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how often do you lie? 2024

fishing user avatarjomatty reply : 

ok, here is the scenario.  im walking back from a pond i recently got permission to fish on a golf course adjacent to my neighborhood.  a neighbor (not someone i know by name only some guy who lives in a townhouse near me) sees me with a fishing pole and asks if im fishing the ponds on the golf course.  after i say yes he naturaly inquires about the quality of the fishing in them.  these are very small ponds (3) and i dont want him fishing in them.  he would have to get permission but that is prob doable.  so i say "ahh...its allright, not that great but its close to my house. they are really filled with weeds and scum so they are kinda hard to fish in".

i felt kinda bad afterwards but i just dont want any pressure on these really nice little ponds.  i didnt lie outright as they are filled with weeds which does make them a little tough to fish (kinda).  anyways, who would have told the truth and who would have done as i did or some other way of trying to not make the ponds seem very good.  just curious really what the SOP is on this.


fishing user avatarNew Bass Man reply : 

The truth is always better.  

fishing user avatarx-trued reply : 

Hmmm.  I don't blame you for what you said.  I'm not sure what I would have done.  I think I would have told him fishing was good and mentioned the weed issue, or only discuss the weed problems and avoided the it's good, bad or okay review.

I just invited a board member to join me at a local lake I fish because his lakes are so pressured.  I'll admit I thought about it before making the invitation, but did so anyway.  You gatta figure the guys already fishing those holes on your golf course weren't thrilled to see a consistant fisherman like yourself come along.

I wouldn't lose sleep over you coment though.  Those holes could get over fished in a hurry if all the residents out there got interested.  Besides, "its allright, not that great" is a subjective term.  What may be good to you may be "allright, not that great " to him, right?  

Don't feel bad, go catch some fish.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Man laws should apply here, but if thats not exactly covered, stick with the golden rule of fishermen.

Early to bed, early to rise, fish like h#ll, and make-up lies.

Not really a lie when your a fishermen.

fishing user avatarPanamoka_Bassin reply : 

Personally, I would have told him the truth.  If there's just you fishing these ponds, then adding one more fisherman probably won't really affect the fishing all that much.  I know you'd like to keep these ponds "private," but truthfully, he has as much of a right to fish there as you if he goes through the channels to get permission.  This may not be the answer you're looking for, I know, but there's lots of ponds and fish out there.  Who knows, if you were to invite him along one day, he might turn out to be your best fishing buddy...

fishing user avatarjomatty reply : 

interesting to get different opinions on this.  if they were larger (like even a small lake)  i would def have been more forthcoming and honest.  i do have a little guilt but am still not sure i regret the spur of the moment misleading (i did use subjective wording intentionally) and focused on the one bad thing.  interesting moral debate though thank you for feedback.


fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

If he's any kind of bass fisherman, the pond is that close to your houses and it's on a public use facility like a golf course that would merely require asking permission for access to fish,  than I seriously doubt you telling him the fishing was bad would stop him.

In fact, if it were me, as you were downplaying the fishing and how difficult it was to fish due to the weeds I'd be thinking...

"Ha! This guy doesn't have a clue, I'll go over there and clean house and show this schmuck how to fish."   ;)

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
If he's any kind of bass fisherman, the pond is that close to your houses and it's on a public use facility like a golf course that would merely require asking permission for access to fish,  than I seriously doubt you telling him the fishing was bad would stop him.

In fact, if it were me, as you were downplaying the fishing and how difficult it was to fish due to the weeds I'd be thinking...

"Ha! This guy doesn't have a clue, I'll go over there and clean house and show this schmuck how to fish."   ;)

Agreed.  And if I were in his shoes I would also suspect that you might not be exactly forthcoming regarding the ponds if the fishing was really great.  

fishing user avatarWhopper-Stopper reply : 

It is always better to tell the truth. But when it is for the good of the lake it is okay to tell a little white lie. It would be different if you knew what kind of fisherman he was.

