Hey guys!
I will be leaving for Birmingham, Alabama in less than a week for the Junior World Bassmaster Championships. I am representing the great state of Maryland, and competeing against 43 other jr. contestants in the older division (14-18) that qualified Worldwide.
I look forward to represent the forum, and hope that I am able to fish to the best of my ability. It will be a GREAT experience and I will be sure to share all of the pictures and details from the tournament and the Classic Expo!
Thanks for all of your support!
God Bless
Ben, I am proud of you. I know you will let us know how you do. Fish hard buddy and remember to fish till you have to quit. One kicker could make you.
Go get em ben.
Where can I get the information on date, time and location of the weigh-ins and expo?
In the AM I'll look them up in my invitation, but you might be able to find something on www.bassmaster.com
I'll let you know if I find anything
thanks guys
Ben, I live in Birmingham. I don't know where you will be fishing but if I can help in any way let me know. I'm no expert but have fished several local lakes for a while now. Good luck.
Congrats and the best of luck (and skill) to you in the tournament.
Please be sure to fill us in on your success and what happened in the tournament.
I think we are all interested in how you do and we will be pulling for you.
Have a safe trip and we all look forward to seeing your photo in Bassmaster Magazine and Bass Times.
What a wonderful opportunity, to be able to fish in such prestigious event. We will all be pulling for you.
Let us know if there is any way we can follow your progress on-line.
Good luck and God Bless,
Ben, I wish you the best of luck in your up coming tournament. I know you will represent Maryland well , not only with your fishing ability's but, with your character as well. Good look my friend and give her all you have got. I will be rooting for you.
Good luck Ben!
Best of luck Ben!
good luck! it must feel awesome to be in the Jr. classic...have a great time
Ben,you are already a winner!Good Luck!Go WHACK em'!
Congrats! Its definately something to be proud of and I wish you the best of luck. Is it going to be on tv?
Thanks fellas!
Yes, when they are showing the adult classic, they usually have a few 10 minute sections about the Junior event.....so hopefully I might make it on ESPN2. Just being there and hanging out with the pros is going to be a life-changing event
Good luck Ben, you will respresent us well!!
Good Luck!!!!!
Good luck, enjoy the moment, see ya there.
Good job Ben! We are rooting for you! Fish your heart out!
Good luck Ben. For sure your going to be the best one there
Good luck ben...so is there any particular pro your hoping for?
Thanks guys!
Well, if I had to choose one pro, it would probably be Ike or Swindle or Martens. I know that all of them can catch some serious spotted bass, and the lake will play into their techniques.
I wont be dissapointed at all with anyone! They aren't called pros for no reason..haha
I know I will learn a great deal of information, and it should be a great experience.
God Bless
Good luck and congrats on a great accomplishment.
good luck Ben!!
Good luck Ben fish hard and have fun out there. remember it's all about having fun ;D ;D
Good luck and have fun man!!!!!!!!
Congratulations and good luck to you!!!!!!
QuoteBen,you are already a winner!!
You got that right!!
I was just about to post a "good luck to Ben" post, I've been away all week and wanted to get it on the board as soon as possible. You beat me to it.
Anyway, hope you have a great time and know we are all rooting for you, regardless of what state we are from.
You make us all very proud.
Also, be sure to find Stratosdadri (Mike Broggi). He is the director for RI and will be there with our 2 champs from RI. If you find yourself needing an adult, find him. In fact, find him anyway, he's a great guy to meet and always has the inside scoop on stuff.
I wish you both, and anyone else going, safe travels.
All you kids are amazing, way to go and remember, you're all winners in our book, and that includes all the directors that make this possible for the kids. They really do give alot of themselves to provide this opportunity for you.
Good luck!! ; Be confident!!!
Good luck Ben! I hope in the next couple of years I can represent good ol rocky top wherever the JWC is.
Good luck down there Ben. I'm sure you will fish to the best of your ability and come out with a solid spot. You're already a winner, like was said before. Go get em!!
