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Do you talk when fishing? 2024

fishing user avatarcravenfish reply : 

I was fishing with a guy who never shut up for eight hours while we were fishing. I don't talk much at all when I'm T'riggen or C'riggen, I try to concentrate on the feel of the bait so I don't miss a hit. Same thing when I'm topwater fishing, if I'm talking I seem to miss more fish.BUT I love to talk, so if I pick up a crankbait or spinner bait,you may want to tell me to shut up before I make that first cast! ;D

fishing user avatarFutureClassicChamp reply : 

i dont talk if im fishin with somebody else, but if im by myself, ill definitely talk. to myself and the fish lol

fishing user avatarplaymaker47 reply : 

I will visit a little but not talk to much. It seems if I start to talk and lose attention to my lure I will get a hit. Example: The last tournament I was fishing I was throwing a spinnerbait and my partner was just tieing on a chatterbait. We started visiting about chatterbaits and i was just constantly reeling in through brush and not paying attention. Well about a 4lber hit and surprised me. I set the hook and the fish comes and jumps clear out of the water and throws the lure. I learned 2 things there. 1. Always pay attention. 2. Use trailer hooks.

fishing user avatarkman711 reply : 

I talk when Im with a buddy mainly about sports and reg stuff. When Im by myself ill talk to myself and stuff. :D

fishing user avatarlangs15 reply : 
i dont talk if im fishin with somebody else, but if im by myself, ill definitely talk. to myself and the fish lol

Glad I am not the only one haha!

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

Phew!! I thought I was wierd cause I talk to myself when fishing. I fish on the bank and have people give me strange looks when they quietly walk by the spot im fishing. Guess I dont notice them cause im in "The Zone" I find it therapeutic,I not only talk to myself about fishing but other random thoughts that enter my head. My shrink says its called "Self Talk" and its a way of reassuring myself of my actions,thoughts and decisions. Its a way for me to build confidence about what im doing too.

fishing user avatarstratoscaster reply : 

I talk to my dog, who always fishes with me.  She's a great listner and never disagrees with me.

fishing user avatarWhopper-Stopper reply : 
i dont talk if im fishin with somebody else, but if im by myself, ill definitely talk. to myself and the fish lol

Glad I am not the only one haha!

I always talk to myself when fishing or doing anything else for that matter. I'm glad to know that I'm not alone.

Is it taking it to far when you tell the slicks to come back for a visit when there ten pounds?

fishing user avatarjkrzwyld reply : 

I dont talk too much when I'm out on the water. Idle talk is ok, but someone in the boat constantly talking would become a bother.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

When fishing with someone I don't initiate a conversation, but of course will answer back. When alone, 99% of the time, I always speak out loud what I'm doing to better remember exactly what I was doing when I get a bite. "OK, this time dropping to 10 feet, pulling 3, stalling one second, yanking."  Memory gets scarce when you're my age, so every little thing like that helps.  I absolutely go ape inwardly when I get a good bite and don't have a clue how I got it. I was fishing past a campground one day recently when I was surprised by a man shouting out "WHO the EL ya talkin to?"  It was a fellow park ranger, laughing his rear off. It got told to everyone I talk to myself when fishing.  :D


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I fish with my best freind we always talk on the water. Its a safe distance from our girlfriends and we get to bounce a lot of stuff off each other Thats one of my great enjoyments. When Im by myself I spend a lot of time bouncin things off God, talkin and praying I GET MY SHARE OF STARES ;)

fishing user avatarMinuteman reply : 

I was thinking of getting a set of them earphone things for cell phones. Not to talk or listen, but maybe people won't stare as much when I'm talking to myself.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

I dont talk a whole lot pretty reserved and quiet.  Never have much to say.  If I'm fishing by myself I might humm a little jingle but its usually quite. I just listen to the birds and other wildlife.  Very peaceful and relaxing.  When I am fishing with someone most of the time the conversation is started by them.

fishing user avatarOther. reply : 

I talk by my self or even when there is some one there I still talk. Im one of those people that can do 2 things at once. Talk and fish.

fishing user avatarjayhawkfishin reply : 

Yeah I talk the whole reason I go fishing is to have fun.  I don't find it fun if you don't go with friends and family.  Sure there are times I don't talk but I can talk and fish and the same time.  


fishing user avatarNick B reply : 

I talk to myself, at least I know someone is listening

fishing user avatarMadGator reply : 

I do talk to myself a bit when I am fishing alone.  I think to myself mostly though, I also scold myself if I screw something up.  If I have someone in the boat there is usually some idle chat, but not a whole lot.  I find it kind of irratating because  I am also facing the water (not my fishing partner) and have to repeat stuff all the time or have the other person repeat what they say.  I hate that.

fishing user avatarmudcatwilly reply : 

I don't talk too much.  Just a little about sports, fishing, etc.  Most of the talking occurs right after somebody lands a fish.  It'll be quiet for awhile and then you'll hear a loud grunt...the sound of a guy swinging for the fences.  When the fish is on, the talking starts up and continues for awhile.  Usually it's the guy describing how the fish bit or what he did to get it to bite.  When I'm alone, I usually don't say anything except for the occasional expletive when I miss a fish, get chased by bees, drop my phone in the water, or something like that.

fishing user avatarMHH reply : 


fishing user avatardink reply : 

I fish alone most of the time.  My day usually includes "Hello there Mr. Deer" or "Don't you even think about shaking off little guy" or the occasional "Hiya Mr. Whiskers!"  Other than that, it's to myself.  And yes I get the strange stares from people who sneak up on me in mid-conversation, too! ;D

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 
I was thinking of getting a set of them earphone things for cell phones. Not to talk or listen, but maybe people won't stare as much when I'm talking to myself.