I have done this before. When you have a nice place to fish you don't want a bunch of people coming and leaving trash, bait buckets, pop cans, or beer bottles. We have that problem on my pond. I say it's mine but it is not.  There are several houses that live on it. I fish there so much that it is practically my lake. Me and a guy that live there are constantly picking up trash. It is very frustrating.

So when someone who has seen me fishing there and asks if there are any good fish in it. I just say that I usually catch small fish and that it is a tough lake to fish.

But if a respectable guy comes up and asks me if I ever do any good I'll tell him I've caught two 30LB+ catfish and have put several 4 and 5LB+ bass in there and catch them quite regularly; because I know he is a good fisherman that will come there and pick up his own trash and release the fish that I've worked so hard to put in there. There only problem is that there aren't very many guys like that around anymore.

fishing user avatarScroGG ToGG reply : 

i woulda kindaw stretched the truth maybe. like, "I've caught really good fish in there, most were ATLEAST a pound or two!!"

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

how often do you lie?

never (lie)

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

A golf course will shut it down if people start littering the course with fishing trash.    Plus when people see others doing so, they will think they can also.    How many golfers have seen the ponds being fished on a normal basis.

I have never seen a lot of golf courses being fished hard, only select few, maybe thats why I always see good bass in some of them.

A truth full answer would be, you'll need to check with the course manager.

Public Course does not mean public fishing hole.

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I don't lie.I just handle the truth carelessly!LOL

fishing user avatarJerkbate reply : 

You shouldn't feel bad about what you told the guy. You didn't lie to him. You gave him a general response to his general question. If he had asked a more specific question like "Have you caught any bass over 5 pounds?", etc. then you should have given him a more specific answer.

I don't blame you for wanting to limit the amount of pressure on these small ponds. I fish a public lake during Feb. & Mar. that produces big fish. I've caught several 8+ pounders with 2 over 10 pounds in the last two years. No one else that I am aware of fishes this lake until sometime after April. Most other sportsmen are recovering from deer season, crappie fishing Grenada Lake, or getting ready for turkey season that time of year. I've only told my pastor and my dad about this early spring honey hole. If you can't trust those two guys then who can you trust? If anyone ask where I'm fishing I don't lie to them, I just let them know that I am not going to tell them.

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

i would have just told him the puplic wasn't allowed to fish them.

thats the truth becuase you need to get premission.

fishing user avatarScroGG ToGG reply : 

dont lie lie, just stretch the truth

fishing user avatarScroGG ToGG reply : 

furthermore, if he was  truly interested in the fishing there, he could go through the same steps you had to go through to see for himself

fishing user avatarKeithscatch reply : 

I don't know if I am all that guilty of lieing so much as tresspassing  ;D because I have fished allot of golf course ponds at night before without permission  :-X oops. Was I suppossed to get permission?  ;D

fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 
ok, here is the scenario. im walking back from a pond i recently got permission to fish on a golf course adjacent to my neighborhood. a neighbor (not someone i know by name only some guy who lives in a townhouse near me) sees me with a fishing pole and asks if im fishing the ponds on the golf course. after i say yes he naturaly inquires about the quality of the fishing in them. these are very small ponds (3) and i dont want him fishing in them. he would have to get permission but that is prob doable. so i say "ahh...its allright, not that great but its close to my house. they are really filled with weeds and scum so they are kinda hard to fish in".

i felt kinda bad afterwards but i just dont want any pressure on these really nice little ponds. i didnt lie outright as they are filled with weeds which does make them a little tough to fish (kinda). anyways, who would have told the truth and who would have done as i did or some other way of trying to not make the ponds seem very good. just curious really what the SOP is on this.


