Went out with another angler on his boat awhile back. On the way to the lake, this guy reaches in the console of his truck and cracks open a "40" of Miller as he's driving and gestures to me with a "Do you mind?"
I was stumped...here I am, a guest on this guy's fishing trip, miles from anything and this dude is tossing em back as he's driving...
I was in a pickle...i just gave him the ol nod and said "It's fine."
Then once we got on the water,he cracked open another 40 as he ran the TM.
Now I know operating a watercraft while impaired is illegal...does this normally include the TM? Operation is operation...correct?
Then this guy proceeds to take his empty 40 bottle and throw it in the lake and comments..."Habitat for the fish"...
Anyone ever fish with someone with such blatant disregard for laws and regulations?
What is everyone's thoughts/opinions of this?
I know this much, it would be my last fishing trip with him.
On 7/15/2014 at 10:42 PM, nascar2428 said:I know this much, it would be my last fishing trip with him.
^^^what he said^^^
Thanks for the outing, but its not happening again. Blatant disregard to his and your safety, and no respect for the environment. Not the type of person I will like to be hanging around and associated with.
Lookin at the trash littered around bodies of water I fish I suspect there are alot of guys like that.
ie.. only cares about himself and nothing else
Well, the drinking part Im not totally against. I've been known to crack open a beer or two (certainly not a "40" though) on a long day out on the water. However, I do know that a lot of people look down on drinking and boating because of the number of accidents caused by impaired boaters. The littering part is a definite deal breaker. If I were a guest, I might not say anything, but I would make it a point to not fish with them anymore. Its too easy to stash your trash on the boat and toss it in one of the numerous garbage cans placed by the ramp. I guess some people feel the need to discard their alcohol containers on the water, so a CPO wont find any "evidence" of them drinking, but I find it easier to just not drink to the point of innebriation and also by not acting like a jack*** on the water and drawing attention to myself...but thats just me...
Well imo sipping beers while you're out fishing on the boat are always nice, but pounding 40s while driving a car is not cool with me. At all. Also I think I'd probably "accidentally" bump the guy over the edge after he threw a 40 in the lake. What a dirtbag. 100% inexcusable. Blatant lazy or ignorant littering makes me erupt like the Mt. St. Helens of contempt.
Drinking depends on how much, a few brews ( 2-3 even 4 ) in an entire day aren´t going to kill anybody, littering is another history, that´s a definite NO.
Drinking isn't against the rules for me, within limits of course. Littering on the other hand is a big no no for me. Accidents do happen. We've all had stuff blown out of a boat. But to intentionally toss something over the side is just bad mojo.
I let someone borrow our jonboat one time and they left a box of worms in the back I didn't know about and I had to go out of town for while so it sat back there for who knows how long, then when I got back I loaded the boat up to go on a regular fishing trip.
I launched the boat and was on my way but 5 minutes in I smelled THE WORST smell I have ever smelled in my life and I looked back there and the worms had dissolved into some BRIGHT green goo and it was so bad that instincts made me pick the container out and throw it into the lake...
That's the only time I've littered there and I wish I wouldn't have done that.
Light drinking is fine with me. Littering is not.
Like anything if its done in a responsible manner I dont find fault in it, I live 3 minutes from the ramp, on a rare occasion when I go out in the evening around 4:00ish to sunset Ill bring a couple of brews out with me. Never on full day trips while seriously fishing.
And again let me reiterate, I live about 1/2 mile from the ramp.
Why is everyone saying id stay quiet since I was a guest on his trip, no screw that he is playing with my life by drinking and driving his truck with me in it, and im sorry but I think you should have said no its not fine but thats jmo.
aslo what I get really ticked off about are the guys and gals that smoke and then toss their cigarette butts into the water.On 7/16/2014 at 1:33 AM, Paul s said:Why is everyone saying id stay quiet since I was a guest on his trip, no screw that he is playing with my life by drinking and driving his truck with me in it, and im sorry but I think you should have said no its not fine but thats jmo.
Littering is not expectable at all under any circumstances.....