I'm sorry but I don't think I could resist telling all those who stare that I just got out of the  Psych ward and my doctor said fishing would really be benifical to my treatment for my multi personality disorder. :)  But to answer to question of talking while fishing I will when I'm with someone but do prefer to stay quiet when with a couple of  people so I can stay focused on catching more than them and  do when I'm by myself.

fishing user avatarBass Hammer reply : 

My and my buddy will go a couple of hours without saying a word and then we'll both talk a little @*^% then two more hours or so of quiet.

fishing user avatarWildbillb reply : 

I talk when I fish and I talk a lot.  Especially when fishing with friends.  It distracts them  ;)and I can then outfish them easier ;D.  

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

When I fish with my fishin buddy we talk a little.  Neither are big talkers.  When I fish with my son, we talk a little in spurts.  Nice way for each of us to get caught up, but mostly we don't talk too much.

Now when I fish with myself, i do talk to myself.  "oooo, this is a nice one",   "What the hell just happened?",  Oh, you mother#$%^&*, just took my bait!", you know that kind of talk!   ;D

Besides, when I talk to myself, I am always right!

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I fish by myself 99.9% of the time. But I have found talking to myself to be a great tool. I mean hay who wants to bother the 250lb guy with a shaved head bobbing around in a 1000 acre lake in an 8' mini bass boat.......keeps people from tailing me to my favorite spots ;D

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Talk, yell and scream!

My buddies and I drink beer, make a lot of noise, play country music real loud and this time of year, jump in the river, often. I fish a heavily worked, commercial river. Cruisers, jet skies, party boats and barges...there is a lot going on.

The fish don't care what we do.

fishing user avatarYankeesWin reply : 
I fish with my best freind we always talk on the water. Its a safe distance from our girlfriends and we get to bounce a lot of stuff off each other Thats one of my great enjoyments. When Im by myself I spend a lot of time bouncin things off God, talkin and praying I GET MY SHARE OF STARES ;)

Muddy ol' boy that sounds a bit like my younger brother and I. We were out last night, and the post cold front blues were setting in, so we just kept throwing what we had at them, and cleared our minds talking 'bout all kinds of stuff. I feel fortunate that we are so close geographically and emotionally.

If we were having more luck with the fish though..... the talk would have waited for the ride home. Either way I look at the whole time as a blessing. :)

Listening (as my mother said) is a very important thing. ::) She was right!! :-/, but the moment and the fishing partner have a lot to do with it.

When by myself I only talk to the BASS. " :)"Good morning Bubba, how are you today" stuff like that.

You have to be half crazy to try to think like them anyway.

fishing user avatarBassMaster_1 reply : 

I usually fish with a buddy of mine, who I also work with.  We talk about everything, from the women, work and mostly fishing.  We try to keep the work stuff to a minimum.  When Im solo, I talk to myself sometimes, if there is a good strike or I make a good pitch to a small target.  Caught my biggest bass by myself.... oh was I talking!  When im alone I mostly like to sit and listen to my surroundings, very peaceful and quite.  Its very healing!

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Non-stop banter. It's a part of the whole experience. As to if I talk to the fish,.....ask anyone on the board that has fished with me. I have a pattern that can get funny as anything,...swearing, name calling, reaaaallly insulting a big pig is what triggers 'em sometimes :)

You're mother's fat 'n ugly,.....go get her, I'll tell her to her face that overweight slug. "Full-figured" went out in the 50's lady, today it's called obesity you rednecked, bucket faced Bottom dweller! What would like on your twinkie redneck? A liitle gold flake maybe?...Some cajun sauce and garlic?..... and so on,....seems to work once in a while,lmao

Just last night, Redtail commented that maybe we should bring a bull horn next trip so I can really tell 'em how I feel,lol

In all seriousness, it depends who I'm with. Usually with someone new or a recently new partner, I just think out loud. Everything I am looking at and why, I try to vocalize. This is kind of how I teach if you want to call it that.

Often I am commenting about what is on the finder, Explaining why I casted where I did instead of where I didn't and why. Often,the results are very satisfying when you describe what you are trying to do and it actually happens. Great confidence builder for the student.

Not trying to come off like a teaching guru, I am just speaking about when I am with someone who is at or below my level. I'm very good at shutting my mouth and opening my ears when I'm in someone elses back yard. I hope to learn quite a bit from Tom Redington at Fork next year for example. Can't wait to be the student.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

My partner says I talk dirty to the fish.   Come on baby, come to daddy, you know you want it, take it, come on, take it.    I know your down there, come on, come be in the movies, I just want a kiss and picture.

