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Which of these hosts is the most entertaining?? 2024

fishing user avatarStrike King reply : 

All three of these guys are very entertaining, loud, and get very excited when theres a fish on but who's the most entertaining to you?

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

Iaconelli he is funny and you can really see his passion to fish. I talked to him today at a expo and he still had the same excitement off the boat as he did in the boat. gotta love that.

fishing user avatarCWB reply : 

Tough choice between Zona and Ike. Interesting is a good word for both of them. To me, Charlie Moore is just another obnoxious guy who happened to get on a TV show. I think most guys on this forum would put a wuppin' on him. ;) I'd love to spend a day in the boat with Zona or Ike but I'd probably throw Moore overboard.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

I've had the oportunity to sit down and talk with Zona a few time. He is a riot. Some of his stories will make you bust a gut. He will always get my vote.

fishing user avatarCWB reply : 
I've had the oportunity to sit down and talk with Zona a few time. He is a riot. Some of his stories will make you bust a gut. He will always get my vote.

Great show with Zona and Jeff Kreit. Both those guys are nuts!

Couldn't tell who was having more fun. They panned over to the camera boat and both the guys had KVD masks on. I bet that was Zona's idea.

fishing user avatarzbass reply : 
Tough choice between Zona and Ike. Interesting is a good word for both of them. To me, Charlie Moore is just another obnoxious guy who happened to get on a TV show. I think most guys on this forum would put a wuppin' on him. ;) I'd love to spend a day in the boat with Zona or Ike but I'd probably throw Moore overboard.

Couldn't agree more on all your points. I beleive I'd give the nod to Zona.

fishing user avatarMONSTERhudd reply : 

That is a really tough one. Zona or Ike? Both are my favorite hosts. Ikes one of my my favorite pros. But, I would have to say Zona wins me in this vote. But, Ike is great too!

fishing user avatarcbfishalot reply : 

Zona by far!!!!!!

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

Regis Philbin.  ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

Zona for sure, he's original and his antics are entertaining without beeing over the top. I like Ike, but I can only take so much of the screaming "IT"S A MONSTER..........OH GOD IT"S A HUGE FISH.............OH YES......"  Don't get me wrong, it's great he has such passion and fire for fishing, but man.......he needs a pill or something.

Charlie Moore??? He doesn't even belong on a list with Zona and Ike, now if you asked who I liked the least......he wins hands down.

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 

Zona gets my vote, Ike is also good. I can't stand Chaw-lie Moore.

fishing user avatarHannons Hound reply : 

I like Zona myself. He's mildly obnoxious, but not too loud and pretty funny.

fishing user avatardrmnbig reply : 

I picked Zona by far but I also enjoy Ike.  Charlie Moore  rakes on my very last nerve.  I refuse to watch his show!

fishing user avatarMinuteman reply : 

Z-Man, by a 2lb Test Mono over Ike for pure entertainment. Ike is more on a mission of promoting Urban fishing, Zona is there to make me laugh(I hope).

fishing user avatarBARON49_Northern NY reply : 

My momma said if you can't say something good about someone don't say anything at all.  So as far as Ike and Charlie go  ..........

Zona is a TV personality and has a talent to get you to chuckle and keep your interest.  His antics are what I think get people to watch the show.  My wife hates fishing but will watch Zona. ;D

fishing user avatarflatbass reply : 

I voted for Ike just because I can't stand Zona or Charlie Moore.

fishing user avatarKYntucky Warmouth reply : 

tough between Zona and Ike...Ike is one of my favorite pros but I gonna give it to Zona..

fishing user avatarBassinBoy reply : 

Zona is my pick because, I haven't seen Ike's show and I think Charlie Moore's show is stupid.


fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

Mark Zona gets my vote.  On the other hand, I'd like to beat Charlie Moore...with a stick.

fishing user avatarsimplejoe reply : 

I voted for Ike because I like him better ;D

I like both Ike and Zona they are both good fishermen and both enjoy it.

I don't watch Moore to much.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
Mark Zona gets my vote. On the other hand, I'd like to beat Charlie Moore...with a stick.

I agree with you 100%.

Of the 9 hooks on a LC Slender Pointer, I wonder how many I could get to stick in him on one cast...... ;)

fishing user avatarFish MD reply : 

Charlie Moore?  The mad fisherman entertaining?  Annoying...yeah but entertaining?

fishing user avatarBassinBoy reply : 
Charlie Moore? The mad fisherman entertaining? Annoying...yeah but entertaining?

