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What do you say to somebody like this ??? 2024

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

As some of you might have heard me mention, I moved to a new place about 6 weeks ago.

The new place is cool. Lots more space. Landlord is really friendly and laid back. The guy in the other room is cool too...... However, he just can't even start to understand the whole concept of C/R. The way he puts it, if your going to stick a hook in the thing, and drag it to your boat, you might as well just kill it immediatly, and take it home and eat it. If not, he doesn't think you should mess with "the poor thing".

He even went on to say, that if he was really hungry, and had to fish, that catching the fish would just be the "negative thing he had to do" to get to the positive thing, of having something to eat.

I tried to tell him why I believe I love it so much > That humans beings evolved as hunter / gatherers, and that 100,000 years ago, catching a fish, or killing an animal was a "very good thing" which meant that we and our family were not going to go hungry that day. I believe fishing and hunting is just part of our human ancestrial nature.

I KNOW why I love fishing. People who don't agree with it, don't really know why they don't...... For them it's not about logic, but rather, how it "feels" or how it "seems"...... Come to think about it, I had an ex that thought that way ;-) {oh, but at least she liked to fish :-)

Your thoughts ?



fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Just keep to sticking your pigs Chris. Why waste you breath taliking to a guy who is not ready to hear what you have to say?

fishing user avatarHesterIsGod reply : 

My dad thinks similiarly. He enjoys fishing but just cannot comprehend why I release the bass I catch. People like that, they are very CLOSE-MINDED and will not listen to you. Just don't talk to him about it. Just explain to him that fishing is a sport, and is your passion. It would be futile to fish just for food, considering the expenses. Gas, Boat, rods/reels, tackle, etc... It would be much cheaper to buy a fancy fish dinner when you want fish.

fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 

I don't understand why you have to explain anything to anybody.  You are participating in a hobby/sport that is legal and to keep or not to keep it an individual's personal option.

I keep some species sometimes and other times I don't.  I do what I feel like and don't have to explain it to anyone.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

We're all unique unto ourselves , he doesn't want to blieve in what you want to believe in , accept it and do your thing and let him do his.

fishing user avatarPopeye reply : 

Yep, ditto to what the other guys said! No sense wasting your time trying to change the other guy's opinion. Just "do your thing" and be happy doing it. IMO:o)

fishing user avatarQuinn reply : 

Not a dang thing (at least on that subject)

fishing user avatarbackpain... reply : 

I know all kinds of people like that, I don't bother a great deal with argueing. I tell them to each his own, I personally don't understand how people can go and sit for two to four hours watching/listening to fat ladies singing, but millions love opera.

fishing user avatarUrbanRedneck reply : 

You also have to factor in culture.  Different cultures in this world look at things differently.

fishing user avatarBranuss04 reply : 

Funny you bring this up, I just had a quick conversation with a lady I work with about this today.  Her point was about sticking a hook into a fish's mouth and how would I feel if I had a hook in my mouth.  And how in-humane it is to the fish.I asked her if she was a member of P.E.T.A and walked away. Funny thing is that she works in a seafood department.  

fishing user avatarPond Hopper reply : 

Go back to California ;D

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

ask him if he ever tasted a bass as large as the one in your photo.


fishing user avatarCJ reply : 

I've had this same conversation more than once.

I just explain that "I" like to release what I catch so it may be caught again. It's one's right to keep their catch but my releasing it gives the chance to put a smile on someone else's face, like a kid.

When the "hook hurting the fish thing" comes up, I usually tell the story of how I caught the same fish twice within 20 minutes and then again the next day, on the same lure. It was a spotted bass with a very distinct black spot that cover half of it's head. It also had a scar on it's back. If it hurt that bad, the fish wouldn't have bit it again. Personally, I would feel selfish to keep em'. Why would I be so greedy that I would want to possibly rob someone else of the feeling I get with every hookset. Let alone put a poor fish under the knife after a hard fight. But it only takes about 20 minutes for a little river spot to rest up.

fishing user avatarjrhennecke reply : 

You can't fight ignorance!

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Ignore him.  He's made up his mind, so it's worthless to try to change it. Besides, keeping a few every now and then helps the fishery overall (how do you think slot limits work anyway?).

As for people who project human emotions into animals - they're clueless.  See if they'll buy some land in Florida from you!  ;D

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

I guess I was just kind of hoping that whoever my room mates were, that we could kind of be "somewhat" on the same page.

To be quite honest, while I know tons of people who are not as fish crazy as I am, I really don't know too many who have a problem with what I'm into. They just aren't into it themselves..... and I'm totally cool with that. But whatever a guy does, he better not start trying to tell me I shouldn't do what I love / live to do ! I mean, I'm a really nice guy, until somebody starts acting like that !

Anyway, I agree with you guys that trying to change the mind of somebody like my room mate is a futile waste of time. But I probably won't be seeing him very much for the next several months anyway. It's time to start fishing hard-core ! :-)



fishing user avatarSV1000 reply : 

I am not sure from your post if your roommate is anti-fishing or anti-CR. I CR but not 100%, Catch and Eat serves a purpose especially on small bodies of water where the bass population is healthy and there is little fishing pressure to keep the dink population down.

If we are talking anti-hunting/fishing this is completely different. I have had more issues with anti-hunters than anti-fishing in the large city where I lived and worked the last 30 years in a corporate environment.

I had no problem reminding the anti's who were not vegetarian that "yes, I kill and eat wild fish and game; on the other hand, you pay other people to kill the animals and fish you eat", there is no difference whatsoever.

fishing user avatarfishing man reply : 

i agree with everyone who say dont waste ur breathe with him, now if the guy was willing to listen and try to understand why we c/r. then i would try and explain it.

fishing user avatarGitRDoneIke23 reply : 
Go back to California ;D

GIT R DONE!!!!!!!