I do not drink at all but being from northern Wisconsin most people will have a beer or two while driving a boat, it is legal as long as you are under the blood alcohol limit..... this being said I do not agree with it
We have a responsibly to take care of the waters we fish, God gave us them and we must respect them. We also are responsible for those in our boat, ourselves and other on that body of water. Therefore consuming alcohol is wrong and puts you and others at risk even if you think you are in "good shape"
Is littering OK? Is throwing that piece of trash litter bug in the water count?
I'll say these situations fall under the category of " No Regrets".
I seriously despise looking back at any situation in life and saying ~
"I should have . . . . . ."
I could have . . . . . . . " or
I would have . . . . . "
It still happens, but a whole lot less than it used to.
Life is too short. When the situation arises, and they always do, just say what's on your mind - DO IT - Right Then. It's up to the other human to deal with it.
A man is going to do what he will - but I'm going to say my piece and I might modify my own plan based on his.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I drink a few while fishing every time I fish unless a tourney?? Some days I make it a rule I cant open a beer until I get a keeper in the boat- other days I wont leave the marina without first cracking a beer on the way out.
Really 2 40's is not all that much if you were on an all day fishing trip..or really less for that matter- a six pack is not much beer...and everyone knows you don't finish a 40- last couple ounces get dumped for sure. Seems like he should be able to be under .08 or whatever your state has as laws potentially.
obviously throwing it overboard is just dumb. Also obviously...if you are going to drink a beer on the road...who in gods name would buy a 40 to do it?
I don't agree with a person drinking and driving, but it happens a lot everywhere in the world unfortunately...just not usually with a 40oz.
Most of the guys I fish with follow this guideline:
Can't pop-a-top until the first fish is boated or 7:00 AM, whichever comes first!
Well, I guess I have a different outlook than most. I would have been more disturbed by the drinking than the littering. I have worked too many accidents as an EMT to be comfortable with drinking and driving. I would have said "I'd rather you didn't". And either way, I probably wouldn't fish with him again. I would have him fish with me.
I pick up the trash at my bank spots everytime i go, yet it's never my trash. Usually the same bucket fishermen and amish tossing snelled hook packs, snack wrappers, soda bottles, hard bait packaging, etc. where I'm at. Seen them do it for years and years, they do not care how much piles up. I always toss the sticks they prop their rods up with out in the river. They're runnin' out of tree branches down there. lol.
It's not always possible (like if they toss something out of the boat and it gets away), but when I fish with people who litter, I clean up after them. I shouldn't have to do that, but believe me, I don't have to say anything. They know how I feel, and decent people will feel cruddy about it when they are getting in their car to leave and they see me picking up their trash. Hopefully, that makes them think next time. Some people are hopeless, of course; but it's best to just not associate with them.
On 7/16/2014 at 3:37 AM, mod479 said:I pick up the trash at my bank spots everytime i go, yet it's never my trash. Usually the same bucket fishermen and amish tossing snelled hook packs, snack wrappers, soda bottles, hard bait packaging, etc. where I'm at. Seen them do it for years and years, they do not care how much piles up. I always toss the sticks they prop their rods up with out in the river. They're runnin' out of tree branches down there. lol.
I don't pick up everything when I bank fish, because around here if I did that, I'd never be bank fishing, it would only be bank cleaning; but I always try to leave the bank a little cleaner than it was when I came, which means cleaning up after a few idiots. It's really sad that people have no respect for nature, or the other people who use the area.
My answer is HELL NO.Who doesn't have a cell phone today?.Just drop me off right here,I'll call someone,to come and get me.I will admit,I do throw my cig butts in the water. I was out rabbit hunting one day,a friend started to take a drink of brady.I said,we are using my dogs,i'd appericate if you wouldn't.He said but i'm cold.Dress better.I know beer and brady isn't the same.But when i'm fishing or hunting,I don't want either around.