Don't feel so bad. I once had a little honey hole. it was realy small about 200 feet long, 25 feet accrost and the deepest spot was 6 feet deep. Just a wide spot in a small creek I happend apon.

but i could pull some 2lb bass and some huge crappy out of it. Well some yaho seen me fishing and askes if i was rely catching any thinh out of there. just then Bam mt little roster tail got slamed and

it was a 2lb bass. the next week i went out there 3 guys where fishing it trash every where and not a fish in sight. Some one had come along with some night crawlers and cleaned it out. then left the boxes and beer bottls there to boot. :( I was gonna tell the guy I was only catching blue gill and small ones at that.

fishing user avatarRollONTwo reply : 

What if you told the guy the truth and he told 10 more and so on?? I would never do that but I have known a few that would.

If to many people start asking the golf course to fish the ponds you can bet they would put a stop to anyone fishing at all. Especially with all those little round liability bullets flying. I am only speaking about my golf game :-)

fishing user avatarSmib reply : 

Is this a lie?  Towards the end of a club tournament I passed by a couple of my club members.  They asked how many I had.  I responded one.  

At the weigh-in I walked up with my 5 fish limit.  They did a double take and told me, "Hey, I thought you only had one!"  I responded that I did in fact only have one--ONE 5 fish limit, which is the truth.  I only caught 5 keepers all day.

If this is lying--guilty as charged.


fishing user avatarRandySBreth reply : 

Lie. Lie Lie.

Repeat as often as necessary to keep dillhole littering drunken bucketsitters from ruining a great little thing you have.

Trust me, I live where if people find out about a place you can walk right up to, it will be ruined in short order.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 
its allright, not that great but its close to my house. they are really filled with weeds and scum so they are kinda hard to fish in".

I dont see how that is a lie.  You evaded his main question, but he was content with the answer.  Even if he thinks you cant fish afterwards who cares your catching fish.

Remember if you evade the question you never lie.  

Or you can answer the question with a question.  

"So do you fish those ponds and give me any pointers?"

I should be a politician  ;D

fishing user avatarGorgebassman reply : 

The Truth Will Set You Free!!!!!

fishing user avatarjomatty reply : 

i think my wording put me in a little worse light than i deserve, although there are a number of people who seem to understand where im coming from.  lie is prob not the right word although there is no doubt i was not forthcoming and did not tell the whole truth.  the prob is not only do i not want these ponds to be fished to hard but permision at a pond that is in my back yard is something that is very important to me.  the greenskeeper was very specific in his permission and i can only go there before the course opens and in twilight after almost all traffic has died down.  also he said that no fish were to be kept.  i follow these rules explicitly because it is something that is important to me.  to someone who dosent care as much, they may think that six oclock is late enough and if golfers complain then...trash could obviously have the same effect.

to LBH who asked how often i lie and suggested never to do so, i will answer although it prob was not a real question.  i almost never lie.  if i did so regularly then i doubt that one incident of not being fully forthcoming would make the forums.  

out of curiousity, since i know your lake is very precious to you, so precious that you would not claim a world record bass to protect it, imagine that you could cast across it and be told to leave at any time if other fishermen did not treat the property properly.  how would you handle this scenario?  i really am curious (and know it may take some imagination because im sure you wouldnt make a pond your regular fishing hole).

hopefully this dosent sound too defensive, i put it out there and i respect everyones opinions and think that its great that so many people would have told this guy you have never spoken to that you just caught a 5.5 and numerous 3's and a nice bass a cast for like 20 mins and been totaly truthful.  im not sure its the right course of action but i definetly respect the conviction.

thx for responces,


fishing user avatarfishinyank reply : 

Dont feel bad at all dude. I wouldnt. Your the one who got off his butt, got permission and found the bass in the ponds, why should he reap the beneifits of your labor?  I would have done the same thing. I say lie your azz off when it comes to keeping a new found hole to your self. If you told him you would have been a sucker in my opinion. Besides, if he really wnted to know wha tthe fishing is like, he should get up and try it himself.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 


I think your right; you answered his question, but were not as forthcoming as you could have been. I think that shows wisdom, not dishonesty.