;) 8-)

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

That humans beings evolved as hunter / gatherers, and that 100,000 years ago

Your thoughts ?



Not trying to start anything, but.............100,000 years ago and "evolving" is just a THEORY  

You would have never even posted about that subject if you didn't want to start something.

As for your issue Chris, like Glenn said ignore that subject and talk about other things. When most people make up their minds about something, not too much will change them.

fishing user avatarMadhouse27 reply : 

Chris, On your way home from the next outing, drive through MacDonald's and pick your roomie up a delicious filet o' fish sandwich. Tell him you thought about what he'd said and wanted to bring one home for him to eat.

fishing user avatarVolman482 reply : 

As the old lady said as she kissed the cow "Everybody to their own notion"!!!


fishing user avatarskillet reply : 

 I think I've heard all the responses possible when I try and explain catch & release and quit worrying about whether they understood or not. There are a number of things that my wife doesn't understand about me ;D but she completely understands about why I catch & release. The down side is she tries to explain the reasoning to those same Dummies, Bless her heart ;)...

                                  As Ever,


fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

In my humble opinion, just let him have his opinion and move on.  You won't change him any more than he's likely to change you.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

As for people who project human emotions into animals - they're clueless.  See if they'll buy some land in Florida from you!  ;D

Well said, Glenn. I could never understand why people try to equate animals with humans concerning emotions or ethical status. If someone holds that view, you aren't going to be able to change their mind very easily...

fishing user avatarfishizzle reply : 

The way I see it we have 3 choices

1. Eat the bass you catch, then be bored next year when they are extinct

2. Catch and release

3. Don't fish (you know that aint gonna happen)

fishing user avatarDel from philly reply : 

Ask yourself this:

Why does this guy need to understand? If he isnt even a fisherman, then why even go their with him?

I think its in our human nature to want everyone to feel the way we do when we feel strongly about guilty myself

But i gotta say,  if i had to teach all my friends to appreciate fishing, let alone to appreciate Catch and release fishing, i would be one busy guy

Fact is, these people are never gonna get it....Its not something that can be teached....

Its something you need to experience

fishing user avatarGarnet reply : 

Another thing these people can't get is the skill to catch way more than nessary to eat. And that it's a learned skill.

It's a what ever buddy have a nice day.


fishing user avatarGitRDoneIke23 reply : 
The way I see it we have 3 choices

1. Eat the bass you catch, then be bored next year when they are extinct

2. Catch and release

3. Don't fish (you know that aint gonna happen)

Right..........That's why the fish became extict back in the day before C&R. Get REAL!!!!  :P :P

I'm not opposed to C&R. I practice it almost exclusivley for bass. But if you keep the fish it's not going to destroy all fish. Keep it real, man!!! :) :)

;) 8-)

fishing user avatarMA_Bass reply : 

Explaining fishing to someone how has decided that they hate it is about as easy as explaining/defending NASCAR. Take a deep breath and walk away.

fishing user avatarGitRDoneIke23 reply : 
Explaining fishing to someone how has decided that they hate it is about as easy as explaining/defending NASCAR. Take a deep breath and walk away.


;) 8-)

fishing user avatarShad_Master reply : 

I don't have time to read the entire thread, so if someone else posted this, then consider this to be a "ditto" - I always tell people, "if I take it home and eat it - I can't catch it tomorrwo" -- usually enough said.

fishing user avatarfish-fighting-illini reply : 
The way I see it we have 3 choices

1. Eat the bass you catch, then be bored next year when they are extinct

2. Catch and release

3. Don't fish (you know that aint gonna happen)

This sounds right on to me

Git R - seems to me you way over reacted. He is saying C & R is a good thing. I don't think he was making an iron clad proposal about anything just a light general statement

take a breath and maybe re-read his post

fishing user avatarMA_Bass reply : 
Explaining fishing to someone how has decided that they hate it is about as easy as explaining/defending NASCAR. Take a deep breath and walk away.


;) 8-)

I didn't say it doesn't rock. I love NASCAR.

fishing user avatarrboat reply : 

Usually people who do not understand C&R are older adults that were brought up old school. Ignore them and try to teach the younger generation about C&R. They are the future and ultimately the future of our fisheries and our sport.

fishing user avatarfathom reply : 

you need a new guy in the other room.

preferably, about a mile down the block.

fishing user avataroxbowbass reply : 

Well, as Henry Ford II used to say, "Never complain, Never explain."  Some conversations are just not worth the air it takes to utter the words.

However, if compelled to talk about this topic (which I confess to have had on many occasions), I usually just bore them to death.  My monologue includes the beauty of nature, connecting to the natural environment, becoming one with the fish, all all that stuff.  The thrill of the hunt, the anticipation of the event, the preparation and planning for the excursion.

Then I like to go into the physiology of fish and how their nervous system really is not anything like humans.  Most of the senses of a fish are devoted to those elemental things such as sight, smell, taste, lateral line and pressure sensation, and things like that.  You know, those sensations that are used in a manner to survive, to find food, escape danger, etc.  Dig deep to explain how ichthyologists  have largely determined that little of a fish's nervous system is wasted in the mouth and head area, but reserved for body parts more necessary for its immediate interaction to a 360 degree environment.  Accordingly, fish feel little pain - if that sensation even really exists for a fish - when hooked in the mouth.

In other words, quietly bore them to death with reasoned conversation - much like I am doing with y'all right now.

fishing user avatarVolman482 reply : 

Yeah, what he said!!!!

fishing user avatarVekol reply : 

On a similar note to what some of the others posted above, just tell the guy that you are so D*** good at fishing that if you ate everything you caught that there wouldn't be a LMB left if California.

He still won't get it, but maybe you can have some fun with him.


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