On 7/16/2014 at 3:36 AM, newriverfisherman1953 said:Well, I guess I have a different outlook than most. I would have been more disturbed by the drinking than the littering. I have worked too many accidents as an EMT to be comfortable with drinking and driving. I would have said "I'd rather you didn't". And either way, I probably wouldn't fish with him again. I would have him fish with me.
I'm with ya. I'd rather him dump a trash can in the water than drink and operate a boat.
Either way...what kind of disgusting piece of trash has to drink and drive on his way to the boat ramp and then pop open another 40 while fishing? I wouldn't have even bothered fishing /w him. that crap is disgusting and he's an embarrassment to fishing.
Littering is just ignorance. especially in a river. I don't mind a couple of cold beers and maybe ill crack one occasionally on the way to the ramp but I wouldn't drink 40 ounces and drive, especially if I felt like I had to ask my passenger if it was ok.
if I want to drink more beer ill usually go to the river with my canoe (trolling motor) instead of operating a gas powered boat on a larger body of water. At least then i'm not really putting anyone else in danger. and ill need to have someone else with me that agrees to be the designated driver. I would never litter and no one that I fish with would either so its never an issue.
Nothing better than a fishing buddy that drinks, drives and litters when he's done. No way I would have held my tongue, the guy is a loser, and perhaps by saying something a seed would have been planted and next time he would have thought twice.
So, how was it fishing with Raider? ...I kid.
On 7/16/2014 at 6:45 AM, deaknh03 said:So, how was it fishing with Raider?
...I kid.
I think everyone knows you are kidding...he does not fish.
i never minded someone having a few beers while fishing. just as long as they dont get hammered and give themselves time to sober up some before its time to leave. chances are i will be having a beer or so with them. dont like the littering part though, i feel bad when im fishing off a dock and the wind picks up and blows an empty beer can into the lake. that said, i also think the guy shouldve atleast waited until yall got to the lake to open the 1st 40oz.
I am so confused by this. So is it okay to shoot and drink brandy and toss my cigs on the ground so long as your dogs are not there?On 7/16/2014 at 4:51 AM, skeeter1980 said:My answer is HELL NO.Who doesn't have a cell phone today?.Just drop me off right here,I'll call someone,to come and get me.I will admit,I do throw my cig butts in the water. I was out rabbit hunting one day,a friend started to take a drink of brady.I said,we are using my dogs,i'd appericate if you wouldn't.He said but i'm cold.Dress better.I know beer and brady isn't the same.But when i'm fishing or hunting,I don't want either around.
Hahahaha ^^ I don't know why I Rofl'ed at this
No this kind of behavior is never acceptable in my opinion
Just can't stand people that can't do any thing with out alcohol. Ignorance of people making assumptions that drinking and fishing go hand n hand. dont need beer to go fishing.
I think it's ignorant to judge people who have a few beers when fishing. I don't need beer to fish but don't see a problem with responsibly having a cold one on the water! I don't drink and drive and never litter. But every know and then me and my dad or grandpa will share a 6 pack. I feel it is never Ok to litter but on my waters it's totally legal to have a beer. I've even been stopped by a warden who said he drinks on the sac river on his days off.
Back in the day when I hunting 2 legged prey I drove home tipsy many a night, glad to say I haven't done that in 30 years.
In this day in age many people don't leave home without their pistol, I'm not going to drive with some that's drinking and chance he is packing too. That's an element I don't care to be around, the littering would not have been an issue as I wouldn't have been there to see it.
As far as I'm concerned only an idiot would even gotten in the car/truck with him in the first place.
Drinking and driving is never ok. He was putting your life, his life, and anyone who he met on the roads lives in jeopardy. I'm not going to pretend I've never done it myself like I'm sure a majority of people have in their lives, but that doesn't make it anymore right.
If whoever I'm fishing with wants to enjoy a couple cold ones on the water, that's fine as long as they're not getting falling down drunk.
Littering, like drinking and driving, is never ok. I'd have told him to give the empties to me and put them in my tackle bag to be thrown out when we got back to the ramp, which couldn't have happened fast enough if it was me in that situation. Even throwing cigarette butts out the window or out of the boat irritates me.
