the corner and repeat 1000 times, I WILL NOT SHARE HONEYHOLES WITH ANYONE.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
  On 9/1/2013 at 8:33 AM, bigbill said:

Me and my son's share info on new hot spots. The hot spots I have really helped me learn how to fish for bass using lures. Which I brought both my son's there to learn too. I do hold the biggest bass and chain pickerel for both places. And the biggest salmon at one of these spots too.

Places #1

10lb bass

32" chain pickerel

Snapping turtle the size of my 15" jeep tire I landed him twice in one night.

Place #2

6lb 1oz bass

30" chain pickerel

5lb silver salmon

Snapping turtle about 4' in diameter with a human sized head. My son laughed and said I snagged a log but when it's head turned and looked at us when I mentioned my line I cut the line. There was yellow braid all over the ground too so it wasn't this giant turtles first rodeo.

My point is if the bass are healthy everything else is too. Some guys make hats from the turtle shells, the 4' diameter turtle would make a umbrella. I'd like to see the turtle man grab this one by its tail.

I hate this kindle fire HD spell check it changes my words.




10 lb bass in CT?


$5 reel, $10 Rod?

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

Everyone is so against sharing hotspots but why not take the opportunity to teach responsible ethics at the same time?

He did what was legal and not much else to say.

Every one of us were taught at one time or another on what we should or shouldn't so on the water.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I'd imagine the HAWGS taste better than the dinks. But not my cup of tea!  I wouldn't ever eat a fish caught out of freshwater especially some of the spots I fish.  For your fishing sake its a shame he isn't eating all the dinks and letting the big ones go

fishing user avataraquaholic reply : 
  On 9/1/2013 at 9:27 AM, flyfisher said:

Everyone is so against sharing hotspots but why not take the opportunity to teach responsible ethics at the same time?

He did what was legal and not much else to say.

Every one of us were taught at one time or another on what we should or shouldn't so on the water.

some people think they know everything, not to mention if i show someone where to catch big fish, and they go over fish the spot. It ruins the spot for me. I have no problem showing people how to fish, but i dont want to ruin a spot.

fishing user avatarEvanT123 reply : 
  On 8/31/2013 at 10:34 PM, slonezp said:

If the fish are legally caught he has every right to keep them for dinner. Don't give away your honeyholes anymore

I think this basically sums it up. I had a similar type spot that was producing quality fish. This neighborhood kid showed up and started taking the fish home for dinner. The kids from Russia I tried to explain to him that people generally fish for bass for sport and he would be better off eating walleye. He didn't seem to get it; if the fish are legal what can you do? Since then that spot has dried up. What else can you do? Move on and find them somewhere else.

fishing user avatarjaybird71 reply : 

Well I doubt I'm the 1st one to have opened this can worms, but I appreciate all the input as its helping me look at all angles.

Since the quarry was privately owned/operated, I would assume it was privately stocked. If this is the case, the DNR would have no vested interest in reclaiming their efforts. However, it is possible they have been contacted to relocate some of the fish down the road. I've got some research to do on that...

There are actually 3 quarries within a 5 mile radius. One was getting filled in 20+ years ago and the DNR halted it stating it was part of a migratory route. I still fish that one with good success but not quite the hawgery as the one in point. The 2nd was actually purchased by the city and is now a park, no gas motors. I've fished this once but was not impressed. Now back to the honey hole..I do know that the EPA has a role in a project of this nature. Only approved fill material can be used and must be free of asbestos or any other substance that could permeate and contaminate ground water. This being said, most of the fill material is generated by demolition projects so the rate of filling is based on availability. This is a university town so there is a fairly consistent turnover not to mention a lot of summer roadwork producing a lot of concrete etc. So I really can't provide an accurate timeline of hawg extinction.

I have no reason to suspect the fish on the menu were taken illegally, and said "coworker" harvested well within his rights. What's hard for me to swallow though is that he used to tournament fish and yet selfishly ignoring the enjoyment for others and should have morals and/or common sense to know the affects. While I'm an advocate of catch & release, I also understand the importance of responsible culling/harvesting/length limits/etc. I have fished numerous ponds & small lakes that have experienced "stunting" I believe is a result of not properly managing a population.

And lastly, yes "loose lips..."! Just as trophy deer hunters are reluctant to give away spots, I should take heed. I'm good enough friends with my fishin buddy to express my concern of "secrecy". He was also very disappointed by his coworkers selfish act, and he didn't have to tell me about it either. So I feel he is still trustworthy and I think we both learned a valuable lesson.

I wonder what a 5+# bass tastes like? If it's anything like bald eagle I might have try it sometime cuz that's fine dinin!