Thanks guys, I'm really glad to know that I have so many people supporting me, It is going to be one heck of a time, and I will be sure to fill in everyone with the details. If anyone is going down there and wants to meet up, shoot me a PM and I will give you my cell number.
thanks again guys!
God Bless
1 word
Good luck ben!
Our representative is Stephen Carr here in Va. See ya there, me and the team are going to sponsor him!
Quote1 wordPICTURES!
Nokia actually donated a NICE camera phone for me to market/ use as a video & digital camera...........I'll have plenty!!!
Well this is the place to show it off for them.
Go get 'em kid!!
I'm with LBH I wanna see some PICTURES.
Definately post alot of pictures. Don't forget the one of your name on top of the winners list. So do you get to keep the phone afterwards or do you have to return it?
I get to keep it, i'm pretty stoked
Ben, I will will be at the Junior Classic with my son Brad. Brad won the 14-18 age froup in the Ga. State Tournament. Look us up! Good Luck and have a safe trip. Are you driving or flying down????
Hey Ben,
Best of luck to ya! I'm sure you'll do well with whoever you draw! As others have said, PICTURES!!!!!! ;D
Will do fellas
I am Flying down, and staying for the Adult classic 8-)
Are you home schooled? Just was curious as to how you managed to get so much time off.
Nope, I go to Public High School, and will only miss 5 days because there is no school monday, and I am leaving late thursday. Also, the trip is excused because it has direct correlation to my Independent Research Project, which is about what it takes to become a Professional Fisherman, mainly focusing on the business/ marketing aspect of it.
I will also keep up with my schoolwork while I am down there.
Best of luck to you! (as I cry in deep ***)
Wow man that is awesome, best of luck to you!!!!!
good luck!
SWWWWWEEEEEEEETTTT! I will be looking for a FULL report upon your return!
WOW! As a 16 year old, this is a dream! You have all my support Ben! Go get'um!
One question, How do you get to compete in the Junior Classic? Where do I sign up and what tournies do you have to entry and win?
You have to fish in a B.A.S.S. youth club in your home state and win the state finals. 1 winner from each age group goes.
Go get'em Ben!!!!!!!!! Sure hope his weekend is going great does anyone have any news ????????Just curious how it's going for the B.R. rep I know it's the last day. So any news folks :-? TIA
We have stratosdadri embedded down there. Awaiting his morning report any time now.
So has anyone heard how it went yet?
hey guys!
I'm sitting in the lobby on my dad's laptop......KVD, Ike, and Ish walked by......followed by Zell Rowland and Gary Klein........no one following or taking pictures.......I gauruntee this is the only place in the world where this can happen...its incredible
Anyway, the fishing was awful....the cold front really killed things this whole week. With temps never getting out of the LOW 40's............about 11 degrees friday mourning.
well....i'll give a full report later, but I ended up placing 2nd overall in the mid-atlantic region.....just 2 ounces away from being reigonal champion.
Overall, it took 7lbs 8 ounces to win.........maybe it was 7-7......TONS of kids zeroed both days, so I feel blessed that I caught one each day. i dont know exactly what i finished overall, but probably 15-20th.....not sure though.
It is amazing, even though I am very dissapointed in my performance, this is one of the cooooolest things I have ever done 8-)
god bless
sounds like a tough couple days. Can't wait to read your whole story Nice job and I hope you post about the rest of your week at the Classic.Have fun this week you deserve it and way to go!!!!
You were a winner before the competition started. 2 Ounces away from regional champ is a pretty good showing in my book. Congratulations on a great representation. Also congratulations for recognizing what a privelige it is just to participate. I woudn't be more impressed if you had won 1 st place, attitude is everything. You are da man! 8-)
Atta boy Ben!! Way to represent!!
Yup, word is the cold front dealt many goose eggs for the young guns. Somthing like 3/4 of the field never saw a fish. To have 1 in the well each day is more than respectable.
Great Job!!
How's that phone working, did it come with a camera??
Quotejust 2 ounces away from being reigonal champion.
