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Beaver Kills Fisherman 2024

fishing user avatarNodda4me reply : 

Beaver bites fisherman / photographer to death. Crazy.


Note: Do not go near a beaver!

fishing user avatarTuckahoe Joe reply : 

Geeze man...that's nuts!  I always see lots of beavers when I'm fishing in the mornings.  They're usually swimming but if I saw one on land, getting as close as I can and trying to take a picture is just what I'd try to do.  Definitely gonna re-think that after reading this.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

There are a lot of beavers around here now, I stay away. I came across one sitting in the road/pathway through a swampy area we use to get to some fields on the other side. Just sitting there giving my tractor the stink eye. I got off the tractor to shoe him away, but he was having none of it. Making all kinds of  " I am going to rip you a new one" sounds and getting pretty bold. I got back in the tractor and started throwing empty Gatorade  bottles at him, and he finally moved. Out on the water, when they start slapping slapping their tail on the surface when you get too close............I take it as a warning that the fit is about to hit the shan, and I gets the heck out of there.

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

That's wild! I never knew a beaver could move that fast.

fishing user avatarMarkH024 reply : 

Up in Canada I saw some HUGE beavers and just like WW2 said...they'll start whapping the top of the water with their tails when they get ticked.  It is loud.  Unfortunate for this fella who died, who would think?

On a lighter side...I can see this story popping up on "1000 Ways to Die" on Spike TV.

fishing user avatarFrog Turds reply : 

beavers have been attributed to many a mans demise  :eyebrows:

fishing user avatarclayton86 reply : 

I had a beaver Tuesday slap the water with its tail about 3 feet from my kayak I seen it a good 39 seconds before coming right at me idk if it just didn't see my fat arse in the bright yellow kayak or what but I coulda reached out and pet it it was so close.

One of my favorite spots to call coyotes is right next to a creek and its loaded with beavers iv had em start slapping the water like crazy when I call in the early morning usin howls idk if they think a pack of coyotes is on top of em or what but they freak I wish you could shoot em in NY I'd have some nice beaver pelts.

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

this reminds me of the people visiting Yellowstone and get way to close to the buffalo to take a picture and get gored.....natural selection.  I imagine he had to be pretty close because they do not run all that fast on land.  The other thing to take note of is there is a reason why nature photographers have sunch long range zoom lenses on their stay out of harm's way.

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

One lake i fish at has a very healthy population of beavers.  It never fails that whenever i leave a spot to fish it later on in the dusk/evening timeframe there is one there and they slap their tails.


I have never felt threatened by one and have fished pretty close to them before.  I do notice that when there are little ones around they are more quick to do a tail slap then when they are by themselves.

fishing user avatartheonethatgotaway reply : 

wow never knew beaver could move that fast

fishing user avatarScorcher214 reply : 

A beaver? Really? That's not even a cool story to tell your buds up in the big lake in the sky lol.


"So how did you die bob?"




"A beaver Bob, really..."



fishing user avatardon53 reply : 

after what i saw a beaver do to a pretty good sized willow tree beside the river,i can see these dudes could really do some damage.over the course of two weeks he had it on the ground,tree was about 20 ft tall,maybe 4 ft round,serious jaws.i stay away from them,a tail slap is all i need.

fishing user avatarJoePhish reply : 

Never had to deal with beavers while fishing.

I do run into River Otters quite often though.  

They're cool to watch but they usually kill any bite that was going on.

I keep my distance and hope it doesn't follow me, which it does from time to time.

fishing user avatarjignfule reply : 
  On 4/12/2013 at 12:27 AM, Frog Turds said:

beavers have been attributed to many a mans demise  :eyebrows:

so true

fishing user avatarmjseverson24 reply : 

hmm... just one more reason to carry a pistol...



fishing user avatarHooked_On_Bass reply : 

We have some pretty large ones in/near the waters I fish. Normally when I'm too close for their comfort they just do a tail slap and take off. Never heard of them charging like that. That's pretty wild.

fishing user avatartrailer reply : 

Beavers have caused a lot of problems throughout the history of man...Now when we go through our fishing checklist we will say "Senkos...check, .357 mag...check"

fishing user avatarBassinB reply : 

There aren't many things worse than a biting beaver.

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 
  On 4/12/2013 at 2:01 AM, mjseverson24 said:

hmm... just one more reason to carry a pistol...