On 7/16/2014 at 1:49 AM, CDMeyer said:We have a responsibly to take care of the waters we fish, God gave us them and we must respect them. We also are responsible for those in our boat, ourselves and other on that body of water. Therefore consuming alcohol is wrong and puts you and others at risk even if you think you are in "good shape"
You have a lot to learn my friend. I find it interesting that someone who isn't of legal drinking age is giving advice on alcohol. Believe me, if you have had alcohol more than a few times in your life, 2 beers will not impair you one little bit.
I think I agree with the majority here. Rare thing, I know, haha. Drinking multiple 40s is definitely irresponsible while operating the boat. Having a couple beers over the course of the day is not irresponsible. Throwing ANYTHING in the water intentionally is not cool. I always have a plastic bag to throw any and all trash in when on the water.
I won't have anything to drink during a tournament, obviously, since zero alcohol is usually a rule. If I am out and about for a few hours for fun I might have a couple beers. No big deal.
I would definitely have said something to that guy if I was on his boat, though. If he was drinking as much as you say, I wouldn't tolerate anyone adding any risk to my health.
On 7/16/2014 at 6:26 PM, Z-Dunham said:You have a lot to learn my friend. I find it interesting that someone who isn't of legal drinking age is giving advice on alcohol. Believe me, if you have had alcohol more than a few times in your life, 2 beers will not impair you one little bit.
I've had my share of alcohol in my life, and while I may not be over the limit after 2 beers I'm certainly feeling it and could be considered impaired for sure. Different people's bodies handle alcohol differently. I've seen guys that could hardly stand after 2 beers, then I'll never forget the night I dealt with a guy who I thought was a little buzzed, he blew a .402. Most people would have needed to go to the hospital or would have been dead already but being a lifelong alcoholic he was able to stand and have a mostly normal conversation with me. Had he not smelled like a brewery I may have never known he'd had a thing to drink.
On 7/16/2014 at 6:26 PM, Z-Dunham said:You have a lot to learn my friend. I find it interesting that someone who isn't of legal drinking age is giving advice on alcohol. Believe me, if you have had alcohol more than a few times in your life, 2 beers will not impair you one little bit.
I would have to disagree, I had a buddy that I worked with that was a true alchoholic. He could drink a quart of beer and get smashed. AA describes it as being on the down hill side, you start out being able to drink 6 or 7 and be just fine. When you get on the other side of the hill it takes less and less to get you drunk. I rode to work with a guy who insisted that he stop everyday after work to get 2 tallboys, had to have it on the drive home which was an hour drive in the mountains. After the second day of riding with him, I told him just let me drive, he had no problem with it and I had no problem with him in the passenger seat while he was drinking.
On 7/16/2014 at 6:37 PM, Bluebasser86 said:I've had my share of alcohol in my life, and while I may not be over the limit after 2 beers I'm certainly feeling it and could be considered impaired for sure. Different people's bodies handle alcohol differently. I've seen guys that could hardly stand after 2 beers, then I'll never forget the night I dealt with a guy who I thought was a little buzzed, he blew a .402. Most people would have needed to go to the hospital or would have been dead already but being a lifelong alcoholic he was able to stand and have a mostly normal conversation with me. Had he not smelled like a brewery I may have never known he'd had a thing to drink.
Yeah, that is insane. I'm pretty sure a 0.4 would kill most people. I know what you mean, it does affect everyone differently. But that's up to each person to know. I didn't like the blanket statement about it being wrong coming from a guy who can't even drink yet. I still see no problem with a beer or a couple over hours if it doesn't affect that person.
On 7/16/2014 at 1:49 AM, CDMeyer said:We have a responsibly to take care of the waters we fish, God gave us them and we must respect them. We also are responsible for those in our boat, ourselves and other on that body of water. Therefore consuming alcohol is wrong and puts you and others at risk even if you think you are in "good shape"
Well said.
Good for you . . . .