Ben, don't feel bad man, the qualifier for our region for the JWC (to determine who was going to Alabama) at Potomac River, I missed it by 2 ounces. I was sooooo close to getting the oppertunity to fish the JWC and if I would have won JWC I would be representing our region rather than Stephen Carr. I lost the qualifier to Doug Spangler of Warren County here in Virginia. The prefish day I had an awesome day, I caught 9 fish the biggest was 4 pounds, and 4 fish were above 2 pounds! But the tournament came and I caught two giving me a total of 3 pounds 12 ounces and doug spangler knocked me out by 2 ounces (3 pounds 14 ounces). Man I was ticked! I tell you though, it goes to show you, fishing is unpredictable! You can totally anhiliate the competition one day for the pre-fish but then turn around and loose the tournament. Needless to say I was recognized in our club that day and my name was put in our public paper!! I was the center of attention I tell you!
Or like me in a previous tournament we held, catch nothing all day until the last 5 minutes, catch a bass that will put you in 2nd! Yes! 1 bass put me in second place!! It was 2 pounds 10 ounces, everyone that day caught small fish except Stephen Carr, he caught a 3 pounder. Mine was the 2nd big fish and I got rewarded. My partner and friend Randy Beasley caught 3, but I beat his 3 with my one by like 6 ounces.
QuoteIt is amazing, even though I am very dissapointed in my performance, this is one of the cooooolest things I have ever done
Ben23, even though you think your performance was aweful, think about it...you said TONS of people didn't catch anything! You did outstanding those days to come out of it with something, especially 2nd place from regional! That is fantastic! You have been somewhere kids in this world dream of being!! And remember it is not about winning, it is all about having fun and making friends. And I tell you, you've got plenty here at BR! I am proud of you and I know you will always do great. Everyone has their days, I've been to many tournaments and been skunked. For instance for the JWC qualifiers at Lake Gaston over the summer (where Stephen Carr qualified), a few kids caught bass, I was the only one that day not only to not catch bass.....but to catch a stinking Chain Pickerel! Which wasn't allowed!!
The thing was at least 15" long and he put on a fight! There were some docks (Gaston is deep! the docks may stick out 10 feet from the bank and at the end of it you are in 15' of water) and my boat captain noticed there were some brush piles at the edge of the dock so I took a weightless, wacky rigged YUM Dinger and let it float down. Not 2 minutes later (the bait was only about 5-10' below surface) BAM! I felt that bugger hit and when I brought it up it took away my breath lol! Needless to say it was a cool experience to pass around and tell stories but it was worthless in the tournament. But I still had fun fighting that rascal and I was recognized as well!
Just because you have a hard time in a tournament doesn't mean you are a bad angler. Look at me, there are plenty people better than me and I am learning everyday, you are obviously a better angler than me, you made it to the classic and I didn't, I came close, but I didn't make it!
I give you a pat on the back and clap of the hands!
God bless Ben and I hope your fishing is better in the future! 8-)
Who did you fish with?
hey guys........Thank you sooo much for your support. It really does mean alot, and is helping the whole self-esteem. I'm going to try my best at getting into the next year's competition....because it was the most amazing experience of my life
LBH- the camera is working great....and its not a half bad phone either... :wink:...I think the RI competetor for the younger division caught a nice 3 pounder the official day....Cady was her name?
And there was some other girl from RI....last name Broggi (do you know her?)........and she was there just for fun- not competing....
and I asked her if she knew someone with a red jon boat that said "low Budget hookers" on it.....and the gave me one of these :-?
haha she was pretty cool though....but apparently had no idea who you were.........maybe i should have told her your name........
anyway it was a great time down there, and i was able to meet a couple BR members at the weigh-in. The most amazing part was just being soo close and hanging out with the pro's.......last night KVD and MARK ZONA both asked me how my sandwhich was while i was eating at the restaraunt !!!
later that night a couple of the guys decided to start a casting competition in the middle of the lobby, starting off with about 3 of us.............by the end of the night.....there were 10 rods trying to cast into the same coffee mug..... at least 30 observers................Iaconelli and Skeet Reese were casting with us for well over an hour
i will include a fully detailed reprt with pics and whatnot within the next week.....haha school comes first though....
ps: I had John Crews as my pro...he is a great guy
Congrats sounds like you had a great experince.