You better carry a very large pistol because those things don't die easily..,
fishing user avatarTeal reply : 
  On 4/12/2013 at 5:02 AM, flyfisher said:

You better carry a very large pistol because those things don't die easily..,

They do if you double tap em with the 1911 Kimber Desert Warrior .45 ACP

Nah, i dont carry that gun on the boat..i do carry my Smith and Wesson Airweight 357 Mag with me tho. But it is really much easier just to leave the critters alone... but im not running from a critter if it comes down to it.. he will just have to eat some hollow points.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Fishing Buggs Island (Kerr Lake) this past Sunday a beaver swam no more 15 feet from me along the bank.


He minded his business and I minded mine.


He never made a move towards me although he knew I was there.


I never made a move for him other than to snap a few pics with my iPhone.


You don't mess around with Mother Nature.

fishing user avatarSnakehead Whisperer reply : 

I have a great deal of respect for beavers. They are super important to the ecosystem (literally building habitat for fish and other wildlife,) and they usually have monogamous partnerships for life with their mates. The beavers around here get up over 80lbs. Like any other animal they like to have their space. When I see a beaver and it's acting territorial I usually just move. They live on the water, I'm only visiting.

fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 

Just another reason to eat a beaver. :tongue8:

fishing user avatarBuckMaxx reply : 

Never been killed by one but have had more then one take my money. :D

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 

Dang. I couldn't imagine the damage a beaver bite would do. Especially repeated bites. That's insane. In the guys defense, that beaver did look a little insane.

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

What?!  I've been waiting but since no one else will say it, I guess I have to:  "In Soviet Russia, beaver eats you!"

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 
  On 4/12/2013 at 10:34 PM, Ratherbfishing said:

What?!  I've been waiting but since no one else will say it, I guess I have to:  "In Soviet Russia, beaver eats you!"


I thought about it lol.

fishing user avatarSouth FLA reply : 

I think that beaver may have been Wynona's!


fishing user avatarFrog Turds reply : 

haha i was gonna post that primus vid the other day, classic!!

fishing user avatarBassThumb reply : 

That's one ticked off beaver! I've seen a million of them during years of wading the Mississippi RIver as a kid, and the most aggressive act they ever made was just to slap their tail on the water. I used to walk right over one of their lodges on a regular basis and that would also get them riled up. I could hear them hissing inside.


By the way, they get a lot bigger than the beaver in the video. That was just a little pup, which is probably why it could move so quickly.

fishing user avatarA-Rob reply : 

Thats what you get for putting your rod down to take photos.

Should've just kept fishing.

fishing user avatargreyleg33 reply : 

C'mon, frog turds, what are we reading into this.

fishing user avatarFrog Turds reply : 
  On 4/14/2013 at 9:32 AM, greyleg33 said:

C'mon, frog turds, what are we reading into this.


that ya gotta pick which beavers you mess with carefully, very very carefully ;)

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

We removed one from a pond that was trying to dam up the creek and was causing it to dry up that was something like 63 or 67 pounds, it was massive.


I had one pop out of a hole in the bank one day I was fishing out of my old belly boat less than 20' from me and dive into the water heading straight towards me, probably the only time in history a belly boat has been on plane. 

fishing user avatarTuckahoe Joe reply : 

The wife and I went out earlier today and were fishing about 75 yards apart.  I didn't see it but she said one just leisurely walked right by her like within 20 feet.  She said it was almost the size of our old fat dog that we used to have and he was easily 80 pounds.  I never realized beavers got that big.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

That old cartoon Angry Beavers must be true

fishing user avatariabass8 reply : 

Nothing good about a big beaver.

fishing user avatarBassinB reply : 

I shot one with the .22 last year, didnt seem so tough then. Sure tasted good though. Dnt ever let anyone tell you beaver meat isnt good.

fishing user avatarL a r r y reply : 

Sad to hear this happen.....but the warning signs were there, he turned and stared him down......shook his head and started walking off man still follows, beaver says, LEAVE ME THE "H" ALONE, camera man still standing there, beaver takes a couple of steps towards camera man, ohhhhh you ain't gonna leave me alone....well now I gots to bite ya....



LEAVE WILD ANIMALS ALONE, you don't want them in your house, they tolerate us to a point in their house


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