You're quite generous by calling him a fisherman ;D ;)

fishing user avatardj T nasty 69 reply : 

i like ike

charlie is hard to take serius as a fishermen

i never seen zona's show when does it air and what station...???

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

I don't know if I could take being in a boat with any of them for more than 15 minutes at a time.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

i never seen zona's show when does it air and what station...???

ESPN2, Saturday mornings.  World's Greatest Fishing Show.

fishing user avatarBUCKEYEone reply : 

Again tough call between Ike and Zona, zona definitely has the best "tv host personality" but Ike is just a great guy and one of my favorite pros.  I really liked the episode of City Limits when Ike stopped and bank fished with some random kid.  Zona got my vote.  

...that being said, if I ever happen to find myself driving by Charlie Moore's house by accident, I would feel compelled to stop and steal his boat and trailer.  Any goon who calls himself the "codfather" can keep his annoying tail on land.

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 
I don't know if I could take being in a boat with any of them for more than 15 minutes at a time.

I thought I was the only one. Ike is the least irritating.

fishing user avatarOlebiker reply : 

If I had to spend a day in a boat with a Yankee, it would be Al Lindner or LBH.  I don't think I could put up with Zona or Moore.  

I could learn something from Ike but that screaming would get on my nerves.  One thing I would do, though, is teach Ike how to wear a ball cap.  That flat bill, off to one side look is just a bit to urban for my taste.

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 
Mark Zona gets my vote. On the other hand, I'd like to beat Charlie Moore...with a stick.

I agree with you 100%.

Of the 9 hooks on a LC Slender Pointer, I wonder how many I could get to stick in him on one cast...... ;)

Hey Speed! Maybe we could challenge him to a musky fishing outing! Bigger baits and BIGGER HOOKS!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

My vote's for Zona.

fishing user avatarflipinstick88 reply : 

Tough call, but I went with the Z-train.  

fishing user avatarTriton9 reply : 

Zona is more entertaining in my opinion, but I have talked to Iaconelli in person and he is an awesome guy who has a passion for fishing that rivals anyone in the sport,and I think you learn more by watching Iaconelli's show.Although, Zona's is my favorite.

fishing user avatarTXLefty reply : 

My vote goes to Zona, he cracks me up everytime.  Ike is cool to but like someone else said, I get tired of the yelling, and screaming.

fishing user avatarwagn reply : 

Anyone but Charlie Moore.

He gives everyone in New England a bad name. His show is truly the only fishing show I will never watch.

fishing user avatarsilvercliff_46 reply : 

I prefer fishing with folks who at least act like they saw a fish, before the one they just caught.

When Sterling Sharpe played for the Packers and scored a touchdown, he didn't spin around, fall on the ground, nor dance like a fool. He was happy, but just handed the football to the Ref. The man knew his job, did his job, did it well, and knew he did it well.

We got a local TV guy in Wisconsin named John Gillespie (not sure of the spelling) a real screamer. He is probably a nice guy, but I couldn't handle that stuff. :Dmaybe it's just me?

fishing user avatarRedtail reply : 

Charlie Moore should change his name from the Madfisherman to the It's all about me Fisherman.

He is the complete opposite of Bill Dance - most of the fish he catches are dinks.

I haen't seen any body on TV catch such small fish since Gadabout Gaddis - for those of you old enough to remember him!

fishing user avatarsilvercliff_46 reply : 

Boy Howdie do I remember Gadabout Gaddis ! My Grandpa couldn't figure out why a guy would go fishing then throw back what he caught???? He figured the guy was nuts. ;D

If you remember him redtail your about as old as I am, and that's as old as dirt. ;)

fishing user avatarmrbassky reply : 

Charlie Moore isnt that bad of a person his is just annoying to me. Ike is just loud not funny. The funniest thing he did was DQ from all those tournaments. One Classic he broke the light because the livewell didnt work and his fish died. The other he fished off limits. This is what turned many opinions on him (myself included) from what I read they think he did it on purpose to get the publicity after he didnt have a chance to win. Who know?? I still think hes a nice guy and has changed alot since. Zona is actually funny I think he has an Xgeneration type humor. I think he took a simialar path to Fish Fishburne. Hes a good fisherman who is a character and it translated to a fulltime gig. Hosting events and a tv show. And I would much rather see a guy who could fish who is funny than a guy who is funny that cant fish. I gotta go with Zona. Charlie is just annoying but hes not near as bad alone on the local cable network shows he did. Ike is cool but not near as funny, unless you consider someone screaming like crazy over 12 inch bass funny. :D

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

Another Zona vote.. That Moore dude gets on my nerves, and I can't for the life of me figure how he ever got his own show. ::)


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