That was Delainey Broggi (you in love Ben?) (Mikes daughter is very pretty)
Delainey is a top notch jr angler and a great kid overall. She is currently running a fund raiser tourny for CAST for Kids in RI. It is her final project for school.
Her dad Mike (stratosdadri) is the JR director for RI and my right hand man when it comes to getting things done with CAST here in RI. Meeting that family this yr has been one of my true pleasures. GREAT folks.
Mike also told me about the casting comp in the lobby. As I understand it, IKE even put up a purse for the winner.
Kudos to the pros for giving these kids some serious attention. They are required to do "X" amount but from the stories coming back, they went above and beyond. Thanks guys! You DO make a difference.
So,....................where's the pics Ben??
ps- I think Cady went as Delaineys friend. I don't think she competed this year, but I could be wrong.
sounds like fun...and u did good....i wish i would get to fish with john crews he's one of my favorite pro's
Yeah, she had spinnerbait blade earrings.........I considered asking her to marry me right then and there :
Cady was the one who fished, and Delainey was there watching.
Anyway, yeah...Ike was hanging with us for quite some time......i even untangled his line when he got it tangled with one of the other kids.
it was such an amazing experience.....too bad I decided to only hook up with one fish.......
BTW: I fished Guntersville today and had a 21 pound bag.........................why couldnt i do that on Logan Martin? :
ps: ike put up about 20 or so $$$
probably 150$ was bet by the end of the night by various people......it was a whole lot of fun
Quote(do you know her?)........and she was there just for fun- not competing....and I asked her if she knew someone with a red jon boat that said "low Budget hookers" on it.....and the gave me one of these :-?
haha she was pretty cool though....but apparently had no idea who you were.........maybe i should have told her your name
I don't use this monicker around any of the youth programs, especially in town. BR is probably the only place you'll see the 2 mixed.
Wait till I tell her...... ;D
QuoteThat was Delainey Broggi (you in love Ben?) (Mikes daughter is very pretty)
Be careful there see has a lot of protection if you ask her brothers girl friend she would say its the shady kind with crooked noses and garlic breath and cement shoes in there bass boats . 8-)
Great job! You should sell that sandwich on ebay becuase KVD asked how it tasted! LOL (of course I supose it is in some septic tank right now ;D)
But really, you did great. Just getting to that point was somthing that I dream of. You did a splended job.
Next year your going to win all the $$$, and KVD is going to want your signature!
keep it up
Thanks guys!!!
LBH- yeah, tell her and see what she says......those earrings were the coolest things i have ever seen........
it was just great seeing the pros bascially everywhere i went.....the elevator......resteraunt.........lobby...everywhere
dont worry....pics will be up soon....let me finish cathcing them out of guntersville first!
Hey Ben,
Haven't been on a whole bunch lately. I just read your report. As the others said, those cold fronts can put a real damper on things for sure! Great job in boating the bass you did! You should be proud! Sounds like you had a blast with the off hours activities too. Glad you had a great time! Don't catch 'em all at guntersville (jealous I am! LOL!)!!!
Ben Buddy we need to talk. I sent her home. you coming back to the Classic? We need to go fishing in this nice little pond I know it's got some big fish. I take all Delaineys boy, friends there.
Just kidding ...........................maybe
That's the funniest thing I've seen in a while
Hey! nice talking to you on the phone today...if you dont already know, I am a sharkslayer:
if you guys are going tomorrow mourning....give me a call...i want to fish in that pond!
Bethany beach (surf) 2006:
bring it 8-)
We saw a nice 3-5 lber cruising. Ok good comeback I'll give you that.
Sounds like you had a fantastic time. You did good Ben keep on keeping on, fight the good fight and go for the dream and make it your reality. go for it Ben.Congrats!!!