Come on girls, got a free buffet, serves all, no discriminating, big girls and all wanted, apply on "line"!!!     Yeah baby, thats it, show yourself, shaky that tail, ah yes, coming to papa.

Did you see that streaker?   She flash me and my buzzbait, not very nice to tease me like that.

Yeah, I guess I talk a little myself.



fishing user avatarFlyRod reply : 

Depending on my mood, blood sugar/caffeine level, and how tired I am, I can be a real "Yakky Doodle". But, if I sense my partner is in a taciturn mood, I'll adjust accordingly.

The choice of subject matter depends on partner too. Some wanna discuss "locker room" topics ;), while others, one in particular, seem to need to rant about the government, businesses that have wronged them or whatever else is bugging them at the moment. In the case of one partner, however, I can understand since life has been tough for him for the last few months and he deserves far, far, better. (One of the best guys I've ever  known.)

Another seems to wanna relive his USAF career (non-combat), in detail, at every opportunity so I counter with factual (yes, factual) details re my happy times as an Armor officer in the US ARMY, circa the Vietnam era. I don't chat much re wartime experiences, mostly fun stuff.  Yes, there are funny tank tales!

This particular gentleman seems very uncomfortable with "locker room" talk so I tend to downplay that aspect of life when I'm with him.

He has two quirks that get to me. One is that he picks his nose and puts his drilling finger in his mouth...and this is a USAF FULL COLONEL! The other is that he will, after we've fished along in silence for a while, suddenly cut loose with some comment or other in a LOUD voice. The first time he did it I nearly jumped outta the boat. Startles the Hell outta me. For all that he's still a brilliant and accomplished man who shares my love of good music (See: Sousa, Bach, Copland, Handel, etc.) with a great lady and a giving heart.

Another (whom I met here on this forum) seems to be the perfect balance to my style. We discuss life, our favorite college football teams (TX A&M for him, OU for me), fishing ideas and tactics, and, sometimes, the two young ladies we loved, respectively, who both died young and unexpectedly. Sad coincidence, but it forms part of the bond that cements our deepening friendship.

My newest angling chum, a few years my senior, is a super man (No, not the one with the "S" on his shirt) and a joy to fish and exchange chat with. The downside is that I have to drive 180 miles, round trip, to fish with him, but it's very much worth it.

If the fishing is slow and we tend to daydream, then active conversation is a great help. If, however, one of us is "on point", watching intently in anticipation of the line twitching as the worm falls, then silence is in order.

So, I have four partners. I wouldn't trade any of them for anything!

Well, one writes as one talks, LOL!


fishing user avatarruss0101 reply : 

i usually fish by myself... so i will talk to other fishers around me, i like talking and not paying attention to the lure because that is when i catch most fish - by accident because i immediately set the hook when i feel something.

other times i have my radio going, so ill get lost in the music or something stupid - guess when im talking to others i have this "challenge" going on to get more fish in the boat with others around

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Sometimes I talk to the fish ;-)

Actually though, I'd probably run my mouth to the point I forgot I was fishing.... which is why I almost always fish by myself. I don't want any additional distractions. When I'm on the water, it's all business. I can talk to my fishing buddies, or chat about the trip online later, when I'm off of the water.

BTW, I usually carry a cell phone, but always turn it off when I get on the water.



fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 
I was thinking of getting a set of them earphone things for cell phones. Not to talk or listen, but maybe people won't stare as much when I'm talking to myself.

Hey thats one of the best idias iv heard in a long time

fishing user avatarbigdog reply : 

ya i talk to myself alot its the answer that worrie me and the arguments..

fishing user avatarBassKing813 reply : 

I only talk in between casts and whenever I get a strike.

fishing user avatarjb_adams reply : 
I talk to my dog, who always fishes with me. She's a great listner and never disagrees with me.

To bad she's not human, she has the potential for the perfect wife!!   ;D

I tend to talk too much when doing anything, golf, fishing, etc.  When I go with someone who really wants to fish, the no. 1 rule is talk softly and quietly and not that much.  We're there to fish, not become the next Bill Dance Outdoors.

Yes, I talk to myself too..... :-[

fishing user avatarMadhouse27 reply : 

In the quiet of the early morning I guess I'm not much for chit chat. I'll give depth, water temp, direction a ridge is running but it's pretty much kept to information related to the water we're working. As the day progresses and some lake activity starts I like having some conversation and a bit of banter. Part of the fun is getting to hang out with your friends while doing something you love. Around 10 am I like to partake in an ice cold beer. Usually by the afternoon we're yukking it up pretty good.  When I'm by myself I definately talk. I'm coaching myself some and filling in the non existant tv audience that's watching my show. Sometimes I empart my fake southern accent since this seems to be a prerequisite for having a bass fishing television show. "Now there's a big ole bass", "Man is he ever strowwwnge", "Dang, lost my whole game".

fishing user avatarHale reply : 

Non stop s**t matter if both of us in the boat are catching fish, someones was bigger (usually mine, hehehe). When the fish arent hitting its all talk about hot chicks and what hookers they are.


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