On 7/16/2014 at 6:26 PM, Z-Dunham said:You have a lot to learn my friend. I find it interesting that someone who isn't of legal drinking age is giving advice on alcohol. Believe me, if you have had alcohol more than a few times in your life, 2 beers will not impair you one little bit.
Though this young man who's post you referred to, may be short on years, his response here indicates quite a bit of wisdom in my book.
On 7/16/2014 at 8:27 PM, BadBassWV said:I would have to disagree, I had a buddy that I worked with that was a true alchoholic. He could drink a quart of beer and get smashed. AA describes it as being on the down hill side, you start out being able to drink 6 or 7 and be just fine. When you get on the other side of the hill it takes less and less to get you drunk. I rode to work with a guy who insisted that he stop everyday after work to get 2 tallboys, had to have it on the drive home which was an hour drive in the mountains. After the second day of riding with him, I told him just let me drive, he had no problem with it and I had no problem with him in the passenger seat while he was drinking.
Sucks for that alcoholic, I hope he got help. It takes many years of alcoholism to get to the point where your liver is basically non-functioning. As for the other guy, you could get a DUI for him having an open container in your vehicle even if you blow a 0.0 in certain states, and all states have at least some kind of open container violation, I wouldn't keep doing that.
I stopped hanging out with people who drink 40's about 20 years ago.
On 7/16/2014 at 8:46 PM, Z-Dunham said:Sucks for that alcoholic, I hope he got help. It takes many years of alcoholism to get to the point where your liver is basically non-functioning. As for the other guy, you could get a DUI for him having an open container in your vehicle even if you blow a 0.0 in certain states, and all states have at least some kind of open container violation, I wouldn't keep doing that.
Yeah, that was along time back. Years ago The police were not as hard on this type of thing as they are today. IMO in todays times There's just too many cars on the road for someone to be drinking just 1 beer.
Edit: for the guy who could drink a quart and get smashed, He's dead one to many beers. Liver finally gave out.
On 7/15/2014 at 10:28 PM, airborne_angler said:Drinking/littering On The Water...is It Ever Acceptable?
Littering, No!....Drinking and driving, Hell No!
On 7/16/2014 at 6:45 AM, deaknh03 said:So, how was it fishing with Raider?
...I kid.
On 7/16/2014 at 8:30 AM, Nice_Bass said:I think everyone knows you are kidding...he does not fish.
deaknh knows he's safe. Raider doesn't read any forums but "Everything Else" and the gun forums
If I'm not tourney fishing, I'll normally bring a six pack with me and there is normally 4 or 5 left when I'm loading the boat. I'm concentrating on fishing and forget I even opened the beer.
Like other posters have said, I have no problem with a guy drinking some beer during a day of fishing. I've done it myself. Sounds like this guy was crossing the line with the way he was killin 40's though, especially while driving the truck. And as for the littering, I don't know if I could have kept my mouth shut. Seeing someone toss an empty 40 in the lake would make me sick.
On 7/16/2014 at 10:02 AM, Nice_Bass said:I am so confused by this. So is it okay to shoot and drink brandy and toss my cigs on the ground so long as your dogs are not there?
Or that brady guy, whoever he is haha
On practice days for tournament, I will not drink at all. I need to focus on the pattern.
After tournament is over, I usually pack 4 beers in the cooler in the truck, Ill grab one and wait til I leave the ramp or marina. My partner can drink 2. Ill drink 2. Its okay for me but if being obnoxious, not going to allow it.
on the littering part, I WILL never litter. God gave me the body of water. I gotta respect that body.
Open container is illegal in every state?
I don't drink on my boats and never have. I just have too much fun fishing and running the boat around. I am also very aware that I am responsible for the safety of all of my passengers. I never litter and get funny looks from people while picking up trash at the local lake. Just hoping they will follow my cue. Still hoping. Not against drinking and will raise some hell from time to time at party's and such. I have seen lots of people in cuffs while the coast guard is towing their boat behind them in the Deleware River. They are made examples and should be. DUI has impacted every person reading this in some form or another it's just not worth it to me.
Airborne, if you look in the dictionary for the definition of "jerk" you will see his photo.