fishing user avatarHamlet reply : 

I have a great pond that i fish regularly. When people ask me if the fishing is good I aways downplay the fishing to the point where hopefully they will never be back. BUT, if I see a good fisherman, (and by good fisherman I mean someone who doesnt keep fish and obviously knows what he is doing) I will start a conversation with them and talk all about the pond. Just last week there was a guy fly fishing at this pond and I walked up and started fishing on the same side that he was. I noticed he was slowly fishing down the bank in my direction so I walked over to the other side to give him some room. He appreciated this and we started a conversation, he told me how just before I walked up he had scolded some dude for taking a couple of nice bass out on a stringer. This was my cue to let him know how good the fishing is at this pond.  Well, thats my strategy.

fishing user avatarBassKing813 reply : 

I wouldn't want a lot of pressure on the ponds either, so I would have lied. It's not too bad if you don't know the person. I say protect your fishing grounds.

fishing user avatarWildbillb reply : 

my reply to getting ask how the fishing is or how many I caught is always  "just a couple" , "not many" or "nothing really"  I always say it like I am disappointed too.  I dont like to give away my spots or secrets.  I dont mind telling someone how to use a bait.

fishing user avatarZ71 reply : 

Pond fishing rules:

1. NEVER tell anyone about your honey hole.

2. You can't lie or put yourself on the spot if you don't stop and talk, keep moving!

fishing user avatarflippin4it. reply : 

     I treat the truth like a peice of art. I sculpt it and make it more appealing..............LOL

fishing user avatarGeneinTX reply : 

Okay this applies to all fishing spots....... If you do the work to find them and work them then I think you are fien to not tell everyone where you are fishing and how you are doing there.

Follow my reasoning here... the resource is there for all of us, true enough. But here is my dilemma, on Lake Belton here in Texas, there are at least 4 boat crews (I use that term because it is hard to get a count of exactly how many people are on those boats) that just move from spot to spot waiting for yuo to catch a fish and will try to muscle you off the spot if youare catching anything. they just patrol and wait to see someone lift a fish. It is so bad, that I have told my 14 Y/O son not to let them see us pick up a fish. Where is the etiquitte?

And oh by the way..... if you tell one they will tell one and you end up with the scenarios that we see here.

I say if they are young and inexperienced help them out..... if not let them find their own fish!!!!

fishing user avatarGeneinTX reply : 

Also, as a former Army recruiter I learned to accentuate the positives and ignore the negatives.

"You know that those ponds by the sewer treatment plants hold some giant bass"

He won't ask you for a honey hole again!!!!!

fishing user avatarPond Hopper reply : 

I lie to my uncles all the time about what ponds I caught fish because Ive watched an 8 lb bass fall to their knife, and I like growing some bigger bass.


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

It is always better to tell the truth. But when it is for the good of the lake it is okay to tell a little white lie.

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

I never lie. btw, I caught this 36 pounder on a mini-marshmallow


fishing user avatarflechero reply : 


He asked a pretty vague question.... your answer probably covered the waters pretty well...  on balance I bet the fishing is "alright" but the bass fishing sounds very good.  

I don't think you lied.  But even if you had been asked specifically about the bass fishing... I bet it's not ALWAYS great, which on balance is in fact, alright.  

fishing user avatarSpinnerB reply : 

Hey...It's your fishing spot.  You worked to find it and get approval to fish it.  I don't think you have to tell people it is good fishing.  Your spots are yours and you deserve to keep it your secret.  You don't have to disclose the information to anyone.  

fishing user avatarGAMEOVER reply : 

Just remember treat others as you would like to be treated. If hes a good sportsman type I would have been honest, HOWEVER if it looked like some punk or guy whos just gonna keep every thing he catches even if they JUST or BARELY made the legal limit (You know the type..) id of lied as well. I would have lied because thats what id want people to do to those type of people who consider themselves sportsman.


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