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Well they are filling it in so at least this spot would eventually get lost but if I was you I would let the buddy know these spots are a you and him thing keep his trap shut around the water cooler. Now u know keep ur best spots to yourself. Regarding the guy eating the fish, if he is law abiding it is what it is can't do much.

fishing user avatarJeziHogg reply : 

A few days ago a friend of mine, his dad and his brother did a boat on boat tourney (Me and Him vs His bro and dad) He caught his PB Smally (5 1/2 lbs) and as soon as we netted it he was like I'm keeping it, then I told him I'd punch him in the jaw if he did so he threw it back at the end of the day.

fishing user avatarThe Guy reply : 
  On 9/2/2013 at 12:11 AM, JeziHogg said:

A few days ago a friend of mine, his dad and his brother did a boat on boat tourney (Me and Him vs His bro and dad) He caught his PB Smally (5 1/2 lbs) and as soon as we netted it he was like I'm keeping it, then I told him I'd punch him in the jaw if he did so he threw it back at the end of the day.

You sound like a fun fishing partner

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I have no problem sharing where I fish, just go down and read my thread on Toledo Bend.

Just cause I tell ya where to go does not mean ya know what to do when ya get there!

I learned years ago there is no spots someone else didn't already know about.

If this spot is being filled in I didn't get the problem of someone knowing about it or eating the bass.

fishing user avatarBassAssassin726 reply : 

Im in the same position in terms of a quarry honey hole being filled in. It sucks. Luckily theres another one like 50 yards away. Were going to transport them. But it's reasons like that I dont tell anyone about my spots. Unless I know for sure they wont do that crap.

fishing user avatarrockchalk06 reply : 

Anyone who wears out there welcome on a friends honey hole otta be taken out back and beat.


But on the whole eating fish debate, you can argue either way good or bad. If you harvest fish legally, its your state give right to do so. You don't hear Deer hunters say "wow that's just too big a Buck to take, it took him so long to get that big" No, they take him.

fishing user avatarrockchalk06 reply : 
  On 9/2/2013 at 12:11 AM, JeziHogg said:

A few days ago a friend of mine, his dad and his brother did a boat on boat tourney (Me and Him vs His bro and dad) He caught his PB Smally (5 1/2 lbs) and as soon as we netted it he was like I'm keeping it, then I told him I'd punch him in the jaw if he did so he threw it back at the end of the day.

So you threatened a friend for legally taking something that the state has entitled him to harvest? Sit back and think about what you did. I'd feel about 1" tall after doing that. Come on, you have to draw a line between a conservative sportsman and a rice cake eating vegan anti war hippie with no job.

fishing user avatarJeziHogg reply : 
  On 9/2/2013 at 1:20 PM, rockchalk06 said:

So you threatened a friend for legally taking something that the state has entitled him to harvest? Sit back and think about what you did. I'd feel about 1" tall after doing that. Come on, you have to draw a line between a conservative sportsman and a rice cake eating vegan anti war hippie with no job.

Obviously I wouldn't slug him for keeping it. As for drawing the line between being a hippie, I'm in the infantry budz.

fishing user avatarBrian Needham reply : 

I think everyone can calm down and quit telling people to go stand in the corner....... the phrase "I will beat your *** if you do that" is commonly used in my boat as well, amongst friends.  

fishing user avatarBasswhippa reply : 

Kick him in the nuts then push him in the water.

fishing user avatarjaybird71 reply : 

It has become apparent to me this can be a very sensitive subject! In my particular case, ultimately I have to accept responsibility for sharing the honey hole. And as much as I want to believe all anglers would share the same views of etiquette and convictions as I, that doesn't necessarily make them sacred. My buddy joined me at the quarry last evening while I tested out a senko rod and did share some great news however...aforementioned "coworker" is looking to move out of state for work!!! With a grin, I offered to pen his résumé.

fishing user avatarBrian Needham reply : 

fisherman relocation program or Hoffa style in the quarry.........his choice.



(I know I know bad joke)

fishing user avatarpowerduster reply : 

I have been bass fishing for about one year and don't think I have seen anyone keep a a single bass. I've seen a  really big pickerel and the occasional catfish people keep, but other then that, the majority practice catch and release. They are so widespread and abundant that I wouldn't even sweat it to be honest. It's nice that there was a resolution in the end.

fishing user avatarFish Murderer 71 reply : 

The only bass I eat are the ones that I know will die from being caught.  I do everything possible to try to get em back in the water alive, but we all kill a few.  I refuse to waste a perfectly good fish in hopes it "might" survive having a hook ripped out of its gullet.  As for showing others my honey holes, well, what they do with what they catch is none of my business. JMO. :leisures-and-sports-076:

fishing user avatarcoryn h. fishowl reply : 
  On 9/1/2013 at 6:34 AM, tomustang said:

Loose lips sink ships..

no kidding

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 

wow, some of you take this catch and release thing too far, like wanting people killed for it. seriously? joking or not it isnt funny saying take another persons life because they kept a fish they caught.


as for calling someone selfish for keeping a few fish, isnt it just as selfish for someone to be mad about others keeping fish? i mean after all, youre only mad they kept a fish "you coulda caught in a few years when its bigger"...think about that...


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