Is drinking and driving illegal in every state?
That would be the last time I spend any time with that guy. He has a lack of respect for others and mother nature. He is everything that a outdoorsman should not be. I'm sure he is violating laws while driving and while operating a marine vessel. Where is a marine officer when you need one! He should be excluded from any and all tournament activities.
We just lost 4 young people in three boats in South Florida, on the 4th. A combination of boating and drinking. There should be no excuse, and no tolerance for it!
On 7/17/2014 at 9:28 AM, deaknh03 said:Is drinking and driving illegal in every state?
I'm pretty sure it is. There are a handful of states that allow passengers (not the driver) to have open containers though.
Edit: I just found an article online that said even drivers can have open containers in Montana. And another one that said Mississippi is the only state where the driver can have an open container. I've found a lot of conflicting information from my google searches on this subject. What's clear though, is that there can be open containers in the vehicle in some states. But driving while drunk is illegal in every state.
On 7/17/2014 at 9:28 AM, deaknh03 said:Is drinking and driving illegal in every state?
Everything in IL is illegal except political corruption
Reading that makes my blood boil. People like him should be used for cut bait, blatant disregard for nature and the well being of others. To bad no fish would take a bait so vile except maybe catfish. They like there bait disgusting.
I like to have a beer or two when I'm fishing. I put empties in the live well. Sometimes during a slow day, I need to slow down and consider my fishing options. A barley pop helps.
The biggest crime here is that we are talking about a grown man that still drinks 40's. Question: was it Mickeys or OE?
On a serious note, of course it is wrong to litter in a lake, especially glass. I rarely drink while I fish but do not see the harm unless you are fishing dangerous water or around crowds. Drinking amoungst the Salmon/Stergeon/Steelhead guys is very common place in our area. Its almost as if they use the fishing as a excuse to drink heavily all day. It's not for me, I want to stay sharp on the water.
On 7/16/2014 at 3:54 PM, SirSnookalot said:Back in the day when I hunting 2 legged prey I drove home tipsy many a night, glad to say I haven't done that in 30 years.
In this day in age many people don't leave home without their pistol, I'm not going to drive with some that's drinking and chance he is packing too. That's an element I don't care to be around, the littering would not have been an issue as I wouldn't have been there to see it.
As far as I'm concerned only an idiot would even gotten in the car/truck with him in the first place.
I understand it wasn't a wise choice to ride with him. It was my first (last) time ever traveling with this guy. I didn't know that much about him and never knew he like to drink and drive a vehicle/operate a boat. Wish it was as easy as just getting dropped off and calling someone to pick me up on my cell...where we were at there's ZERO cell service whatsoever...no roaming...nothing.
A: Drinking behind the wheel, wrong. Period. Not acceptable.
B: Drinking a little while fishing...has never happened on my boat; but, I would not be against it in legal moderation. If I had a pontoon boat then I would probably be more likely to have seen drinking onboard. Now, on the banks - pop a top and sit back.
C: Littering less of a big deal as opposed to drinking and driving, but still not cool. However, I remember years ago being told if it rust's sink it. Beer cans, soda cans, etc. If it rusts, sink it. Glass and plastic stayed on the boat.
As for drinking on the water, know the risk. Among adolescents and adults, alcohol use is involved in up to 70% of deaths associated with water recreation... {U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security (US). Recreational Boating Statistics – 2010 [online]. [cited 2012 May 3]}
Beer and Soda cans are Aluminum..
They don't rust...
When I fished tournaments with my Dad back when I was 17-18, I would run the trolling motor and by mid afternoon he was a good six pack in. Good part though is he new he was buzzed(drunk) and other then putting the boat on the trailer, he left all the other driving up to me including the drive home....lol but we made it in one piece, and the emty cans stayed in the boat, not over the side.
On 7/18/2014 at 10:06 AM, airborne_angler said:Beer and Soda cans are Aluminum..
They don't rust...
Well, you're almost right. They are not pure aluminum, they are alloys and they do rust. They rust better in a wet environment, but not as quickly completely submerged - either way, it's slow. And trash in the water is often used as a form of cover and protection for wildlife.
Don't read into this thinking I agree with trashing our waters, I don't and anyone whos been on my boat knows I'm anal about it. But, realistically if we step back and think about it - trash can help the fisheries. Old christmas trees, we repurpose for crappie magnets or sunfish habitate in general. We even make artifical fish attractors we sink around docks or elswhere. Large scale, sunken ships in the ocean are specifically targeted for fishing because of their ability to create a new habitate and attract fish. A beer can, is the same thing only on a micro scale. Again, regardless to that, I do not dump trash overboard.
I have a bigger problem with the guy drinking and driving vs being a DB and sinking a can...
I don't drink when I fish as a rule. Some of my friends still don't believe me because I do drink when I'm not fishing. But I want others to have the choice to do so in moderation if they would like to. When their freedom infringes on my freedom, that's when I call bullsh*t. I think I would have been surprised if my fishing buddy pulled out a 40 on the way to the lake. I'm thinking I would have told him that either I drive or we are going to have a problem, same thing with the boat. I've been around some people who are complete idiots after one beer. Sure, he may have been OK but I'm not taking that chance. This is my life and I want to fish tomorrow.
Airborne, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you are a bad person for not confronting him, just that I would have.
I can't stand people that litter. Scum. It's lazy, dirty, and selfish.
I'm cool with light drinking. I'll have a couple occasionally while fishing with a buddy. Preferably Stella
I like to eat fruit and I'll throw the remains of a mango or banana in the water or on land but IMO that's not really littering.
I would never fish with that guy every again. I absolutely hate drinking and driving as well as littering.
Drinking and driving is not only putting his life in danger, your life but also every one around you as well. It is just plain DUMB. He could kill someone and would have to live with that the rest of his live.
I am not against drinking A COUPLE beers while out on the water fishing. Drinking responsibly is one thing and getting drunk is another. Each persons body digests alcohol differently and at different rates. As long as you stay within in the legal limit I don't see anything wrong in my opinion. If your going to be on the water for an entire day, 12-14 hours, have plenty of water and food, how many beers is too many ? 2 ? 4 ? 6 ? You got to know your limits and be a responsible adult... Getting drunk is not allowed in my boat. I cant see anything good about having a drunk person in the boat. Someone gets drunk in my boat and they will be left on shore until I am done fishing.
I really hate littering. It is a mindless careless ignorant thing to do. That guy would have got a piece of my mind for sure. Either he would have trolled over and picked up his litter or he would have been swimming for it.
Cigarette butts... man oh man seeing people toss them aside... Nothing will get me angry or in a hostile mood quicker. It is trash. It is littering. They do not decompose quickly. Fish and other wildlife will eat them and it is terrible for them. Don't be a lazy butt faced slob and dispose of your cigarettes butts in the trash.
I would never fish with this guy ever again. He probably wouldn't want to fish with me either. I would speak my mind and he would know EXACTLY what I think of how he is acting.
On 7/17/2014 at 9:09 PM, Fishes in trees said:I like to have a beer or two when I'm fishing. I put empties in the live well. Sometimes during a slow day, I need to slow down and consider my fishing options. A barley pop helps.
This ^^^ I'll usually take a few with me, along with one to wind down while we're bs-ing at the end of the day at the ramp. The front live well is where we put all trash and it gets emptied at the end of the day.
I don't drink on the boat and I don't litter. I fish for enjoyment I don't understand the need to drink alcohol while doing so. I'm not completely anti drinking I'll have the occasional beer here and there. I may even have several a couple times a year but never while operating a vehicle or boat. Littering just disgusts me
I don't litter, we always keep our empties but I thought beer was a prerequisite to operating a power boat and fishing?
In all seriousness, I've never been drunk on a boat but I don't mind if other people tie a little bit of one on. I normally have 1 or 2 drinks max because someone has to drive the boat and trailer it at the end of the trip.
Side note, this would be a cool boat flag.